The Ongoing Narcissism of the Entity Morgue Official



Dollie Donatello said, “It’s been 2 months since i have watched a morgue livestream and as someone who used to watch them frequently before knowing about his betrayal. His body language absolutely changed here since the previous streams he used to be way more vibrant and used to flap his flamboyant hands across the screen … now he sounds soo tired and closed off. I don’t even think he wanted to talk he just wanted to hang out in the chat receive money and bye! Since no one is paying attention to his topics. He might switch to ‘Hang out’ streams only. No topic only questions and $$$$.”


Rebhahn’s body language is certainly markedly different, and, for sure, no one cares about the topics. The whole point now is for Rebhahn to achieve powerful narcissistic supply, with loads of worship and money being directed to him. That’s all he cares about. It’s a very strange and depressing scene, and gets even more cultlike with each deadstream. The cultists are now in so deep that the “Hyperian Trauma Syndrome” they are going to experience when this cult is dismantled will be off the scale. It’s going to be very messy, folks.
Mike Baker said,
“So interesting. People with severe autism seem to be predominantly system 2 thinkers. They are obsessed with finding logical patterns in the world around them. But yet they lack theory of mind and cognitive empathy. They don’t seem that conscious compared to other people. So would you say that system 2 thinking is necessary but not sufficient? Do we also need intuition for theory of mind and some other ingredient for empathy?”
Ah, good point. The issue here is that the System 2 for autistics is totally different from that of neurotypicals. Autistics have severely degraded language capacities, and so their System 2 space is always severely degraded too. We could perhaps say that in autistics there is a massive focus on logical abstraction – perfect for the world of Big Tech – at the expense of the concrete reality of being part of humanity. Just look at Elon Musk, an autistic. He has practically destroyed Twitter – having bought it at ruinous expense – because he has no idea about how normal human beings function. His consciousness is completely different from that of normal people, and look at the result! Corey Rebhahn has a false consciousness based on a False Self, so his System 2 is completely different from that of a normal person, and he lives in a cult fantasy world where only fellow cultists – also with very peculiar, diseased System 2s, can put up with him. Rebhahn’s System 2 does not connect to reality. Rather, it is designed to support his fantasy. It obeys an unreality principle.
As for theory of mind, human beings communicate via manmade language which has built into it neurotypical modes of interaction. Since autistics are very isolated (due to their neurodivergence) and do not easily understand neurotypicals, they equally don’t grasp language well since it’s not designed with them in mind, hence why their communication skills are so poor – they are using something not designed for them – a bit like left-handers trying to cope in a right-handed world. Autistics are not noted for either their intuitive insights or the broadness of their emotional responses. They are very noted for expertly manipulating very narrow symbol sets, and they are obsessed with such symbol sets and the patterns that can be formed from them. But they cannot break out of these symbol sets and communicate effectively with human beings. Many scientists and academics are on the autistic spectrum, which is why their written work is usually so boring, so stilted, and so hard to read. They do not use language well because language is actually very alien to them. They are much more at home manipulating logical symbols.
Theory of mind is actually built into how we use language; theory of mind is presupposed in the structures of language … it’s “obvious” (but not to a neurodivergent person). Language assumes that others have different minds from us and what we know is not necessarily what they know, and what we experience is not necessarily what they experience, and that we can compare people to lions, for example (“he was a lion in battle”) without meaning he turned into an actual lion (he self-evidently didn’t, but autistics can get really baffled by such statements).
Empathy and intuition are located in many of the things we say to each other, especially via metaphor. Autistics, who are notoriously highly literal, are often baffled by metaphor. Much of our style of writing is problematic for autistics because they take rhetoric and metaphorical “color” literally and simply fail to understand the context and intended meaning.
If autistics were responsible for the creation of language, language would be 100% literal, and it would be assumed that literal facts were at all times known by everyone. The idea that someone knew something that another person did not could not feature in the language, or that people believed in non-existent things. Metaphor would be entirely absent (since it’s not literal). Empathy would be absent, and intuition. Imagine the world of a 100% scientist wholly committed to ignoring all non-observable things!
Dollie Donatello said,
“… also autistics have an issue with dreaming. Most report dreaming little to nothing. Their right brain hemisphere is on halt or something…”
A study on the internet says,
“Questionnaires revealed that participants with ASD, compared to controls, had fewer recollections of dreaming, fewer bad dreams and fewer emotions. In the sleep laboratory, dream content narratives following REM sleep awakenings were shorter in ASD participants than in controls. ASD participants also reported fewer settings, objects, characters, social interactions, activities, and emotions. It is concluded that these characteristics of dreaming in ASD may reflect neurocognitive dimensions specific to this condition.”
It’s quite possible that the external senses of autistics are so overly developed (so sensitive to the external environment) that their internal senses – responsible for dreams – are competitively enormously underdeveloped. People who suffer from no inner voice and no inner pictures are invariably on the autistic spectrum.
Introjection plays a prominent role in Sam Vaknin’s model of narcissism. Wikipedia says,
“In psychology, introjection is the unconscious adoption of the thoughts or personality traits of others. It occurs as a normal part of development, such as a child taking on parental values and attitudes. It can also be a defense mechanism in situations that arouse anxiety. The tendency is also known as identification or internalization. It has been associated with both normal and pathological development.”
Vaknin said,
“Introjects possess a crucial role in the formation of an exegetic (interpretative) framework which allows one to decipher the world, construct a model of reality, of one’s place in it and consequently of who one is (self-identity). Overwhelmingly negative introjects – or introjects which are manifestly fake, fallacious and manipulative – hamper the narcissist’s and codependent’s ability to construct a true and efficacious exegetic (interpretative) framework.”
Narcissists live in a world of fake and false introjects, meaning that they cannot engage with reality and instead inhabit a fantasy world, with which they engage via a false self. We can all see that cult leader Corey Rebhahn and his cultists all inhabit a fantasy world where they are somehow essential to the evolution of humanity, while reality actually finds these people ridiculous. They are just freaks and weirdos on the uttermost margins. They influence nothing. But that’s certainly not what they want to hear. Rebhahn tells them what they crave (that they are special), in exchange for their narcissistic supply.
Vaknin said,
“Gradually, the disharmony between one’s perception of the universe and of oneself and reality becomes unbearable and engenders pathological, maladaptive and dysfunctional attempts to either deny the hurtful discrepancy away (delusions and fantasies); grandiosely compensate for it by eliciting positive external voices to counter the negative, inner ones (narcissism via the False Self and its narcissistic supply); attack it (antisocial/psychopathy); withdraw from the world altogether (schizoid solution); or disappear by merging and fusing with another person (codependence.)”
And that is exactly what the whole Hyperian scene is about. It’s a maladaptive, pathological scene where the level of delusion just gets deeper and deeper. Hyperians are profoundly schizoid. The Hyperian “chat” is always demented and mostly revolves around people obsessing over Rebhahn’s hair or fluids or skin, or whatever. Think of Hyperianism without Rebhahn. Well, if all those people who are fixated on Rebhahn would leave, there would be nothing left. Hyperianism is a fan club/cult pretending to be a world-changing movement in order to inflate Rebhahn above the status of a grubby grifting influencer and shoddy z-list celebrity.
Vaknin said,
“Once formed and functioning, the False Self stifles the growth of the True Self and paralyses it.”
And that is exactly what has happened with Rebhahn. His True Self – assuming it ever formed in the first place – is long gone. This person has a False Self and operates in a false world, his fantasy world, his own narcissistic construct.
Vaknin said,
“Henceforth, the ossified True Self is virtually non-existent and plays no role (active or passive) in the conscious life of the narcissist.”
Rebhahn, it’s perfectly obvious, has lost touch with reality. He lives in his false reality – his Hyperian cult – and has little need to interact with the real world. As a pathological narcissist, Rebhahn is in constant need of narcissistic supply, and gets it in abundance from his cult, but doesn’t get it anywhere else, and thus he lives in his cult world as much as he possibly can – since that’s where he gets his drug, and it’s not available elsewhere.
Narcissists are extremely simple creatures. They go in search of narcissistic supply, and that’s it. It’s like oxygen for them. They die without it. Rebhahn NEEDS to be treated as a God by his cultists, and they are more than happy to do so. They love being this man’s abject slaves. They are even worse than Abrahamists, who at least don’t worship a vacuous plagiarist and conman on social media.
Vaknin said,
“It is difficult to ‘resuscitate’ it, even with psychotherapy.”
There’s no way Rebhahn will ever have a True Self. That guy is totally gone.
Vaknin said, 
“The False Self sometimes parades the child-like, vulnerable, needy and innocent True Self in order to capture, manipulate and attract empathic sources of narcissistic supply.”
Aha, check out Rebhahn’s video “Is Religion Actually Child Abuse? (My Story) Recovering from Religious Trauma Syndrome”. For once, Rebhahn exposes the pathetic, terrified little creature that is as close as Rebhahn gets to a True Self, but he uses this video, as ever, to exploit his harem’s emotions and win an increased narcissistic supply.
Vaknin wrote,
“When supply is low, the False Self is emaciated and dilapidated. It is unable to contain and repress the True Self which then emerges as a petulant, self-destructive, spoiled and codependent entity. But the True Self’s moments in the sun are very brief and usually, inconsequential.”
Or is it the dilapidated False Self that is petulant, self-destructive and spoiled?
Vaknin said,
“This substitution is not only a question of despair and alienation, as Kierkegaard and Horney observed, respectively. Following on the footsteps of the Danish proto-existentialist philosopher, Horney said that because the Idealized (=False) Self sets impossible goals to the narcissist, the results are frustration and self hate which grow with every setback or failure. But the constant sadistic judgement, the self-berating, the suicidal ideation emanate from the narcissist’s idealized, sadistic, Superego regardless of the existence or functioning of a False Self.”
We always point out that Rebhahn is a highly depressive and moody character, and that’s for the reasons given above. You often hear him muttering to himself about “things not being right” on his deadstreams. He openly says he is a “perfectionist”, as you expect of a pathological narcissist, but of course, that means that life is a constant disappointment to him because of all its imperfections. He would no doubt love to have narcissistic supply from a far higher-quality of cultist, but he has to settle for the dross he actually gets.
Vaknin said,
“The False Self is a kind of positive projection: The narcissist’s attributes to it all the positive and desired aspects of himself, thereby endowing it with a quasi-separate existence.”
But the False Self is what the narcissist inhabits. He is the False Self more or less all the time. The question is what happened to the True Self. Is it basically dead? Or buried so deeply it can be found only in the most extreme circumstances?
Vaknin wrote,
“The False Self fulfills the role of a divinity in the narcissist’s obsessive-compulsive private religion: The narcissist worships it and adheres to ceremonies and rituals via which he interacts with it.”
Rebhahn literally calls himself God. There’s no doubt that Rebhahn LOVED our work because it gave his False Self the means to actually believe it was God and to defend this position to the world. Unfortunately for us, our Illuminist answer to existence is highly attractive to CRAZY PEOPLE, as well as to rational and logical people. We thought we would attract all the rationalists in the world. As it turned out, we attracted legions of crazies, and they have completely wrecked our efforts. The Hyperians have proved the worst of the lot.
Vaknin said,
“The True Self, on the other hand, is ignored at best and usually denigrated. This process is akin to projective splitting: When parents project onto the golden child positive traits and talents even as they attribute to the scapegoat child negative, undesirable qualities. In this sense, the narcissist is a parent with two offspring: His two selves.”
But the True Self isn’t actually there. The False Self reacts to what it is not and denigrates it, and the True Self, such as it is, would be caught up in that denigration since it is the opposite of the False Self
Vaknin said,
“There is no conflict between the True Self and the False Self. First, the True Self is much too weak to do battle with the overbearing False. Second, the False Self is adaptive (though maladaptive). It helps the True Self to cope with the world.”
Does it? Isn’t it the case that the True Self couldn’t cope with the world at all, and so the False Self was created as something that could, but of course in an entirely maladaptive, delusional way, as we see with Corey Rebhahn, the Night Bringer and Terror of Men (!).
Vaknin said, “Without the False Self, the True Self would be subjected to so much hurt that it will disintegrate.”
It HAS disintegrated, hence why the False Self has taken over. Rebhahn lives in a constant fantasy world. He cannot bear reality. He can go ONLY where he receives narcissistic supply, and he only gets enough of that in a cult devoted to him, where he is the GOD. And that’s the real reason Rebhahn was so keen to set up Hyperianism. He had no intention of conveying the Illuminist message. His real intent was always to find an enormous narcissistic supply – his crack cocaine or heroin.
Rebhahn used to be, and may still be a serious druggie. He has an addictive personality, but his No.1 addiction is narcissistic supply. If he reduced his drug use it was almost certainly because it had been replaced by a new and better drug – a vast narcissistic supply from a harem of slaves and abject worshipers.
Vaknin said,
“This happens to narcissists who go through a life crisis: Their False Ego becomes dysfunctional, and they experience a harrowing feeling of annulment.”
Rebhahn will soon be having this experience! His cult will be annulled and so will he!
Vaknin said,
“The False Self has many functions. The two most important are:
1. It serves as a decoy, it ‘attracts the fire’. It is a proxy for the True Self. It is tough as nails and can absorb any amount of pain, hurt and negative emotions. By inventing it, the child develops immunity to the indifference, manipulation, sadism, smothering, or exploitation – in short: To the abuse – inflicted on him by his parents (or by other Primary Objects in his life). It is a cloak, protecting him, rendering him invisible and omnipotent at the same time.”
Rebhahn’s life was entirely defined in his childhood, because of the mental abuse he apparently received from his mother and her extreme Protestant religion.
Vaknin said,
“2. The False Self is misrepresented by the narcissist as his True Self. The narcissist is saying, in effect: ‘I am not who you think I am. I am someone else. I am this (False) Self. Therefore, I deserve a better, painless, more considerate treatment.’ The False Self, thus, is a contraption intended to alter other people’s behavior and attitude towards the narcissist.”
Narcissism is a construct. Narcissists are not born, they are made. Narcissism is an extreme psychological defense mechanism, produced in children subject to shockingly bad parenting where they are shown no love and support, and start to hate the world and want to be God in order to dominate it. They dream of being infinitely powerful.
Vaknin said,
“These roles are crucial to survival and to the proper psychological functioning of the narcissist. The False Self is by far more important to the narcissist than his dilapidated, dysfunctional, True Self.”
The narcissist BECOMES his False Self. He has ceased to be a real human being. He is now just a fantasy creature operating in a fantasy world.
Vaknin said,
“The two Selves are not part of a continuum, as the neo-Freudians postulated. Healthy people do not have a False Self which differs from its pathological equivalent in that it is more realistic and closer to the True Self.”
Well, the Jungian persona could certainly be regarded as a false self in a healthy person. There’s no problem as long as the ego doesn’t identify with the persona, the image. The narcissistic false self is created when it does and the ego behind the mask is essentially lost.
Vaknin said,
“It is true that even healthy people have a mask [Guffman], or a persona [Jung] which they consciously present to the world. But these are a far cry from the False Self, which is mostly subconscious, depends on outside feedback and is compulsive. “
But when the Ego is subsumed by the mask then it means the center of conscious activity has gone – there is no conscious agent any longer, and so unconscious content floods into the mask, which is why “it is mostly subconscious, depends on outside feedback and is compulsive.”
Vaknin said,
“The False Self is an adaptive reaction to pathological circumstances. But its dynamics make it predominate, devour the psyche and prey upon the True Self. Thus, it prevents the efficient, flexible functioning of the personality as a whole.”
A person cannot psychologically grow if they have a False Self rather than a True Self. There’s nothing to grow, other than the False Self’s delusions and disconnect from reality. That’s why cults – invariably led by pathological narcissists and psychopaths – always come to grief. They just get crazier and crazier and attract more and more opposition.
Vaknin says,
“That the narcissist possesses a prominent False Self as well as a suppressed and dilapidated True Self is common knowledge. Yet, how intertwined and inseparable are these two? Do they interact? How do they influence each other? And what behaviors can be attributed squarely to one or the other of these protagonists? Moreover, does the False Self assume traits and attributes of the True Self in order to deceive the world?”
The False Self uses whatever it needs to get whatever it wants.
Vaknin said,
“Let’s start by referring to an oft-occurring question: Why are narcissists not prone to suicide? The simple answer is that they died a long time ago. Narcissists are the true zombies of the world.”
Well, that certainly makes sense of Hyperianism – a Zombie cult where the people died long ago. They are the undead and brain-dead.
Vaknin said,
“Many scholars and therapists tried to grapple with the void at the core of the narcissist. The common view is that the remnants of the True Self are so ossified, shredded, cowed into submission and repressed – that, for all practical purposes, the True Self is dysfunctional and useless.”
Yes, it is. It is functionally non-existent. It has been starved to death and replaced (by the False Self).
Vaknin said,
“In treating the narcissist, the therapist often tries to construct and nurture a completely new healthy self, rather than build upon the distorted wreckage strewn across the narcissist’s psyche.”
Good luck with that. That ain’t happening. These people are fucked for life. There’s no route to a healthy self. The False Self always stands in the way. No psychiatrist could fix Corey Rebhahn.
Vaknin said,
“But what of the rare glimpses of True Self oft reported by those who interact with the narcissist?”
Even these glimpses are illusory since they are actually being manipulated by the False Self to achieve greater narcissistic supply by engaging sympathy for the poor little, persecuted, feeble True Self.
Vaknin said,
“Pathological narcissism is frequently comorbid with other disorders. The narcissistic spectrum is made up of gradations and shades of narcissism. Narcissistic traits or style or even personality (overlay) often attach to other disorders (co-morbidity). A person may well appear to be a full-fledged narcissist – may well appear to be suffering from the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) – but is not, in the strict, psychiatric, sense of the word. In such people, the True Self is still there and is sometimes observable.”
Yes, we must anticipate that there will be a spectrum. But we are interested in the extreme cases such as Rebhahn, and he’s an example of someone with a more or less extinguished True Self. Same goes for Fat Jan. Even the notion of “deadnaming” is very suggestive. It’s almost equivalent to calling the real Self “dead” and saying that the False Self – a construct with a new name – is real. Fat Jan detests any mentions of what we might refer to as her real past and is only interested in her total fantasy world of Hyperianism. That’s why these people cling to their fantasies so much. They have no reality to return to.
Hyperianism is a horrible, horrible scene full of slavish cultists who absolutely deny that they are slavish cultists, even while acting precisely as slavish cultists. These people have no self-awareness at all.