
Trauma bonding is an important concept. You can think of it in two radically different ways. People can bond over shared traumas. They understand each other because they’ve experienced the same things. They have a special affinity. Others in the same boat “get them”. Many groups pop up on social media devoted to this kind of trauma bonding. They often refer to themselves as “survivors”. People often find these groups very positive, although it could be argued that they actually retraumatize people and have many negative consequences – locking people into their trauma rather than freeing them.
The other type of trauma bonding is definitely extremely negative. The trauma is caused by the bond itself! It has been given as a reason for why some people can’t stop loving their abuser. Amazingly, people can become addicted to those abusing them. You would rationally imagine this to be impossible, but, hey, human beings are fucking weird!
People can experience trying to stop contact with their abuser in the same way as coming off an incredibly powerful drug. The key to the abuser’s behavior – if he wants to be a “successful” abuser and establish a deep intimacy with his victim – is that he must occasionally be incredibly nice and loving, with an intensity way beyond the normal.
Trauma bonding is actually reflective of something that is absolutely fundamental to human behavior: VARIABLE REWARDS.
Humans go nuts for variable rewards. The world would be a completely different place if humans hated variable rewards, if they loved constant rewards, or were indifferent to rewards. Evolution had to determine the most effective reward system … and variable rewards won.
It makes sense. In a world without rewards, what would motivate people? What would bring about change and evolution? With regard to people being constantly rewarded, there would need to be a constant supply of rewards, but Nature is often about scarcity – food and drink, for example, may be in short supply. Besides, wouldn’t constant rewards become boring, and cease to be rewarding? So, evolution defaulted to variable rewards, meaning that rewards are intermittent and vary in intensity. Subjecting people to a variable rewards regime proves incredibly stimulating to them, and they want more and more. They crave it. They become addicted. You can condition people – brainwash them, mind control them – and they become elaborate Pavlovian dogs, salivating on demand.
In abusive relationships, the variable rewards can take two forms: the withdrawal of the abuse for a while (a reprieve from the suffering), or an intense reward for a while (pure pleasure). The human psyche is fundamentally tuned into this type of thing. It doesn’t want pure pleasure or pure pain; it wants intermittent pleasure, and temporary relief from pain can of course be interpreted as pleasure.
Albert Camus imagined Sisyphus – the man condemned by the gods to push a boulder up a hill, always to see it roll back down and have to start again – as happy! Well, he wasn’t always happy, but he was happy when he was walking back down the hill. The pain of pushing the boulder was temporarily gone. He was free to think, to take in the views, to enjoy being alive – whatever. He could derive pleasure.
Why is heaven a very hard place to believe in? It’s because it’s a constant reward regime with no jeopardy (hell). People can accept a world poised between heaven and hell, but could not endure pure heaven or pure hell. That is too remote from the human experience.
In “The Matrix”, Agent Smith said to Morpheus, “Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.”
Indeed! The primitive cerebrum wants pleasure AND pain, heaven AND hell. That’s what it’s designed for. That’s what the world furnishes, so that’s what our psyche is adapted to. It’s not adapted to pure states, constant states. It’s all about variability. It’s all about change … becoming. It’s not about being (constancy).
People IMAGINE they want total relief from misery, pain and suffering – heaven, in other words – but they really don’t, as Agent Smith pointed out. People are terrified of never-ending pain (hell), but in fact they are actually designed for an environment that provides intermittent pain, and intermittent pleasure, and that’s what drives them forward.
We are all being subjected to an environmental operant conditioning regime (Nature!). Humans can then subject each other to operant conditioning, and abusers are often incredibly skilled at this – not through design, but instinctually. They know what buttons to press, and what the hottest buttons are. Cult leaders are naturals at operant conditioning. Cults are groups that have been successfully operantly conditioned.
The psychology department of the University of Florida says, “In discussing operant conditioning, we use several everyday words—positive, negative, reinforcement, and punishment—in a specialized manner. In operant conditioning, positive and negative do not mean good and bad. Instead, positive means you are adding something, and negative means you are taking something away. Reinforcement means you are increasing a behavior, and punishment means you are decreasing a behavior. Reinforcement can be positive or negative, and punishment can also be positive or negative. All reinforcers (positive or negative) increase the likelihood of a behavioral response. All punishers (positive or negative) decrease the likelihood of a behavioral response. Now let’s combine these four terms: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment
Positive: Something is added to increase the likelihood of a behavior.
Negative: Something is removed to increase the likelihood of a behavior.
Positive: Something is added to decrease the likelihood of a behavior.
Negative: Something is removed to decrease the likelihood of a behavior.
We are all subject to positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment all the time. Religions, spiritual systems, cults, political systems, celebrity culture, influencers, entertainment, video games, drugs and alcohol, music, sex, food, friendships, romance, predatory capitalism (especially via advertising and brand management) are all in the operant conditioning game. In fact, it’s hard not be, especially if you want to achieve any kind of success. We’re even being internally conditioned by unconscious forces (archetypes and complexes).
People are very hopeful for the next reward (positive reinforcement), for the relief of suffering (negative reinforcement), and very wary about the application of suffering (positive punishment) or having something removed that they want (negative punishment). Most people want to be in the positive reinforcement game, but the dark triad monsters are actually much more effective because they understand the power of the other three elements of operant conditioning.
Why is BDSM much more psychologically powerful than vanilla sex? It’s because vanilla sex is purely about positive rewards, whereas BDSM explores punishment too – and, as Agent Smith grasped, people don’t want just positive rewards. The honeymoon doesn’t last long! People actually enjoy the dark stuff, scary stuff. They want a certain type of jeopardy. It’s much more exciting.
Sensing types craving stronger sensations and feeling types craving stronger emotions are often drawn into situations that most people find weird. Who wants to do dangerous sports that could easily kill you? Who wants to be in intense but highly destructive relationships? Yet certain people are totally into this. Hyperians are totally into being cultists and worshiping Corey Rebhahn. Everyone else talks about “red flags”, but these cultists never see them. They see only green flags. We are talking about DEEP psychology here. Big needs are being satisfied – but that’s why cults often end in death. Completely untenable situations go on and on because such powerful psychological forces are in play.
It’s not just the cultists who are addicted to Rebhahn, he is addicted to them – because what the fuck would he be without them? What would he do? That guy couldn’t cope without adoration – to compensate for the love his mother denied him. He’s an incredibly needy, pathetic person.
All mainstream religions started out as small cults worshiping a god, and more and more people got drawn in. Look at how Islam started off tiny and became huge, and world-historic, in just a few decades. Mohammed was an incredibly successful cult leader. Hitler and Trump could also be described as cult leaders who made it big. QAnon is a cult. Cults are VERY powerful. They channel profound psychological forces.
Rebhahn has always been drawn to building a cult around himself. He himself was raised in a Christian cult and learned the cult psychology, which he applies all the time. Hurt people hurt people, and people raised in cults create cults, and hurt cultists hurt people with their cults. It’s familiar, it’s home, it’s what they understand.
An instant red flag regarding any group is the declaration of its leader that they were raised in a cult! Their group will for sure itself be a cult, as we see with Hyperianism.
In an abusive relationship, the abuser typically provides a schedule of punishments and rewards to the abused, which, at some level, the abused find very exciting. They don’t want a straight-line relationship. They want a rollercoaster. They crave the drama. They want that intensity. They associate that intensity with LOVE, not HATE.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld said, “If we are to judge of love by its consequences, it more nearly resembles hate than love.”
Broxtowe Women’s Project wrote, “Powerful emotional bonds develop that are extremely resistant to change. Trauma bonding involves cycles of abuse – following an abusive incident or series of incidents, perpetrators will often offer a kind gesture to try to recover the situation. A period of relative peace can follow before tensions start to re-build and the abuse inevitably starts again. > > “Survivors will try their best not to anger their partner, to do everything expected of them, they will remember how loving their partner can be and was in the early days of the relationship, hoping for the return of that behavior. They think they just need to work out what they’re doing wrong to bring back the loving part of their relationship. It won’t occur to them that the loving gestures were always manipulative and never genuine – their partner being incapable of real love.“Trauma bonding feels like you’ve broken me into pieces but you’re the only one who can fix me.”
Isn’t that an incredible idea? – you want the monster who tore you to pieces to restore you to wholeness. People are very attached to this idea that the force that unmade them can remake them – but won’t it just unmake them again? It’s an UNMAKING force. Go and find a making force, which has no intent to unmake you!
Broxtowe Women’s Project wrote, “Trauma bonding has similarities with Stockholm Syndrome where people held captive develop feelings of trust and affection towards their captors. Both Trauma-Bonding and Stockholm Syndrome are survival strategies that develop to help survive an emotionally or physically dangerous situation.
Women will hold onto toxic and abusive relationships and become more vulnerable to trauma bonding for a variety of reasons.
Survivors who were raised in abusive households are more vulnerable to trauma bonding – an abusive relationship may seem more normal and acceptable to them. This is one reason why it’s so important for parents to model healthy relationships to their children.
Women raised with abuse will also be likely to have lower self-esteem with less expectation of being treated respectfully. Being in the abusive relationship will further damage self-esteem, sometimes to the point the woman will believe she deserves the abuse she is being subjected to – the abuse becomes her normal despite it making her deeply unhappy, she may stop aspiring to anything better as she doesn’t feel worthy of love. The longer the survivor remains with the narcissistic abuser, the more difficult it is to break the trauma bond.
Trauma, fear and abandonment actually increase feelings of attachment. The more you have been hurt by him, the more intensely attached you will be. Trauma bonds are hard to break but even harder to live with.
Women in trauma bonds will tend to blame themselves for their partners’ abusive behavior. She will agree with him when he tells her she wouldn’t cope without him, that she’s not really good enough, that she made him angry and that he wouldn’t need to punish her if she tried harder. She will also make excuses for his abuse: ‘He had a difficult childhood; his mother didn’t love him so it’s understandable he gets angry’. She’ll think that if she can stop being stupid, try harder, show more affection and never doubt him, things will be fine.
If she does manage to break free from the trauma bond, the abuser will commonly revert to the courtship phase to win her back and she will be very vulnerable to his efforts. The more she reaches out to the abuser for love, recognition, and approval, the more the trauma bond is strengthened. This also means she will stay in the relationship when the abuse escalates, perpetuating the destructive cycle. Because he is the one abusing her and making her feel terrible, she will often see him as the only person able to validate her and make her feel okay again.
Although the survivor might disclose the abuse, the trauma bond means she may also seek to receive comfort from the very person who abused her.”
What a psychological clusterfuck! Don’t we need the positive-liberty State to identify toxic relationships and step in to save people from themselves (“force them to be free”, as Rousseau put it). People get trapped in self-defeating cycles, eternal recurrence of total futility and self-harm. Others need to put a stop to it. When a boxer is being beaten to a pulp, his corner throws in the towel. In abusive relationships, there is no corner and no towel. It just goes on and on. A heathy society must intervene on behalf of victims, and must do so before things get really nasty, as they always do.
Wikipedia says, “Trauma bonds (also referred to as traumatic bonds) are emotional bonds with an individual (and sometimes, with a group) that arise from a recurring, cyclical pattern of abuse perpetuated by intermittent reinforcement through rewards and punishments. … A trauma bond usually involves a victim and a perpetrator in a uni-directional relationship wherein the victim forms an emotional bond with the perpetrator. This can also be conceptualized as a dominated-dominator or an abused-abuser dynamic. Two main factors are involved in the establishment of a trauma bond: a power imbalance and intermittent reinforcement of good and bad treatment, or reward and punishment. Trauma bonding can occur in the realms of romantic relationships, parent-child relationships, incestuous relationships, cults, hostage situations, sex trafficking (especially that of minors), or tours of duty among military personnel.
Trauma bonds are based on terror, domination, and unpredictability. As a trauma bond between an abuser and a victim strengthens and deepens, it leads to conflicting feelings of alarm, numbness, and grief, that show up in a cyclical pattern. More often than not, victims in trauma bonds do not have agency and autonomy, and don’t have an individual sense of self either. Their self-image is a derivative and an internalization of the abuser’s conceptualization of them.
Trauma bonds have severe detrimental effects on the victim not only while the relationship persists, but beyond that as well. Some long-term impacts of trauma bonding include but are not limited to remaining in abusive relationships, having adverse mental health outcomes like low self-esteem, negative self image, and increased likelihood of depression and bipolar disorder, and perpetuating a generational cycle of abuse. Victims who traumatically bond with their victimizers are often unable to leave these relationships or are only able to do so with significant duress and difficulty. Even among those who do manage to leave, many go back to the abusive relationship due to the pervasiveness of the learned trauma bond.”
People LEARN to be abused, to be in cults, and so on. Some people prefer shit to no shit at all. People in Hyperianism prefer a fake relationship with Corey Rebhahn rather than a real relationship.
Did you see the latest deadstream by Morgie Porgy (thanks, Karen!). Does he NOT kiss the girls and make them cry? Oh, how they long for their god to kiss them, to complete them.
As expected, Morgie Porgy made no mention of Jewel Marsh … yet another on the long list of the Disappeared, but no one ever mentions their disappearance. The mods get shouted out as usual and everyone is told how fantastic they are, but no one says, “Hey, what happened to Jewel? Wasn’t he a fantastic mod too a few days ago? Isn’t he fantastic now?” Tumbleweed.
Rebhahn tells everyone about the “brilliant” Hyperian Source YouTube channel, even though loads of videos have been removed in the last few days. No one comments on that. The emperor is still wearing a full set of clothes. Even though he’s not.
It’s hard to fathom just how weird Hyperianism is where everyone conspires not to see what is going on. Sometimes you think, what if Rebhahn himself disappeared? Would the Hyperians just go on watching a blank screen and imagining he was still there? Probably.
Rebhahn can NEVER say that anything is going wrong. Like Donald Trump, another pathological narcissist, Rebhahn cannot admit failure, loss, defeat, setbacks. He ERASES failure from his mind, and he knows that his cult followers will do the same. When Rebhahn has no use for a person, he never thinks of them again. They are dead to him.
Rebhahn said, “I had an acquaintance who will remain nameless. She was unhappy with her life, and would cry to me night after night. Yet she did nothing to improve her situation. She had time and opportunity to change her life, she was simply lazy. It became apparent that this person had no intention of improving her situation and was simply seeking my pity, to stir emotion. I saw the negative effects it had in my life and I severed ties with her. I will help the willing and persistent but I have no tolerance for the weak. … Do not let them move you, do not let them tear you down. Leave them to die in the world they have created. Morbidly Yours, Morgue.”
This is Rebhahn’s worldview. He regards any “negative” influence in his life as something that must be cut out. A person no longer of use to him ceases to exist as far as he is concerned. In some ways, that is actually the biggest red flag regarding Rebhahn – the way he ignores the absence of those who had been his closest colleagues. It’s extraordinary to say nothing at all about those with whom you have worked with for years and act as if they were never there, and expect others to do likewise (and they do!). They are simply to vanish into the ether.
Why don’t people realize that if this is how Rebhahn treats his closest confidants, this is how he will treat everyone else too? You are NOTHING to Rebhahn in an instant. And he will literally act as if you had never been there in the first place. Because how could anyone possibly turn their back on “God”?! This is one of the most obvious traits of pathological narcissism.
People who gave years of excellent service to Rebhahn and Hyperianism – unpaid – are treated like dirt. Surely no sane person would now step forward to be a new mod. You already know what your fate will be.
So, rich cunt FILLANTHROWPISSED didn’t seem to be in evidence, but the gap was filled by Joel the Swindler, who coughed up $150 to keep Rebhahn happy. And Mad Kassidy was dishing out memberships to try to inflate Rebhahn’s support. It’s such a sad and pathetic scene.
Fat Jan seemed to be ill.
Testor Accountier said, “The unconscious forces that control Fat Jan don’t seem to offer her any advantages, never does she come across as someone who’s beguiling or special in any way. Sad!”
She certainly beguiles herself and feels compelled to inflict herself on the world three times a week. We were wondering who would play her in the Hyperian movie, and we were thinking of Melissa McCarthy or Danny DeVito. People would KILL for that part. Guaranteed Oscar. So, although she’s totally sad and pathetic, the scale of her self-delusion is absolutely fascinating. She herself is grotesque, but her grotesqueness is compelling. Fat Jans are not people you meet every day! (Thank God!)
Is the fuckwit on tonight or is she sick again, or “going private” to spoil our fun laughing at her? Come on, Fat Jan, give us a show. Rebhahn’s too boring. You’re the top clown in the circus act! Get Cassie on again. We’ll make sure the police are on standby.
New Terra Radio has leaked the hyperian mod chat log! Spookily accurate:
Phil: “One of his songs from 2 years ago is called ‘Death as a Current Event’. We can say he is currently deadly!”
They’re probably working on this in the bunker right now!
Fat Jan: “Guys, Gonzo fucks chickens.”
Maybe Gonzo could play Fat Jan in the movie. Chicken fucking will definitely happen.