What is Hyperianism?



What is Hyperianism? Hint, It’s More Sinister Than Anyone Ever Imagined. Its leader – Morgue Official (Morgen Night) – also calls himself the Shock Surgeon, the Terror of Men, the Night Bringer, and Death by Crimson. He is a predator preying on vulnerable people, all of whom are from the LGBTQ community.

Hyperianism is a non-binary supremacist cult, all about creating an androgynous humanity. The signature Hyperian statement is:

“The future will converge to an androgynous state. The world is currently dominated by masculine energy, willfully bringing in powerful feminine energy will bring us closer to an androgynous future where the line between male and female is blurred. In that era of gender freedom everyone will be able to explore every aspect of sexuality as ‘people’ unbounded by gender stereotyping. In other words, free to love, free to fuck and free to live as we so Will. We are free to explore masculinity, we are free to explore femininity, neither or both, regardless of biological configuration.”     

Morgue, wearing a dress and posing like a woman – although he denies he wants to be a woman, said,

“FUCK GENDER ROLES. A mind within a female body may act and feel masculine and a mind within a male body may act and feel feminine. Who gives a shit? Life is all about progressing, fulfilling your potential, and maximizing expression. We are neither male nor female. We’re transdimensional.”

Morgue said,

“Transmen are men, transwomen are women and non-binary people are beyond your mortal comprehension.”

Hyperianism is the Greatest Woke Threat to America 

It’s a Woke version of Scientology trying to sweep America. Morgue Official (Corey Rebhahn) is the Wokest “Man” in the USA.

Morgue Official is a former reality TV star who appeared on something called “AMC Freakshow”. That sums up this whole squalid scene – a bunch of freaks. It makes me feel sick.

Here’s a video where the cult leader Morgue Official comes out as “non-binary”:

Here’s the cult leader Morgue Official wearing a dress:

What is Hyperianism

Here’s the cult leader, half-naked, swallowing a sword: What is Hyperianism

Here’s the cult leader being … who knows what:

The cult leader has even used a power drill and hook on himself.

A few years back, this Morgue Official guy was swallowing swords and now he’s leading a cult. He goes by the dark and morbid name of “Morgue”, which sums up his sinister nature. Sometimes he calls himself “The Night Bringer”. There’s something seriously wrong with this guy.

Now that his TV show is over, Morgue Official (Corey Rebhahn of Hollywood) fleeces all the suckers who have signed up to his cult. He could be a millionaire. He has 1.4 million followers on Facebook, 290,000 YouTube supporters, loads of followers on Instagram, and hundreds on Patreon. He sells books and merchandise and seems to be getting money from everywhere.

This cult is all about transgenderism and being vegan. Morgue Official (Corey Rebhahn) made a video called “Our Trans Future: Transgender, Transhumanism and Transconsciousness


What is Hyperianism?

It's a cult for the most exotic minorities who hate normal people.

Morgue Official (Corey Rebhahn is a transgender Nazi, claiming that transgender people are a Master Race, “a higher humanity”, “beyond humanity”, with a “transconsciousness”. He’s claiming that he – a Non-Binary person – is the future of humanity! God save us!

Morgue Official (Corey Rebhahn) said,

“I do not identify as human. We are higher than humanity. We are beyond human. We are infinite.”

Never forget, Morgue’s real name is Corey Rebhahn and he lives in a luxury apartment in Hollywood, paid for by the members of his cult.

What is Morgue’s real name? It’s Corey Rebhahn.

What is Morgue’s real name? It’s Corey S. Rebhahn.

What is Morgue’s real name? It’s Corey Didio.

What is Morgue’s real name? It’s Corey S. Didio.

What is Morgue’s real name? It’s Corey Rebhhan-Didio.

What is Morgue’s real name? It’s Corey S. Rebhahn-Didio.

Morgue’s mother is Michelle Rebhahn of Montana.

Morgue’s father is Oliver Didio, a Californian cop.

What is Hyperianism?
Despite encouraging his cultists to declare war on Christmas with his Hyperian Holiday known as "Shadow Season", Corey hypocritically celebrates Christmas with his Cop-Dad and fam.

Although it appears that Morgue’s parents weren’t married when he was born, hence he took his mother’s name, he was nevertheless homeschooled as a fundamentalist Christian. He never went to school and has no qualifications.   

Morgue (Corey Rebhahn) said,

“What is Non-Binary? I can’t tell you how many times people ask me if I’m a man or a woman so I decided to make a video about it. We are all eternal minds, souls, and the soul has no fixed gender. We can express ourselves however we so will without the limiting concepts imposed by supposed gender norms.”

Morgue said,

“I was just sexually aroused by a tangerine… Does that make me a fruit? HAH!”

What is Hyperianism? It’s all about this kind of thing … all the kinks and perversions of the cult leader Morgue (Corey Rebhahn).

Morgue said,

“I’m not alive, I’m undead.”

He encourages a suicide cult:

“Move over ’90s. I’m suicide chic.”

As with Scientology, he fleeces his cult slaves of most of their money. He is constantly grifting for money.

What is Hyperianism? Morgue (Corey Rebhahn) said,

“I often express myself androgynously or what some would label as feminine. I’m also attracted to a spectrum of individuals: androgynous, feminine, non-binary, trans, etc. Most of all, I am attracted to those that are fearlessly and authentically themselves. Fuck those that have a problem with this. What a dull, colorless, black and white world they live in. They live in the old world, the archaic past. It’s time to build the new world filled with a vibrant new humanity where each and every individual has become their authentic self. Have you ever received hate for being who you truly are? Will you build with us the new world?”

What is Hyperianism?

It's a cult for embittered exotic minorities that hate normal society.

The cult leader Morgue said,

“YOU are the reason the world is so fucked. You who do nothing to change it. It could change in an hour if everyone united under the banner of world transformation. We are the New World Order. We are the sounding bell. We are the coming storm. There is no one else with a plan for total world transformation encompassing politics, science, mathematics, and spirituality. We are the future and the only game in town. It’s time to put up or shut up. Be a part of the old, racist, sexist, regressive past, or the new, luminous, progressive future. Join our sacred cause to create a new humanity and a new Earth. Hail the Hyperian New World Order.”

The cult dreams of a totalitarian world – called NEW TERRA completely ruled by Woke exotic minorities, where the majority must do whatever these exotic minorities want.

Morgue (Corey Rebhahn) said,

“Happy international blasphemy day. Comment your favorite sin.”

What is Hyperianism? It’s a cult devoted to perversion and attacking all normal people. It’s a hate group. It’s a fascist Woke group.

Morgue (Corey Rebhahn) lives in LA. Everything horrible in the USA originates in California. The Hyperian cult is centered in LA.

Morgue advocates the use of DMT and psychedelics. He is a heavy abuser of drugs and alcohol.

Morgue (Corey Rebhahn) continuously solicits money from vulnerable people whom he is constantly grooming and brainwashing, and turning into LGBTQ activists and vegans.

People need to be warned about this cult. They need to be protected. Action must be taken!

What is Hyperianism? An incredibly dangerous cult led by an incredibly dangerous predator.

This sinister cult leader Morgue (Corey Rebhahn) also calls himself “Morgen Night“. He said,

“Do you know what is one of the most triggering things I talk about? When I unapologetically bash the patriarchy. The fact this triggers so many men (or should I say apes?) only further illuminates that we live in a twisted and abusive male dominated society. To HELL with the patriarchy. This world has done untold damage to women and it has been inflicted largely by the hands of men. If that offends you then you are scum and are a cog in the destructive patriarchal machine and should unfollow me right now. You can play no part in the enlightened society we are building. It’s time to dismantle this monstrosity. Small-mind patriarchal conservatism must be demolished. The revolution is brewing… ”

Morgue addresses vulnerable young people:

“Pull the trigger boys and girls.”

He openly advocates both homicide and suicide!

What is Hyperianism? It’s a cult that opposes normality. The cult leader says,

“Normal is dead and I carried the coffin.” 


Do not fall for the Hyperian spiel. It’s a trick, a trap. These people are inverting all healthy values. It shows what the Woke want to do to the world – turn it into a total freakshow, of vegans, LGBTQ people, and people who hate everything normal.

The cult leader Morgue (Corey Rebhahn) wants people to believe that right and wrong do not exist and that our cultural values and norms are limiting our true potential. He encourages his followers to sin. He calls the Hyperian holiday season “Shadow Season.” He says,

“Shadow Season is our ‘War on the Holidays’ as we restore the healthy elements while destroying what religion and capitalism has done to them. This means expressing our shadow by having fun spreading blasphemy, heresy, and debauchery. It’s time to take ‘Christ’ out of Christmas and put the sex in XXX-mas. It’s about restoring the healthy expression of love and lust that was ever present in Saturnalia and the Bacchanalia.”

There’s no doubt that Morgue’s ultimate plan is to create an extremist Woke Nazi cult focused on LGBTQ supremacy, forcing everyone to go along with this mad filth. He dreams of building a new world where gender binaries, traditional monogamous relationships, and cultural norms are completely overthrown by Woke Nazi values. He talks about destroying the “Old World Order” and ushering in “New Terra”, which is his code term for a world of LQBTQ Nazi supremacists who believe themselves to be a superior race who have evolved beyond the comprehension of us “mere mortals.”

Hyperianism is truly insidious because beyond being extremely woke and thus promoting a very anti-normality message, the kinds of people it attracts are all highly vulnerable, very impressionable people, including those with mental illness; people who have trouble fitting into society. This Morgue character is a predator preying on lost souls. He must be stopped.

Everyone in the cult is encouraged to donate monthly to him on Patreon so that he can use the funds to help build this new Woke Nazi supremacist world of his. Of course, like any cult leader, all he does with the money is use it to make himself richer, many people give him $10,000 – $20,000 per year.  As I said, my friend has given him thousands and thousands of his hard-earned dollars to this Woke grifter. Morgue makes thousands of dollars per livestream (he does two streams each week) and praises to the sky those who give him money. Those who reward him financially are venerated, which makes his cult members want to give him more and more. He essentially pits vulnerable people against each other in a competition to see who can give him the most money.

Recently, some high-profile Hyperians left the cult. Morgue has accused them and anyone else who’s left of being transphobic, homophobic and enemies of the Hyperian New World Order. Unbelievably, he manipulated the FBI into investigating those who have left as anti-LGBTQ extremists. All of this is based on outright lies and deception. This shows how sinister this guy is and what vile tactics he will use to stop people from leaving his insane cult. It’s mind-boggling that the FBI cooperated with this maniac. What the hell is going on with the FBI lately? The FBI is now in the pocket of the Woke Nazis and follows their every word and tactic. Has the FBI become a tool of the Woke? In which case it must be defunded!

What is Hyperianism? A nightmare! Morgue and Hyperianism are incredibly dangerous and are a threat to our society. Healthy society must stop this Woke messiah – Woke L. Ron Hubbard in a dress – from infecting the minds of any more impressionable people.

Everyone, do what you can to shed light on this sinister cult so that Morgue can never again be allowed to ruin lives. He’s constantly spreading an occult, Satanic, anti-establishment message.

PLEASE. Save everyone trapped in this evil cult. It’s all so utterly sick and perverted. Save the world from Morgue – Corey Rebhahn.

We need to sort out this American carnage. It’s a total horror show. It truly is.

What is Hyperianism? The predatory cult leader Corey Rebhahn said,

“Humanity is merely a bridge to the hyperian. … We are the voice of the eternal light. … We are the morning star and the evening star. … We are the highest star in the sky. We are the shaking and trembling of the earth. We are the birth of a new world. We are shadow and light. … What is Hyperianism? … Hyperians are the Next Evolutionary Step. The author of The Unity Document, Morgue, came into contact with what have been called secret societies and is bringing a system of timeless knowledge to the public so that the world and its people may reach the next step of their evolution and become whole. That system is Hyperianism. ‘Hyper’ means beyond or higher. Hyperians are world shapers and actively seek to improve their lives, the lives of those around them, and to unite the world. Understanding hyperian principles and knowledge will allow you to take control of your life, transform yourself, and become a fully expressed individual. … You are Infinite.

The greatest lights were born in darkness. Their brilliant fires burned for aeons in the void before there was a single creature to see their light. They reached across space and time to touch your eyes, giving you the gift of sight. Without the stars, there would be no life.

There’s a secret in the stars. We are the bringers of their gift.

If you were not searching, you would not have found us. You don’t know what you’re searching for, but you have a deep urge, a drive, an insatiable hunger for… something. We have a saying, “Lux ex tenebris,” which means, “from darkness, light.” Everything that you’re searching for is already within you. It’s just hidden in the dark, waiting to come to light. We are presenting to you a hidden system of unity that has existed timelessly. It is, was, and always will be. This system has been encoded in innerlight. This is not light as you know it. Your people will one day discover that thought can be encoded as a special kind of light. Light is frequency, after all. As is thought. This system of unity is a blueprint for your mental evolution and the evolution of the species. It was given to the highest minds of your people where it was guarded in secret to be protected from fracture. Now, like a rose   ready to bloom, the world has finally become ready to hear our message. Unify shadow and light. Become Whole. … Become Hyperian.”

You can see how easily people would be sucked into this. Teenagers are especially vulnerable, especially those from exotic minorities. 

What is Hyperianism? A menace. It must be stopped.

Ad Disastra.

Delenda est Hyperianism


Books by Morgue
Books by Morgue
What is Ontological Mathematics
What Is Ontological Mathematics?
Morgue from Freakshow
Morgue From Freakshow
Who is Morgue
Who Is Morgue? The Truth is More Sinister Than Imagined

Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Hyperianism Quotes, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Morgue Hyperianism Real Name