The Hyperian Woke Maniacs



(9/23/2022) Post #3
The Woke Maniacs
It’s essential to understand the implications of the insane complaint the Corey gang made to the FBI.
Let’s examine the facts. We issued a book denouncing Hyperianism as a sinister cult shamelessly plagiarizing our work, and many people then left Hyperianism, to the uncontrollable FURY of the cult leadership.
When two of the mods also subsequently left Hyperianism, the cult leadership became APOPLECTIC … and DERANGED. All five were triggered to the maximum degree and were frantic for revenge. (Ya gotta love these “hyperaware World Shapers” who gloriously rise above the trials and tribulations of the world – NOT! Fuck, these people can’t WAIT to retaliate with all their strength, or rather the strength of those they complain to, such as law enforcement, to get them to do something.)
It’s what the Corey gang did next that defies belief. Rather than accept any criticism at all from the AC/PI – from whom, let’s not forget they got ALL of their key ideas – they declared the AC/PI bigots, haters, transphobes, fascists and Na**s. They further declared the AC/PI a HATE GROUP and a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, radicalizing people to KILL (!!!)
Hyperians and Woke liberals. And they didn’t treat this manifest nonsense as just their ludicrous subjective opinion and hysterical speculation, but as an incontestably true fact, existing in the objective world. One with which, they believed, more or less everyone in the world would agree! They thought that what they claimed about the AC/PI was so unquestionably true that it should immediately be communicated to the FBI, no less, for worldwide action to be taken against the AC/PI, and for a former mod and another former senior Hyperian to be JAILED before they could mount supposed AC/PI assassinations (!!!).
Why did all this bonkers crap get sent to the FBI to trigger an instant response from them?!
A book that the Corey gang utterly despised – because it was all about them being a demented cult, plagiarizing and completely twisting OUR WORK.
This FBI business is what Woke World is all about. Insane liberals are so convinced by their own bullshit that they believe all of their perverted beliefs are true and factual and cannot be argued with. Anyone who does dare to argue is immediately declared a bigot, a hater and a terrorist, terrorizing and wishing to kill the Woke. The VICTIM CARD is played instantly and relentlessly, and it is DEMANDED that the highest authorities take action against anyone who criticizes the Woke, and especially any exotic Woke minority.
You literally cannot argue with these people. If you say ANYTHING against them, they’re straight on the phone to the FBI. FFS!
How can normal people live in such a world? Well, we won’t! We refuse to. A huge war (legal note … this is rhetorical not literal … we must qualify everything now that the insane Woke morality police are everywhere … are we living in fucking Woke Iran?!!!) is going to be waged against these lunatic Woke people and everything they cherish.
THESE PEOPLE ARE DESTROYING THEMSELVES. They are making the whole world despise them, and they are the exact reason why more and more people are tracking right, which is of course horrific to all left wingers. And all because of these WOKE lunatics and their toxically mad beliefs and demands, which will NEVER be met in the real world. The worst of these loonies are the Hyperian cultists who actually believe that the Woke are a master race who must not be fucked with and can rely on the FBI to serve as their “army”. The Hyperians are led by an absolute nutjob who believes he is the Terror of Men. We’ll see how that works out for him when he’s in jail!
This insanity must end. And it will when the Hyperian leaders go to jail for the felony of making up the biggest load of horseshit ever to feed to the FBI. It’s incredibly disturbing that what they said was taken seriously for even one second! A formal inquiry ought to be held into why the FBI were duped by an insane cult. Was it because Rebhahn’s dad belongs to the cop fraternity? Something really stinks here. It’s incredible that this farce is still ongoing given that it is now absolutely proven that the Corey gang got the FBI to act just a few short weeks ago on the basis of a jokey comment made about POTUS TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO! Someone has to answer for that.
We did nothing wrong. The former mod did nothing wrong. He is 100% innocent, as is the other former senior Hyperian phoned directly by an FBI special agent. All of this happened purely because a bunch of five mentally ill, delusional, hysterical Woke people made it happen. They MUST be held accountable for their SWATTING hoax.
ALL of the criminality flowed from an astonishing Hate Group of Woke fanatics – the Hyperian cultists – who oppose and despise normality itself.
Can you imagine – these Corey gang sick fucks were high-fiving each other when they heard that their former mod had been SWATTED, and another former colleague directly phoned by an FBI special agent.
Well, we will be high-fiving when all of the Corey gang go to jail for what they did, for their criminal lies about us and our allies, and especially about their former mod, who was on the sharp end of the total insanity of these fiends and maniacs. Any member of the Corey gang who thinks they are escaping the consequences of what they did is demented. This is not going away.
If anyone wanted the clearest example of how dangerous the Woke are, now they have it!
By the way, you all know that ridiculous profile picture Morgen Night uses. It always makes us think of a mad person in a padded cell playing an invisible piano, or forgetting which hand to scratch his bourgeois ass with! What will his profile pic be once he’s in jail?