Who is MorgueOfficial? He’s the Terror of Men, NightBringer89, Morgen Night, Corey S Rebhahn and he is a shameless wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’s a parasitic plagiarist bent on grifting vulnerable working-class folx while perverting and using our system without our permission. Let’s take a deeper look into who Morgue Official, the leader of the dangerous cult of Hyperianism, really is in his own words.
This is what Morgue said in an old Facebook Self-Bio:
“Freak, Monster, Witch, Murderer. My name is Morgue, I am an extreme stunt artist and performer on the TV series FREAKSHOW on AMC. I REJECT the anesthetic of MORALITY and religion. My blood will set me free. ‘Will’ is the knife that removes weakness and all that obstructs the path to vitality. Weeding out the weaknesses of the mind and limits of the body, I believe in overcoming resistance. Not contentment but constant self-improvement. Wake up. Sacrifice the sheep and become God.”
Here’s something else he said:
“Welcome Friends
My name is Morgue.
Weeding out the weaknesses of the mind and limitations of the body, I believe in overcoming resistance. Not contentment but constant self improvement.
Wake up. Sacrifice the sheep and become god.
What do you want? To be a famous singer? To write a best selling novel? … Play in the superbowl? I don’t give a fuck what it is you want, you can do it. REALIZE THIS. You have it in you. Do not believe that garbage that it takes luck. It does not! It takes sweat and blood, you make your destiny. You only have one chance to play this little game, make it worthwhile, make your mark.
This is my mark. Join me and together we will stain this world RED.
Morbidly Yours,
NO REDEMPTION for MorgueOfficial
Who is Morgue? He is a man for whom there is NO REDEMPTION. We have come across apologists for Corey Rebhahn saying that he was going through some sort of dark and troubled period when he made the Terrors of Men content. Of course, Rebhahn himself has never said he went through any problematic phase. He has never once apologized for the content. He has never said it was wrong. He has never disowned it. He still has huge amounts of this type of content available on his social media. He seems PROUD of it.
We don’t imagine for a second that Rebhahn is sorry for his Terrors of his Men content. The only thing he was “sorry” about was that it wasn’t more successful. It didn’t give him enough narcissistic supply, enough money, so he chose the opposite approach: the Woke Messiah of Hyperianism. This new character (alter) never refers to the old character. Morgy Porgy loves to talk about his veganism, his pacifism, his RTS, his non-binaryness, his Wokeness, but he’s completely silent when it comes to his previous cults: the Order of One, the Hollywood Dionysian cult, and the Terrors of Men. Funny that. Why doesn’t he tell his current cultists about his previous cultists? What became of all those Terrors of Men cultists? Is their fate the inevitable fate of the Hyperian cultists? Rebhahn has no contact with the former cultists, and he will in due course have no contact with the current cultists. They all get discarded in time.
Professor Sam Vaknin said,
“Narcissists, covert narcissists (aka ‘empaths’), and psychopaths hijacked the narcissistic abuse community online. From self-styled coaches to wannabe ‘experts’ to outright con artists, it is a lucrative, grandiose, and entitled swamp to rival Washington’s. I coined the phrase ‘narcissistic abuse’ – and much of the rest of the language besides – in 1995. Until 2004, I ran the first (and, for a while, only) website on Narcissistic Personality Disorder and the only 5 support groups available. I regret that I did. I wanted to give victims an outlet and a vocabulary to describe their experiences. Instead, I opened the floodgates to scammers and worse.”
Corey Rebhahn is a total scammer, ruthlessly exploiting gullible people. Malignant narcissists frequently end up as cult leaders. It’s their natural thing. And the cultists are those willing to provide narcissistic supply.
Check out this video by Vaknin:
It’s a very pessimistic worldview, but it captures very well how dangerous pathological narcissists like Corey Rebhahn are. They will continuously reinvent themselves and invert previous stances in their pursuit of greater narcissistic supply. Just look at Rebhahn. He went from the ultra-violent and sadistic Terror of Men to the weeping, pacifist, vegan Woke Messiah. He did not undergo any Damascene conversion. He simply decided that going Woke would be more successful than nihilism. No principles or convictions were involved.
The original Rebhahn – the Terror of Men – is the “real” Rebhahn (well, as far as a person with a False Self can be real!).
So, we are going to present many quotes from Edgelord Morgue, who reveled in being a maniac, an impersonation of “Joker”. You should reflect on how narcissistic or psychopathic or Machiavellian each quote is. Most score 10/10 on their respective scales.
Morgue Official's Real Name
Who Is Morgue? His legal name is Corey S. Rebhahn and he enjoys a luxury lifestyle in Hollywood – yes, the Los Angeles Hollywood. He also calls himself Morgen Night, the Terror of Men, Mister Morgue, the Shock Surgeon, and NightBringer89.
Consider these statements by Morgue (Rebhahn):
“I offer the reddest rose with the sharpest thorns. My love comes not without blood. ”- Corey Rebhahn
“Costume: human #devilindisguise ” – Corey Rebhahn
Rebhahn only pretends to be Woke. He remains the psychopath Edgelord Morgue.

“Despite what it may say, culture it all about conformity. Being Hyperian is all about constantly going higher and becoming superhuman. We need to not care what people think and strive to express and actualize our true selves.” – Morgue
“We have a saying, per aspera ad astra, which means, through hardship to the stars, which means that all of your hardships, all your suffering and struggle will ultimately lead you to the stars themselves. So don’t run away and detach from life. Embrace life and become the most powerful, shining, luminous individual you can possibly be. Don’t detach, stand strong. Join us. Become hyperian. The world needs you, the world needs us.” – Corey Rebhahn
“We are the refining fire that will engulf and remake the world. Through the shadow of our fiery passion, our luminous works of art, and our radiating wisdom, the world and its people will finally become whole. Are you ready to become higher than human?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Get YOUR NAME in the movie. I’m excited to announce that I’m working on a 2.5 hour Hyperian video, filled with quality graphics, editing, and monumentally important information. This will bring you up to speed on what Hyperianism is all about. When you pledge $1 you get to watch it BEFORE anyone else, and the first 4 parts of the movie are uploaded and ready for you to watch right NOW and I’m posting a new part every week. When you pledge $5 you’ll get your name in the credits. Go down in history as having supported the Hyperian Movement. It’s time to create a free world my friends, and all your support is what allows us to do that. Watch the first parts of the movie right now and get your name in the credits.” – Corey Rebhahn
“The vast majority of the mainstream ‘dark’, ‘alternative artists’ are nothing but empty frauds. They have no content, no meaning, no boundary pushing intelligent message. They are boy bands who wear black. Pretty little bitches afraid to get dirty. They are obsessed with popularity and ‘success’ in their celebrity world. Fuck them and their cute little skulls, and their pretty-boy makeup. They are the popular kids in high school, the only difference is they wear black clothing. Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous. #fakes #frauds #scum” – Corey Rebhahn
“I want to say thank you to all of my friends and fans. You are the reason I continue to create. This is just the beginning. Stain it RED.” – Corey Rebhahn
Terry Bogard to Morgue:
“Wats that gotta do with you looking extra gay in that pic tho?”
Morgue to Terrt Bogard:
“To get you hard.”
“Some say it was a warning
Some say it was a sign
I was standing right there
When it came down from the sky
The way it spoke to us
You felt it from inside
Said it was up to us
Up to us to decide
You’ve become a virus
The keeper of this host
We’ve been watching you with all of our eyes
And what you seem to value most
“So much potential” or so we used to say
Your greed, self-importance and your arrogance
You piss it all away
We heard a cry
We’ve come to intervene
You will change your ways and you will make amends
Or we will wipe this place clean
Your time is tick-tick-ticking away”
– Morgy Porgy (quoting Nine Inch Nails)
“In every eye I see a piece of my lover, lost. ” – Corey Rebhahn
“There are those called Wanderers. They have come to this world to affect change, but they have forgotten what they are. Let me show you how to pierce the Veil of Forgetting. ” – Morgue
ONE OF THIRTYSIX. #the36 #theWatchers” – Morgen Night
“This world sits upon a precipice. I am the tipping point. We are the Dialectic.” – Morgue
“Tick tock my friends A New World coming soon. Brought you by those that don’t take shit. ” – The Shock Surgeon
“Happy women’s day. It’s time for this world to embrace the divine feminine. Both polarities are necessary to become whole.” -The Androgynous One️
“I gazed fear in the eye and I did not blink. Fear is an illusion that can be overcome through strength of Will. Yes that is a spinal needle ” – The Terror of Men
“Tell me your darkest urges. ” – Morgue
“Until you unify shadow and light you will never be whole. ️ #shadowoflight” – Morgue
“JESUS! I make the Shadows come to light. I make the dead come to life. ️#shadowoflight” – Corey Rebhahn
“The union of opposites into divine perfection. I see through new eyes. Through the eyes of the dark star. ” – Morgue
“Read my account of Nick Kushner’s amazing artshow, which featured his works painted in blood. The event was DJ’d by Twiggy Ramirez and Marilyn Manson was in attendance.” – Corey Rebhahn

“My nightmares have become my dreams.” – MorgueOfficial
“Yes, I know it’s not raining, I use an umbrella for the sun. So please, fuck off.” – Morgen Night
Who is Morgue? He's a MONSTER
“If you had the chance to try human flesh, would you?” – Morgen Night
“If you could MURDER anyone and get away with it, who would it be?” – Morgen Night
“I want to eat you.” – Morgen Night
“My glass isn’t half empty or half full, it’s poison filled.” – Morgen Night
“Die facebook die.” – Morgen Night
“NEW Update, when are these fuckers going to learn I will not put up with their shit?” – Morgen Night

“Ah Trivia time, here is a favorite of mine: “I believe the only way to reform people is to kill them” Do you know who said it? … Serial killer Carl Panzram, and his final words were ‘Hurry it up, I could hang a dozen men while your fooling around.’” – Morgen Night
“‘Priest’ comes out this weekend. Finally, a movie with vampires that dont sparkle.” – Morgen Night
“To cut or not to cut, that is the question. My hair that is.” – Morgen Night
“What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? And if someone says blood I will stab you!” – Morgen Night
“Going out to purchase a brand spanking new Surgeon’s Coat at the mall. I hate going there because that is where my evil ex works there and I am always having to watch my back. What are you doing this weekend hmmm? – Morgen Night
“Please continue to share this page and spread the word – INFECT THE MASSES – and soon we will reach our new goal of 10,000. Bleed the world, stain it RED.
Morbidly Yours,
Morgue” – Morgen Night
“Ah trivia time! ‘It wasn’t as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun…killing somebody’s a funny experience.’ Do you know who said this? Yes yes! Albert Desalvo is correct. The Boston Strangler, confessed murderer of 13 women. I knew my bloodthirsty friends would get this one fast.
Morbidly Yours,
Strangle the Bitch
Home of Morgue – Musings of a Dead Soul” – Morgen Night
“Ah the weekend, no rest for the wicked though, I have much to do.” – Morgen Night
“Happy Birthday to a certain dope fiend by the name of Marilyn Manson. What is your favorite song by him? I would have to say mine is Dope Hat.” – Morgen Night
“Hey Susan, Hyperianism incorporates Hegel’s system yet goes much further by giving it a monadic structure and a firm mathematical foundation.” – Morgen Night
What Porgy is going for now is the complete removal of the Leibnizian monadic structure from Hegel’s System, leaving just One Mind, a cosmic consciousness that dissociates … in order to explore DIVERSITY.
“Everyone should check out and bookmark the page for future updates. They have a brilliant vision for the future and are working to actualize it.” – Corey Rebhahn
Rebhahn NEVER talks about meritocracy … or the working class!
“Your support on patreon is what let’s me continue my work. When I’m funded by you it gives me the freedom to get the information to you without watering it down by having to please producers or moneymen. Thank you my friends.” – Corey Rebhahn
Ho, ho, ho.

Rebhahn – the out-and-out predatory capitalist, always drifting!
“New Article up, Fresh Blood for the New Year.” – Morgen Night
“Merry christmas you pieces of shit” – Morgen Night
“I got an early present today. Thanks MIss MUrder. Now it feels like christmas! – A CHOPPER – Morgen Night
“I don’t give a fuck.” – The Terror of Men
“If I cut out your eyes, would you still see?” – Morgue
Morgue is a PSYCHO
“They say to live everyday as if it were your last. Be glad I don’t or you’d all be dead.” – MorgueOfficial
“I can break the rules. Can you?” – MorgueOfficial
“Things are about to get… strange.” – MorgueOfficial
“Please like and comment my friends!
Right and Wrong DOES NOT EXIST – Eliminating Morality Part 1
First video in the series proposes that morality does not exist.” – MorgueOfficial
“Many Enemies bring much Honour.” – MorgueOfficial
“What would you choose: a happy content life, or would you risk losing EVERYTHING for fame and power?” – MorgueOfficial
“If music had an asshole, I’d fuck the shit out of it.” – MorgueOfficial
“Let’s learn german. Today’s phrase is ‘Eat shit and die’.” – MorgueOfficial
“Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway.” – MorgueOfficial

“Life is my stage, and the show must go on.” – MorgueOfficial
“Let’s go HUNTING.” – MorgueOfficial
“I just got blood all over my ‘Statement of Health’ for my insurance application. Maaaybe I should redo that page…” – MorgueOfficial
“It’s amazing what you can do when you just don’t give a fuck. – MorgueOfficial
“Before we can CREATE, we must DESTROY.” – MorgueOfficial
“The Insanity Drug.” – MorgueOfficial
“To you, what makes somebody a ‘good’ person?” – MorgueOfficial
“Thank you bluetooths, for making me appear sane when I talk to myself.” – MorgueOfficial
“It feels so GOOD to be BAD.” – MorgueOfficial
“Sometimes life really gets in the way of living.” – MorgueOfficial
“If you want to build a new house, the old one must be destroyed. Are you ready for a new world?” – MorgueOfficial
“Bite me.” – MorgueOfficial
“Sanity is for the unimaginative.” – MorgueOfficial
“Aren’t you sick of all the peace and love? Don’t you want to taste a little blood?” – MorgueOfficial
“Regarding the proposed censorship of the internet: We have been dealing with censorship for centuries, we have always found a way to be heard and we always will. We will NEVER be silenced. Fuck THEM.” – Mister Morgue
While you are busy searching for the meaning of life, your life has been wasted.” – Mister Morgue
“Your life is a cancer and I am the cure.” – Morgue the Shock Surgeon
Never forget, Corey Rebhahn at no time went through a personality inversion from Edgelord Morgue, the psychopathic narcissist and nihilist, to Woke Morgue, the New Jesus. Rather, he just decided to use a different strategy to achieve narcissistic supply. Edgelord Morgue has gone nowhere. That’s still the base personality, the host.
“Many people tell me they do not like where they are in life. When I ask them where they want to go they have no answer. If you don’t know what you want in life you will never achieve it. Where are you going?” – Morgen Night
“Reality bitches. I’m the real deal.” – Morgen Night
“I’m such a nice guy.” – Morgen Night
“We won’t keep calm.” – Morgen Night
“You all are fucking crazy.” – Morgen Night
“I Drink Alone – George Thorogood. I drink alone, yeah With nobody else I drink alone, yeah With nobody else You know when I drink alone I prefer to be by myself Every morning just before breakfast…” – Morgue Official
“I like my wine how I like my people, bitter.” – Morgue Official

“I am toxic.” – Morgue Official
You sure are!
In the past, Rebhahn used to admit that he was a total psycho. Now he always covers it up.
He's a BEAST
“I’ll only fuck you when you’re DEAD.” – Morgue
Morgen Night echoed this sentiment: “Die die die my darling, don’t utter a single word. Just shut your pretty mouth. I’ll be seeing you in hell.”
“If you ever wondered what I look like after taking a piss.” – Morgue
“I have a desire to be understood NOT to be accepted. I am here to express my art, not win a popularity contest.” – Morgue
“Sanity is overrated.” – Morgue
“One day you will see my face.” – Morgue
“People who want to be liked by everyone end up loved by no one.” – Morgue
“I was born to succeed, not fail. Failure was something I was taught by others.” – Morgue
“Feeling dirty.” – Morgue
“A neurologist approached a mentally ill woman named Elyn Saks and offered to help cure her. She declined and replied ‘Don’t take my demons away for my angels may flee too.’” – Morgue
“This is real life baby and I’m an angel.” – Morgue
“We looked to happiness, then to darkness and now to insanity.” – Morgue
“This is a very important video that everyone should watch. ‘He’s a moron he’s dead. Good, we lost a moron fuckin’ celebrate.’” – Morgue
“You’re not a person, you’re just an asshole, and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” – Morgue

“I was going to put something meaningful/inspirational but fuck it… kiss my ass.” – Morgue
“One day you must look in the mirror and accept the fact that you might simply, actually be insane.” – Morgue
“So many people are fucked up inside because they are made to be someone they aren’t.” – Morgue
“What do you think is lacking in the world right now? What would you like to see more of? Some of these answers make me want to vomit.” – Morgue
“I create my own FATE. Do you?” – Morgen Night
“Most of you have no idea who I am. Some of you have seen my shadow. Just wait…” – Morgen Night
“Do you have any strange items that you like or collect? Snakes and Rats. … Showing some very strange items I have…. – Morgen Night
“So many speak when they have nothing to say. My words are precise and toxic.” – Morgen Night
“Say No to Normal.” – Morgen Night
“Normal is dead and I carried the coffin.” – Morgen Night
“Normal… What is normal?” – Morgen Night
“I thought fool’s day was yesterday.” – Morgue
“I’m not anti-social, I just want you dead.” – Morgue
“I DO NOT want or need approval from anyone other than myself.” – Morgue
“You would make a beautiful corpse.” – Morgue

“I have driven kings to madness. Their bodies hang in their own house. Can you see me? … ‘I am the Lecher bitch and I wear the X of castigation. I am the whore of the extreme.’” – Morgue
“Those who have awakened the sleeper within have only two choices: Death or Rebirth. Will you be crushed by the weight of knowing or will you become a god? Rise, breathe the air of truth and let it ignite your passion. The fire of change burns eternal. It destroys the old and creates the new. Destruction leads to creation. Hate leads to love. Anger leads to fulfillment. Without anger there would never be any change. Hate those who hate. Destroy hate until there is none left. Let there be no sympathy for those who hate. Let them not perpetuate. Strike them down. With hatred eradicated we will have no more need for it and only love will remain.” – Morgen Night
Morgue Official is a Hater
“We are fury, we are hate, we are destruction. We pave the way for the fulfillment of a beautiful creation. Out of darkness comes light. We are creation, we are fulfillment, we are truth and reason. Behold the new aeon. But first, WRATH.” – Morgen Night

“Hatred of hate is the only rational choice.”- Morgue
“We are the future. #paradigmshift #newaeon #hyperawareness”- Morgue
“Explore and overcome. Remove all mental barriers. Do you have the courage? Do you have the WILL?”- Morgue
“Everyone has a demon inside yearning to escape. We are all born with it but everyone tries to hide it. First your parents, who are your world and then the world itself. They try to hide it and they usually do. Even you try to hide it. There are a few of us who recognize this and let the demon out little by little and more each time. Those of us who work at this will eventually become the demon. You must help it. … I am speaking to YOU. Wake up. Are you fucking getting it yet? Damn you’re slow you little cunt. WAKE UP. WAKE UP.”- Morgue
“Those who understand know the demon is truly a god.”- Morgue
“There is only one great truth. I call her Sophia. To some she is a devil, to others a goddess…. How often she has been burned as a devil. The tragedy of humanity.”- Morgue
“INFILTRATION. Fuck the enemies of consciousness. Hollywood will fall.”- Morgue
“‘In real life it is only a question of STRONG and WEAK wills.” – Nietzsche So which are you? #willtopower #REVOLUTION”- Morgue
“I found one of my favorite pins. Let’s provide a rational reason as to why religion is incredibly harmful to humanity. Let’s show that we are not being hateful just for the sake of hate, but that it is motivated by reason and the desire for a better future. Post a comment describing why dark age religion is harmful. I’ll start: To tell your child that a demon, a creature of unimaginable horror with the sole desire to do you harm and has the capability of possessing your body, exists and can materialize at any moment in your bedroom if you aren’t following God is indescribably terrifying and does long term psychological damage to a child. Christianity is child abuse.” – Morgue
“We are the new. We are the willed. We are the dreamers. We are the inevitable future.” – Morgen Night
“That’s it! I can’t tell you how much your support means to me.” – Morgen Night
“My name is Morgue and I create videos about the nature of reality and content with the goal of transforming consciousness and, ultimately, the world. I’m proud to be supported by YOU and that is exactly what allows me to continue my work.” – Morgue
“Just a reminder. I do not support a system of thought that promotes conformity, mediocrity, submission, and worst of all: intolerance. Absolutely. Intolerance should NEVER be tolerated.” – Morgue
“This world seems insane. Don’t you understand? The very idea that it seems insane should be a glaring indication that something is very wrong. Aren’t you tired of shopping and fucking and living day to day, each one identical to the next?
Do you really think there is nothing more to life? Don’t you want to know what is actually going on? #Ihaveasecret #hyperawareness #TheNewAeon” – Morgue
“If only stupidity was a fatal disease.” – Morgue
“Are you ready for the fucking show? – Morgue
“#TheBlackLodge #TheBlackOrder Happy Walpurgisnacht. On the evening of April 30th witches would come out into the open and terrorize the religious. I vote we reinstate this tradition.” – Morgue
“Fuck you.” – Morgue
“Fallen. Angel of light. The Morning Star.” – Morgue
“Click click boom. It’s the end of the world. Armageddon.” – Morgue
“This place is a mirror world. Everything is backwards in this damned realm.” – Morgue

“Long live the heretic, long live the madman. To hell with the rest.” – Morgue
“Today it has been reduced to a game of ping pong with simplistic questions and answers like ‘what is your favorite movie?’ and ‘what did you have for lunch?’ I have a simplistic response for these kinds of people: ‘Fuck off’.” – Morgue
“I’ve been busy but I’m back now. Look forward to many hate fueled rants.” – Morgue
“Fuck or suck?” – Morgen Night
Who is Morgue? He's a SADIST!
Who is Morgue? He’s a Cult Leader.
Who is Morgue? He ran the cult called “Terrors of Men”.
Who is Morgue? He ran the cult called “The Intern Project”.
Who is Morgue? He ran the cult called LXT Omega.
Who is Morgue? He ran the Dionysian Cult of Hollywood.
Who is Morgue? He ran the Order of One cult.
Who is Morgue? He ran the Hyperian cult.
Who is Morgue? He runs the cult of Hyperianism.
Who is Morgue? He loves running cults.
Who is Morgue? Cults are his thing.
Who is Morgue? He makes his living from cults.
Who is Morgue? He lives from manipulating people.
Who is Morgue? He lives from exploiting people.
Who is Morgue? He is a grifter.
“I’m getting sick of all this peace and love. Love is certainly a good, necessary thing, but don’t let it blind you. Unconditional love makes you weak and docile. Should you love the ones who bind you? Should you love the ones who burn you at the stake? Those who love unconditionally are easy to control. Save your love for those who deserve it. … ‘When you’re taught to love everyone, to love your enemies, then what value does that place on love?’ -Marilyn Manson” – Morgen Night
“Don’t forget hate, anger, and will. Hate the ones who control and use you. Hate those who seek to make you their slave. Use your anger to fuel your will. Get angry and do something about it. Do not settle for the illusion of peace and freedom. Some of us still have a little fight left in us. Love those who love, hate those who hate.” – Morgen Night
“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” – Morgue
“This is reality, and we need both love and hate. Better yet, we should be beyond love and hate. As Nietzsche said, we should be ‘beyond good and evil’. Let us also be beyond love and hate. This is not playtime, this is not the playground, this is real life. I will not hold hands and sing songs with those who wish to destroy me.” – Morgen Night
“I have seen beyond the limits of human understanding and into the limitlessness of the Infinite and Eternal Mind. My gaze was returned in reflection as realization took hold that I was both subject and object. Those who understand this are no longer human. We are Mind. #BeyondHuman” – Morgen Night
“Excess excess excess. Better to go too far than not far enough. Better to be insane than mediocre and mundane.” – Morgen Night
“Our enemies have condemned us and thrown us into darkness. We’ve been beaten and persecuted, lied to and chained. Now we come flooding through the Gateway. Witches and demons, sorcerers and serpents. We wield fire, wisdom and shadow. This world we will burn and in its destruction our creation will rise. Energy is never destroyed only transformed. So begins our transformation of humanity. We Blaze through the Gateway.” – Morgen Night
“Don’t forget that I am real.” – Morgen Night

“I do not identify as human. We are higher than humanity. We are beyond human. We are infinite.” – Morgen Night
“In my eyes there exist whole universes.” – Morgue
“You cannot escape a prison if you do not know you are in one. The slave that never escapes is the one that thinks they are free. This world is currently a slave system and culture has placed the chains within your mind. We are the ones that broke free. #breakfree #freethinkers #thewarofthemind” – Morgue
“Once you know what you are there is no going back. Opened doors cannot be shut.” – Morgue
“Writhing in the midst of orgasm The Oracle declares ‘Know thyself.’ Do you know what you are?” – Morgue
“How can I be an atheist when I, myself am a god? You are too if you would but realize it. #thisisadream” – Morgue
“I know what happened before the first light and I know what will happen when the last star dies. I know what will happen when you burn out. Do you know happens when you die?” – Morgue
“Refuse to let this world treat you like shit. Ignite your anger, your passion, and your pride as a unique human being. #IDemandRealFreedom” – Morgue
“The way to remove weakness is through sheer will. Face your fears head on. Destroy your negative qualities and all that you deem cancerous. You either WILL or you won’t. Enough whining. No excuses. Fucking do it. Create yourself. Become yourself. #createdestroybecome” – Morgue
“Will is the knife that removes weakness.” – Morgue
“A new dawn rises and I command a terrible light. Our time has come. #createdestroybecome” – Morgue
“I am so disappointed. #humanity” – Morgue
“Everywhere I look I see weakness and fear. Don’t like something about yourself? Destroy it. Desire a skill? Create it. Don’t whine and complain. Shut the fuck up and change your reality. WILL IT and you will become it. #createdestroybecome” – Morgue
“I have been to places that I thought would take me. I have seen things that I thought would break me. Here I stand. Refined by fire.” – Morgen Night
“We have faced the abyss and conquered it. Those who pass through the darkness of despair and nihilism emerge as new beings, ordered, structured and wielding the powers of creation and destruction. Persevere my friends. #wearethefuture” – Morgen Night
“Fuck fear. Fear is the great limiter. It will hold you back and keep you in the ‘safe’, mundane, explored territories. Life is about overcoming. Life is about exploring the unknown.” – Morgen Night
“Hate can be a useful emotion when directed towards those who deserve it. If someone is treating you like shit don’t lie down and take it like a dog, stand up and fight back.” – Morgue
“Hate those who control and use you. Hate those who seek to make you their slave.” – Morgue

“Never forget that you can make this life into whatever you will. So choose wisely, fuck those who tell you otherwise and never give up. #rebelsofthemind” – Morgue
“Post something for #sinnersunday” – Morgue
“You have the ability to create yourself. Through strength of will destroy all weakness and all limitations. Cut it out like a cancer. WILL is the knife. #WILListheknife #selfsurgery” – Morgue
“I will not be shaped by anyone’s will but my own. No external force will bind me.” – Morgue
“I have a strange life.” – Morgue
“We are the future. Our will shapes reality. Hollowed be our names. Our kingdom come. Our will be done.” – Morgue
“We are the builders and constructors. I have taken myself to the bone and configured a superior structure. I will not be shaped by anyone’s will but my own. No external force will bind me. We are not the product of evolution. We ARE evolution.” – Morgue
“I admire his ability to speak the truth during a period in history that was even more infected by the virus of religion than it is today. It remains one of the world’s most destructive problems. Let’s stamp it out for good. #sinnersunday” – Morgue
“After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.” – Nietzsche
We say the same after coming into contact with Hyperians!
“Most people have become so stupid that they are closer to instinctual animals than they are to conscious human beings.” – Morgue
“Life is a struggle and often one will face the abyss, moments of intense depression and despair. One must not succumb to the abyss but push forward and emerge as a stronger individual. Often what makes you despair will transform you. One must rejoice in the struggle. Don’t let it bring you down, use it to rise up. Don’t be a weary traveler but a battle hardened veteran. One who overcomes all things.” – Morgue
Susan Mitchell, Morgue’s chief underling said, “Whenever someone mentions goals, I have an immediate sense of discomfort because I’ve never felt the same desire that so many people seem to have for money, fame, power, and even for business success to some extent. Of course, if I had a lot of money, I know what causes I would support, but I don’t crave money just to have it. And success is only appealing if it is a byproduct of doing something I love. I have a hard time coming up with goals for myself because everything I really want is so inner-directed right now. I suppose my own spiritual quest is my goal. Does that count?”
“The Abrahamic religions are disgustingly intolerant. We do not tolerate intolerance. We do not support the trash of the Abrahamic religions. Let’s put an end to the madness.” – Morgue
“Don’t become content. Don’t become complacent. Always strive to become better. Anger can be a positive force when directed at that which stands in your way. Create yourself, become yourself. Destroy all obstacles and barriers. Take no shit. Fuck those who stand in your way. #create #destroy #become” – Morgue
“Philosophy and esoteric teachings are vital to understanding reality. Unfortunately, hardly anyone is aware of them.” – Corey Rebhahn
Morgue is a SICKO

Who is Morgue? A con artist.
Who is Morgue? A malignant narcissist.
Who is Morgue? A psychopath.
“I know you’ve felt a deep power within. A burning fire that’s yearning to be free. Innerstar actualization is the process that allows you to access and release that fire within.” – Morgue
“Have you wondered why women are subjugated? Conservative men are both attracted to and repelled by women. This is because they have an inner feminine within their unconscious. Because this part of themselves is split from their conscious ego, they have an unconscious desire to unite with the feminine. However, they project this desire for unity onto others, women, instead of uniting with their own inner opposite. This forms their attraction and desire for women. Yet at the same time, their conscious ego is repelled by women because they are viewed as ‘foreign’, ‘alien’, and ‘other.’ Thus they seek to repress and subjugate women. They are terrified of confronting their own inner feminine, and instead of doing so, they seek out women to ‘own’ and ‘suppress’ due to their psychological tension of unconsciously wanting to unite with their inner feminine while at the same time consciously viewing the feminine as ‘other’ and ‘alien’. We are currently engaged in a War of the Mind. Earth cannot be whole, until its inhabitant are psychologically whole. The mind has no fixed gender. We must unite with our inner opposite, and create a unified world.” – Morgen Night
“This world hates women because it’s ruled by men that are terrified to confront their own inner feminine.” – Morgue
[Er, so this world loves men because it’s not ruled by women who bravely confronted their own inner masculine. Sounds legit. NOT!!!]
“Something new will be happening very soon. This world is trash. Will you stand with us at the beginning of our new Earth?” – Morgy
“Nope. I’m not celebrating the 4th. Too disgusted with how things are and busy creating a new future free from all the hatred.” -Porgy
“The vast majority of humanity suffers from a mental delusion.” – Morgue
“Toxic is toxic.” – Morgue
“I remember when I was a child, thinking about how exciting it will be to get to know all the amazing people in the world, and to learn about who they are. When I grew older I quickly realized that no one actually became anything at all. No one worked on themselves. No one actualized their higher self. I found myself alone in a world of clones. What a sad world, with a population of 7 billion, but only a handful are actually alive. Don’t be another drone. Smash the mold and WORK on becoming a brilliant star. Others will tune into your light and become inspired to light their own fires let’s build the earth into a beacon so luminous, that even the stars will be envious of our light.” – Morgen Night
“We are warriors of the mind. Our scars are testaments to battles triumphed.” – Morgy Porgy
“Makeup is about expressing yourself, not about limiting yourself. But how often have you felt that have to wear it a certain way or tone it down so society doesn’t judge you? Makeup is about freeing yourself, not imprisoning yourself. But how often have you felt like you have to put on makeup before you go out, even if it’s just to the store? Makeup is about uniting us in diversity. But you can see its fracture and division everywhere as it creates a fabricated gender gap.” – Morgue
[There’s that key phrase: UNITING US IN DIVERSITY, aka… refusing to unite and instead preferring extreme individualism.]
“Ridiculous ‘beauty’ standards have instilled a huge amount of insecurity into many people. Makeup should be something that enables you to express yourself more effectively and freely. You should never feel uncomfortable to go out into public without makeup on. This absolutely goes for men that wish to use it as well. The idea that makeup is only for women is a total lie and a tool for division. There are no fixed gender roles. In ancient Egypt it was acceptable for men to wear makeup, they created cat-eye designs, and green eyeshadow, and lip and cheek stains were popular. Do you know how often I get judged for wearing eyeliner, nail polish, and even having long hair? Many people even refuse to listen to what I have to say simply for wearing makeup. Not only does this show their small mindedness and disdain for anything that challenges their preconceived notions of what’s acceptable. But it also shows that people are prone to take content less seriously when it’s associated with anything in their minds that they have labeled as feminine. Which clearly demonstrates the huge problem of psychological gender inequality. What a sick culture. Raise your middle fingers to those unevolved animals. Don’t take their shit and don’t play their game. Use makeup as a tool for your liberation and the expression of your individuality and power.” – Morgen Night
Morgue said, “This inequality is driven by men’s internal fear to embrace their inner feminine. All they reveal is their own weakness. Wholeness will only result in the embrace of the totality of one’s nature. As individuals embrace their wholeness, so too will the world become whole. As above, so below. As within, so without.” – Morgue
“All qualities have their use and place. For example, the light of compassion is used to cultivate a healthy relationship. But the power of anger can be channeled to create change in your life when someone is trying to take advantage of you. We have all these powers within us for a specific purpose, to live a healthier life and create a better world. None of them should be denied. However, they must be guided by reason and wisdom.” – Morgen Night
“We are the heretics, blasphemers, and freethinkers. Fire couldn’t stop us because our souls are forged in fire and the world will see the fire in our eyes. ”
“An individual becoming Hyperian goes through different stages. First, they realize that they aren’t their body, that they are a monad, and so is everyone else. Then, they begin to understand the Absolute perspective. From the Absolute perspective we are all one. I’m a part of you and you’re a part of me. But as individual monads we are absolutely complete and whole on our own. We are both one and many.” – MorgueOfficial

“According to Carl Jung, we are all androgynous. Our opposite qualities are contained within our unconscious and thus we are neither male nor female. In fact, integrating your opposite qualities is the gateway to the unconscious. How do you identify? Male, female, androgynous, fluid, none of the above? ” – MorgueOfficial
“I know you feel like you don’t fit in. You’re not part of the dull masses. Society tells you this is a bad thing. You’re mock, trolled, and ostracized but WE see you. We know the power that you have. It’s time to claim it. THIS is the REAL reason you don’t fit in and it reveals the POWER that you have.” – MorgueOfficial
“I bite ” – Morgue
“It is a shame the more you have to do, the less you feel like doing any of it.” – Morgue
“The thing I hate most about life is that it takes up all my time.” – Morgue
“He who cannot lie does not know what the truth is I’ll just fuck the girls. All of the women are dead. Wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked” – Morgue
“Beer is stupid. Give me some wine or hard liquor because this shit ain’t workin!” – MorgueOfficial
“Hey, want to be on our new show Freakshow on AMC? The only requirements are that you are in southern California and are a weirdo! Send me a message and I’ll give you more info.” – Morgue
“It must be the season of the Witch.” – Morgue
“Go suck a fuck.” – Morgue
Morgue Official is Truly Vile.
Who is Morgue? He’s an exploiter.
Who is Morgue? He’s a parasocial conman.
Who is Morgue? He’s a predator who preys on vulnerable people.

“Don’t you remember the roses? Our romance has turned to hate.” – Morgue
“Every step I take, takes me further from heaven.
Who’s god damn sock is this?
Why… oh why… Is everyone a fucking idiot?
I don’t give a fuck so let’s play in traffic!
I am a Freak, and proud of it.
People are weird.” – Morgue
Morgen Night said, “Do you ever feel disconnected from everyone? Sure you can laugh and even dance. But you are truly alone.” – Morgen Night
“When one heart stops, another begins to beat….. Perhaps then, a murderer is also life giver.” – Morgen Night
“I drink alone.” – Morgue
“Are you a FREAK? I hope so
Your Power Self is the source of your fire and your will. An integrated Power Self will give you godlike control over your life and others.” – Morgue
“We have established the epicenter of the New World and the shockwaves of our vision will ripple across the Earth. We have taken the first step towards a new age. Hail New Terra.” – Morgen Night
“The birth of the new and the death of the old begins tonight” – Morgue
“Stupidity runs rampant.” – Morgue
“Things are getting darker.” – Morgue
“It’s time to burn our bridges ” – Morgue
“All the chaos in the world stems from the fact that old humanity is dying. They are in their death throes. But they are trying to take us down with them. This is why all the racism, hatred, violence, and sexism is being exposed. It was always there, hiding beneath the surface. But now, as its death is looming, it has come to the surface with its toxic fangs bared striking against all that threatens its existence. We are the birth of the new humanity but the old wants to make it a still birth.” – Morgue
“This is a critical time in history. It’s will either be a phase change into a glorious new future, or fiery destruction as the world falls beyond repair. The fate of humanity is being decided now. It’s time to take your stand instead of watching on the sidelines. We are New Humanity. We are Higher Humanity. We are Hyperians. Hail the Hyperian New World Order.” – Morgue
“I am the specter that haunts the old world, the shadow preparing the way for the new.” – Morgue
“This world is trash. Will you stand with us at the beginning of our new Earth?” – Morgue
“This inequality is driven by men’s internal fear to embrace their inner feminine. All they reveal is their own weakness. Wholeness will only result in the embrace of the totality of one’s nature. As individuals embrace their wholeness, so too will the world become whole. As above, so below. As within, so without.” – Morgue
“NEVER let anyone make you feel bad for being different.” – Morgue
“Close fucking Netflix for ten seconds an open your god damn eyes. The secrets of existence are right in front of you. People wonder why their life is out of control. How can you be in control of your life if you don’t know what life is? Increase your consciousness. Increase your power. Increase your control. Don’t wait. Be a part of the future, now. Hyperianism will be taught all across the world.” – Morgue
Who is Morgue? He is someone who has become a millionaire by conning suckers. Stop the Con.
Who is Morgue? He is the man who will be utterly defeated.
Who is Morgue? Loser. Failure. Grifter. Liar. Conman. Thief. Plagiarist. Cult Leader.