Corey Rebhahn (Morgue), the cult leader of Hyperianism, is a malignant narcissist, aka a psychopathic narcissist. He is USUALLY a narcissist, but releases his psychopathic side in times of stress. As Professor Sam Vaknin said,
“The psychopathic narcissist is most of the time a narcissist. … Then he faces mortification, which is the most stressful situation a narcissist can ever face. At that point, he dissociates. The narcissistic part recedes and the psychopathic part takes over to protect the whole structure because a psychopath is more aggressive, more defiant … a fighter, so the fighter takes over.”
Rebhahn suffered extreme mortification when David Sinclair’s book came out. Massive narcissistic injury was done to him. He vomited all day long. And that was when Rebhahn fully dissociated and his psychopathic mode came out to play. Within DAYS, the FBI were on the phone to Apollonius, RJ had cops knocking on his door to question him about being a potential assassin of POTUS, and the AC had been branded neo-N**i terrorists, radicalizing people to become assassins and trigger Armageddon. This all happened! This insanity was what the insane Rebhahn – in full-blown psychopath mode – thought up. None of that crazy stuff could ever have happened if Rebhahn were NOT a psychopathic narcissist. What happened is PROOF of Rebhahn’s psychosis. Normal people do not invent crap and send it to the FBI to fuck over innocent people. Abnormal people – psychopaths – do. Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope are psychopaths. They are totally abnormal. They are FREAKS. In a healthy world, they would be locked up. In an unhealthy world like this one, they are proselytizing on social media and infecting others with their psychosis, and they are even lucratively monetizing the sale of their insanity to weak-minded cretins … submissives so easily emotionally manipulated. The Hyperians are all inverted narcissists (on the look out for overt narcissists to “complete” them), or they are suffering from borderline personality disorder and are extremely easy to manipulate and exploit because of their serious mental problems and struggles with mental health. The Hyperian cultists are some of the most mentally ill people in the world, and the end of their cult will drive many of them into total psychosis. These people refuse to do the rational and logical thing. Mad people always do. Mad people always end up in a catastrophe – because they cannot deviate from their insane path.
Knowing what we now know about the lunatic Rebhahn, his insane complaint to the FBI was inevitable. Mad people do mad shit like that. They NEVER do the sane thing. We wrote a book to try to stop Rebhahn abusing our work. In response, he tried to get us arrested as terrorists by the FBI! That’s the difference between sanity and insanity.
Rebhahn was actually a psychopath more than a narcissist before Hyperianism came along. Edgelord Morgue, the Night Bringer, the Terror of Men, was above all a psychopath, with a narcissistic secondary mode. When Rebhahn became “Woke”, he underwent a psychological transition from a primary psychopath and secondary narcissist to a primary narcissist and secondary psychopath.
Sam Vaknin, tellingly, said that malignant narcissists perceive their lies, their confabulations, as true. And become extremely aggressive when told that the stuff they made up is provably false. They deny it emphatically. They CANNOT accept that they are liars – because why would “God” have to lie? Narcissists ALWAYS believe their own propaganda, their own lies. So, Rebhahn believes that the deranged story – his lunatic confabulation – that he told the FBI is true. When the FBI finally reveal to him that he lied, he will have a total mental collapse and become completely dissociated. Edgelord Morgue will return and Woke Morgue will be nowhere to be seen.
It’s not at all surprising that Edgelord Morgue appeared when the Sinclair book came out. Edgelord Morgue INSTANTLY talked about consulting lawyers. Why? Regarding what? It was a psychopath talking – trying to find ways to attack his opponents as hard as possible – smiting them with the law and law enforcement. Rebhahn immediately confabulated that his life and those of many others were under imminent lethal threat from RJ, Apollonius and the AC. Total insanity, but the FBI suckers fell for it. They bought a completely made-up story – a laughable confabulation – by a pathological narcissist.
The apparently crazy thing is why Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope went along with psycho Rebhahn. Two answers are possible. First, these three people are ALSO malignant narcissists, so behave in exactly the same insane, confabulated way as Rebhahn in crises. Second, these people are weak minds drawn into the fantasy of the stronger mind (Rebhahn), and are so fused with his psyche that they will do whatever he wants. All three are plainly in love with Rebhahn. In fact, the whole of Hyperianism is a group love affair with the cult leader. Everyone left in Hyperianism is romantically obsessed with Rebhahn, infatuated with him, and they will do ANYTHING to please him, to win his praise and attention. They are codependents. They are part of Rebhahn now, not separate agents with Autonomy. Remember, Hyperianism was never a movement. It was always, unfortunately, a glorified fan club for Rebhahn. (That’s why Hyperianism is not based on Hyperianism but on Morgue Official.) Fans are of course FANATICS, and those who remain in Hyperianism are Rebhahn FANATICS who will hear no criticism of the man, the god, they WORSHIP! Exactly like Rebhahn, they compulsively confabulate. They invent reasons why Rebhahn is right and we are wrong, and they believe these confabulations entirely. They are completely cut off from reality and the reality principle, and permanently inhabit a fantasy.
Vaknin, TELLINGLY, said that social justice movements were highly likely to be taken over by narcissists and psychopaths. You just need to look at Hyperianism to see how true this is!
Vaknin said that in cults, in personality cults, the cultists merge – fuse – with the cult leader and that process reflects PSYCHOSIS. This is exactly what has happened with Hyperianism. Those still in the cult aren’t separate from Corey Rebhahn. They ARE Corey Rebhahn, which is exactly why they will accept no criticism of him whatsoever – because they regard the criticism as being directed at THEM … since they and Rebhahn are one and the same. Rebhahn even makes the absurd ontological claim that we are actually, ultimately, ALL ONE MIND, thus showing that he has no understanding of ontological mathematics AT ALL. We are in fact PERMANENTLY individual minds in a Hive Mind. If you have bothered to listen to Rebhahn’s ghastly deadstreams lately, you will notice that he constantly attacks the concept of the Hive Mind, and now you know why. He has become a total New Ager, claiming that all humans are actually all one mind at root – and that’s why we should all be “nice” to each other … to hurt a weirdo and freak like Rebhahn is apparently to hurt oneself, so he should be allowed to do whatever he likes (how convenient for Rebhahn)! It is of course precisely because we are NOT One Mind that we are NOT nice to each other!
New Age Wokeness is all about this fallacy that we are truly one and our individuation is an illusion. What a load of crap! We are truly individuated, but we can cooperate to become more collective – but we NEVER ontologically become the same mind, as Rebhahn insanely claims. One of the reasons we despise this man so much is because he says so many false and fallacious things about ontological mathematics. This is a sword swallowing freak who didn’t even go to school. He has no respect at all for intellectualism. Why doesn’t he go to university and get qualifications? As if! He’s a pathological narcissist who believes he’s smarter than 100% of academics. Seriously. He really does. Just listen to his mad shit. This freak show performer says that Nobel laureates like Einstein “got a lot of things wrong” – says a guy who put razor blades in his mouth as a kid and never went to school, and whose main claim to fame is swallowing swords. WTF. He was sneering at Leibniz the other day. How can one person be so delusional? Well, that’s malignant narcissism for you. Rebhahn truly believes he is God! He will teach Einstein. Einstein will not teach him. Sheez. And the Hyperians swallow all this bullshit, and applaud! And send loads of money.
All of the remaining Hyperians have psychologically fused with Rebhahn and are as insane as he is. That’s why none of these people is bothered about all the crimes Rebhahn committed. He isn’t bothered, so they aren’t either. They have no morality – because Rebhahn has no morality. We know exactly what Rebhahn is like – he’s the Edgelord who founded the Terrors of Men cult. That persona never went away. He strategically changed course by adopting WOKENESS. Why? Because it affords greater narcissistic supply and more money – exactly as we see with the very lucrative Hyperian cult, where sad and pathetic women and gay men desperately in love with Rebhahn send him money …. FOR BEING COREY REBHAHN! And because they want to be with him.
Hyperianism is all about feelings towards the leader. It has nothing to do with ideas, with reason and logic, with intellectualism. It’s a hyper emotional scene for extreme feeling types exclusively.
How did Rebhahn become a monster? It all happened in childhood. Sam Vaknin wrote,
“The child reacts to stimuli, both internal and external. He cannot, however, control, alter, or anticipate them. Instead, he develops mechanisms to regulate the resulting tensions and anxieties. The child’s pursuit of mastery of his environment is compulsive. He is obsessed with securing gratification. Any postponement of his actions and responses forces him to tolerate added tension and anxiety. It is very surprising that the child ultimately learns to separate stimulus and response and delay the latter. This miracle of expedient self-denial has to do with the development of intellectual skills, on the one hand and with the socialization process, on the other hand.”
Becoming “normal” is a process. If anything interferes, you become abnormal. Rebhahn became totally abnormal because he was psychologically abused as a child, rather than loved. Many people are psychologically abused as children, but, fortunately, only a small number adopt the defense mechanism of narcissism and the False Self. Rebhahn couldn’t cope with reality, so he chose the False Self route and has lived in a fantasy ever since, and that’s why a grown man refers, without embarrassment, to a child’s movie The NeverEnding Story as his favorite movie. That’s because Rebhahn has the mental age of a child, a four-year old. That’s where his False Self was constructed and a False Self CANNOT GROW UP. Because it’s false, disconnected from reality; living in a fantasy world. It does not grow. It just looks for new and better sources of narcissistic supply. Hyperianism was a better cult for Rebhahn than the Order of One or the Terrors of Men.
This man can ONLY exist as a cult leader. He has been creating cults all his life, all centered on him. Rebhahn was humble only once in his life – when he was working out how to get to work with us. He had to become a member of online Illuminism before he got anywhere near us. He certainly wasn’t the leader, and had to work through others, especially NK, to get access to us. He was strategically wiling to do that because the ultimate result would be vast narcissistic supply, and that’s what happened. Rebhahn now enjoys a millionaire lifestyle in Hollywood because he gained access to our answer to existence. Of course, our answer is there for the betterment of humanity, not the betterment of a fucking mad, vacuous, androgynous Californian narcissist!
Vaknin wrote,
“The intellect is a representation of the world. Through it, the Ego examines reality vicariously without suffering the consequences of possible errors. The Ego uses the intellect to simulate various courses of action and their consequences and to decide how to achieve its ends and the attendant gratification. The intellect is what allows the child to anticipate the world and what makes him believe in the accuracy and high probability of his predictions. It is through the intellect that the concepts of the ‘laws of nature’ and ‘predictability through order’ are introduced. Causality and consistency are all mediated through the intellect. But the intellect is best served with an emotional complement. Our picture of the world and of our place in it emerges from experience, both cognitive and emotional. Socialization has a verbal-communicative element but, decoupled from a strong emotional component, it remains a dead letter. An example: The child is likely to learn from his parents and from other adults that the world is a predictable, law abiding place. However, if his Primary Objects (most importantly, his mother) behave in a capricious, discriminating, unpredictable, unlawful, abusive, or indifferent manner – it hurts and the conflict between cognition and emotion is powerful. It is bound to paralyze the Ego functions of the child.”
This is exactly what happened with Rebhahn. He could not couple his intellect and his emotions. His mother’s psychological abuse meant that he had to intellectually replace her – via loving himself (narcissism), via identifying with his Anima (his internal link to the world of females), hence why he became effeminate. Rebhahn is an Anima-Narcissist. Susan Mitchell is an Animus-Narcissist. They are obsessed with each other because they are the same (both are narcissists) and between them they are “whole” – via the Anima and Animus bonding. Their relationship is toxic and psychotic, which is why Hyperianism is such a destructive scene. Mitchell is Rebhahn’s mad enforcer. She is a total control freak. Rebhahn doesn’t run Hyperianism, Mitchell does, on Rebhahn’s behalf. She does all the dirty work. Rebhahn never gets his hands dirty … if he can possibly avoid it … unless Edgelord Morgue puts in an appearance, as he did with the insane FBI complaint. Porgy didn’t show anyone else what he put in the complaint.
Vaknin wrote,
“The accumulation and retention of past events is a prerequisite for both thinking and judgement. Both are impaired if one’s personal history contradicts the content of the Superego and the lessons of the socialization process. Narcissists are victims of such a glaring discrepancy: Between what adult figures in their lives preached – and their contradictory course of action.”
Rebhahn, as a child, was destroyed by his parents’ behavior, especially that of his mother. His parents, as Christian Fundies, raised Rebhahn as a Christian Fundy, not as a little boy, and so he did not develop as a little boy should. Instead, he developed as someone at all times subjected to the insanity of Protestant fundamentalism. Narcissism is funnily enough extremely Protestant! Protestantism believes in the extreme individual, who has a personal hotline to God and is justified by his faith alone (and needs no church and no priests and no popes, or anything else). All that Rebhahn did was replace the Christian God … with himself! He couldn’t believe in Christ, but he certainly could in himself. And that’s why he’s now the Woke Messiah, Jesus 2.0!!!
The first Jesus Christ was an abomination, and his Protestant Second Coming – Corey Rebhahn – is even worse!
Vaknin wrote,
“Once victimized, the narcissist swore ‘no more’. He will do the victimizing now.”
And that’s exactly why the construct, the alter, Edgelord Morgue was born. It’s as clear as day. It’s textbook stuff. Rebhahn isn’t a real person. He’s just a stereotype, someone you can read about in any book on pathological narcissism. They are all describing Corey Rebhahn. He is a cliche. There’s nothing interesting or unusual about him. He provides no new angle on narcissism. He’s the standard type.
Vaknin wrote,
“And as a decoy, he presents to the world his False Self. But he falls prey to his own devices. Internally impoverished and undernourished, isolated and cushioned to the point of suffocation – the True Ego degenerates and decays. The narcissist wakes up one day to find that he is at the mercy of his False Self as much as his victims are.”
Corey Rebhahn devoured himself. He committed almost literal, never mind metaphorical, suicide. Or maybe homicide is the right word. Rebhahn murdered his True Self, his real self – because it was too weak to cope with reality – and his False Self took its place, and that’s why Rebhahn is a monster and a cult leader. He’s a fake human being, not a real human being. He’s acting the part of a human, but isn’t human. You can’t be human if you have a False Self rather than a Real Self. The False Self is a construct living in a constructed fantasy. It’s not in the real world as something real and organically growing in reality.
Hyperianism is a fake construct, a fantasy, a false world and its entire purpose is to serve Corey Rebhahn’s False Self and secure him enormous narcissistic supply, and loads of money! And it worked for Rebhahn. Until he fucked it all up. His No.1 error was to rely on the work of others. That meant that if his relationship with them ever broke down, he was fucked. And that’s exactly what happened.
If you’re going to be a cult leader, invent your own cult, built on your own ideas. Rebhahn failed to do that. He wasn’t clever enough. He’s an obsessive copier of others. He has no originality. He did the best he could as someone without creativity – he looked for the best ideas he could find and tried to drag them into his false world where the false self lives. You can see how it goes. How can a malignant narcist who believes he is God possibly accept being the messenger of others? He can’t. So slowly and surely he turns himself into the message and says there is no one else. It’s just him. It’s all about him. At the beginning of Hyperianism, we wrote Rebhahn’s videos scripts for him, so Hyperianism was ipso facto aligned with Illuminism and Hyperianism was intelligent. Then we stepped away to concentrate on our books, and Rebhahn then set about writing us out of the script, and Hyperianism soon became profoundly unintelligent, as we see today.
Everyone knows this. The fantasy Rebhahn tells about all of this – where he basically claims to have had nothing to do with Illuminism (although he says he had a good relationship with us up to 2020 … if Hyperianism is nothing to do with Illuminism, as Rebhahn claims, how could he be in a working relationship with Illuminists? … nothing he says ever makes sense and he contradicts himself all the time – because he ‘s a fantasist making it up as he goes along, via confabulation) – is just silly. Only cretins are taken in by Rebhahn’s mad drivel. And hundreds remain in Hyperianism!
Rebhahn’s last deadstream was called: “The Female Cult Leader Who Destroyed Christianity.”
That’s how Rebhahn sees HIMSELF. You would NEVER find Rebhahn doing any deadstream about a strong man, such as Alexander the Great, or Caesar, or Spartacus, or Robespierre, or Napoleon, or Lenin, or Mao. He has ZERO affinity with strong men, and that’s why there are zero strong men in Hyperianism. Not a single heterosexual man is in Hyperianism, or even anyone who likes heterosexual men. Isn’t that astounding? Yet this mad cult thinks it’s going to change the world – despite being opposed by 100% of straight men! Good luck with that, you mad fucks! This is what Wokeness is REALLY all about … the demonization of straight men. All straight men are to be designated “toxic”. They have failed the Woke test.
So, still no sign of Filanthrowpissed on Rebhahn’s deadstreams. Come on, Rebhahn, bring your No.1 donor back from the dead. Ho, ho, ho.