The Wounded Healer?



The Wounded Healer
Is there any greater myth than that of the wounded healer? If you had cancer, and went to see a consultant, you would have no expectation that they must have had cancer too in order to help you. When you go to see a doctor, you expect them to know lots about illnesses – but not to have had all those illnesses.
For some reason, when it comes to psychology, people want the “healer” to already have gone through the problem. So, Morgy Porgy always goes on about “religious trauma syndrome” and starts weeping, and so on, and claiming that he is still “triggered”. And his followers weep too and send him even more money and even more love – exactly the things he craves, to which he is addicted. Is the “healer” healing anyone or simply exploiting those fool enough to listen to him, to succumb to his latest grifting tactic.
All of these “RTS” people are simply RE-TRAUMATIZING themselves, hence are making their condition worse. If you want to cure yourself of RTS don’t ever talk about it! Break the circuit. Move to a completely different, healthy scene where no one has ever had RTS and no one ever refers to it. Rather than reinforcing all of your RTS circuits by always banging on about it, let these circuits atrophy and fade into oblivion.
But of course, we’re sidestepping the big point here – these people DO NO WANT TO BE CURED. Narcissists are obsessed with talking about themselves. They get off on it. They like posturing and playing the sympathy card and the victim card, and winning pity and compassion from others. They love the attention and the “community”. Voltaire famously said, “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him.” We can apply that to most things. “If RTS did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it.” And a psychopath like Morgy Porgy is just the person to invent it – as a brilliant grifting opportunity.
Don’t be taken in by these people. Don’t be taken in by yourself. Realize what your true motives are. Everyone can step away from the past if they want to, but do they want to? There are so many excuses people can make for themselves if they always harp on about “RTS” and all such things. They can blame all their failures on it. How wonderful. They don’t have to blame themselves!
Henri J. M. Nouwen said, “The great illusion of leadership is to think that man can be led out of the desert by someone who has never been there.”
Actually, the great illusion of leadership is to think that the man who led you into the desert is the man to lead you out. Choose a smart leader who knows not to lead you into the desert in the first place!
Isn’t it amazing that no movie has ever been made about the Hebrews wandering around in the desert for FORTY YEARS? Given that life expectancy was below forty years, the idea is that everyone who was led to “freedom” by Moses died before reaching the Promised Land, including Moses himself. What kind of leader is that – the Great Exterminator? What kind of EXODUS was that? – the Exodus to DEATH. Many of these people would have had better lives back in Egypt!
Did all of the Hebrews suffer from RTS? Are they still suffering from it? People don’t talk about Zeus as if he were real. Why do they still talk about Jehovah is if he were real? And how can you be traumatized by things you know to be unreal? No one who disbelieves in hell worries about hell – EVER. To say that you have RTS and get “triggered” actually means that you still believe in all that shit. Stop believing in it, stop talking about, and then you won’t have RTS anymore. Simple.
But we all know how the “healing” industry works. No one is ever to be healed because then those that profit from the healing PROCESS would cease to have power over you. The priest must not cure your sinfulness because then you would have no further need of the priest. Morgy Porgy needs his cultists to always be in need of him. Anyone who became “hyperaware” would say, “Well, who the fuck needs Morgy Porgy?” But of course Morgy Porgy isn’t teaching hyperawareness, but the illusion, the propaganda, of hyperawareness. That guy hasn’t even mastered self-awareness. But he has certainly mastered fleecing the sheep for all their worth, and that is his actual game.
Think about it. When Morger Porger does a three-hour livestream, two hours are devoted to grifting, and then the other hour involves him lazily reading out some online article he glanced at just before the livestream began, over which he superimposes his New Age Woke sermon. You all know how it goes: “Once we realize that we are all connected, we will stop hating on and harming each other. To harm another individual mind is like harming yourself because when looking from the perspective as a whole, we are as ONE mind.” Says the SWATTING expert. Says the lawsuit guy. Says the smear campaign guy. Says the cancelation guy. The hypocrisy of this person is so extreme, it’s a wonder he doesn’t spontaneously combust. This is a man consumed with hate, completely controlled by his complexes, and who, like Moses, can only lead his followers into the desert to die.
Someone posted on Morgue’s facebook page, “…I would like you to know I have a great love for you and see your work as vital for the collective ascension.”
That’s what the Hebrews said to Moses in Year One. By Year Forty, they had a very different opinion and murdered him! That’s what Sigmund Freud concluded (in “Moses and Monotheism”). Then they worshiped him. Well, that’s humanity for you.
Serge Daneault wrote, “The Greek myth of Chiron, the centaur from whose name chirurgie is derived in French and surgery is derived in English, can help us to understand. The Greek gods Apollo and Artemis taught medicine to Chiron. Chiron was wounded by an arrow from Heracles’ bow. He did not die (because gods are immortal); instead, he suffered excruciating pain for the rest of his eternal days. It was because of his grievous wound that Chiron became known as a legendary healer in ancient Greece. Chiron later took an orphaned child, Esculapius, into his care. The son of Apollo and a mortal, Coronis, Esculapius had been spared certain death when Apollo snatched him from his dead mother’s breast just as she was about to burst into flames. The orphan was entrusted to Chiron, who taught him everything he knew about the healing arts. It was thus that Esculapius became one of the two founding fathers of Western medicine.
In 1951, Jung first used the term wounded healer. Jung believed that disease of the soul could be the best possible form of training for a healer. In a book published days before his death, Jung wrote that only a wounded physician could heal effectively. In so doing, Jung drew upon the myth of Chiron, making it one of the most fundamental archetypes of human history and modern medicine.”
Well, Chiron didn’t heal himself, did he – despite being a god! And what kind of god gets ill? Jung was probably schizoid and no doubt saw himself as a wounded healer. His vanity got the better of him. It’s the old empiricism game again – experience is critical, not reason and logic. We, however, are rationalists. We want healers who understand illness and how to treat it. We have no requirement of “healers” who have had the same illness, and can weep along with us and hold our hand and express their compassion, but don’t have a fucking clue how to treat the problem.
Seriously, if Morgy Porgy knew the first thing about “healing” RTS, why is he still suffering from it, why is he still “triggered”, why is he still weeping, and why the fuck would anyone who wanted to be rid of RTS listen to someone weeping because of his RTS? Come on people, get real. And address motivation. Morgy Porgy uses RTS as part of his grifting scam. Don’t you see that? There’s nothing honest about this person. It’s all manipulation and narcissism.
When Morgy Porgy talks about RTS, know that he is ALWAYS talking about his mother. Morgy Porgy’s entire life revolves around his calamitous relationship with his mother. His all-consuming complexes all derive from there. This “hyperaware” individual simply cannot face up to the central problem of his life. Hey Morgy Porgy, why don’t you do something real in your life for once – and go and see your mother Michelle in Montana, and tell her you love her. AND THEN YOU WILL BE CURED!
But that’s the last thing you would ever do. So, you found yourself a substitute mother – Susan Bitchell. And you get her to love you unconditionally. And you get unconditional love from all the other simps and gimps in your cult. But, of course, it’s all to no avail. Only your mother can cure you of your sickness, your disease.
Morgy Porgy said, “How did I start sword swallowing? I get asked this question a lot. I had a phobia of needles when I was a young child. It was very bad, to the point of passing out if I got a vaccination. To get over this fear I began piercing myself everyday. This led me to see how far I could push myself, which led to all the stunts in my repertoire. Constantly overcoming and pushing myself plays into all aspects of my life. Physically, it manifested in the form of stunts.”
But you couldn’t push yourself to go and see your own mother and have an adult conversation with her, could you?
Morgy Porgy said, “But this applies to the realms of thought as well. I am constantly pushing through mental boundaries, exploring the unexplored territories of the mind. The depths of the mind are limitless. I can show you what the body is capable of but I can’t show you what lies within the infinity of your soul. That you must see for yourself.”
And yet, for all your ludicrous self-propaganda, an infinite force field exists around your own mother, and you can’t go and see her and talk to her. SAD! Why don’t you push through the mental barrier, oh hyperaware one? You call yourself a World Shaper, yet you can’t even shape a conversation with the woman who gave birth to you. You are the most mother-fixated person on earth. You even tried to become your own mother, hence all that non-binary stuff. If your mother couldn’t supply you with female love, you’d supply it yourself, by becoming half-female yourself. Why didn’t you go the whole way and become transgender? Transgender women – such as ContraPoints – are so much healthier than you.
What is this non-binary game of being neither one thing nor the other? Hey Morgy Porgy, why don’t you do a deadstream on whether non-binaries are total traitors to the transgender community? And total cowards. Haven’t y’all realized that Morgy Porgy can go around as a man while claiming not to be a man, to be this other thing – the mysterious non-binary thing. Does he go to the men’s toilet? Why does he go there if he says he’s not a man?
Dollie Donatello said, “If Jan is non banana and takes testosterone and Corey is also non banana, why isn’t Corey taking estrogen? Isn’t he about balancing his energies 50 masc 50 fem? Why is he allowing Jan to do it but he doesn’t take hormones himself?”
Yes, indeed! Jan is committed to this, while Morgy Porgy … ISN’T. He ought to be telling everyone about his estrogen regime, and he should also wear dresses fifty percent of the time to balance those energies he talks about. He seems a very half-hearted non-binary (NON-BANANARY!!! – heeee). It’s almost as if he goes around as a man (to his maximum convenience), but likes to posture as this other entity (non-bananary Morgue) – because it helps his grifting and posing and Woke virtue signaling. It’s all cynical and tactical, with no authenticity. Look at how much more authentic ContraPoints is.
By the way, does Morguey Boy wear some sort of sarong?
Anthony Lake said, “Oh my fuck, more posts about JOLA, starring the usual suspects, nothing new for the hyper-gossip squad, or hate group! So much for the recent Hyperian anti-gossip, anti-drama meme posting. But that’s Hyperian ‘shadow work’ for you…Doh! I’ll interpret the comments, they actually read like this….Woof, woof. Squaaaaark!. Moo,moo,moo. Woof! Heehaw, Baaaa. Old MacMorguey had a cult, ee-i-ee-i-o….”
Yup, Old MacMorguey had a cult!!!
So, isn’t it remarkable to think that we have to go through all this strife because an adult man can’t go and make up with his mother?! An entire life can be decided by one critical relationship. Morgue needs a cult to give him the love and devotion he didn’t get maternally. All of his insane behavior has a single root – MOTHER.
Kurt Cobain had a tough childhood.

Wikipedia says, “When Cobain was nine years old, his parents divorced.  He later said the divorce had a profound effect on his life, and his mother noted that his personality changed dramatically; Cobain became defiant and withdrawn.  In a 1993 interview, he said he felt ‘ashamed’ of his parents as a child, and had desperately wanted to have a ‘typical family … I wanted that security, so I resented my parents for quite a few years because of that.’

Cobain’s parents found new partners after the divorce. Although his father had promised not to remarry, he married Jenny Westeby, to Kurt’s dismay. Cobain, his father, Westeby, and her two children, Mindy and James moved into the new household. Cobain liked Westeby at first, as she gave him the maternal attention he desired. In January 1979, Westeby gave birth to a boy, Chad Cobain. This new family, which Cobain insisted was not his real one, was in stark contrast to the attention Cobain was used to receiving as an only boy, and he became resentful of his stepmother. Cobain’s mother dated a man who was abusive; Cobain witnessed the domestic violence inflicted upon her, with one incident resulting in her being hospitalized with a broken arm. Wendy refused to press charges, remaining committed to the relationship.

Cobain behaved insolently toward adults during this period and began bullying another boy at school. His father and Westeby took him to a therapist, who concluded that he would benefit from a single-family environment.  Both sides of the family unsuccessfully attempted to reunite his parents. On June 28, 1979, Cobain’s mother granted full custody to his father. Cobain’s teenage rebellion quickly became overwhelming for his father, who placed him in the care of family and friends. While living with the born-again Christian family of his friend Jesse Reed, Cobain became a devout Christian and regularly attended church services. He later renounced Christianity, engaging in what was described as ‘anti-God’ rants. The song ‘Lithium’ is about his experience while living with the Reed family. Religion remained an important part of his personal life and beliefs.”

So, Cobain tried to find relief in music, heroin, Courtney Love, and fatherhood. None of it worked – so he killed himself. Rebhahn has been suicidal in the past, has been heavily into drugs and alcohol, has flirted with music and acting, and now is shored up by his cult, treating him as a god. It’s staggeringly unhealthy for him and them.
Everyone knows that Rebhahn will not have a happy future. This is a totally self-destructive person who has surrounded himself with the worst people unimaginable – those who unconditionally agree with him and so make all of his issues disastrously worse. The solution to Rebhahn’s life is MOTHER, but she’s the last person on earth Rebhahn would contact. (David Sinclair must be almost as radioactive for Rebhahn, and Karen also absolutely triggers him.)
In “My Most Heartbreaking Experience: DMT Trip Report”, Morguey Boy said, “There is nothing but me. There is only one entity in all of existence and that is … just me.”
That’s Narcissus right there! A normal person wouldn’t have this experience, but a pathological narcissist such as Rebhahn definitely would. Even without DMT, Rebhahn thinks everything is about him.
The fuckwit said, “The most heartbreaking experience of my life is described in my DMT experience. My encounter with an entity that was myself during a DMT breakthrough is described.”
Is that what happens when Morgue’s Anima directly encounters his Ego? When fuckwit meets fuckwit!
Lee Winston Daly said, “When I first saw this, I was repulsed. His heart was broken by…himself!! The fucking narcissistic vanity of this.”
Also, he was in love with HIMSELF! Most people would imagine meeting their loved one – their deepest romantic partner, the love of their life. But Morgy Porgy met himself and said, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” Seriously.
Take more DMT, fuckwit, and go and meet your mom! After all, she’s the actual person who haunts every part of your psyche. And she’s where your real heartbreak is located. MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER.
The halfwit said, “DMT entities are powerful archetypes burned within the collective unconscious. DMT trip stories can be highly personal, and I was hesitant to share this. I hope you all enjoy it. Since posting this some have asked if this was an encounter with my twin flame or if it could be considered twin flame story. I’ll have to leave the question of twin flames unanswered until I create another video. This was the ultimate connection and perfect love beyond space and time. Beyond even that which most people consider to be a ‘twin flame.'”
But Rebhahn didn’t meet anyone except himself. Fucking sad. But that’s what being non-bananary does to you! The “ultimate connection and perfect love beyond space and time” is, for Rebhahn, an encounter with himself! We all knew that was going to happen. Rebhahn is incapable of loving anyone else.
Lauren Winter said, “Blessed are the wounded, for they shall become healers.”
And tonight’s deadstream will also be total bollocks. The nutjob Corey Rebhahn will once again perform his insane show where he totally dissociates from reality, and all his goons go along with him.
Dollie Donatello said, “I always have to remind myself that Morgue is actually being possessed by unconscious forces otherwise hearing him always say ‘ask questions’ and then him not answering questions is a brainfuck.”
It really is amazing.
A famous meme says, “The most important quality for success in this business is sincerity. As soon as you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”
Rebhahn “sincerely” says that he is completely open and willing to answer any questions, while his whole operation involves being completed closed and shutting down any questions at all that would pose problems for Rebhahn. Most people would not be able to pull off this performance, this total hypocrisy, but it’s the easiest thing in the world for Rebhahn. Sometimes, you even imagine that he actually believes his lies while he’s telling them. You could imagine this dissociated psycho passing a lie detector test – he is so dissociated, he’s not sure what lies are, or he can assign them to a different alter, and adopt an alter that believes it can never lie.
Karen said, “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” could be renamed “Without the Slaves, There Is No Harem.”
Brilliant! Hyperianism is a circus for sure, but “harem” fits even better since it’s about a degenerate sultan (Rebhahn) having his pick of would-be lovers all competing for his affections and attention and wanting to be closer to him than all the others.
End this sickness. Bring this degeneration to an end. Close down the harem.