The second sentence of Rebhahn’s summation of Hyperianism goes like this:
“As eternal minds all of us go through many bodies, many avatars across lifetimes where we learn, grow, and understand.”
Rebhahn, by his own spiel, does NOT accept that we are eternal minds. He literally says that our minds vanish! They must do in order for the “One Mind” to be true. If there is a “One Mind” and it’s not yours then clearly your mind does not exist, hence it cannot be eternal. It can only be temporal. 1 + 1 = 2. (Rebhahn is actually a dim-witted Buddhist, just like Breeder Bitchell.)
But, remember, Rebhahn is a moron. He’s not intelligent enough to know that he contradicts himself all the time. And if he did, he wouldn’t care anyway. He’s a man with only one objective: to achieve narcissistic supply, and the fame, influence and wealth it brings. He will say ANYTHING to get what he wants. He will wreck any system and mangle any logic. What does he care? Also, he has learned a remarkable truth about his cult slaves: they are even less able to detect contradictions than he is, and they care even less. They just want to be in a cult and send money and adoration to Corey Rebhahn. That’s the MEANING of their life. That’s how they feel important. They can invent ANY justification for their mindless support of Corey Rebhahn, and they do. All that really counts is that they are Woke as fuck, and he postures as the Woke messiah, and so they worship him.
Let’s go through it again for those at the back (the Hyperians). You can’t, ontologically, be “One and Many”. That’s an ontological category error. You CAN’T be an eternal mind if reality is at some points a “One Mind” and at other points “Many Minds”. The definition of “mind” becomes impossible in these circumstances.
In ontological mathematics, all monads are eternal and necessary and never at any point become ontologically “One Mind”. They are a permanent Hive Mind. This Hive Mind has the property of functional, not ontological, unity at precisely zero entropy, and in any other state it is disunited (entropic). A universe begins with a mathematical entropic explosion (the Big Bang) and ends when all of this entropy is mathematically eliminated (via absolute convergence on zero entropy – the originating state). The analogy of a Rubik’s cube is a sufficient illustration. The zero-entropy “cube” scrambles itself, so to speak. Why? Because it is a living, dynamic “cube” and the “scrambling function” is built into it as part of its inherent mathematical properties. But so is the unscrambling function – which returns the cube to its original configuration. A universe is simply that which exists from the beginning of the scrambling to the end of the unscrambling.
In terms of ontological Fourier mathematics, the zero-entropy state is that of perfect eternal basis sinusoids. The entropic state is that of the spacetime domain generated from the zero-entropy state. Spacetime comes to an end via “stretching”. You have all heard of space expanding. Well, what does that mean? It means that constructed, mutable, temporal and contingent sinusoids (they are constructed from immutable eternal and necessary sinusoids) keep being stretched within the mathematics of the spacetime hologram, until they flatline. They have thus lost all of their energy and are “dead”. That means that the physical domain has come to an end, but will be regenerated by the next Big Bang, which follows on immediately. So, spacetime is the scrambling of the ontological Rubik’s cube, and the flatlining of spacetime is the unscrambling of it.
It’s important to point out that the domain of Being – the real Rubik’s cube – stays the same forever. The domain of Becoming – a projected domain (of spacetime) – is the scrambled Rubik’s cube, which then solves itself by unscrambling itself. It’s all in the math! Natch. Basically, Being MUST generate Becoming, and Becoming MUST return to Being. The mathematics of the coupled domains (within a mathematical monism) demands it.
Reality would not exist if ontological mathematics did not exist, and it would not behave as it does if ontological Fourier mathematics did not have the properties it does.
Rebhahn hilariously talks about the One Mind being “bored” and “introducing difference” and creating – what out of thin air?! – many minds (monads, no less – even though you CANNOT create monads … they are eternal and necessary). And the purpose of these creations is, so we are told, to “explore diversity”, even though all the minds apparently come back together again, so doesn’t that mean that they are rejecting diversity and seeking unity? Don’t ask Rebhahn or any of his slaves. They only care about their chosen, insane Woke narrative.
Rebhahn, a self-designated non-binary, seems to have a non-binary cosmology regarding mind. Sometimes “you” are One Mind (in which case “you” don’t actually exist, of course), sometimes you are one of Many Minds, sometimes both, and sometimes neither. You know how it goes with non-binary “logic”. Rebhahn is determined to impose his non-binary mental illness on reality itself.
You CANNOT be an eternal mind if your base ontological status ever changes. You cannot be an individual mind – one of Many – at one point, and then ONE Universal MIND, with no other minds, at some other point. CATEGORY ERROR.
Monads are ETERNAL AND NECESSARY. They can never change their ontological status … by definition. But hey, what does Corey Rebhahn care, or his No.1 slave, Dyslexic Fairy? People such as these – malignant narcissists always playing games with people – have zero interest in truth, in logic and reason. They just say whatever they think sounds good, and will be popular and make them look good and worthwhile. These people, deep down, are totally fucked, so they have to create a FALSE SELF to conceal the truth.
Rebhahn says that AS ETERNAL MINDS (which we obviously can’t be in Hyperianism!), “all of us go through many bodies, many avatars, across lifetimes…” That can be true only if the monadic – HIVE MIND – worldview applies, but Rebhahn hates the Hive Mind. The One Mind worldview necessarily entails that “selves” are illusions, and the task of life is therefore to escape the illusion and return to the non-illusory order – THE ONE MIND. Yet Rebhahn completely rejects the Buddhist idea of trying to achieve liberation from the illusory world. As ever, he constantly contradicts himself. Even in his own terms, he talks about multiplicity returning to Unity, so he is actually supporting the Buddhist worldview that we must be restored to UNITY, hence our individual existence is negated. Our individuality is WRONG! It’s an illusion. And so Rebhahn should of course be supporting UNITY, not DIVERSITY … if the task is to restore the One Mind. But that’s the opposite of what Rebhahn wants to say.
Rebhahn has one message and one message only: DIVERSITY. He even wants metaphysics itself to be about diversity, yet it’s actually all about zero diversity, zero entropy. Reality itself contradicts Rebhahn! Reality is about ELIMINATING entropy, eliminating diversity. Oops!
Rebhahn says that “we learn, grow, and understand” via all these avatar lifetimes. Do we? The Hegelian dialectic says otherwise. Plenty of people are absolutely opposed to the truth and stuck in false beliefs. They are the antithesis. Hyperianism is the antithesis. It opposes the TRUTH. Hyperians DON’T learn, DON’T grow, and DON’T understand. They take the side of lies and campaign AGAINST the truth. They are the force of regression, of anti-evolution, of degeneration. They are anomics and anarchists who oppose the General Will at all times. They are those of whom Rousseau said,
“They must be forced to be free.”
Hegel himself said,
“Only one man ever understood me, and he didn’t understand me.”
Hyperians have inverted Hegel and made him an anti-Statist opposed to wholeness, completeness and unity! Hegel said,
“Man is free, this is certainly the substantial nature of man; and not only is this liberty not relinquished in the state, but it is actually in the state that it is first realized. The freedom of nature, the gift of freedom, is not anything real; for the state is the first realization of freedom.”

Hegel – supposedly Rebhahn’s “favorite philosopher” is as far from Hyperianism as it’s possible to get. Seriously. Hegel would be utterly REPULSED by Rebhahn and how he twists and mutilates Hegelian philosophy, once the core of Illuminism before it was replaced by the mathematized Leibnizian Monadology (ont math).
Let’s just quote some statements of Hegel picked out by right-wing libertarians to utterly condemn him (you can be sure that the retard Dyslexic Fairy would never send any of these quotes to Rebhahn to be read out on a deadstream … because they totally contradict Rebhahn’s entire ideology):
“The Nation State is spirit in its … actuality … it is therefore the absolute power on earth. … The State is the Spirit of the People itself. The actual State is animated by this spirit … The self-consciousness of one particular Nation is the vehicle for the … development of the collective spirit; … in it, the Spirit of the Time invests its Will. Against this Will, other national minds have no rights: that Nation dominates the World.”(From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Law, § 331)
“All the worth which the human being possesses – all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State. … For Truth is the Unity of the universal and subjective Will; and The Universal is to be found in the State, in its laws, its universal and rational arrangements. The State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth. We have in it, therefore, the object of History in a more definite shape than before; that in which Freedom obtains objectivity, and lives in the enjoyment of this objectivity. … When the State of our country constitutes a community of existence; when the subjective will of man submits to laws, the contradiction between Liberty and Necessity vanishes. The Rational has necessary existence, as being the reality and substance of things, and we are free in recognizing it as law, and following it as the substance of our own being. The objective and subjective will are then reconciled, and present one identical homogenized whole.”“The State is the realization of the ethical idea. It is the ethical spirit as revealed, self-conscious, substantial will. It is the will which thinks and knows itself, and carries out what it knows, and in so far as it knows. The unreflected existence of the State rests on custom, and it’s reflected on the self-consciousness of the individual, in return, has his substantial freedom in the State, as the essence, purpose, and product of his activity.”“The true State is the ethical whole and the realization of freedom. It is the absolute purpose of reason that freedom should be realized. … The State is the march of God through the World, its ground is the power of reason realizing itself as will.”“We must … worship the State as the manifestation of the Divine on Earth.”(From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of History in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 388-89)
“In civilized nations, true bravery consists in the readiness to give oneself wholly to the service of the State so that the individual counts but as one among many. Not personal valor alone is significant; the important aspect lies in self-subordination to the universal cause.”(From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Law in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 443-444, 447.)
[The EXACT opposite of Hyperianism!]
“A State is well-constituted and internally powerful, when the private interest of its citizens is one with the common interest of the State; when the one finds its gratification and realization in the other.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Law in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), p. 465.
[Again, the EXACT opposite of Hyperianism!]
“The origin of a State involves imperious lordship on the one hand, instinctive submission on the other. Obedience – Lordly power, and the fear inspired by a ruler – in itself implies some degree of voluntary connection … it is not the isolated will of individuals that prevails; individual pretensions are relinquished, and the general will is the essential bond of political union.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of History in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), p. 369.
[Yet again, the EXACT opposite of Hyperianism!]
“A single person, it hardly needs saying, is something subordinate, and as such he must dedicate himself to the ethical whole [this whole being the Nation].”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of History in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), p. 398.
[The LAST thing Rebhahn would ever say!]
“The really living totality, that which preserves, and continually produces, the State and its constitution, is the Government. In the Government, regarded as an organic totality, the Sovereign Power or Principate is … the all sustaining, all decreeing Will of the State, its highest peak and all pervasive unity. In the perfect form of the State in which each and every element … has reached its free existence, this will is that of one actual decreeing individual; it is monarchy [really the PHILOSOPHER KING OR QUEEN). The monarchical constitution is therefore the constitution of developed reason; and all other constitutions belong to lower grades of development and the self-realization of reason.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Law, § 70L.
“Freedom can exist only where individuality is recognized as having its positive and real existence in the Divine Being. … On this account it is that the State rests on Religion … obedience to King and Law so naturally follows in the train of reverence for God. … The form of Religion, therefore, decides that of the State and its constitution.”
From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Mind in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 252-53.
“That citizens are equal before the law contains a great truth. But expressed in this way, it is only a tautology; it only states in general that a legal status exists, that the laws rule. But to be more concrete, the citizens … are equal before the law only in the points in which they are equal outside the law also. Only that equality which they possess in property, age, etc. … can deserve equal treatment before … the law.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of History in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 404-05.
“The constitutions under which World Historical Peoples have reached their culmination, are peculiar to them; and therefore do not present a generally applicable political basis.”“The so-called Representative Constitution is that form of government with which we connect the idea of a free constitution, and this notion has become a rooted prejudice. On this theory People and Government are separated. But there is a perversity in this antithesis; an ill-intentioned ruse designed to insinuate that the People are the totality of the State.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Mind in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 248f.
“The question ‘To whom … belongs the power of making a constitution?’ is the same as ‘Who has to make the Spirit of a Nation?’ Separate your idea of a constitution from that of a collective spirit … and your fancy proves how superficially you have apprehended the nexus [between the two] … It is the indwelling spirit and the history of the Nation – which is that Spirit’s history – by which constitutions have been made and are made.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of History in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 399-401.
“The many … whom one chooses to call the people, are indeed a collection, but only as a multitude, a formless mass, whose movement and action would be elemental, irrational, savage, and terrible.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Mind in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 251ff.
[Totally applicable to Rebhahn and his Hyperian cult slaves!]
“Public opinion deserves … to be esteemed as much as to be despised; to be despised for its concrete consciousness and expression, to be esteemed for its essential fundamental principle, which only shines, more or less dimly, through its concrete expression.”“The definition of the freedom of the press as freedom to say and write what one pleases, is parallel to the one of freedom in general, viz., as freedom to do what one pleases. Such a view belongs to the uneducated crudity and superficiality of naïve thinking.”“When it is contrasted with the sovereignty of the monarch, the phrase ‘sovereignty of the people’ turns out to be merely one of those confused notions which arise from the wild idea of the ‘people’. Without its monarch … the people are just a formless multitude.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Law in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 457, 461-62.
“In public opinion all is false and true, but to discover the truth in it is the business of the great man. The great man of his time is he who expresses the will and the meaning of that time, and then brings it to completion; he acts according to the inner spirit and essence of his time, which he realizes. And he who does not understand how to despise public opinion, as it makes itself heard here and there, will never accomplish anything great.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Law, § 279.
[We must despise WOKE OPINION – that of Rebhahn and his cult slaves.]
“The laws of morality are not accidental, but are essentially Rational. It is the very object of the State that what is essential in the practical activity of men, and in their dispositions, should be duly recognized; that it should have a manifest existence, and maintain its position. It is the absolute interest of Reason that this moral Whole should exist; and herein lies the justification and merit of heroes who have founded states…”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Law in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), p. 461.
“Such are all great historical men, whose own particular aims involve those large issues which are the will of the World Spirit. … World historical men – the Heroes of an epoch – must be recognized as its clear-sighted ones; their deeds, their words are the best of that time. Great men have formed purposes to satisfy themselves, not others.”“Princes are generally unhappy on their thrones … The Free Man … is not envious, but gladly recognizes what is great and exalted, and rejoices that it exists.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of History in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), p. 388.
“War has the deep meaning that by it the ethical health of nations is preserved and their finite aims uprooted. And as the winds which sweep over the ocean prevent decay that would result from its perpetual calm, so war protects the people from the corruption which an everlasting peace would bring upon it. History shows phases which illustrate how successful wars have checked internal unrest and have strengthened the entire stability of the State. Not only do nations issue forth invigorated from their wars, but those nations torn by internal strife, win peace at home as a result of war abroad.”From G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of History in Jacob Loewenberg (ed.), Hegel: Selections (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1929), pp. 376-80.
[So much for the laughable pacificism of Rebhahn and his Hyperian cult slaves.]
These quotes of course entirely support our all-powerful, positive liberty State meritocracy, reflecting the General Will.
Understanding Hegel, and reality, is PROFOUNDLY difficult, and most people are not in the game. Hegel specifically said that only the conceptual-thinking philosophers ever got to reach Absolute Knowledge. The picture-thinking religions and spiritual types were stuck with primitive ideas and a primitive notion of Truth.
Hyperians are infantile picture thinkers. They cannot cope with conceptualism.
IT IS DISGUSTING HOW MUCH THIS SICK INDIVIDUAL COREY REBHAHN TWISTS HEGEL. And it is disgusting too that the halfwit Dyslexic Fairy quotes HEGEL. Hegel was all about ABSOLUTE STATE POWER. Karl Popper explicitly condemned Hegel as an enemy of “open society”.
Wikipedia says,
“The Open Society and Its Enemies is a work on political philosophy by the philosopher Karl Popper, in which the author presents a ‘defense of the open society against its enemies’, and offers a critique of theories of teleological historicism, according to which history unfolds inexorably according to universal laws. Popper indicts Plato, Hegel, and Marx for relying on historicism to underpin their political philosophies.”
NO ONE WOULD BE MORE OPPOSED TO HYPERIAN “DIVERSITY” THAN HEGEL!!! Hegel has even been branded an antisemite and proto-N**i, yet this is the philosopher now presented as emblematic of Hyperian teleological thinking. Rebhahn even blabbers about a “teleocracy”. WTF! Teleology has only one direction of travel and it is the uttermost elimination of … you’ve guessed it … DIVERSITY!
Remember, there are infinite wrong answers to existence, and only one right answer. The GOD GAME – arriving at the One answer … the God Answer – is about rejecting the infinite wrong answers and reaching the right answer. That means NOT being “eclectic” and “diverse” and “open-minded”. You must be closed-minded to all falsehood and all false arguments, no matter, and especially, emotionally appealing they may be. The pursuit of the Truth is cold, clinical, austere, beautiful and sublime … and you yourself have to be of the gods to play the God Game. Hyperians are not. They worship a malignant narcissist and psychopath with zero qualifications who just talks absolute nonsense because he has zero grasp of difficult subjects!
Hyperians are the opposite of Illuminists, which is why the hate between these two groups is TOTAL. Illuminists use nothing of Hyperianism. Hyperians have stolen Illuminism’s answer to existence and totally corrupted it. So, Illuminists are honest, moral people, of integrity, while Hyperians are dishonest, immoral people with no integrity at all.
Hyperians are filth, pure and simple … vermin from the deepest sewers, that found an outlet in Los Angeles, the most disgusting and degenerate city on earth.
Anyway, tomorrow … the third sentence. Isn’t it amazing that hundreds of people can go on believing in 100% disproven garbage? Oh wait, that’s exactly the same as Abrahamism. Can anyone spot any difference between Hyperians and Abrahamists? They ignore 100% of what is inconvenient to their faith. They produce nonsense arguments to defend their silly beliefs. They relentlessly troll and then ignore their legitimate critics pointing out all their fallacies. Their worship of their God is total, absolute, mindless and blind. He can do no wrong. He is inerrant. He is held to be the source of infallible revelation.
Hyperianism is a totally toxic scene, reserved for the seriously mentally ill. Just look at the members of this sick, degenerate cult. Their degeneration communicates itself in 100% of what they say and do. Not once has ANYONE in Hyperianism, and especially not Corey Rebhahn himself, ever tried to defend Hyperianism intellectually. It cannot be defended. It’s total garbage, ideologically invented by a sick pervert to justify his sick perversions, which are legion. This man/not-man will definitely end up behind bars. Justice will be done.
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs