The Daily Whistle
The Pied Piper of Hollywood
Nothing is True,
Everything is Permitted
The King of Lies
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
So the story goes, in the 13th century, a piper wearing pied, or multicolored clothing promises to rid the German town Hamelin of a rat infestation. The mayor of the town promises him money if he succeeds. He does, but the town now refuses to pay him. As revenge, he hypnotizes the town’s children with his music and leads them away, never to be seen again.
Do you know the tale?
Hamelin Town’s in Brunswick,
By famous Hanover city;
The river Weser, deep and wide,
Washes its wall on the southern side;
A pleasanter spot you never spied;
Hamelin Town’s in Brunswick,
By famous Hanover city;
The river Weser, deep and wide,
Washes its wall on the southern side;
A pleasanter spot you never spied;
But, when begins my ditty,
Almost five hundred years ago,
To see the townsfolk suffer so
From vermin, was a pity.
They fought the dogs, and killed the cats,
And bit the babies in the cradles,
And eat the cheeses out of the vats,
And licked the soup from the cooks’ own ladles,
Split open the kegs of salted sprats,
Made nests inside men’s Sunday hats,
And even spoiled the women’s chats
By drowning their speaking
With shrieking and squeaking
In fifty different sharps and flats. But, when begins my ditty,
Almost five hundred years ago,
To see the townsfolk suffer so
From vermin, was a pity.
— The Pied Piper of Hamelin, poem by Robert Browning [snippet]
The Pied Piper of Hollywood
Now in our time, we have The Pied Piper of Hollywood, known on social media as Morgue Official. This King of Lies is luring and leading young and impressionable minds astray.
The leader of Hyperianism, Corey Rebhahn (stage name Morgue), seems to have a philosophy that nothing is true except what HE says is true. All actions initiated by him— especially those that serve up a cold dish of revenge to former Hyperian moderators who have decided to leave Hyperianism — are completely rational and unpunishable.
Within Corey’s mentally ill mind, he concludes there are no laws that cannot be broken when it comes to his revenge. No one is allowed to ask why the former mods left or anything even slightly controversial. In Corey’s eyes, to ask real questions is blasphemous.
The early stages of Hyperianism began over 10 years ago with Corey Rebhahn’s first creation: Terrors of Men, which was an online blog created and maintained by Corey Rebhahn himself. Fast forward to the present, this site was removed because it was extremely damaging to Corey’s New Age cult image. However, screenshots can be seen here on this site. The Terrors of Men website and his Intern Project cult were obviously the creation of a violent, misogynous, mentally ill man. (see the article Terrors of Men: The Monster Who Walks Among Us). The pictures and words speak for themselves.
Corey Rebhahn’s cult (and his cult leader masks) have morphed over time. His new conception, which is Hyperianism, has become a vacuous, egregious mind-numbing Woke-New-Age cult, where empty promises are rampant, and the Not-So-Vegan-Morgue-the-Millionaire-Messiah sits in front of his computer, safe inside his Hollywood internet cave collecting stars and super chats from his fawning celebrity worshipers, known as Hyperians.
Many curious onlookers will claim no real harm is being done. They love Morgue and his Woke message. No one is “required” to send money and there will always be idiots who fall for the cons of cult leaders, right? So, who cares?
Those who have been inside the cult know EXACTLY why the public and law enforcement should care. Although child trafficking or murder does not seem to be his crime of choice, Corey Rebhahn openly states that he hates women AND children. Photos and quotes from Corey’s seedy past reveal an insidious underbelly to this so-called innocent cult.
The goal of police protection is to prevent harm to citizens. In a time of increasing violence in the streets, school shootings, teen suicides and mental illness skyrocketing, you might think law enforcement would be concerned about Corey Rebhahn’s cult. Not so. As it stands, citizen whistleblowers are having to do the research and reveal the obvious: Houston, we have a problem.
Corey/Morgue’s obsession has always been self-mutilation and death. He made a video on suicide and starred in a movie short called Murder, Murder. His Hollywood career began as an extreme stunt performer on the streets of LA. He moved on to center stage in Freakshow (an American unscripted reality documentary television series from AMC). He is now an internet influencer who promotes drug use (specifically LSD) on his livestreams. His spiritual advice points to higher consciousness through drugs and what Corey calls “shadow work”.
The ultimate goal of the Pied Piper of Hollywood seems to be the creation of a New Terra where his radicalized and weaponized Woke agenda rules. The life of a violent goth street performer wasn’t bringing in enough fame and fortune, so Corey Rebhahn changed his tune to “Peace-Loving-Woke-Almost-Vegan-Non-Binary”. When you speak to those who know him well, it is clear he is a complete fraud. The change in his public persona, however, sent him “Ad Astra” or “To the Stars” as he likes to say. Money is now falling from the skies right into Corey’s pocket.
Corey/Morgue openly describes some of his bizarre sexual kinks. That would be fine on the Dark Web. Unfortunately, there are no age restrictions on his livestreams. Because of this omission, many are concerned about child endangerment. Members of the Hyperian cult often brag about how their children love watching his videos. What happens when those children read Terrors of Men and see the dead woman in the bathtub? Won’t they conclude this is just cute kink, unrestricted self-expression and part of the path to self-actualization and happiness? Where is Child-Protective Services in all this?
Corey/Morgue admits to having priors from LA although the specifics are not yet public. He is, however, currently under investigation for lying to the FBI with malicious intent to harm members who chose to leave his cult. (Full details are described in AC Updates.)
The strange twist to this bizarre saga is that both Corey’s parents, his biological father and his stepmother, are retired LA cops. Intentional lying to the FBI is definitely a felony and yet no legal action has been taken:
- Is Lying to the FBI a Felony? – Felonies.org
- Lying to the FBI is most certainly a felony when the lies are a malicious act of revenge with clear intent to harm.
- Lying to the FBI is most certainly a felony when the lies state that innocent cult members intend to kill the POTUS!!!
- Lying to the FBI is most certainly a felony when there is tampering with evidence in order to falsify testimony.
Corey Rebhahn/Morgue is both depraved and degenerate. His past history is public knowledge. He has demonstrated all the qualities of the Dark Triad personality type. He follows none of the rules that create a safe and sane society. He and his Inner Circle of Crazies act as if they are above the law. They want a world with unrestricted self-expression.
Why has no action been taken?
Is it because the parents of this dangerous cult leader are both retired LA cops?
Time will tell.
The truth will be revealed.
Meanwhile, the Pied Piper of Hollywood is free to sell his blatant lies, promote illegal drug use (with disclaimers of course) and predatorily play tunes to his idiot followers as they dance along behind, filling his bulging bank account.
Hyperianism is not the first sinister cult of our time with mentally ill behavior that destroys lives. Here are a few cults that walked the same heinous path as Corey the Con is treading.
In a New York Post article written by Fox News correspondence Audrey Conklin states,
“Followers of University of Cosmic Intelligence cult accused of 2 murders in Alabama. Damien Winslow Washam, 24, was charged with murder, attempted murder, attempt to elude and other crimes after he allegedly murdered his mother with a sword.”
Several followers of a social media influencer who calls himself a “god” and leads an abstract spirituality group online have been accused of two separate murders in Alabama. Rashad Jamal White, known among his followers as Rashad Jamal, is the leader of a group popularized online known as “The University of Cosmic Intelligence,” in which Jamal preaches about a spirituality exclusively for Black and Latino people, whom he says are natural earthly beings while White people are not. The group is “geared toward enlightening and illuminating the minds of the carbonated beings, a.k.a. your so called [sic] Black and Latino people of Earth,” the university’s website, which includes links to everything from music to books to an online store for the group, states. Fans can purchase different crystal necklaces and bracelets, which are all listed at $111.11 each, a record for $99.39 or T-shirts for $66.93. Jamal, a husband and father, is currently charged with three counts of child molestation and two counts of child cruelty in Borrow County, Georgia, where he is detained.”
In an apparent jailhouse recording uploaded to YouTube by a follower, as tech news outlet Motherboard first reported, Jamal says he has been “detained since May 3.” In the recording, he calls human bodies “avatars” and relays the belief that humans are perfect upon conception but injected with “nanobot technology” at birth and placed under a lockdown with “social programming through sex, violence and drugs and movies and music.” Jamal went on to say, “I am a god, and all of my people, the Black and Latino people, are gods. And we were made in the image of our creator,” Jamal said in the recording. “Therefore, I am an extension of Her/Them, and I am the creator and destroyer of my reality, so I take full responsibility for all events that I have experienced through this lifetime, for this is what we call shadow work in the spiritual realm.”
Sound like anybody you know?
In an NPR article written by Vanessa Romo,
“The leader of NXIVM, a group that espoused a philosophy of self-improvement but was accused of recruiting, grooming and even branding an inner circle of female sex slaves, was found guilty Wednesday by a federal jury in Brooklyn, N.Y.” She went on to say, Keith Raniere, who was known as “Vanguard,” was convicted on all charges, including sex trafficking, forced labor conspiracy, human trafficking and multiple counts of racketeering — including sexual exploitation of a child.”
The cult was led by Keith Raniere, with Smallville star Allison Mack as his right-hand woman. According to reports, members of the cult were branded with Raniere and Mack’s initials, referred to as “slaves,” and subjected to corporal punishment at the hands of their leaders. This very real, very ugly cult was only recently disbanded by law enforcement, after the founder of NXIVM was accused of sex trafficking and child abuse, and members have testified about a culture of lies, deceit, and violence.
This cult found its footing in the wellness industry, which is very popular in Hollywood (and is arguably a cult in and of itself). It drew members in by promising to help them find more meaning and joy in their lives.
Sound familiar?
The reason these cults and their leaders get as far as they do, is because of the apparent refusal to see the warning signs. Just as in these other cults, the red flags are everywhere in Hyperianism, but the remaining Hyperians blindly push them to the side as no harm, no foul. That is until it’s too late.
It’s only after lives are destroyed and the damage has been done, do people wake up to the monster in their midst. Hyperianism is most certainly raising red flags. We must not allow these psychopathic cult leaders to reign. Hyperianism must be stopped before more people get hurt.