The Psychopathic Liar Susan Mitchell




The mental illness of hyperianism isn’t down to Corey Rebhahn alone. His primary facilitator is Susan Mitchell. Rebhahn, despite being a vacuous social media influencer (influencing the mentally ill with his own mental illness!) cannot stand interacting with people on anything other than a “god to worshiper” basis (as we see with his bi-weekly deadstreams). He can’t bear one-to-one interactions where he has to open up to anyone and negotiate with them (as normal people do … “gods” don’t!). The only person he really talks to is SUSAN MITCHELL, and the only reason he talks to her is that he needs a slave to enforce his will amongst his congregation.
One of the main themes of the two parts of “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue” is how distant Morgue is from … well … EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. He only shows up in times of crisis, where he says and does psychotic things (his narcissistic rages follow any narcissistic injury to him). At all other times, Susan Mitchell is the person functionally running hyperianism. Of course, Morgue knows he can trust Mitchell 100% since Mitchell’s whole role in life is to devote herself to serving and worshiping her narcissist (Morgue), so that she can feel important. Mitchell is herself a narcissist – an inverted narcissist – who doesn’t like drawing attention to herself but loves drawing attention to her narc, from whom she then receives enormous narcissistic supply.
Time and time again in “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue”, Mitchell is revealed as a total control freak, always interfering with everyone’s work, always trying to do whatever is best for Morgue (not for Hyperianism!). She censors and bans anyone who challenges Morgue in any way. She prevents intelligent people from doing their best work (so that they don’t outshine Morgue – all of the Hyperian mods who left Hyperianism were much more intelligent than Morgue!). She was forever dumbing down Hyperian Source content (she herself has no understanding of ontological mathematics or any complex philosophy; she’s just a cretinous Woke fanatic and New Age former Buddhist). Mitchell was forever interfering, and ruining Hyperianism in the process.
Actually, there is no such thing as Hyperianism. What people call “hyperianism” is, functionally, MORGUEISM – that’s why the whole scene revolves Morgue Official’s Facebook page, Morgue Official’s YouTube Channel, Morgue Official’s Instagram page, Morgue Official’s books and merch, and of course Morgue Official’s Patreon. Where is “Hyperianism”? It’s nowhere! And that’s because it was never intended to be anywhere. It was always all about Morgue, and that’s why “Morgue Official” is always the name of the game, and the MONEY of course goes to the Morgue Official bank account, and not to anywhere else.
There is no Hyperian movement. There is a Morgue Official fan club. The whole Hyperianism thing was just a trick by a pathological narcissist to pretend he was involved in a collective undertaking when of course it was entirely about a single individual – Morgue Official, to secure him maximum narcissistic supply and as much money from suckers as possible.
Susan Mitchell is the dogsbody who does all of Morgue’s heavy lifting and dirty work for him. Morgue never gets his hands dirty if he can possibly avoid it. He “descends to the world” now and again to mutter to his minions, but by and large the day-to-day operations of Hyperianism are the responsibility of Susan Mitchell. If Mitchell had to spend her life being devoted to her own husband – the man who pays for her to stay at home – and ignoring Morgy Porgy then Hyperianism would instantly collapse. Malignant narcissists cannot run things – CULTS – on their own. They need other pathological types around them. Susan Mitchell – who let’s face it is extraordinary only in her dullness, triteness, mediocrity and blindness to reality (has she ever said a single intelligent thing about the world?) – is a classic worshiper, follower, blind fanatic who will do anything for her god.
Nietzsche said,
“The most dangerous follower is the one whose defection would destroy the whole party: hence, the best follower.”
Susan Mitchell is technically Morgue Official’s most dangerous follower, i.e., the best follower. If she was no longer around for whatever reason, Hyperianism would IMMEDIATELY end. It’s not something in Morgue Official’s gift to keep Hyperianism going. It’s all up to Susan Mitchell. Morgy Porgy could never run anything. It’s Mitchell – who has all the time in the world because she doesn’t have a job (her rich husband pays all the bills), so has made Hyperianism her full-time job. Why is Hyperianism so pedestrian, so dull, so uninspiring? It’s because it reflects Susan Mitchell. Susan Mitchell even single-handedly converted Edgelord Morgue (who said the most vicious unWoke things, to mad Bitchell’s horror) into Woke Morgue (who said everything that Bitchell agreed with and wanted to hear!).
The thing about malignant narcissists is that they have no principles, so can easily invert their position. They don’t care about foundational contradictions in their position. They don’t care about lying. That’s why they never make it as intellectuals, although many of them – like Morgy Porgy – believe themselves to be the most intelligent people on earth, in history! (Well, that’s narcissism for you!)
Zero intellectuals come to Porgy’s deadstreams. What would be the point? You would be surrounded by mentally ill halfwits and there would be zero intellectual debate going on. Porgy would be stating the simplest fallacies, the most basic misunderstandings of the most basic philosophical concepts – exactly as you would expect of someone with no formal education – and yet not a single person would notice or care. There is no “space” in Hyperianism for anyone to say that Porgy is wrong – because of course the leader of a cult cannot be wrong in the eyes of his cultists, so Porgy talks nothing but shit – which would be laughed at in any university – and all of his cultists applaud, hail him as a genius, and send him money.
Hyperianism, such as it is, could never escape from a strictly New Age, hyper-emotional, hyper-liberal Woke audience – all of which is encoded in Rebhahn’s image – an image repulsive to 100% of intellectuals. How many university lecturers have you come across with an image like Rebhahn’s? The answer is zero. Intellectuals are obsessed with ideas, not with shallow image. Rebhahn has no interest in ideas. His whole life revolves around his image and his constant attacks on maleness and femaleness in order to promote his own non-binary androgyny, which is what his image is all about. This non-binary creature is the current carrier of Rebhahn’s FALSE SELF. Previously, Edgelord Morgue known as MISTER MORGUE (no non-binary act in those days, right?!) was the False Self, which regarded itself as the Terror of Men. Now Woke Messiah Morgue is the Uniter of Men! Ho, ho, ho. In fact, he’s every bit as divisive as he has always been.
Rebhahn doesn’t care about anything other than getting narcissistic supply. He will say and do anything to get it. What he now knows is that the only people who will give him what he craves – SLAVISH WORSHIP – are the members of his Harem … hyper-emotional women and gay men who follow him strictly because of their feeling towards him, and would, like him, completely invert their principles if he told them to. Because they follow HIM, not any principles (they have none). Like Abrahamists, they worship their God no matter what he does. When Abraham’s God asked him to murder his son, Abraham immediately agreed. In fact, Abraham should instantly have ceased to worship his God since his God had violated any possible moral code, hence was logically falsified as God. Hyperians likewise will do whatever Rebhahn wants. They can never regard him as immoral, no matter how many lies and fabrications he produces, no matter his malicious and false complaint to the FBI, and his smear campaigns, and his phony lawsuits, and the swatting he is constantly involved in. All of that is instantly forgiven, overlooked, ignored, or dismissed as irrelevant, so that these cultists can get on with worshipping their cult god and having absolute, unquestioning faith in him. Rebhahn’s cultists CANNOT challenge him. They would rather die. JUST LIKE ABRAHAMISTS.
These people cannot endure any criticism of Rebhahn and lash out – using the insane rhetoric he has given them to use – against anyone who criticizes him. And the worst of all in this regard is of course the moron Susan Mitchell who will do ANYTHING to feel important. Her entire sense of importance comes from being Rebhahn’s indispensable right-hand man. This is a classic example of a total nobody believing herself a somebody because she has allied herself to a “personality”, a former reality TV star.
Mitchell, as many people have pointed out, is the Hyperian version of Ma Anand Sheela, Osho’s “woman”. Wikipedia says,
“Ma Anand Sheela (born 28 December 1949 as Sheela Ambalal Patel in India, also known as Sheela Birnstiel and Sheela Silverman) is an Indian-Swiss woman who was the spokesperson of the Rajneesh movement (aka Osho movement). In 1986, she was convicted for attempted murder and assault for her role in the 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack. As the secretary of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh from 1981 through 1985, she managed the Rajneeshpuram ashram in Wasco County, Oregon, United States. In 1986, she pleaded guilty to attempted murder and assault for her role in the 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack. She received a four-and-a-half-year sentence in July 1986 in federal prison. She was released for good behaviour and deported to West Germany after 29 months. Sheela later moved to Switzerland, where she married, and purchased two nursing homes. In 1999, she was convicted by a Swiss court of ‘criminal acts preparatory to the commission of murder’ in relation to a plot to kill US federal prosecutor Charles Turner in 1985, and she was sentenced to time served. … In 1981, Rajneesh appointed her as his personal assistant. In the same year, she convinced Rajneesh to leave India and establish an ashram in the United States. In July 1981, Rajneesh Foundation International purchased the 64,000-acre (260 km2) Big Muddy Ranch in Wasco County, Oregon, which became the site for the development of the Rajneeshpuram commune. She was appointed the president of Rajneesh Foundation International, managed the commune and met daily with Rajneesh to discuss business matters. According to Sheela, Rajneesh was complicit in and directed her involvement in criminal acts she and a group of Rajneeshees committed later.”
So, Mitchell is Rebhahn’s (Morgue’s) top advisor and his personal assistant and secretary. Rebhahn could not function without her. People such as Lunatic Fairy and Kassidy could leave Hyperianism, and Rebhahn would simply do what he has always done in such circumstances – never mention them again. But if Mitchell left hyperianism, hyperianism would end there and then. No one else can fulfill Mitchell’s job in Hyperianism. She has been with Rebhahn for something like ten years, and has ENORMOUS influence over him. She is, as we all know, his substitute mother. If she abandoned him, Rebhahn’s psyche would collapse. It would be like his mother abandoning him all over again.
Mitchell, and Mitchell alone, is essential to the continuation of Rebhahn’s Hyperianism. Shope could fuck off – who would notice? And Fat Jan could vanish and become a giant blob in the Amazon jungle – never to be heard of again – and most Hyperians would be glad to see the back of her. How come only about 20 Hyperians take her seriously? What about all the rest of the 250 Hyperian cultists? They HATE her. They want her gone.
In fact, most hyperians hate Mitchell too, but they grasp that somehow, she is what holds Hyperianism together. Rebhahn cannot interact directly with his Hyperian community in terms of getting them to do anything. All he does is pontificate and sermonize to them during deadstreams and thank them for their devotion and donations. They are never asked to do any tasks – well, other than “like, share, do this and do that” to promote REBHHAN. They are never asked to make videos, write anything, create anything. Rebhahn wouldn’t trust them to do anything, and if what they did was really good, it would be a threat to him! So, Rebhahn acts as an Ascended Master who descends from the sky to teach humanity. Susan Mitchell is the one who actually keeps all the mods and everyone else in line, under control, posing no threat to Morgue. It was Mad Mitchell who was the most zealous enemy of Thomas Foster, most intent on banning him for daring to remind everyone of Hyperianism’s duties to ILLUMINISM, its source. Foster was a direct threat to Morgue and hyperianism at that stage and had to be got rid of. We had intended to make a statement in full support of Foster’s position … but we didn’t because we knew we would be engulfed in a shitstorm, so we decided to play a longer game. But here we are anyway, over two year later. So it goes. The thing we know now that we hadn’t realized back then is that Rebhahn is a malignant narcissist and psychopath, meaning that a direct conflict with this nutjob was always unavoidable. There was never any diplomatic, rational way out, as we had hoped. You cannot negotiate with the insane. This person will never go away. He will have to be dragged away … to jail, just as cult leaders so often are.
The Psychopathic Liar Susan Mitchell
When the FBI are lied to by Woke maniacs, their policy – disastrously – is to believe the lies of the Woke liars … until they realize they have been lied to.
RJ wasn’t arrested, Apollonius wasn’t arrested, and no one at all spoke to anyone in the AC/PI. The FBI, therefore – after making preliminary checks – weren’t bothered at all by any of the mad allegations made against us. FULL STOP.
Your evil lies DIDN’T WORK, BITCHELL. And that means that you have made a false and malicious complaint to the FBI regarding incredibly serious allegations. You believe you have some right to call RJ, Apollonius and the AC/PI deranged killers and assassins and terrorists based on nothing more than private comments in private chats that threatened no one, and quotes from publicly available books, including novels, that threatened no one! You are fucked in the head if you imagine you can do something like that in the real world and get away with it. Of course, you, Rebhahn, Torgensen and Shope ARE fucked in the head. You are all seriously mentally ill members of an extremely dangerous and sinister cult, as your sick, destructive, malicious actions have proved.
What’s extremely concerning thus far is that the FBI are not bothered enough about the malicious lies of the Rebhahn gang to carry out their job and arrest you, prosecute you, and send you to jail where degenerate scum like you belong.
Absolutely no sane person in the world would have thought “this is concerning and should be reported.”
Jewel – who was right there with you! – didn’t feel threatened in the slightest. Why on earth would he? The idea that RJ or Apollonius was going to show up on his doorstep and shoot him dead is an idea that no sane person on earth would have entertained. How do you explain the fact that one of your own team felt no need to report anything to the FBI? In fact, as we now know, you and Rebhahn didn’t even tell Necro Shope and Fatso Torgensen that you had made a complaint to the FBI. They claimed that we had gone crazy and were telling incredible lies when we said a live FBI operation had been initiated by you freaks. As ever, we were right and they were wrong. So, are Shope and Torgensen insane given that they were clearly as stunned as we were when the FBI were dragged into this by you and Rebhahn? Only insane people would have called the FBI. You two are totally psychotic. You are a menace to all normal, healthy people.
All the things you said about RJ, Apollonius and the AC/PI were sick, twisted, toxic, malicious lies, whose only purpose was to get revenge for David Sinclair’s book exposing your degenerate cult. Don’t try to pretend that you had any other motive. We have all the screenshots we need about how angry you were and how you claimed we had made a “big fucking mistake” and how you were going to “war” with us and were going to take legal action. The only problem was that you had no legal grounds for anything – so you just made it up!
Your constant lies are getting you nowhere. Why don’t you make another complaint to the FBI about us calling you a criminal, a malicious liar, and a psychopath every day? See how far that gets you. We have an enormous dossier proving all of our claims! You’ve been reading it every day! You don’t have a fucking prayer of avoiding jail.
Not only did Jewel not feel under any threat – explain that Bitchell! – but Necropants Phil and Immensely Fat Jan didn’t even know a complaint had been made.
Check out this screenshot:
The Psychopathic Liar Susan Mitchell
Here the clueless Necrophil is wondering if cops actually did show up at RJ’s place. Never thought of asking your two puppetmasters, Mitchell and Rebhahn, Necrophil? You don’t even have their number to call, do you?! That shows how close you are to the Inner Circle! They’d never let you in. They’d never give you their direct numbers.
Then the grotesque fatty weighs in with: “None of us called the cops on Rowan.” So well-informed, Fatso. You’re even more out of the loop than the necropants grindr freak. We haven’t heard your apology for being totally wrong – AGAIN!
Fatso says, “I smell a farce.” I think you’re smelling yourself, you fat fuck!
As ever, we tell the truth and these people think we’re making up – until Rebhahn and Bitchell bother to tell them what’s actually going on, and then they immediately fall into line with whatever they are told to fall in line with. Such obedient dogs. Do you get thrown treats? Is that why J-ANUS is so fat? She always does what her masters require. It’s not as if she has any choice, is it? This woman is just one step up from a vagrant. She sleeps on a sofa in someone else’s house, so we hear. What a totally failed life.
Clueless, bewildered Shope then says, “Two men?”
Yeah, RJ and Apollonius. Can’t you fucking count? But, hey, you weren’t told about Apollonius either, were you? Rebhahn and Bitchell kept that to themselves too.
Aren’t you so proud, Necrophil, that you are the first person Rebhahn and Bitchell choose to ignore?! They have ZERO trust in you. You haven’t proved your loyalty yet, you cretin. You have to take a bullet for your god. Turn yourself into the FBI and blame everything on yourself. Go on. Do it. Only then will Rebhahn love you! All your dreams come true, right?! You might get to suck his dick one day if you take the fall!
Immensely Fat Jan then says, “They literally have no proof of anything.” That’s great coming from a clueless whale who didn’t even know what had happened – because Bitchell and Rebhahn didn’t tell her. They have as much respect for you as we do. NONE. What a preposterous fat obscenity. We have all the proof we need to send all of you to jail. The only issue is why the FBI are refusing to look at it and act on it. Corey Rebhahn – son of a cop, son of two Christian fundamentalists – increasingly looks like an FBI agent. Doesn’t he just reek of the Woke FBI? How else can it be explained that the FBI took immediate action on the basis of the total drivel he concocted, and then refused to arrest Rebhahn and his gang when irrefutable evidence was given to them that the Rebhahn gang had maliciously lied in a legal complaint to the FBI, an automatic felony.
But even the Woke FBI can’t hold back the tide. Defund the FBI!
The sick misogynist Influencer Andrew Tate – another vacuous malignant narcissist and psychopath consumed by his image – has been arrested. It will be your turn real soon, Rebhahn, you creepy weirdo. Man, you are such a coward, such a weakling. You can’t fight your own fights. You can’t man up. You have to go lying to the Woke FBI to do your fighting for you. You just can’t get any more feeble and pathetic. You are the very lowest of the human race – gutter trash. And you have Bitchell licking your ass down there as she cheats yet again on her husband with a sleazy narc.
The infamy.