All of you Hyperians – brainwashed cultists – have been groomed to see your god Corey Rebhahn (Morgue) in a certain way. He “lovebombs” you and relentlessly manipulates and exploits you to secure maximum narcissistic supply from you. He WANTS you to love him, to worship him, to adore him, to venerate him, to regard him as a “World Shaper”, as one of a handful of humans who are “hyperaware”, the others being Immensely Fat Jan, Necrophil with his tight-fitting Necropants that he wears for his abortive Grndr hook-ups, and Mad Susan Bitchell, a woman addicted to pathological narcissists (she left her husband for one before crawling back! – now she conducts her affair with her new narc – Rebhahn – online!).
Rebhahn is all about presenting an image of a person nothing like who he is in reality. He poses as Woke Morgue (an “enlightened” non-binary Jesus!) while his reality is Edgelord Morgue (the Night Bringer, the Terror of Men), a violent, racist, misogynistic, misanthropic psycho. Just go and look at his Facebook posts from 2010 – 2016 if you want to see this lunatic, this total maniac, in full flow. Go on, discover who this man really is!
Over the next few days, we are going to show you screenshots from the private mod chat of the Hyperians leadership to show you how utterly different the Rebhahn gang are from how they pose on their deadstreams.
See the truth! Be liberated by the truth! Cults HATE the truth. That’s why they always suppress it. That’s why they NEVER tell you what is going on.
We’re now going to make an astonishing revelation, proving how much contempt Rebhahn and Bitchell have for Necrophil and Immensely Fat Jan.

Look at the reaction of Fatso and Necropants to the breaking FBI news. These clueless simps thought we were making it up! Can you believe it?! These two fuckwits were completely out of the loop. The actual loop was Rebhahn and his soulmate Mad Bitchell.
Immensely Fat Jan said,
“Wow, they are really going off the deep end. Who would ever believe that?”
Er, that’s what happened, you fucking moron … all thanks to Rebhahn and Bitchell. They didn’t even respect you enough to tell you what they were doing. Shows how much they care about you and your opinions and advice! They don’t care about your input AT ALL. They declared war on us, and didn’t even think you were worthy of being informed! Rebhahn and Bitchell have an even lower opinion of you than we do!

Look at what Shope says:
“Jeez these people are crazy. I wonder what Christina and Megan and all of them think of this ‘revelation’. They have to know it’s not true lol.”
Isn’t it hilarious that Shope and Torgensen thought we were lying? Then … when they eventually discovered we weren’t … they just went along with the whole thing anyway. Such obedient, brainwashed sheeple!
Shope wondered what Christina and Megan would think. Er, they knew about these events almost immediately! It’s you fucks who were clueless, totally operating in the dark. Rebhahn treated you with TOTAL CONTEMPT.
You called us crazy. Er, we were the ones telling the truth about what happened. You were the halfwit who knew nothing – because your GOD refused to tell you. So who’s the crazy one? Yet you go on worshiping anyway, and you still say we are crazy. The more we reveal the truth of what is happening, the crazier we are, apparently! That’s Hyperianism for you. A MADHOUSE. We tell the truth, so Shope thinks we’re crazy. Rebhahn lies, so Shope follows him blindly, like a little puppy dog. HAHAHAHAHA.
So, SHOPE, IT WAS ALL TRUE! And what did you do abut it? YOU – the source of the all-important POTUS quote – JUST WENT ALONG WITH IT. You never challenged Rebhahn and Bitchell. That makes you AN ACCOMPLICE. You are aiding and abetting these felons, and you are OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE. You yourself believed that going to the FBI was INSANE and LAUGHABLE (which it is!), yet you then COMPLETELY AGREED with it as soon your god decided to admit what he had done (via his enforcer, Mad Bitchell).
By the way, all that Totally Fat Jan cares about is her “name”. Always prioritize, FATSO! Who gives a fuck about an FBI swatting operation initiated by your gag? It’s all about your name, right, FATSO? That’s what’s REALLY IMPORTANT.

So, Bitch-hell, the most faithful lapdog of all (she LOVES narcs!), finally admits to the others what is actually going on – that Rebhahn was totally responsible for the TRUE events concerning the FBI! The lunatic Bitch-hell says: “They [Rebhahn] acted SUPER FAST…”
Yeah, didn’t he just! Within days of our book outing him as a sick and dangerous cult leader.
By the way, it doesn’t take a genius to work out that these screenshots were sourced by former mod Jewel, a fellow member of the gang at the time, but who bravely and heroically became a WHISTLEBLOWER.
Shope said, “I’m not going to leave or anything…” That was the biggest mistake you ever made, you total sucker! You let Rebhahn take a life-changing decision without even consulting you, and just went along with it – blindly! You STILL haven’t seen Rebhahn’s IC3 complaint to the FBI. Man, you are so far gone. Totally brainwashed by the freak you love and worship. HE FUCKED YOU OVER, YOU CRETIN! … AND NOW YOU WILL HANG WITH HIM. Good fucking riddance! We will be so pleased when you are jailed for your crimes.

Look at Rebhahn … trying his damnedest to say he has personal things going on … so that he doesn’t actually have to explain what the fuck he did … CAUSED an IRL SWATTING OPERATION BY THE FBI! What a piece of shit. How can anyone be loyal to that MONSTER? He doesn’t give a fuck about anyone except himself.

Note the Rebhahn playbook: Don’t discuss the FBI situation with anyone! Don’t want the world learning your dirty little secret, right, Rebhahn? And your gimps all immediately fell into line. They are SO PATHETIC.
FAT JAN: a 35-year-old woman (whatever) has a roommate!!!! Is that the definition of hell?! Actually, someone said you were sleeping on a sofa in the living room!
SHOPE: “I WON’T SAY ANYTHING.” You fucking will when the FBI knock on your door! SOON, REAL SOON!
Shope: “Wrath seems to think we’re swatting people.” You are!!! Are you literally intellectually sub-normal? Don’t you grasp what happened? Rebhahn turned into Edgelord Morgue – a total fucking psycho – and tried to fuck over the AC/PI and anyone linked to us by sending an INSANE complaint to the FBI – ONE THAT WILL SEE ALL OF YOU JAILED. You all know about it, and you have done ZERO to distance yourself from Rebhahn. In fact, you have backed him up to the hilt. So, you’re all fucked.
Here’s the latest from the Muppet Paul Cherry – a person who could not be any more brainwashed and will believe ANYTHING Rebhahn says.
Cherry Pie:
“morgue has, of course, denied it if you can prove that morgue is lying, then all you have to do is show the evidence/ paperwork. … You do have evidence to back up your claim don,t you, such as interview tapes/recording documentation from the Vancouver police department. I have seen the chat between the mods, but to be honest, that does,t constitutes strong enough evidence”
Now the Cherry Man is rubbishing screenshots! Mate did no one tell you that the Rebhahn gang’s ENTIRE complaint is based on screenshots?! And now he’s asking us to produce Vancouver police department interview tapes!!!! WTF! What planet is this guy living on? He’s as fucking insane as Rebhahn. But this is what we’re dealing with, folks. THE TOTAL DENIAL OF REALITY BY INSANE CULTISTS. Cherry accepts a “denial” from Rebhahn but requires us to provide police tapes which we could have no possible access to! It’s comical.
Hey, Cherry, since you are so concerned about evidence, why don’t you provide evidence of your post to Rebhahn, and his denial? Unlike you, we accept screenshots as proof. Surely you want to be open and honest and clear all of this up? Show the screenshots. Or, like your god Rebhahn, do you have something to hide? We all know how utterly hopeless you are at asking Rebhahn difficult questions that don’t involve self-sabotage. We already wrote about it!
It’s a Rebhahn deadstream tonight. Seriously, isn’t this now the time to end this sick cult FOREVER?
All you Hyperians – you have the power to end this shitshow TONIGHT.
Even though we detest you, we have never lied to you. Rebhahn claims to love you yet lies to you ALL THE TIME. He never tells you the truth. He didn’t even tell the truth to Shope and Torgensen, so there’s zero chance of him telling you the truth. He will NEVER tell you the truth. This man is seriously mentally ill. He is a pathological narcissist and a psychopath. He is incredibly impulsive and just does insane things in the moment – such as contacting the FBI about social media nonsense.