Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial) said,

“I take little pleasure in the little things in life, I look for major moments and I seek to cultivate them. I am not one to settle, I seek to be the best and I deserve the best. Material things (money etc.) are not important to me. I value others when I can learn from them and our relationship is a benefit, I don’t keep people around as emotional crutches. I don’t associate with people just because they make me feel good like a fearful child who clings to a stuffed animal. I have had many personal paradigm shifts in my life, from religion to science to intuition to reason. I burn at maximum and I don’t expect to have a long life.”

This is exactly the type of thing a PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSIST says. It’s totally grandiose and delusional, and also the OPPOSITE of reality. Rebhahn ONLY interacts with people who make him feel good about himself because he’s really just a terrified two-year-old with mommy issues (his mother never loved him). Everyone in his life is an emotional crutch. Money is crucially important to him, which is why he is continuously begging for it! He keeps having “paradigm shifts” because he’s always looking for the best way to secure narcissistic supply, the drug he can’t live without. His whole life is devoted to it and he gets it by pulling vulnerable suckers into his fantasy world. He spends his life in this fantasy world where is the SPECIAL ONE (the “best”, deserving of the best). He completely avoids reality.

Sam Vaknin said,

“The narcissist never experiences the external world as real. The narcissist feels embedded in some kind of movie, a character in a theater play, maybe even an animated cartoon character.”

Rebhahn believes he’s the most important person in human history. He is absolutely incapable of seeing reality. He’s a NOBODY, a thief of the work of others! He has never had an original idea in his life.

Vaknin said,

“As far as the narcissist is concerned, you’re not real. That’s why narcissists never interact with external objects. They immediately internalize them. They immediately create an internal object which represents you in their mind and they continue to interact with this internal object and not with you.”

Rebhahn doesn’t deal with real people. He deals with fantasy representations of real people, with whom he has fantasy relationships. They are never REAL relationships.

Vaknin said,

“You could say that the narcissist is estranged from the world.”

Rebhahn has been permanently estranged from reality. His whole life has been lived as a fantasy.

Vaknin said,

”I you want to understand the narcissist’s relationship with you and other people. Think of a two-year-old with his toys. A two-year-old breaks his toys. He explores his toys by taking them apart. The child wants to see what makes his toys tick.”

Rebhahn treats people as toys that he can wreck if he wants. He tried to get RJ and Apollonius KILLED because they defied him.

Vaknin said,

“The narcissist NEVER separates from mommy. Separation/individuation in narcissists is disrupted, so the narcissist never transitions to OBJECT RELATIONS. That’s WHY a narcissist CANNOT perceive you as an object out there in the external world with which to have a relationship. Because you are not out there! The narcissist has never separated from mommy. He is UNABLE to develop the kind of relationships that normal people can. A narcissist is unable to derive comfort from his transitional objects (toys). He doesn’t use toys to replace mommy and serve as a launchpad to explore the world.”

Rebhahn failed to accomplish key developmental stages and that’s why his mind is totally fucked. He never entered the real world. To do so, you must separate from mommy and become an individual, and Rebhahn never did. This is a person 100% fixated on mommy – because he never broke free of her. She is permanently in his mind and on his mind. He even sees himself as part woman because of this fixation!

Vaknin said,

“Narcissists are incapable of attaching to anything, animate or inanimate because they do not recognize the externality of the world. BECAUSE THEY NEVER SEPARATED FROM MOTHER. AND NEVER BECOME INDIVIDUALS. AND CONSEQUENTLY NARCISSISTS ARE STUCK AT AGE TWO. They are trying to break you apart to learn how you tick. And of course to abuse you. … You are a TOY, but never a transitional object, never a comfort object. Because you are never out there. … A narcissist treats you as if you were a part of his body or certainly his mind because you have been internalized as an object.”

Corey Rebhahn is a 34-year-old man with the psychology of a two-year-old still stuck at mommy stage. And that’s why he’s fucking INSANE and his behavior totally unbelievable. It’s why he’s totally infantilized and surrounded by other infantile people (his Neogenian cult slaves). It’s why he makes infantile decisions based on magical thinking.

Vaknin said,

“So how can a narcissist remain attached to you if he doesn’t see you as external. … The narcissist is stuck at age two. He hasn’t separated from mommy. She’s still there, she’s always there UNTIL HE DIES. It’s a LIFELONG PATHOLOGY. He is unable to replace mommy with toys [transitional objects] and then replace toys with people. He is therefore unable to transition to object relations. … It’s clear that the narcissist CANNOT DEVELOP ADULT, MATURE RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER PEOPLE. The narcissist has no object relations [he cannot treat people as real external objects in the real world]. … Narcissists play with toys but not as transitional objects, not as comfort objects. … The narcissist’s need is separation and then individuation, not attachment and then love. ATTACHMENT AND LOVE ARE ADULT THINGS. Separation and individuation are an infantile thing. It’s a BABY’s thing. The narcissist is a baby, a toddler, an infant. … The narcissist is incapable of attaching to anyone or anything. Attachment is the opposite of separation and love is the opposite of individuation in the narcissist’s mental universe. … You threaten them with your attachment. Your love threatens them. These emotions that you can provoke in the narcissist are detrimental and deleterious to him. He needs to move on [via separation and individuation] but cannot do that via attachment and love. These keep him tethered, bonded and bounded.”

So, Rebhahn can never find love and can never attach to anyone. He can never be close to anyone – because the psychological imperative of his life is to SEPARATE and INDIVIDUATE.

Rebhahn LITERALLY talks about BEING IN IDENTITY WITH EVERYONE and then needing to “introduce difference to explore diversity”. This is Rebhahn’s whole psychological problem! He needs to separate and individuate but he CAN’T because of his mommy issues that can NEVER be resolved. Rebhahn CANNOT understand himself as an INDIVIDUAL. His psyche is fused with mommy’s and thus he imagines himself in identity with her, and everyone else.

Vaknin said,

“The narcissist immediately converts his intimate partners to MOTHER SUBSTITUTES.”

Just look at everyone in Rebhahn’s Neogenian cult. 100% of them are people psychologically serving as his mother, all worshiping him unconditionally.

Vaknin said,

“The narcissist’s need to separate and individuate causes devaluation and discard.”

And this is the irony. Rebhahn can only interact with his Neogenian cult slaves at a distance. He could never meet them in person. They would mother him and smother him and he’d go mad … and devalue and discard all of them.

Vaknin said,

“The narcissist is unable to decouple from mother, to move on to transitional objects [with toys] as a stage towards object relations. The narcissist does not complete this course. He stays stuck with mommy. There’s no separation and no individuation. Consequently, any relationship a narcissist has with another person is effectively A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS MOTHER AND A DESPERATE ATTEMPT to render the other person a transitional object. When this inevitably fails, the narcissist attempts separation via devaluation and discard … and he regards this as great fun, as thrilling … and this is the psychopathic aspect of the narcissist.”

Rebhahn devalues and discards EVERYONE who crosses him, criticizes him, rejects him. As we have seen, he tries to kill them at one level, and tries to pretend they never existed at another level. Think of all the people who were essential to Rebhahn at various times and now are never mentioned even once. Moreover, everyone in Rebhahn’s cult must never mention them either … and they all go along with this. Because they are terrified of upsetting the two-year-old BABY!!!!

Vaknin said,

“The child initially sees himself as MOTHER. He can’t tell the difference between himself and mother so as far as he’s concerned he’s also a mother.”

This is WHY Rebhahn is NON-BINARY!

Vaknin said,

“The mother is the world. She brings the world to the child. And this gives the child the illusion that the child’s thoughts can affect the world. This is known as magical thinking. The child says to himself, ‘I am mother and mother is the world. So I am the world. [IN IDENTITY WITH MOTHER! AND THE WORLD!] So anything I wish I can make happen. I can create the objects of my desire simply by wishing them into existence [Will-Forming! CFDs!]. And this is a sense of subjective omnipotence. BUT SUBJECTIVE OMNIPOTENCE CLASHES WITH OBJECTIVE REALITY. … Normal children begin to develop doubts that they are the world [narc children do not!]. The subjective omnipotence experience makes the child feel that he can wish something, desire something and it becomes reality, and there’s a huge gratification.”

Rebhahn is non-binary because, psychologically, he IS his mother, and yet he’s desperate to separate from her and individuate from her, and that’s the “male” part of this freak. Rebhahn simply never developed the psychological tools that come with separating from mother and individuating (thus achieving object relations and the ability to live in reality). Rebhahn has remained a magical thinker and fantasist – a two-year-old – all his life. He believes he is the world, he is omnipotent, that he is GOD, that everyone is in IDENTITY with him, that he needs only to wish it and it will come true. Everyone is actually him. He is in identity with everyone and all supposedly different people are actually just him exploring himself in his diversity! That’s how insane this person is. His actual beliefs about reality all reflect his pathology, his INSANITY!

More Rebhahn madness, now from 2018.

Morgue <> 2 Jan 2018

Hello, I hope you had an excellent New Years Eve. Looking forward to a year of success and expansion.

So here’s an update. The problem we currently have is the information is very scattered. I can get attention and reach the masses and make this popular and cool.

The issue is that once I do get their attention, there has to be a powerful place to send them, to direct them.

So I am working on a 90 minute to 2 hour intro video that will give the major points of Hyperianism and bring in our new mythos that will be featured prominently on the website.

I finished the first draft this morning. I am having two individuals review it. The first is an ENTJ that *loves* mythos and understands through symbols and metaphors. She has a hard time understanding math/philosophy. She really wants to help our cause and understand and is trying her best. This is probably the most common type of personality we have to deal with that would be receptive to us.

The second is my brother. He is an INTJ, extremely intelligent, going to Rensselaer for computer science, and very open minded. The exact type of person that we *want* in our cause, unfortunately very rare.

I am going to catalogue their responses, and any confusions or suggestions they have, to dialectically produce something that would ideally appeal to both types.

But I am having trouble introducing the mythos. I have done so to a decent degree and have hit all the major point but it feels a little bare bones. Would you be able to help me with this script? With this portion and in general?

This is going to be a critically important video, and I intend to spend a lot of time editing it and dropping a lot of money for high quality video clips to accompany it. So I really want to get it right.

I’d like to submit the draft to you, along with the responses of the two individuals I mentioned sometime tomorrow night or weds evening by the latest. Ideally I’d begin filming mid next week.

Let me know if you could help with this, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Morgue <> 6 Jan 2018

Sorry about the delay. I had to make a lot of adjustments according to suggestions from the test individuals.

Both individuals really liked the script and thought it was a great intro to Hyperianism.

The more Mythos oriented individual recommended I add a description of the double slit experiment, as she said she wouldn’t have believed Hyperianism until she was aware of that experiment.

The more Logos oriented individual (ironically) was really interested in the Watcher that has incarnated (myself). He said that should be elaborated, and that it will really intrigue people.

Of course, this is extremely difficult for me to do, as it’s hard for me to talk about myself.

They both agreed that any talk of cosmic cycles, or the universe being cyclical, or the Source shattering again once it is repaired, be omitted from an intro video. They both said that it is depressing and would make people not want to take action. So I think it’s a good idea to keep that out of this as an intro vid.

Some of the Mythos sections could perhaps be filled out a little, and given some more meat. If you could figure out a way for me to speak about the Watcher/myself that would be great, but I realize that’s really hard, so no problems there if not.

If you don’t mind checking the FAQ as well, and making sure I didn’t make any mistakes with regard to Godel and QM.

Towards the end of the video, I am going to add in the already filmed New World Order video during the editing phase. I have indicated where I will add it.

Morgue <> 9 Jan 2018

Oh! I forgot to mention. I think the female Watcher is fucking brilliant. Adding a potential love story will be incredibly alluring, and it fits all my social media posts about searching beyond time and space for a lost love. I have to get to working on the script but definitely excellent, and I’d love to discuss this more and figure out an even more effective way to get this out. Utilizing the necro hour, as it currently stands, will not have enough reach, even if I highlight/share it but we can figure something out to maximize effectiveness.

Morgue <> 10 Mar 2018 at 22:37

Hello! Just a few updates here. I had something unexpected come up in my personal life so I have been out of commission for the last two weeks, but I’m back in business now.

I’m starting to edit the final parts of the Hyperian movie. I have created a sample of what Susan’s vocal piece would sound like. This is a draft but what do you think in general?

Morgue <> 8 Feb 2018

Alright, Let me give you the run down on all this. I’ll try to be as concise as possible while giving you a clear picture.

Wrath recently became interested in Hyperianism. He has shown good qualities from the beginning as well as given red flags. He became very interested very fast and he has created some excellent Hyperian material. Some of the red flags in the beginning were… he created an instagram story saying that Hyperians were weak and he wanted to destroy them. He posted a topic in the Hyperian group asking if Hegel was a racist that caused a lot of drama and some division. He created some Hyperian memes that were borderline troll like (one said, “If Hyperians don’t tolerate intolerance, does that mean they are lactose intolerant?”)

I’m just watching all of this carefully. In my mind I’m thinking, that perhaps he’s just really excited, passionate, and has genuine questions. But I am also watching carefully to make sure it is not anything else. He only joined Hyperianism roughly 6 months ago and that is not enough time to make sure that someone is committed.

So I was really liking the guy and promoting him a lot. Then Faith messages me and tells me they were collaborating on a project, but that she can’t work with him because he is continuously insulting her work, so she blocked him. Wrath then sends a message to Megan (a fantastic Hyperian artist) that is extremely insulting to Faith. Calling her a no talent, fake artist, unoriginal childish lap dog etc. So Megan was very upset by this and it was her opinion that he should be kicked out. So now, Susan, Faith, and Megan were against him.

Wrath collaborates a lot with Irene so at this point I message NK basically saying, hey Wrath is exhibiting some extremely concerning behavior, let’s all be very careful and figure out what is going on. It was Susan’s opinion that Wrath was exhibiting antisocial behavior. Susan has had experience with antisocial people before and has read many books on the subject. I know absolutely nothing about it. In my position I’m just thinking, it could be one way or the other. He could be toxic and manipulative or he could be an excited loose cannon that was hurt for being blocked and took it out in a bad way. He just joined Hyperianism 6 months ago, which is not long at all. I’m just thinking that we need to be cautious and all talk and figure this out, because a lot of division is happening because of this, and I don’t want any divides or to lose any members.

Later that evening Susan contacts Irene who immediately has NK talk to her. Now I want to say that yes, Susan was a bit dramatic about things because she had a traumatic experience with an antisocial person in her past, but she had nothing but good intentions and simply wanted to voice her concerns because she cares about NK, Irene, and the movement very much. NK was aggressive and insulting to Susan calling her delusional even after Susan asked him not to call her that. Susan really respects NK and I’ve never seen her so hurt. NK then immediately starts messaging me with a very condescending and aggressive attitude.

As you may have noticed, I am not a very confrontational person, this is a weak point of mine that I am working on improving. But I mention this to point out that I was not stirring the pot or being confrontational in any way. I only wanted to have a rational, calm conversation to figure out what was going on. There was no need for such aggression from NK. Anyway, we talk for a little while and leave things on a somewhat tense, but decent place. The next day I get a message from him telling me that he will not work with Hyperianism if such “potato heads” (referring to Susan) are given the clout that they are and that he will work independently. I tell him that there is no need for name calling, and ask what is he implying should happen? He doesn’t respond to me for days. I then send him a message saying “Hey there, I’m sensing a lot of tension so I’d just like to remind you that I’m here to discuss anything openly if you’d like. I sincerely do not want any issues and don’t want any possible negative feelings to go unresolved.” and he only just responded to me a few minutes ago actually. I sent a very similar message to Irene.

NK has been extremely over the top about this. I have a lot of respect for him but his behavior legitimately confuses me. He seemed completely closed to having a calm conversation about things. And the way he treated Susan was really unacceptable in my opinion. She was a friend coming to him and I with her concerns and triggered by past experiences. Even if she is wrong, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t just try to calm her down, listen to what she has to say, then talk about it rationally. NK has now said many insulting things about Hyperianism, which is fine if that is his opinion, we aren’t perfect by any means. We are barely getting started. Especially since we use the “pivot” method, a lot of it is trial and error. It’s not like we have a psychology team or something, it’s a group of people, mostly artists, pushing something we are passionate about. I don’t know why he is being so aggressive and seemingly closed to any discussion. The way he is acting is so strange to me, that I suspect that there might be something else underlying this, perhaps he feels threatened in some way. His intelligence could help us so much, in the areas that we are lacking. But the way he is acting is really concerning to me. It reminds me of people in Hollywood that I have had to deal with that, once they reach a certain point, won’t discuss things clear headed anymore and you just have to walk away.

My whole point of view is, Hey guys, let’s just stay united and focused on the goal, we can figure this all out, bigger things than this are going to come our way in the future and it really is concerning if such a little thing is causing such a huge division. Anyway, I’m being really concise about all of this but I have screenshots and whatnot and there is more I could say but I won’t go into more detail unless you would like me to. Malf was involved as well and was met with similar aggression from NK, and Malf is similarly shocked at his behavior. Malf had the idea for a merge between the Jacobin and Hyperian groups, which I thought would be a good idea. People branding “Hyperianism” as much as possible in a positive way would be great. Due to all the conflict I no longer think this should happen as it would breed more conflict and be a major distraction. I suspect that the merge idea might be an underlying cause for unwarranted hostility.

I’m sorry to even bring any of this up. And I am put in an uncomfortable situation where I want to give you my opinion as much as possible without it seeming like I’m trash talking. I have respect for everyone. But I will not stand for unproductive behavior. I just want to maintain civility, calm, rationality and focus on the projects and the goals. This is so distracting and unnecessary. We could be making progress much faster if we all stay focused and didn’t let these petty things get in the way. This is revolution, not high school. Let’s all shake hands and move forward in whatever way we need to, though I would hope for unity among everyone even if we don’t all agree.

Morgue <> 18 Mar 2018 at 19:25

Hey. I like the video. It’s very cool. I’m very wary of working with NK at the moment. He has been down talking Hyperianism a lot and both he and Irene have explicitly said they are distancing themselves from Hyperianism. His attitude has been very frustrating and impeding progress. Malf can attest to this as well. He’s quite frustrated as well. The same goes for Susan.

All that trouble aside, I’m also concerned about other issues.. He was supposed to get a merit based point system to me the first week in January. We spoke about this and I asked him to make it extremely simple. Not only was it late but it was much too complicated. I asked him to simplify it and he agreed he would do so but never did. I was basing the new Revenant group on this, had my plans altered, and had point graders assigned etc. Getting it up and running was dependent on him and this threw a big wrench in to my plans.

All in all I’m quite wary of working with NK at the moment and I am watching him to see how he acts. If you’d really like me to, I’d consider it of course. I don’t want there to be any bad blood between NK and I. I’m just legitimately concerned at the moment. I’m actually underplaying how much his behavior is concerning me.

I’ve been trying to render a draft of the Hyperian movie to show you over the last couple of days. Due to the files size (the movie is 3.5 hours long) the rendering time is huge and I keep getting errors. It’s scheduled to render in about 14 hours so if it completes without any errors this time I’ll have it to you soon.

But there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.

With the release of the Hyperian movie, I’m going to streamline the website, get the God Series and Truth Series up as recommended reading, and get the new Revenant group going.

I want to take things to the next level. I want our popularity to hit the next tier. We can absolutely make this happen. The only serious problem I am facing is my time constraints in having to produce this video series. This takes up about 80% of my time. If things continue as they are, we will progress, but we will do so at a slow rate. I don’t like that. I want everything bigger, stronger, faster, and more potent.

I want to be able to focus on what I’m good at. I need to be making this cool and popular. I have to be able to create artistic Hyperian videos, (similar in style to music videos), start doing public events in the real world, organize the Order, create immersive experiences, popularize this with the youth, focus on mythos and intrigue, and most importantly I need to be able to network and spread influence. I keep seeing so many missed opportunities. I need the time to strategize and get our message heard.

I know I’ve spoken to you in the past about supplying scripts, and you have done it and it is extremely helpful. But if you are able, I’d like to seriously consider this again. Previously I was feeling a bit uneasy about doing so because obviously people are going to think that these are all my ideas, and because of my immense respect for your work this concerned me a bit, which is why I continued to do some of them. But I am realizing that this is eating up so much time that if Hyperianism is to grow something has to be done.

Again, I know this is a lot to ask, but would you be able to supply 4 topics/scripts per month? Even one page scripts (resulting in a 5 minute video) would be sufficient. This would be a total of 4 pages per month. You could of course do longer ones if you wanted, a 2-3 page script per topic would be ideal ( a total of 8-12 pages per month). Coming up with topics and writing the scripts is what takes up most of my time by far. So in this set up I’d receive the scripts and pretty much film them as is with only minor alterations. If this works out I could perhaps look into hiring someone for the video editing at some point. So even 4 pages per month (one page per topic) would free up enough of my time to be able to focus on expansion. For example, if we implement this I can release the Hyperian movie in april and then move on to focus on expansion. If not, I may have to push the release back to may and then focus on preparing for the next series of videos rather than strategizing for expansion. We have a really good shot here, and I’m seeing so many opportunities that we need to take to get to the next level.

Let me know what you think!

Morgue <> 18 Mar 2018

“NK certainly hasn’t been diplomatic, but he has touched upon a few things where we can see his point. He has largely been acting out due to considerable frustration. He has spoken of being conflicted. The big picture is that he and Irene are easily the outstanding candidates to appear alongside you in a video and thus dilute the notion of Hyperianism basically being a one man band.”

I know Hyperianism is not perfect by any means. If you have any concerns please feel free to voice them to me so that we can improve. I would have loved NK’s help. He just seemed to ditch us rather than helping us improve. I kept asking him to make videos for us before all this went down so I could feature him. Perhaps I will reach out to NK and see if I we can get things on friendly terms. Before potentially working on a time consuming project with them I’d like the interpersonal relationship to improve. Irene has been friendly, it’s mostly NK I’m concerned about. By the way, on the topic of charisma etc. I have found someone that could potentially be a very powerful personality in Hyperianism. Furthermore, she is female and so fulfills that missing archetypal role. I am currently having her study the God Series, Hegel, and Fourier. If all goes well I want to work with her in building her up. So fingers crossed, if that pans out it will be highly effective. Wonderful to hear about the scripts! I appreciate it greatly.


Good to see that Wrath was way ahead of the game in denouncing Hyperianism! (Obviously, all the fuss concerning Wrath soon died down and he became a central figure in Hyperianism for years. Now, like so many others, his name is never mentioned by Rebhahn … as if he never existed.)

@AMindnamedAdam said,

“I read 3 articles last night. This cult is truly disturbing and an anathema to their own supposed mission statement. It’s organized insanity to the max. I’m so glad I left more than a year ago, and actually read some PI books on my own.”


@chrisriker3006 said,

“For crap’s sake indeed. It still blows my mind that these people did what they did. I can’t wait for reality to catch up to their insane actions.”


@MichaTheLight said

“Man, I just saw (1 hour ago) an innocent vid about the gospel of Judas and now I see it’s a crazy cult. Good that I looked up this strange term ‘Hyperianism’. Thx for saving my time. In the moment I saw this guy’s painted face I was deeply repelled and thought ‘no not such a clown again’.”

Rebhahn is a two-year-old clown in a 34-year-old’s body. And if he lived to 100, he would then be a two-year-old in a 100-year-old’s body. Can you imagine anything sicker and more perverted than that? Yet this is Rebhahn’s life, or non-life. He’s a two-year-old magical thinking fantasist who believes he’s the most special person there has ever been. Babies think like that!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hyperianism
What is Hyperianism?
Books by Morgue
Books by Morgue
What is Ontological Mathematics
What Is Ontological Mathematics?
Morgue from Freakshow
Morgue From Freakshow
Who is Morgue
Who Is Morgue? The Truth is More Sinister Than Imagined

Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective