The Daily Whistle
Welcome to
Hyperian Hell
Hyperian Hell
When Corey Rebhahn (aka Morgue, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Nightbringer89) became a member of the Illuminist community, he discovered the greatest treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom ever bestowed upon the human race. Indeed, he stumbled upon the ever-living, eternal fount of wisdom itself; the holiest of holies where only the finest souls are allowed to enter.
Illuminism is the light in the darkness, the oasis in the endless satanic Wasteland. Without it, the world would be condemned to eternal darkness, to a bleak world without the slightest bit of hope. As the entrance to hell in Dante’s Inferno said, “abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”
A hopeless world is a world without the Illuminated. Illuminism is the only exit out of hell. All else are condemned to the endless tortures of this hellish world.
Corey Rebhahn committed the most unpardonable of offenses: he took the greatest gift ever bestowed upon humanity and used it for his own personal benefit. He took that which is most sacred and desecrated it. He made it profane. He became a traitor.
The profane must never be allowed to soil the sacred.
Due to the grave nature of his crimes against the cause of Illuminism “…we separate him from the society of all Illuminists, we exclude him from the bosom of our Illuminated Brotherhood and Sisterhood, we declare him excommunicated and anathematized and we judge him condemned to eternal fire with Satan and his angels and all the reprobate…”
Welcome to Hyperian Hell
1st Circle Limbo:
According to Dante, this circle is for those souls who never knew Christ, yet lived a virtuous life. The likes of Homer, Alexander the Great and even ol’ Aristotle are to be found here. Since we’re Illuminists, this circle is for those who lived a virtuous life yet didn’t know their Higher Selves.
Rather than a place of direct punishment, Limbo is a deficient form of heaven, a Godless realm where its denizens are subject to eternal longing for a God that can never be known.
It’s questionable whether Corey could even be said to qualify for Limbo. No one is as far removed from his higher self as Corey Rebhahn, the narcissist with a shadow as thick as smog. Corey possesses neither knowledge of his higher self, nor virtue. Corey is the virtueless soul, the soul whose only cause is himself.
Even when he was promoting Illuminism – the religion of the Higher Self – he was doing so for his own personal benefit. Such is the grave nature of his crimes.
2nd Circle Lust:
The first sin Rebhahn is guilty of is lust. His lust for power over others rather than the empowerment of others is what qualifies him for this circle of hell. Even more damning, he took the most empowering knowledge ever bestowed upon the human race – Illuminism – and twisted it for his own selfish aims. He used it to garner a simpering den of sycophants to worship him and give him the narcissistic supply he craves more than anything else.
Rebhahn – and all narcissists – are deficient, empty souls who require the devotion of others to feel human. The praise and adulation of others puffs up their narcissistic inflation, without which would cause them to crumple like a paper bag.
3rd Circle Gluttony:
This is the circle of self-indulgence of food and drink. Metaphorically speaking, Corey is a glutton for the praise and adulation of others. He requires it to feel human, much like the glutton requires excessive food and drink to feel alive.
4th Circle Greed:
Rebhahn is the greediest person you could find; all grifters are.
Corey – the bourgeois son of a cop from Orange County – has never had a hard day’s work in his life. For Corey, life is about the brainwashed and those who brainwash. Like all narcissists, he has infinite contempt for people he perceives to be weak or herd-like. Even his herd-like followers – whom he relies on for financial support and adulation – are secretly held in contempt by Rebhahn. He despises them more than anything.
Corey does everything in his power to be the one who brainwashes rather than one of the brainwashed. Every person who comes his way is a non-person. They are simply dollar signs and impersonal units of sycophantic devotion.
5th Circle Wrath:
Hell hath no fury like that narcissist who feels slighted. Anyone who disagrees with Rebhahn, or who doesn’t give him the praise and adulation he craves is subject to his wrath. Just look what he did to the two Hyperians who spoke out against him – he called the FBI to ruin their lives. If he could get away with it, he would have had them killed.
Rebhahn is constantly seized with anger. His hatred for the world and his hatred for humanity is total. He hates everything but himself – which is where all his hatred should be directed! Of course, if he had the ability to self-criticize and self-reflect, he’d end up on suicide watch!
6th Circle Heresy:
Rebhahn likes to tout himself as the arch-heretic. For once, his appraisal of himself isn’t too far off. Except, he’s the arch-heretic of Illuminism, the ultimate heretical religion. He’s the person who took Illuminism and subverted it for his own selfish ends. He’s led many on the Illuminist path astray into the trap of his own narcissism. He led those astray into the labyrinth of his own demented psyche where his highly personal issues become universal issues.
7th Circle Violence:
This circle is divided into three rings: violence against others, violence against self, and violence against God, Nature and Art.
What was his SWATTING campaign except for an act of violence on those he deemed problematic for his continued grifting operation? Trying to ruin someone’s life is an act of violence, a premeditated act to exact maximum vengeance on his enemies. Luckily, no physical harm came to any of them, although it’s not a stretch of the imagination to see something like that happen. After all, armed police showed up at two of the victim’s doors! How is that not an act of violence?
Corey also promotes violence against self. Straight from the horse’s mouth:
“When you get to the end of your ripe. Tie a knot and hang from it.”
“I hate people being able to see my eyes. They’re not for everyone #suicidechic.”
“I got that fucked up self-destructive thing goin’ on.”
Says the man who wrote a book called “The Metaphorical Suicide“!
Corey also promotes violence against “God.” He took Illuminism – the religion of the soul, the religion of the God Equation – and twisted it to his own personal agenda. He took the hope for the human race and desecrated it on the altar of his own narcissism.
As was mentioned, the third ring of hell is reserved for violence against art. Rebhahn, the so-called shock artist who believes in the power of art to change and transform, has the most lowbrow taste you could imagine. He has the aesthetic sensibilities of a fourteen-year-old who’s watched too many Marilyn Manson videos and spends all his time at the mall going to Hot Topic.
8th Circle Fraud:
Who’s more of a fraud than Corey Rebhahn? His entire persona and livelihood is based on fraud. Corey – the man without a single original idea of his own – created a cult around himself using the dazzling ideas of the Illuminati. Without Illuminism, Corey is nothing.
Just take a look at his cringey Terrors of Men “movement” to see what he was like before he came across Illuminism. It’s the most anti-intellectual content imaginable. Every fourteen-year-old going through a rebellious phase says all the same garbage Corey believed to be groundbreaking. There’s nothing original about him. Even his dark persona is a rip-off of Marilyn Manson and Criss Angel.
9th Circle Treachery: The Center of Hell
And here we’ve arrived at the lowest circle of hell reserved for the worst people imaginable. Here is where Corey truly belongs in Hyperian Hell.
Corey is the worst traitor to come into our circles. No one comes even close. No troll, no traitor, no false friend holds a candle to Corey’s level of treachery. He’s the worst of the worst. And that’s saying something! Look at all the pond scum who’ve been attracted to Illuminism over the years. Corey trumps all of them.
He not only took Illuminism – the only hope for humanity – and used it to create a cult around himself, he actively seeks to destroy the work of the Illuminati and get them wiped out of the public domain.
His naked self-interest is as clear as day. He wants to be the public figure of a botched and mangled version of Illuminism, desecrated at the altar of his own demented personal issues.
He wants the work of the Illuminati cancelled so that he can be the sole mouthpiece for ontological mathematics. He can be the herald of a new age where he himself is the sole creator and discoverer of ontological mathematics. He wants the personal glory for himself, even though he has nothing to do with Illuminism or the work of the Illuminati.
He’s just a man who came across this material like everyone else. He is no dazzling intellect with new, ground-breaking ideas. He had no positive contribution to the cause of Illuminism either. All he did was take the universal cause of Illuminism and particularized it around himself and his own personal issues and proclivities. He has done nothing but harm this most sacred cause.
He’s a nobody. A nothing. He’s just a highly disturbed and dangerous man willing to do anything and fuck over anyone to get what he wants. Even the hottest place in hell is too cold for the likes of Corey Rebhahn, the denizen of Hyperian Hell.
Corey is damned by his own mouth and his own actions. Never again will he be allowed to desecrate that which is most sacred – the cause of Illuminism.