Hyperians are Without Honor



9/30/2022 – Post #2
Do you remember the pretentious and pompous Hyperian “Event” from March, 2019. That was another occasion when we should have dumped Rebhahn since it became clear that he didn’t grasp basic terms such as “panpsychism”.
On Friday, 29 March, 2019, Rebhahn wrote, “I absolutely understand. Good points. I appreciate you bringing them up. Please bear with me as the filming process is quite stressful and you sometimes have to make snap decisions in the moment, to try and connect the story together on the spot, dependent on what happens. I completely understand all the points you made with regard to the differences between materialism, idealism, dualism, panpsychism etc. I appreciate your insights, this is a bit of a learning curve for me as I adjust to attempting to get across precise ideas in the chaotic environment of film. I had to put this all together in under 3 weeks, and with a lot of money involved and trying to make sure that everyone is happy and accommodated, it’s been a bit stressful to say the least! So bear with me, it’s been a bit of a tightrope act haha. These rough cuts exist to we can make these kinds of changes after the fact. I spoke with Jon already and we can have it at ‘Our final speaker tonight is Peter S-H, philosopher of mind, and he will be speaking about mind, matter and psychedelics.’ and that’s it. Does that sound good to you? If so, do you have any other concerns?”
Always with the excuses, Rebhahn. Why don’t you take responsibility for your fuck ups?!
Teaching this guy basic philosophical terms was PAINFUL.
Look at what we had to say to this guy back then:
“So, materialism states that everything is matter. There is no mind except as some output of matter. Mind cannot exist without matter.
“Idealism states that everything is mind. There is no matter except as some output of mind. Matter cannot exist without mind.
“Dualism says that matter and mind are two different substances, independent of each other.
“Panpsychism says that mind and matter are somehow one; where one is found, so is the other in some obscure fashion or other. Physical atoms have sentience, and so on.
“Our position is very clear. There is nothing but mind. Matter is wholly dependent on mind, a construct of mind, and cannot exist without mind. Mind and matter are NOT one. That’s a statement of pure panpsychism and we reject it utterly.
“Mind can control matter not because mind and matter are one but because matter is something that mind produces, hence mind can amend and manipulate what it produces.
“So, your introduction to Peter should simply be: ‘Our final speaker tonight is Peter S-H, philosopher of mind, and he will be speaking about mind, matter and psychedelics.’ Full stop.
“Peter is simply a philosopher speaking about panpsychism. He has nothing to do with Hyperianism. He is not advocating Hyperianism, so there’s no point in trying to talk as if he has some connection to Hyperianism. He doesn’t. You’re simply one freethinker introducing another.
“You said, ‘I’m just trying to make it all make sense from the viewers perspective as this is not an “explainer” video but meant to be entertaining.’ – but that’s not how it comes across. Anyone would imagine that you are endorsing panpsychism and especially Peter S-H’s take on the subject. That’s not “entertainment” – that’s what people will take away as the basis of Hyperianism.
“You shouldn’t touch panpsychism with a bargepole. It has no strategic value at all. It’s the last stand of materialism, on a par with Buddhism – for ‘spiritual’ materialists that deny the existence of the self and deny any mental singularity as the origin of existence.
“Before Peter speaks, you could perhaps insert an explanatory caption that says, ‘Peter’s specialism is panpsychism, which claims that matter has a mental aspect.’
“You’re going to have to be extremely careful if you want to be taken seriously as a thinker. You can’t say, ‘Oh I spoke inaccurately because I was in ‘entertainment mode’. If you’re going to make a serious point, make it. If you’re going to be entertaining, be entertaining. But you can’t make a serious point badly and then offer ‘entertainment’ as an excuse. Serious points being wrongly stated are not entertaining, just confusing and off-putting. They badly detract from your credibility.
“Peter himself is always very careful about what he says and ensures he never strays too far from his inherent materialism. He’s always at pains to deny the existence of the self, the mind, the soul. You have to be just as careful and precise as he is. Your exposure to Peter caused you to pick up some of his ways of speaking – specifically that mind and matter ‘are one’ – and you thus echoed his position rather than stating the Hyperian position, which is an idealist position based on the eternal mind as the source of all.”
Wow! You can see how much doubt we had about this guy’s ability to accurately reflect our work even back in 2019, and things have got much, much worse since then, of course. This guy is a total cretin, doing nothing but damaging our work, with his moronic, Woke misinterpretations and misrepresentations of our work.
These Hyperians are an actual danger to the truth. They are a menace. These Hyperians are degenerates. They have no intellectual ability, capacity, or integrity. They are people without honor and nobility. They are classic Dunning-Kruger types who insanely believe they are smart. We wouldn’t give a damn about these halfwits were it nor for the fact that it is OUR WORK that is being vandalized by this grotesque confederacy of dunces. Enough already. Seriously, would anyone on earth imagine that ANY Hyperian was intelligent?
James Arthur said, “I’m embarrassed that I had anything to do with Hyperianism after all of this coming to light. I never realized how cringy they all are.”
No one cringes harder than we do regarding than these fuckwits. It’s such an appalling embarrassment. It certainly keeps you humble, though – knowing that you can be associated with monumental fuck ups like Hyperianism. But, hey, it’s all a learning process, right?! The important thing is never to get involved with anything like Hyperianism, and anyone like Rebhahn, ever again.
De Lano said, “Same. I didn’t even leave it due to the David Sinclair book, I had faced red flags before I even knew about it. I just might make a small video on why I left.”
You should! It’s great that you didn’t even need the push of the Sinclair book. Really, the red flags were EVERYWHERE, but it’s so easy to ignore them and just play the inertia game, and let sleeping dogs lie. One of the reasons why people don’t act, though, is that they fear finding themselves in an extremely bitter and dangerous situation. Our side has had the FBI called on it, lawsuits issued against it, websites canceled, savage smear campaigns conducted against it, and SWATTING operations carried out against it. No one looks forward to that kind of thing. However, it’s inevitable when you take on a freaky cult like Hyperianism with a weirdo Dark Triad cult leader like Rebhahn.
James Arthur said, “I stopped paying attention to them about a year ago and only considered myself Hyperian for a short time.”
Good job! Over the years, many people got out of this Hyperian cult without too much difficulty. It’s the ones still stuck in the cult that we feel sorry for. We detest them, of course, for continuing to support the cult, but most of them are vulnerable, fragile people, totally groomed and brainwashed. They are VICTIMS of Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell, Marsh and Shope. Those five are the true monsters.