Vaknin’s Versus Rebhahn’s Narcissism



We’ve been watching a lot of Dr Sam Vaknin’s videos recently – and we noticed that he sometimes made “jokes” that seemed … er, exactly like those a narcissist would make! We put it down to “irony”. Then Simeon Beckett said,
“Sam Vaknin is a clinical narcissist. It’s easy to pick up on this if you watch his videos or his interviews with others. He’s been open about this in various places. What’s fascinating and ironic is Sam Vaknin’s work on narcissism is all System 2 thinking, yet it’s been done by a narcissist without a true System 2 consciousness. He’s using his narcissistic false self to deconstruct narcissism, no doubt to make himself look brilliant. His work is for him, not for anyone else.”
Diarmuid Russell said,
“…at least he knows what he’s talking about.”
So, this is a really interesting subject. Is a narcissist talking about narcissism such an unreliable witness that no value can be attributed to his work? Is it “just for him”? It brings to mind the Epimenides paradox. Wikipedia says,
“[It] reveals a problem with self-reference in logic. It is named after the Cretan philosopher Epimenides of Knossos (alive circa 600 BC) who is credited with the original statement. A typical description of the problem is given in the book Gödel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas Hofstadter: Epimenides was a Cretan who made the immortal statement: ‘All Cretans are liars.’ A paradox of self-reference arises when one considers whether it is possible for Epimenides to have spoken the truth.”
RNZ said,
“Narcissistic personality disorder cannot be treated and the best that can be hoped for is the sufferer finds ways of behaving in a more socially acceptable manner, according to a leading authority on the condition. Israeli writer and professor of psychology, Dr Sam Vaknin, tells Sunday Morning he has developed a type of therapy that may help lessen a patient’s need to shore up a grandiose ‘false self’, a core trait of the disorder. But the pathological personality itself he says is ‘immutable’.”
Corey Rebhahn has an immutable pathology. That guy is never getting cured. The very best that could be achieved with this lunatic is to make his false self a bit less grandiose. Good luck with that. Even when Rebhahn is in jail for his crimes, his false self will devise some way to pass this off as heroism (of the anti-hero type) and martyrdom. It will be “the passion of the Christ” and his simp and gimp cultists will weep over his suffering, and send him presents and tell him they can’t wait for his release. So it goes. We are, after all, dealing with mad people here, so of course, their behavior is always insane. Can you believe that Hyperians call us “trolls”. It’s you fuckwits who are trolling us with your obscene corruption of OUR WORK. The answer to existence that you rely on is the one put into the public domain by US, not by YOU. So why don’t you fuck off and stop trolling us?! Get your own fucking answer to existence if you’re as smart as, insanely, you claim to be. We won’t hold our breath.
RNZ said,
“Vaknin also warns that social media and dating apps are creating dangerous spaces for narcissists and psychopaths to operate effectively and wreak havoc on people’s lives.”
Hyperianism is a classic social media expression of narcissistic cultism.
RNZ said,
“[Vaknin] is the author of one of the first in-depth books about narcissism and has a large database on narcissists, which is now used globally by clinicians. His most recent book is ‘Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited’. Vaknin himself has been clinically diagnosed as a psychopathic narcissist, making him a controversial leading figure in the field.”
So, a narcissist with a false self-telling the “truth” about narcissism … is the truth possible in such circumstances? Or are we all getting dragged into providing narcissistic supply for this person?
RNZ said,
“Narcissism forms part of the popular lexicon of terms used in society nowadays. Vaknin says this has led to widespread misuse of a clinical term and misconceptions about the condition.
Vaknin said,
“It’s not so much self-centeredness as you would tend to believe more. It’s more to do with a desperate attempt to obtain attention, positive attention or negative attention, in order to regulate the internal landscape of the narcissist. The narcissist needs you to pay attention to him. He needs to be seen in order to stabilize himself, his sense of self-worth, self-esteem. The narcissist is interested much more in himself than he is with you.”
Corey Rebhahn, as Edgelord Morgue, was desperate to obtain “negative” attention and was very much attacking society. Now, as Woke Morgue (Mary Magdalene) he seeks “positive” attention as the Messiah raising human consciousness, no less, and uniting humanity. Can you imagine the sheer scale of this person’s delusions? Corey Rebhahn is an attention whore (or “narcissistic bitch” as he once referred to himself in a rare moment of honesty). It’s a total compulsion for this weirdo. He can’t do without it. He’s obsessed with it. It’s his drug. He’s addicted to it and absolutely desperate for it. And his codependents (his cultists) are just as addicted to supplying it to this freak.
RNZ said,
“It’s within an intimate relationship that the narcissist does most damage.”
Remember what Rebhahn said? –
“I had an acquaintance who will remain nameless. She was unhappy with her life, and would cry to me night after night. Yet she did nothing to improve her situation. She had time and opportunity to change her life, she was simply lazy. It became apparent that this person had no intention of improving her situation and was simply seeking my pity, to stir emotion. I saw the negative effects it had in my life and I severed ties with her. I will help the willing and persistent but I have no tolerance for the weak.”
What was the real issue with this woman? (who was obviously some sort of partner for Rebhahn). The problem was that she was giving him no narcissistic supply, and was instead making it all about HER. That was of no use to Rebhahn at all, so he dumped her without a glance back. It’s quite possible that she was a narcissist too, and that’s obviously never going to work!
RNZ said,
“The NPD sufferer isn’t a big listener, and lacks genuine empathy, Vaknin says.”
Exactly as Rebhahn proved with his “partner”. He had no interest in listening to her problems, and no empathy toward her at all. He wanted her to worship him, not to ask for his compassion and understanding. He fucking HATED that woman … his own partner! That’s what Rebhahn is really like. You can even see the same thing in how he treats his mods and many others.
RNZ said,
“His relationships are ultimately transactional, and the victim will be discarded when they don’t offer him what he needs and when new, better sources of narcissistic ‘supply’ have been secured.”
This is entirely true of Rebhahn. His whole life, just like Donald Trump’s, is conducted transactionally, especially regarding money. People more or less pay Rebhahn for his “love” (this man actually being incapable of loving anyone – well, except himself, of course). Rebhahn dumped his “partner” to find a better source of narcissistic supply. Now he has his Hyperian cult, but it’s not nearly enough for this person. He would love to replace his completely ineffectual Hyperian cultists with far more successful cultists. Not that he can ever say that, of course. This person can NEVER be honest with his own cult.
Vaknin said,
“The currency the narcissist seeks, as opposed to the psychopath for example, is narcissistic supply – attention, adulation, admiration.”
And that’s EXACTLY Rebhahn’s game. Everyone knows it is, apart from the members of his cult who imagine their cult leader is some benevolent Ascended Master come to save humanity. Ho, ho, ho.
RNZ said,
“Narcissists and psychopaths are often confused or conflated with each other, but these personality types differ in fundamental ways, Vaknin says. The emotionally self-regulating psychopath doesn’t care about or need other people, but the narcissist does and needs symbiotic, parasitic relationship to tolerate existing.”
This is an interesting point. Rebhahn is clearly a psychopath as well as a pathological narcissist – he’s a dark triad individual – but his psychopathy plays second fiddle to his compulsion to have people worship him. With someone like Ted Bundy – another dark triad individual – his pathological narcissism was secondary to his psychopathy. But look at how much Bundy loved the attention during his court case and lapped it up. He didn’t just sit there morosely or indifferently, as most pure psychopaths do when they’re at last facing justice.
RNZ said,
“The narcissist is a living void of authentic self and instead presents a ‘false-self’ that he has built as a defense against the world, which constantly seeks soothing and validation. This type of supply is a drug that helps keeps the false self-functioning, and the disordered person from looking into the abyss.”
This is the whole game with Rebhahn. There is no real person, no authentic self. There is purely the Rebhahn construct – the False Self. No normal person could go from Edgelord Morgue to Woke Morgue, the inversion of the former. But if you have no actual self, you can make your false self whatever you want at the time. Rebhahn can change into anything. He’s the ultimate chameleon. Even his non-binary self-designation is exactly what you would expect of a false self, always keeping its options open.
Vaknin said,
“The narcissist has an inflated grandiose self-image that he needs to maintain with input from other people.”
Rebhahn absolutely has an “inflated grandiose self-image”, and only through others can he maintain this image. Only a cult furnishes sufficiently slavish worshipers, utterly obsessed and consumed with their cult leader, as we see with Hyperianism, a profoundly mentally ill scene (and cult). The Hyperian cultists say we know nothing about them. In fact, we know everything about them … BECAUSE they’re cultists! They’re stereotypes. So is Rebhahn. They are literally so stereotypical that they constitute textbook cases. They are not real people with real, complex responses. All the real people left Hyperianism, leaving only the unreal people, the stereotypical cultists whose behavior can be entirely predicted. Just pick up a textbook. It’s all there!
RNZ said,
“There can be a narcissistic personality, without the disorder – those showing traits and defenses, but don’t fulfill the clinical criteria for diagnosis, Vaknin says. The real thing is disturbingly different.”
Many vain people are narcissistic, but they do not have a psychiatric disorder. Corey Rebhahn and Allie Torgensen do. They ought to go and see a psychiatrist but of course, as stereotypes, they never will.
Vaknin said,
“Narcissistic personality disorder is a pernicious, dangerous alternation in the personality of the patient in early childhood – the inability to complete certain psychological processes and consequently the narcissistic is a ‘half-baked’ human being.”
And that’s exactly true of Rebhahn and Torgensen. They are incomplete humans, malformed, “half-baked”, and that’s why they lead such strange lives, so different from those of normal people.
RNZ said,
“Sex, safety, supply and services these are sought in a relationship, which precludes genuine intimacy and love.”
Rebhahn and Torgensen can’t love anyone. That’s why they strongly promote polyamory. They can never have a genuine, honest, intimate relationship with anyone. That’s the curse of Narcissus. He can only love himself.
RNZ said,
“The narcissist is internally insecure, feels inadequate, inferior, a lot of shame, some guilty, vulnerability to criticism in particular, but he conversely boasts, is grandiose and presents invulnerability. The vast majority of narcissists are prone to disappointment.”
You see Rebhahn weeping over his RTS and talking about his worthlessness and shame and his “perfectionism”, then saying he is a “hyperaware World Shaper raising human consciousness”. What a joke. Edgelord Morgue pretended to be invulnerable. Woke Morgue pretends that his critics do not exist. They are dismissed, ignored, or called haters, bigots, trolls, and so on, who must never be mentioned. And all his cultists agree with whatever he says. They have no agency at all. They must do what Rebhahn wants. They are TOTALLY predictable. Not once would these people ask Rebhahn about the FBI. Real people would, but these aren’t real people. They are organic portals, “background” people … NPCs. They cannot disobey the player character … Morgue. Yet Rebhahn is a profoundly disappointed person. He’s getting nowhere, and his cult is TINY, despite years of effort and grifting and promoting himself as much as possible.
Vaknin said,
“The disordered person is dangerous due to his inability to perceive others as humans with intrinsic value, instead treating them as avatars and extensions of himself. He uses instrumental reasoning to get supply from them.”
Yup, that’s Hyperianism for you. You are only of value to Rebhahn while you can supply him. When you can’t – such as his mods leaving – you become an unperson. You never existed. You will never be mentioned again. Hasn’t anyone noticed that Rebhahn never says anything like, “Oh, remember when Rowan said such and such and did such and such?” Or, “Last month, I was having an excellent chat with Jewel about such and such.” These things, which normal people say, are never said by Rebhahn. He “shouts out” the mods, but you could literally replace ALL of the mods, and Rebhahn’s references to them would remain exactly the same. They never become actual people, worthy of being talked about AS people. They are never brought on the show. God forbid! Rebhahn is a pathological narcissist – how can he possibly share the limelight and reduce his narcissistic supply? So Rebhahn can never get involved with other people, other influencers. Only once did Rebhahn share the screen, and that was with the only credible person he has ever encountered in Hyperianism – the philosopher Peter Sjöstedt-H – and that was purely as a strategic move to make Rebhahn seem more important. No academic would touch that freak with a bargepole now, so it’s Rebhahn going solo – forever.
Vaknin said,
“The typical narcissist is a junkie, an addict, preoccupied 100 percent with his next fix of narcissistic supply…”
Rebhahn’s life is horrific. You definitely wouldn’t envy that guy his totally fucked, desperate life. He’s just a heroin addict whose heroin is narcissistic supply, which he cannot do without.
RNZ said,
“The narcissist is therefore a Gollum-type character who stumbles through life attempting to extract narcissistic supply from people by any means.”
Rebhahn is always looking for THE PRECIOUS, which in his case is slavish worship, which all of the Hyperian cultists are delighted to supply. These people actually get turned on by being slaves on their knees. They are total submissives, desperately in search of a dominant to tell them what to do.
Rebhahn is a false dominant. He is a ridiculous, craven, terrified, feeble pussy, but his pathological narcissism turns him into a pseudo-dominant, but only with extreme submissives. There are no masculine heterosexual men in Hyperianism because they would easily dominate this freak, so they are all excluded. Only degenerate Woke people are of use to Rebhahn. Only they allow him to posture as a dominant.
RNZ said,
“Vaknin however says there does exists sub-group of psychotic or ‘malignant’ narcissist. These types are particularly dangerous and usually the people who make the news headlines. These include politicians, celebrities and corporate tyrants – goal-orientated psychopathic narcissists possessing charm, able to sway and mislead a crowd, and skilled enough to manipulate and destroy a person’s psyche.”
Rebhahn is a malignant narcissist and will be making the news real soon.
RNZ said,
“Social media brings the psychopaths and narcissists out of the woodwork, Vaknin says.”
Doesn’t it just!
RNZ said,
“The platform is narcissistic by definition, and it brings out people’s narcissistic defenses, he says. It rewards and increases these aspects of otherwise healthy people.”
Yup. Everyone bristles with narcissism “defenses” on social media, i.e., they are all obsessed with curating their image and fending off challenges to their narcissism. The Hyperian cultists engage in “narcissism by proxy”, meaning that they latch onto a more powerful narcissist – Rebhahn – and then seek to boost their own self-image (narcissism) via him. They are totally pathetic. The idea that we could assign any complexity to these people is laughable. They are as simple as simple can be … that’s why they’re in a cult and don’t even grasp that they are stereotypical cultists.
RNZ said,
“Narcissists develop a ‘shared fantasy’ of togetherness, which becomes irresistible to their romantic victim, who is eventually emotionally eviscerated when discarded after the false commitment is reneged on and the narcissist moves on to another source of supply. Psychopaths often leave a victim penniless too.”
Wow! And that’s the exact game Rebhahn is in. Look at how much he has fleeced from all the sad people who are clearly romantically in love with him. A love that cannot be requited … Rebhahn can ONLY love himself. Rebhahn can shout you out one day, and get you swatted by the FBI a week later! That’s how much his “shout outs” mean. They are LITERALLY MEANINGLESS. Purely for appearance’s sake. Remember what Jewel Marsh said,
“Corey Rebhahn said nothing to me when I posted my resignation on the 1st, abiding by the notorious Rebhahn playbook. However, when I shared it publicly on Friday, November 4th, guess who was one of the first to publicly comment, with a warm message of encouragement? Corey Rebhahn. Such is the eternal struggle of the covert narcissist: tend to public perception at all times; always make sure you look like a genuine, supportive, ‘good guy,’ but in private? Fuck ‘em.”
That’s exactly it. In fact, Jewel’s account of his time with Hyperianism is a textbook description of life in a cult and leaving a cult. As we expected, no Hyperians engaged with what Jewel wrote, even though they had all been loving him days earlier. He was now “dead” to Corey, and so he was dead to them too. Kim Blew the Line was totally backing Jewel when he first left Hyperianism … and then TUMBLEWEED. Because none of these people are real. They have no real reactions. Their reactions, such as they are, are always based on what Corey Rebhahn thinks about it, not what they think about it. They don’t think about it. They are slaves. They are cultists. They are joke human beings, human impersonators.
RNZ said,
“Vaknin is himself a psychopathic narcissist, diagnosed twice by two different clinicians within a 10-year period. In 1995 he was found guilty in an Israeli court on three counts of securities fraud. He was sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment. It was a blessing in disguise, he says.”
These people always end up in jail. That’s Rebhahn’s destiny. Tick, tock Rebhahn. You’re fucking going down, mate. You are a criminal and justice will be served!
Vaknin said,
“For the first time I came across the fact that, whatever it is I have it’s destroyed my life and ever since then I’ve been studying these disorders and trying to find cures if possible, or at least amelioration or mitigation of these disorders.”
And Rebhahn’s pathological narcissism will destroy him too, but Rebhahn isn’t nearly as smart or self-aware as Vaknin. He cannot reflect on his condition. There is nothing funnier than Morgy Porgy talking about “hyperawareness” – a man with no awareness at all, who is unconscious and operates via a false self-obsessed with narcissistic supply, around which his whole existence revolves.
RNZ said,
“Vaknin’s self-assessment is as commendable in stark honesty as it is chilling.”
You could never get Rebhahn doing anything commendable like this. He is a truly disgusting, irredeemable conman.
RNZ says,
“He says his shift into psychology, being honest, and offering therapy was chosen from a place of complete self-interest. It was self-efficacious move, not an evolution of a moral state.”
This is very interesting. We can imagine that Vaknin, before he went to jail, was once very like Rebhahn – absolutely dishonest in everything. And Vaknin, as he says, did not embrace honesty for any moral reason. He did out of pure narcissistic self-interest and his “honesty” is in every way conditioned by his narcissism, so we do indeed need to be very circumspect about it, but that’s not to say that it has no value. It seems to have extra value, if anything, since it offers even more data about narcissists.
What does it look like when a false self is trying to be honest about its own falseness? Can it ever be anything than dishonest, given its nature? Can a false self-achieve self-awareness? Does it achieve false self-awareness? Can a false self, through intense self-reflection, actually attain a degree of honesty and thus became a bit more like a real self? These are all profound questions.
Once Corey Rebhahn gets out of jail, he will simply go back to grifting. He will establish a new cult and sucker a whole new bunch of people. That’s the kind of person he is. It’s impossible for that man to be honest with himself. Even his non-binaryness is totally dishonest – keeping his options open, playing both sides, doubling his scope for dishonesty. So is his “transitional” veganism (what, is that like transitional virginity?!).
Vaknin said,
“I’m in much more self-control than I used to be, because I was not self-aware before. But it’s all self-interested. It’s all a set of strategies which yield the best outcomes and optimizing myself as I go along… Helping people brings many more rewards than not helping people.”
This is fascinating. Rebhahn has no self-control. He cannot control his pathological narcissism and psychopathy. Rebhahn has no self-awareness, which is why it is so comedic that he talks about hyperawareness, something he could NEVER attain. Everything Rebhahn does is self-interested and about reaching the richest seams of narcissistic supply.
RNZ said,
“He says there remains a constant battle between his intellect and his narcissistic personality, where he constantly formulates solutions to problems his personality poses.”
So, this is precisely where his System 2 abnormalities come into play. Vaknin’s System 2 intellect cannot escape his false self, his narcissistic personality, and so his System 2 thinking keeps getting pulled in that direction. The thing is … this makes him perfect for talking about narcissism from this System 2 perspective because his System 2 actually encapsulates his narcissism. Imagine a non-narcissist trying to explain what narcissism is. They can observe narcissists from the outside and explain the condition on that basis, which may be behaviorally extremely accurate. But they can never get the inside view. In order to get the inside view, you need to be a narcissist and thus “the view” is automatically corrupted by the inherent narcissism. Or, to put it another way, non-narcissists can get extra behavioral data about a narcissist trying to be “honest” about his narcissism, which is of course just another manifestation of the person’s narcissism but provides an even fuller picture of the condition. Corey Rebhahn – MORGUE – would never attempt to be honest about his pathological narcissism. He narcissistically denies that he is a narcissist at all.
If an “honest” narcissist gives a picture of narcissism that explains narcissism as viewed by non-narcissists, why would the non-narcissists reject this explanation? If the explanation can be used in a clinical setting by non-narcissists to successfully diagnose narcissists then it has proved its worth, regardless of its origin in a corrupted System 2 mind.
We think that what Vaknin says is astonishingly accurate with respect to Corey Rebhahn and may help to provide additional psychological insights that we can use to bring down this sick cult leader and his sick cult.
Vaknin said,
“My personality pathology is immutable, it can’t be changed or modified in any shape or form.”
His System 2 can’t repair itself. He will always have a “narcissistic consciousness” and will always be different from normal people, exactly as Rebhahn is. But a narcissistic consciousness should certainly be capable of commenting on narcissistic consciousness – since that’s what it is. How much that commentary is relevant to non-narcissists is for non-narcissists to decide. We are trying to gain wisdom regarding an ALIEN consciousness. A narcissist’s System 2 thinking will never be like ours, because we don’t have a false self and are not driven by the need for narcissistic supply to shore us up.
How many people feel compelled to do two or three deadstreams or videos a week? Hardly anyone. Because normal people aren’t acting under a narcissistic compulsion. But Rebhahn and Fat Jan are. Notice that neither ever provides a detailed biography of their childhood and adolescence. That’s avoided like the plague. Because the False Self can’t bear to go back there, where the True Self once lived, where all the horror lurks, the “RTS”.
Social media is allowing all the narcissistic nutjobs to flood out in search of their narcissistic supply. We have entered a narcissistic hell, where vile people such as Rebhahn and Fat Jan get to have “influence” and to wreck people’s lives. Countless people are being dragged into the orbit of degenerate narcissists and psychopaths. This is an astonishingly serious problem for society. It’s a prime reason why the West is collapsing and why mental health problems are going through the roof. It’s all the result of extreme, insane individualism driven by extreme, insane narcissists and psychopaths who believe that the whole world revolves around them and should be allowed to do whatever they like (to “self-express” without limit).
Vaknin said,
“The only thing I can do is superimpose a veneer of social acceptability or commendable activities, which is what I’m doing. But the conflict between the absence of what I am and the presence I wish I were – this conflict is still ongoing.”
The pity is that Rebhahn and Fat Jan cannot reach this level of maturity. Instead of being socially acceptable, they are dangerous predators, preying on the naïve and constantly duping them and fleecing them.
RNZ says,
“Within his profession as a therapist, there is no empathy for his patients, and he says he remains incapable of caring for people.”
Just like Rebhahn and Fat Jan. Imagine what it must be like for people such as RJ, CL and Jewel who gave years of devoted service to Hyperianism and are now treated as if they never existed. To a pathological narcissist, they don’t exist. They have no use, no value, are no longer sources of narcissistic supply and therefore have vanished from the narcissist’s world, never to be thought of again. Rebhahn has no empathy for them. He is incapable of caring for them. Not only did he not thank RJ for his incredible hard work and service – all unpaid! – he swatted him and literally tried to destroy his life. And 100% of those who remain in this cult clearly believe that Rebhahn was entirely justified in doing so. Anything Rebhahn does is fully endorsed by them. And then people wonder why so many billions still admire Abraham, a man prepared to slaughter his own son to please his God. That’s exactly how Hyperians operate. They condemn RJ – Rebhahn’s victim! – and worship Rebhahn, the sick and evil predator. They have no morality at all. They will follow and obey Rebhahn no matter what, exactly like Abrahamists. And they dared to call us “trolls”, the very people seeking to bring Rebhahn to justice for his crimes. To them, of course, we are the criminals – because we are the “devils” opposed to the God they kneel to and worship.
RNZ says,
“His endeavor is purely intellectual, driven by a desire to understand the pathology and succeed in his field.”
Vaknin’s desire for success in his field is, of course, driven by his extreme narcissism. He is using his narcissistic System 2 to become the world’s leading authority on narcissism – to satisfy his narcissism. Sheez!
And that’s why Rebhahn keeps going on and on, despite the insanity of it all. That’s why he cannot respond rationally and logically to the situation he is in. His cult is over. It has no future. But while he can get narcissistic supply from it, he will still keep doing it. Until he is jailed for being a disgusting criminal.
RNZ says,
“He has drawn the conclusion that the condition is not treatable. The narcissist can learn to behave in ways that are more socially acceptable, but the core personality he says is untouchable, he says.”
Exactly so. No one could ever reason with Corey Rebhahn. He is immune to reason, as all drug addicts are.
RNZ says,
“Even so, he has developed a means of treatment he calls cold therapy, which seems to have a positive effect to the need for narcissistic supply, false self and grandiosity, he says.”
Good luck trying to get Rebhahn and Fat Jan to reduce their narcissistic supply!
RNZ says,
“It is based on recasting the condition as a form of complex post-traumatic stress disorder  (CPTSD) and arrested development, which result in an addictive personality with a dysfunctional attachment style in relationships.”
So, Rebhahn is always bleating on about PTSD and CPTSD. He is someone who absolutely suffers from arrested development. Rebhahn clearly has the mental age of a five-year-old. He’s a spoiled child, subject to regular tantrums, in an adult body. And all his cultists are self-evidently infantile too, all driven by their emotions and completely cut off from reason and logic. You just need to look at their profiles and comments to see how childish and emotional they are.
RNZ said,
“For Vaknin persistent childhood trauma arrested his own development and created a fragmented self and ultimately his NPD.”
And that’s EXACTLY what happened to Rebhahn, and Fat Jan too. It’s all about persistent childhood trauma. Just go and watch Morgue’s video “Is Religion Actually Child Abuse? (My Story) Recovering from Religious Trauma Syndrome” and you will see an archetypal story of the formation of a pathological narcissist and psychopath. Morgy Porgy almost literally says that he felt himself worthless, and thus was born the insane Corey Rebhahn of today – the FALSE SELF that he uses to protect himself from PTSD and CPTSD by inflating himself as an Ascended Master and Messiah, come to save the world. Rebhahn should be under clinical help, not getting the chance to corrupt weak and vulnerable people via social media.
Vaknin said,
“I was denied as a child, I was not allowed to become, so I never became, I remained a promise or a dream and I’m an unfulfilled one.”
And so was Rebhahn. He “never became” He is a partial human being, an unfinished human. His Real Self vanished (died) and was replaced by a False Self – a deranged narcissist and psychopath – Edgelord Terror of Men Morgue and Woke Messiah Morgue. There is no real person behind the mask. There is just the mask. In a very real sense, Rebhahn is not human. His psyche and consciousness are nothing like those of normal people, which is why his behavior and responses are so strange. Normal people would never do what Rebhahn does. Because they have a real self and are conscious and he doesn’t and isn’t. He’s an unconscious complex acting out.
The reality of our world is that many people seem conscious but are actually unconscious, meaning that they are completely controlled by their unconscious. Rebhahn’s consciousness withered and died in childhood – he never got “the chance to become” – and the unconscious stepped in to protect Rebhahn’s fragile psyche, by creating a totally false and absurd person, MORGUE, THE NIGHT BRINGER, THE TERROR OF MEN, MORGEN NIGHT – like a kind of really shit superhero for people who hate heroism but love freaky outsiders like Maleficent – Rebhahn’s favorite archetype.
Vaknin is a narcissist academically studying narcissism. Funnily enough, the same issue cropped up with regard to psychopathy. Joseph Stromberg wrote,
“The Neuroscientist Who Discovered He Was a Psychopath … While studying brain scans to search for patterns that correlated with psychopathic behavior, James Fallon found that his own brain fit the profile!”
Sam Vaknin is a very different narcissist from Corey Rebhahn insofar as he is MUCH SMARTER. He’s educated. He can reflect on his narcissism and study it. Rebhahn cannot. You could never imagine Rebhahn appearing on one of his deadstreams and telling his audience all about his malignant narcissism.
If we take all narcissists to be unique narcissists, then Vaknin is speaking only for himself. But, of course, all narcissists share many common features and a common condition. They all uniquely manifest their narcissism, but always from a common base – extreme childhood trauma, followed by the construction of a False Self which then obsessively pursues narcissistic supply to give it the feeling of worth and love that the Real Self never got the chance to experience. It’s all a sad and dismal scene, the most disturbing part of it being how many people fall for the act, the con – and defend clinical lunatics to the hilt against sane people who are dismissed as “trolls” for telling the truth and blowing the whistle. Sheez!
With Vaknin, he’s using his false consciousness to deconstruct false consciousness, a process which obviously must have problems associated with it. His System 2 thinking is defective, but isn’t it actually ideal for one thing – revealing the nature of System 2 thinking in a pathological narcissist?!
With Corey Rebhahn, the False Self NEVER engages with deconstructing itself. In Vaknin’s case, it does, but purely because that’s where Vaknin derives his narcissistic supply. Rebhahn gets his from his Hyperian cult.
Vaknin’s condition certainly disqualifies him from having a consciousness that normal people could engage with, but he has an excellent consciousness for talking about narcissism from the inside.
How could a person without autism know what autism is like from the inside? We need an autistic person to tell us. How could a person with an internal monologue know what it’s like to have no internal monologue? We need a person without internal monologue to tell us. And so it is with narcissism. Only narcissists can tell us what the condition is like from the inside, but the only narcissist who will ever tell us this is one who is narcissistically committed to telling us – to secure his narcissistic supply. Sam Vaknin any day over Corey Rebhahn.
To what degree is Vaknin an unreliable witness regarding narcissism? Does his narcissism prevent him from telling the truth about narcissism? Does he need to narcissistically embellish everything to gratify his own false self, his own myth-making? Probably, but that doesn’t mean that what he says should be automatically discounted, but it does mean that we should exercise caution, and be very careful to cross-check everything. From what we have looked at, Vaknin perfectly diagnoses Corey Rebhahn, and so we take Vaknin’s account of narcissism very seriously and see it as having real value. For one thing, we have ceased to imagine that someone like Rebhahn could ever be reasoned with. That guy is an “immutable” pathological narcissist. He must in fact be jailed to end his cult, and, as it has happens, he has already committed multiple felonies that will see him jailed. Only the time frame is at issue. And we have almost no confidence in the FBI now. They seem like people who refuse to uphold the law and instead only exist to back up the Woke. The FBI definitely needs to be abolished – or formally investigated by an outside agency to root out all the corrupt people in this organization. How on earth has Rebhahn not been arrested by now? It’s a scandal, and someone must be fired because of it.
Dollie Donatello said,
“… a Narcissist who exposes all other narcissists so that no other narcissist can match him and being ‘the one’ that exposed all the narcissists…. Dangerous and genius.”
YUP! That’s right on the mark. Who is the king of the narcissists? The narcissist who “owns” all the other narcissists by telling it how it is. Very much “dangerous and genius”. We can believe Vaknin BECAUSE of his narcissism, not despite it. His narcissistic need to be the narcissist who explains the condition is compulsive for him, just as Rebhahn’s narcissism makes him a compulsive plagiarist, determined to present himself as the Woke Messiah to his Woke disciples.
Once upon a time, Rebhahn was Edgelord Morgue, preaching to his “Interns” in his Terrors of Men Cult. None of those people made it to the Hyperian cult. The Terrors of Men cult was nihilistic and misanthropic, full of hate and despising pity. Today’s Hyperian cult is a pacifist, vegan operation of love and light and compassion, based on androgyny (non-binaryness) as the highest good. No one cares that Rebhahn has inverted his message, least of all him! All he wants is narcissistic supply and he doesn’t care at all how he gets it, or what he has to say to get it, as long as he gets it.
Isn’t it hilarious that Hyperians don’t realize Rebhahn has had FOUR cults: The Terrors of Men, the Hollywood Dionysian cult, The Order of One, and finally Hyperianism. What part of this long-established cult pattern don’t the Hyperians get when they claim they are not in yet another Rebhahn cult?!
Rebhahn literally meets the exact background (extreme “RTS”) for a diagnosis of a clinical narcissist. Why do his cult worshipers imagine that he is NOT a narcissist? He even lives in Hollywood, Ground Zero of global narcissism, ffs.
The worst pathological narcissist in the world is Donald Trump. That’s whom Corey Rebhahn so closely resembles. Trump refused to concede an election he lost. Rebhahn refused to acknowledge that he was a plagiarist when exposed as such … and so here we all are. The Hyperian cult exists to provide Corey Rebhahn with narcissistic supply regarding OUR system, and obviously we will never allow that. A normal person would fuck off. A pathological narcissist like Rebhahn does not. He will keep going to the bitter end.
Hey Rebhahn, do two things for us…
  1. Publish your complaint to the FBI, and
  2. Go and see a psychiatrist and show them everything we have said about you!
Did you have a good interview with David G. McAfee? Do you think you did effective damage control? We shall see!
Why don’t you discuss these things with your cultists? Why do they always have to find out what’s going on from us?!
Isn’t it funny that no Hyperian EVER feels the need to question or challenge Rebhahn? Funny that. All they know is how to support and love Rebhahn unconditionally and send him loads of money.