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The Timeline

9 November, 2020

AC/PI end contact with Corey Rebhahn (Morgue) and Hyperianism following Thomas Foster’s Open Letter to Hyperianism, exposing a conspiracy by the Hyperian leadership to suppress mention of AC/PI content and authors and cultivate a Woke culture wholly at odds with the AC/PI system.

10 November, 2020 to 1 July, 2022:

AC/PI release several books criticizing Hyperianism, but referring to it as “Woke liberalism”.

1 July, 2022

AC/PI update the AC website to say a big announcement is coming.

14 July, 2022 (Bastille Day)

AC/PI declares that “civil war” is imminent. Corey Rebhahn now informs his mods that he has had no contact with AC/PI for years.

28 July, 2022 (Thermidor)

AC/PI announces the publication of “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” by AC/PI author David Sinclair, exposing Corey Rebhahn as a plagiarist and cult leader, grifting from his brainwashed cultists, and using the AC/PI’s system to advance his own personal interests.

30 July, 2022

High profile Hyperian moderator RJ resigns in response to the book. Corey Rebhahn then asks if RJ is supporting the AC/PI.

31 July, 2022

RJ confirms he is supporting the AC/PI and declares that he feels betrayed by Corey Rebhahn. ... Soon afterwards, Hyperian moderator Phillip Shope presents the POTUS remark made by RJ two and a half years earlier, with a legal qualifier, in the mod chat.

2 August, 2022

A second high profile Hyperian moderator resigns in response to the book.

4 or 5 August, 2022

Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell, Philip Shope and Jewel Marsh – the leadership team of Hyperianism (the cult leader Rebhahn and his four moderators/enforcers) – submit a criminal complaint to the FBI alleging that they are living in fear for their lives and are being targeted by a “hate group”/ “terrorist group” (AC/PI, supposedly) which has supposedly radicalized two individuals to kill them, kill Hyperians and "Woke liberals", and assassinate the American president (POTUS) to trigger Armageddon.

6 August, 2022

Two Vancouver policemen are dispatched to question RJ at his home. Another former senior Hyperian is phoned directly at home by a Special Agent of the FBI.

30 August, 2022

RJ is read his rights and formally interrogated by a Vancouver detective for 90 mins regarding the content of the Rebhahn gang’s malicious complaint to the FBI. He is denied sight of the actual complaint. He is denied sight of key screenshots which would have fully vindicated RJ’s version of events. The suspicion is that the Rebhahn gang did not in fact supply any of the key screenshots since these would completely contradict the narrative the gang “sold” to the FBI to dupe the FBI into taking action against the legitimate critics of the dangerous cult leader Corey Rebhahn, and his dangerous cult of Hyperianism. These people suckered the FBI and successfully used them as pawns in their desperate attempt to silence their critics and shut down AC/PI. Their scheme has failed.

9 September, 2022

Letter of Intent to Sue received by KS from Corey Rebhahn's attorney.

10 September, 2022

KS goes to local police and reports her concern that she is the latest target of a dangerous cult leader Corey Rebhahn because of being a whistleblower. Shows officer the Letter of Intent to Sue and that Corey Rebhahn now knows her address.

11 September, 2022

KS sends official email response to Corey Rebhahn's attorney regarding the Cease and Desist, Intent to Sue.

17 September, 2022

Two local police officers arrive at 12:30 am (middle of the night) at KS's home, banging on her door and then shining their maglights into her eyes through her open bedroom window yelling "Police!!! Police!!!".  An anonymous caller had phoned the Suicide Hotline reporting that KS was suicidal. KS invited the two police officers inside to explain the entire situation and that the call was a hoax perpetrated by angry inner circle cult members. She met with a police sergeant later that day and requested that all the policemen be fully informed about the situation for her protection. He witnessed her sending an online report to federal authorities.