Velvet Tears



10/4/2022 Post #3
So, the Velvet Tears business is curiously fascinating. What’s for sure is that the central story that a transgender boy was driven to commit suicide by his parents who were then given lengthy jail sentences would be a MASSIVE media story if it were true, and would have been all over the news. It wasn’t. The supposed 13-year old sister then mysteriously banged her head and died – just like that. Er, don’t think so! But that’s not even the point anymore. The point is why do people tell stories like this? And why, in particular, are these people HYPERIANS?
Anthony Lake said, “The manner in which hyper-mods handled it was bad enough. VT even commented/thanked on yt post regarding my observations, yet continues to attend live streams. On further investigation VT used her sisters FB account (Michell B Akers-Miller) to contact other hyperions not long after the live stream hu-ha. No doubt this person comes from an extreme christian family and not long ago moved state to escape some sort of abuse. On VT’s ‘sister’ and other family members FB pages there is no mention of a death in the family or anything that would suggest so. Bit of a mystery that one but considering fantasy and fabricating stories is the hyperian modus operandi mixed with large dose of ‘trauma signaling’, anything goes!”
That seems to be the size of it.
At one time, it seemed that Velvet Tears had been treated badly by the mods and was very upset, but she is now praising these people and loving Rebhahn. It’s not the behavior of a genuine person.
People are highly incentivized in the hyperian community to engage in “trauma signaling”. They get loads of attention and sympathy, and that’s exactly what a lot of lonely people are looking for. Sad business.
Artemis Maenad said, “And this is what happens even when his supporters try to address the issue. They get shut down and their comments deleted by Corey Epstein himself! Many had an issue with the idea of Velvet Tear’s 13 year old grand daughter hanging around and I think that is what sparked this discussion. Everybody in there sees this crap and rewards it with more asinine emojis.”
So, it could well be that Velvet Tears was aware of this and decided to “kill off” this alter ego of a supposed 13-year-old girl (using the exact same username!). She suddenly “banged her head” and died, just like that!
Diarmuid Russell said, “Corey Rebhahn said, ‘Hey all, like most content on YouTube, our content is not for kids. This is on You Tube’s end and parents.’ As we see above in the photo, Corey knows full well his deranged content is being followed and copied by children. He’s a menace. To add to this, Corey puts the onus on YouTube and parents however the FIRST port of call for age restricted content lies with the uploader, YouTube gives the content creator the option of putting an age restriction every time they upload. Corey CHOOSES to put no age restrictions on his videos because he WANTS to warp young children’s minds with his demented content.”
Creepy Rebhahn said, “Hey all, like most content on YouTube, our content is not for kids. This is on YouTube’s end and parents. It’s up to the parent whether they want them on YouTube or not and “YouTube kids” is offered as an alternative. Let’s stay on topic in this channel.
[Response Removed] … No problem. Yes, this kind of discussion isn’t appropriate for this channel. All possible precautions are taken by us but ultimately it’s up to parents and YouTube.”
“All possible precautions are taken by us” …. Which is to say, NONE!
Artemis Maenad rightly pointed out, “But for several months before the ‘death’ of Neveah the 13 year old… Everyone believed she was real, interacted with her, Morgue said Hi to her in chats and the child was welcomed in every discussion.”
This is a critical point. Rebhahn openly said that his content is not for children, yet he and his mods and the whole Hyperian community actively engaged with a person saying she was a 13-year-old child and didn’t do a thing to stop it. In fact, they actively encouraged it and people were told to mind their language in front of a child!
All of this proves how sinister Rebhahn and his cult are and how intent they are on corrupting children with their degenerate views.
Velvet Tears (Nevaeh) said, “I’M ONLY 13.”
Velvet Tears (Nevaeh) said, “HIII MORGUE I LOVE YOU 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Velvet Tears (the grandmother) said, “This has been MY account. Nevaeh used it to watch videos.”
Velvet Tears: Hello everyone. this is Nevaeh grandma. I’m sorry I have to tell you all this. Nevaeh passed away last night.
Velvet Tears: She fell and hit her head on a corner of her night stand.
Velvet Tears (grandmother) said, “Yes. My son and daughter in law are monsters.”
Velvet Tears: My grandma won’t let me go back to school because I punch people lol
Velvet Tears: They make fun of Morgue.
Velvet Tears: I have a pillow that I punch now. lol
Velvet Tears: @M. C. This 1 boy says this is a cult. 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
Velvet Tears: I just told my grandma and her girlfriend and they said it would be awesome
Velvet Tears: My grandma says her last girlfriend was that way.
Velvet Tears: I think my friend is non- binary but I don’t think they realizes it yet 🤔
Velvet Tears: Good night everybody love you all very much. my family 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
So, whatever was going on, this was clearly a very troubled individual. In all likelihood, Velvet Tears just invented a new persona to get attention, and then killed off the persona when the going got tough, and now is back within the community as if nothing has happened, and no one is saying anything about it.
Artemis Maenad said, “Saw some chatter in one of the dead streams with some hyperians believing that Neveah (the 13-year-old) was never real and actually one of Velvet Tear’s split personalities because after the ‘death’ Velvet Tears came into the chat saying that the Neveah was speaking to her as a ghost and saying hi to everyone. Yeah, just another day at the bizarre bazaar.”
The bizarre bazaar indeed. And isn’t it strange that everyone just ignores everything that happened and even Velvet Tears doesn’t refer to it at all now. Everyone in Hyperianism seems programmed just to ignore reality.
Testor Accountier said, “[Rebhahn’s] response can also be translated to; ‘Since we don’t have that many viewers as it is, and my patreon numbers are declining, I’m not going to risk cutting the viewership anymore – especially since children are easy targets.’”
Rebhahn will never do anything to shrink his audience. He said, “I need your help! Patreon is really screwing me over and has marked my account as ‘adult content’ for containing nudity and kicked off a bunch of my patrons. This is absolutely crazy and CENSORSHIP of our message. Please help me out by going to and if you are already a patron make sure they haven’t kicked you off (if they have go to your account settings and hit retry), and if you aren’t and are considering supporting now would be a great time. Once we reach our next goal I am going to begin travelling and setting up hyperian meetings. All your support means the world to me especially in the face of all the censorship of our message we have been getting lately. Ad Astra!”
Artemis Maenad said, “Yeah well I saw when the ‘grandmother’ was claiming that the ‘dead grandchild’ was talking to her and saying Hi to people in the chat. That whole situation looked fake from the beginning. I think she also soon later claimed that the grandson died as well. Or then soon the parents died. I can’t remember cuz it was all obviously bullshit. Whatever she was saying I remember thinking that the statistical likelihood of that happening is nearly null. I wouldn’t advise giving this much attention at all. This velvet tears character just wants attention. It’s probably one of the other crazy hyperians making up stories and playing games. Hypetia Unbound has been known for those tricks. But that’s just my 2 cents take it or leave it. I paid close attention to those chats because it was that bizarre.”
Yes, the whole thing was totally bizarre, but what was even more bizarre was that extraordinarily disturbing claims were being made – such as parents “forcing” a transgender son to commit suicide – and no one ever sought any clarity. We became very interested in this Velvet Tears business because it was the most apparently egregious example of adults allowing children to watch incredibly disturbing, and often disgusting content, all with the full approval of the degenerate Corey Rebhahn.
Karen said, “Police detectives and Child Protective Services need to be involved in this case. I remember when the grandmother was grieving the loss of her granddaughter. … Who knows what the real truth is? That is exactly why Child Protective Services as well as the police should look into it. People ignoring situations and assuming everything is ‘OK’ is EXACTLY how children fall through the cracks.”
And that’s an excellent point. Given the whole situation, the police and Child Protection services should definitely have been called in to get to the bottom of this. They should still be called in since several Hyperian parents say they openly expose their children to Hyperion content. Much of this content is sick and depraved and all children should be protected from it. There should be a blanket ban. Corey Rebhahn is the new Andrew Tate and must be removed from social media.
Artemis Maenad said, “This definitely sounds bizarre. It may well be just more BS from another crazy Hyperian looking for attention and likes to play stupid games.”
Everything is a stupid game with Hyperianism. That’s what happens when the reality principle is totally absent.
Karen said, “And if Child Protective Services makes a house call, more attention will be paid to this dangerous cult.”
Exactly. Children MUST be protected from a dangerous cult. It’s flagrant child abuse to let any child anywhere near degenerate Hyperian content.
Artemis Maenad said, “That is true. There would need to be a court order to find out where velvet tears is and who they are. I’m still waiting for the authorities to arrest the Hyperian and inner circle for making a false report. Not holding my breath.”
Unfortunately, nor are we. Clearly, the FBI do not prioritize dealing with false, malicious complaints. But moves are underway to circumvent the FBI’s inertia. A new front may well open up some time this month and that might push the FBI into action. We shall see.