Henri J. M. Nouwen said, “The great illusion of leadership is to think that man can be led out of the desert by someone who has never been there.”
Someone posted on Morgue’s facebook page, “…I would like you to know I have a great love for you and see your work as vital for the collective ascension.”
Serge Daneault wrote, “The Greek myth of Chiron, the centaur from whose name chirurgie is derived in French and surgery is derived in English, can help us to understand. The Greek gods Apollo and Artemis taught medicine to Chiron. Chiron was wounded by an arrow from Heracles’ bow. He did not die (because gods are immortal); instead, he suffered excruciating pain for the rest of his eternal days. It was because of his grievous wound that Chiron became known as a legendary healer in ancient Greece. Chiron later took an orphaned child, Esculapius, into his care. The son of Apollo and a mortal, Coronis, Esculapius had been spared certain death when Apollo snatched him from his dead mother’s breast just as she was about to burst into flames. The orphan was entrusted to Chiron, who taught him everything he knew about the healing arts. It was thus that Esculapius became one of the two founding fathers of Western medicine.In 1951, Jung first used the term wounded healer. Jung believed that disease of the soul could be the best possible form of training for a healer. In a book published days before his death, Jung wrote that only a wounded physician could heal effectively. In so doing, Jung drew upon the myth of Chiron, making it one of the most fundamental archetypes of human history and modern medicine.”
Morgy Porgy said, “How did I start sword swallowing? I get asked this question a lot. I had a phobia of needles when I was a young child. It was very bad, to the point of passing out if I got a vaccination. To get over this fear I began piercing myself everyday. This led me to see how far I could push myself, which led to all the stunts in my repertoire. Constantly overcoming and pushing myself plays into all aspects of my life. Physically, it manifested in the form of stunts.”
Morgy Porgy said, “But this applies to the realms of thought as well. I am constantly pushing through mental boundaries, exploring the unexplored territories of the mind. The depths of the mind are limitless. I can show you what the body is capable of but I can’t show you what lies within the infinity of your soul. That you must see for yourself.”
Dollie Donatello said, “If Jan is non banana and takes testosterone and Corey is also non banana, why isn’t Corey taking estrogen? Isn’t he about balancing his energies 50 masc 50 fem? Why is he allowing Jan to do it but he doesn’t take hormones himself?”
Anthony Lake said, “Oh my fuck, more posts about JOLA, starring the usual suspects, nothing new for the hyper-gossip squad, or hate group! So much for the recent Hyperian anti-gossip, anti-drama meme posting. But that’s Hyperian ‘shadow work’ for you…Doh! I’ll interpret the comments, they actually read like this….Woof, woof. Squaaaaark!. Moo,moo,moo. Woof! Heehaw, Baaaa. Old MacMorguey had a cult, ee-i-ee-i-o….”
Wikipedia says, “When Cobain was nine years old, his parents divorced. He later said the divorce had a profound effect on his life, and his mother noted that his personality changed dramatically; Cobain became defiant and withdrawn. In a 1993 interview, he said he felt ‘ashamed’ of his parents as a child, and had desperately wanted to have a ‘typical family … I wanted that security, so I resented my parents for quite a few years because of that.’
Cobain’s parents found new partners after the divorce. Although his father had promised not to remarry, he married Jenny Westeby, to Kurt’s dismay. Cobain, his father, Westeby, and her two children, Mindy and James moved into the new household. Cobain liked Westeby at first, as she gave him the maternal attention he desired. In January 1979, Westeby gave birth to a boy, Chad Cobain. This new family, which Cobain insisted was not his real one, was in stark contrast to the attention Cobain was used to receiving as an only boy, and he became resentful of his stepmother. Cobain’s mother dated a man who was abusive; Cobain witnessed the domestic violence inflicted upon her, with one incident resulting in her being hospitalized with a broken arm. Wendy refused to press charges, remaining committed to the relationship.
Cobain behaved insolently toward adults during this period and began bullying another boy at school. His father and Westeby took him to a therapist, who concluded that he would benefit from a single-family environment. Both sides of the family unsuccessfully attempted to reunite his parents. On June 28, 1979, Cobain’s mother granted full custody to his father. Cobain’s teenage rebellion quickly became overwhelming for his father, who placed him in the care of family and friends. While living with the born-again Christian family of his friend Jesse Reed, Cobain became a devout Christian and regularly attended church services. He later renounced Christianity, engaging in what was described as ‘anti-God’ rants. The song ‘Lithium’ is about his experience while living with the Reed family. Religion remained an important part of his personal life and beliefs.”
In “My Most Heartbreaking Experience: DMT Trip Report”, Morguey Boy said, “There is nothing but me. There is only one entity in all of existence and that is … just me.”
The fuckwit said, “The most heartbreaking experience of my life is described in my DMT experience. My encounter with an entity that was myself during a DMT breakthrough is described.”
Lee Winston Daly said, “When I first saw this, I was repulsed. His heart was broken by…himself!! The fucking narcissistic vanity of this.”
The halfwit said, “DMT entities are powerful archetypes burned within the collective unconscious. DMT trip stories can be highly personal, and I was hesitant to share this. I hope you all enjoy it. Since posting this some have asked if this was an encounter with my twin flame or if it could be considered twin flame story. I’ll have to leave the question of twin flames unanswered until I create another video. This was the ultimate connection and perfect love beyond space and time. Beyond even that which most people consider to be a ‘twin flame.'”
Lauren Winter said, “Blessed are the wounded, for they shall become healers.”
Dollie Donatello said, “I always have to remind myself that Morgue is actually being possessed by unconscious forces otherwise hearing him always say ‘ask questions’ and then him not answering questions is a brainfuck.”
A famous meme says, “The most important quality for success in this business is sincerity. As soon as you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”
Karen said, “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” could be renamed “Without the Slaves, There Is No Harem.”