The Synthesized



10/25/2022 Post #1
We have been analyzing the Hyperian Revenant document over the last few days. Now we come to the last section, regarding the “Synthesized”.
Here’s what the document says:
The Synthesized are extremely powerful Revenants that have synthesized the Shadow and Nova sides. These levels are awarded on a case-by-case basis as decided by House members.
Hmmm, who are the “House members”? Probs Morguey Boy himself. He promoted anyone who agreed with him, and blocked everyone else.
The document continues:
Overseer is a synthesis of Aspirant and Vindicator. It requires the completion of the requirements of these classes as well as showing skills in leadership, selecting optimal targets for commenting, strategizing etc. Overseer commands and coordinates Revenants, selecting targets to comment on, blogs to attack etc.
Hmmmm, OVERSEERS? That’s an exceptionally ill-starred term to use. Pure Old World Order stuff. Note that the document explicitly refers to attacking blogs. So, there was nothing nice and pacifist about this organization. Isn’t it hilarious how Morgue – a person absolutely consumed by hate – now pretends to promote “niceness”? As we never tire of saying, the people promoting love and light ALWAYS reflect the darkest and deepest shadows. It’s the psychological law. That’s why Woke people are such monsters. They are the People of the Shadow, operating in the sickest, most disingenuous and manipulative ways. These people belong to what Nietzsche called the “priestly caste”, always trying to psychologically exploit individuals to serve their own ends.
Nathan Hohipuha wrote, “Originally, the knightly-aristocratic class – the courageous, healthy, prideful, strong, beautiful, honorable, powerful; i.e. those Nietzsche calls the noble – were the ruling caste and they defined the ‘good’ with reference to their own qualities. ‘Bad’ then, was, purely by definition, the opposite; i.e. the meek, sick, humble, weak, and poor. Note that there are no ethical arguments given here, no appeals to rationality or logic. The good is good because the ‘nobles’, by fiat, deem it so. … The priestly caste, on the other hand, were subordinate to the nobles and therefore unable to raise themselves up and inflict suffering on them the way they inflicted suffering on the priests. Nietzsche calls this desire, but inability, to hurt others ressentiment. Their solution was to effect a moral revolt; the infamous slave revolt in morality. What this entailed was inverting the moral values of the nobles. ‘Good’ became the humble, meek, and sick, while ‘bad’ was the healthy, strong, and beautiful. In addition, they renamed the opposite of ‘good’, from ‘bad’ to ‘evil’. This was presumably because the word ‘bad’ wasn’t strong enough. ‘Bad’ sounds more like a contingent description of a single action or behavior whereas ‘evil’ seems first, aimed at the core of the person (not just an action) and second, a permanent trait (i.e. not something contingent or changeable).”
Think of how to improve the lot of women in the world. A philosophy of strength says that it wants women to be Maenads and Amazonians – strong, powerful, and self-determining – who will tear men to shreds if they try to bully and dominate women. You create a world of Superwomen standing alongside Supermen, with the world getting stronger and stronger, healthier and healthier. It’s SPARTA. (Plato loved the Spartan system, but wanted to go beyond militaristic Sparta by creating a new intellectual and cultural Sparta).
What’s the Woke game? It’s to declare masculinity “toxic” and then to make all men weak and pathetic so that they can never be a threat to anyone. The world becomes weaker and weaker, sicker and sicker. It becomes an anti-Sparta, for Last Men and Last Women.
To see how pathetic and degenerate Woke World is, just look at Hyperianism. There are no Maenads and Amazonians in there. Such women would eat Morguey Boy alive. Only the most submissive and docile women hang around in Hyperianism, where they get to worship a “male” God. Not a masculine male God, of course, but an androgynous “male” God. The Woke are totally in love with androgyny. Rather inconveniently, Dionysus was rather androgynous, but that quality was chosen to emphasize his strangeness, his otherness, his unpredictability – and makes perfect sense in that context. Sadly, Rebhahn was very keen on Dionysus exactly because he was androgynous.
What the world needs is strong women and strong men. What the Woke want are androgynous individuals, neither male nor female, but both. You know how it goes with “non-binary” Morguey. He says he sometimes feels both male and female, sometimes neither male nor female, sometimes more masculine and sometimes more feminine. Sheez.
This, he believes, is the optimal human state! Hyperianism, once you look closely at the Woke drivel Rebhahn is preaching, is all about androgynous individuals such as Rebhahn himself being hailed as higher humanity, or even beyond humanity, somehow “balancing” male and female “energy” and thus correcting all the flaws of humanity, which, in Rebhahn’s mad view, flow from MASCULINE ENERGY. Rebhahn – who loathes masculine men – is exactly like the Christian priests for whom Nietzsche had so much scorn.
Nietzsche said, “We should not deck out and embellish Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man, it has put all the deepest instincts of this type under its ban, it has developed its concept of evil, of the Evil One himself, out of these instincts — the strong man as the typical reprobate, the ‘outcast among men.’ Christianity has taken the part of all the weak, the low, the botched; it has made an ideal out of antagonism to all the self-preservative instincts of sound life; it has corrupted even the faculties of those natures that are intellectually most vigorous, by representing the highest intellectual values as sinful, as misleading, as full of temptation. The most lamentable example: the corruption of Pascal, who believed that his intellect had been destroyed by original sin, whereas it was actually destroyed by Christianity!”
Wokeness is simply the new Christianity and Woke influencers such as Rebhahn are the new priestly caste, railing against the strong. Christian business as usual. Look at the Hyperian scene – full of weirdo, weak androgynous types who have all bonded with Rebhahn over his androgynous Woke ideology, which they all share.
Maenads and Amazonians are the glorious antidote to Wokeness. They are the divine feminine come to life. They are Sophia – goddess of wisdom – embodied. The task is for women and men in partnership to elevate women to where they ought to be (to correct the historical errors that obstructed their progress), not to drag men down. We all need to be leveling up, not down.
Rebhahn’s androgynous ideology is grotesque since it’s getting rid of what is great about women and men and instead creating a horrible mush where the feminine and masculine have been blended into something no longer recognizable as human nature, and all the delights and powers of the feminine and masculine have been lost. We want to maximize the delights and powers of the feminine and masculine, not eliminate them, as non-binary Rebhahn desires. Non-binary Rebhahn actually believes he is the future of humanity. In fact, he is the extinction of humanity. Hyperianism is a scene of the utmost degeneration, wholly opposed to human nature and wishing to create some kumbaya, Woke Christian “paradise” of androgynous Last Humans.
The Hyperian Revenant document concludes as follows:
As a synthesis of Creator and Presourcer, this requires the completion of the Creator class, and unlocking level 2 of Presourcer. The Frequency Shifter creates powerful catalysts imbued with Hyperian ideology in order to shift the frequency, alter the mental patterns, of those that experience it.
  • Creator Level 3
  •  Presourcer Level 2
Archetypes, being the synthesis of Diffractor, Creator, and Sourcer, are extremely powerful, autonomous individuals who have created themselves into a living Catalyst that is seen by the masses. They are a source of inspiration, an exemplar Hyperian, an optimal pattern that others tune into.
This is what all Revenants should aspire to be. An army of Hyperian Archetypes would be literally unstoppable. A collection of Minds of this caliber would sweep all before it like ashes from a grave.
The time for action is now. Do your part. Embark on Project Fallen Star. Unite the scattered Hyperians together. The dawn of the Hyperian age is in your hands.
May your Will be strong. Sacred starlight shines in our eyes. It’s time to set the world ablaze.
Final Note on Individual Action:
If you are not part of the W.A.R. Room, as a Revenant you are encouraged to study this Codex on your own as a guide to furthering Projects Fallen Star and optimizing yourself. However, you may not claim to have unlocked any achievements or levels. These are only awarded in the W.A.R. Room.”
You can see that “Revenant Hyperianism” – although it too contained a lot of Morgue’s crap – was nevertheless very different from the non-binary Woke Hyperianism of today.
Revenant Hyperianism – completely cleared of all of Rebhahn’s malignant influence – could actually be made into something half-decent. A lot of people who came to Hyperianism glimpsed some powerful things in there. But all of that stuff has been purged, leaving just dreary, moralizing, sermonizing Wokeness – weak and pathetic – where all that happens is that Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is now delivered from a plush Hollywood apartment belonging to Corey Rebhahn, and instead of Jesus feeding the weak and meek 5000, the weak and meek 5000 feed “Jesus” (Rebhahn) with as much money as they can send. What an utterly grotesque scene.
Hyperianism, now, is anti-Sparta, anti-Maenads, anti-Nietzsche, and anti-Illuminism. It’s saccharine drivel for the dregs of humanity, for the new Christians – the WOKE.
Nietzsche wrote, “The problem that I set here is not what shall replace mankind in the order of living creatures (—man is an end—): but what type of man must be bred, must be willed, as being the most valuable, the most worthy of life, the most secure guarantee of the future. This more valuable type has appeared often enough in the past: but always as a happy accident, as an exception, never as deliberately willed. Very often it has been precisely the most feared; hitherto it has been almost the terror of terrors;— and out of that terror the contrary type has been willed, cultivated and attained: the domestic animal, the herd animal, the sick brute-man—the Christian…”
We could simply replace “Christian” with “Hyperian” – the herd animal, the sick human, still being manipulated by the degenerate priest-caste, rebranded as “influencers”.
Delenda est Hyperianism!