X314, X314, X314, X314, X314
Dollie Donatello said,
“Ah X314, the crap Corey used to post as a video of him repeating like a freakish cultist ‘you are not who you think you are X314’ or something like that out of nowhere live once and then poof nowhere to be seen ever again in the outer circle group(no pun intended), i myself thought it was something related to us being monads hence the X314. Never thought this was part of his terror of man mackerel vegan sashimi stuff.”
Yes! X314 was about Rebhahn’s deranged video “The Insanity Drug”, one of Rebhahn’s all-time personal favorites. It’s hilarious that he can’t get to do any of this stuff anymore … because he’s Woke Jesus. Rebhahn would LOVE to go back to being Edgelord Morgue and doing all that Terrors of Men stuff again. Except he can’t – because his current Woke Jesus Morgue alter is the OPPOSITE of his former Edgelord Morgue host persona.
Actually, as soon as we had posted about “X314”, we realized we already had the answer to the mystery … because Rebhahn had told us!
We had forgotten … because, unlike Rebhahn, we’re not Christians and Bible thumpers.
Back in the day, Rebhahn said to us,
“Check out this video that I created years ago:“If you play it backwards I am saying: ‘I reject the holy spirit and I reject the devil’ over and over.“The only unforgivable sin in Christianity is rejecting the holy spirit. If you reject the holy spirit not even the blood of Jesus can save you from the fires of hell. Receiving the Mark of the Beast is tantamount to rejecting the holy spirit and anyone receiving the mark cannot be saved and is condemned to hell. In the video I ask for ‘permission to speak’ so it could be said I am trying to get people to unconsciously reject the holy spirit, that this has always been part of my plan and soon the world will reject the holy spirit by taking the Hyperian Mark. X314 flashes at the end of the video, this is a reference to exodus 3:14 and it could be said that I am blasphemously claiming to be god.”Exodus 3:14: “And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.”“As for the unforgivable sin, here is the passage: Mark 3:28-30: ‘Truly I tell you, all sins and blasphemes will be forgiven for the sons of men. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin.”
This is all remarkably psychologically revealing. So, the Fake Self of a malignant narcissist believes it is God, so it is of course eager to say, “I AM THAT I AM.”
Also, Edgelord Morgue wants to be seen as the ultimate sinner, the person who commits the unforgivable sin – total ex-communication from the WASP Christian fundamentalism in which he was raised. Rebhahn LUSTS to blaspheme against all authority, all tradition, all merit. That’s what Edgelord Morgue – a violent, psychopathic nihilist – was all about. Woke Jesus Morgue now presents HIMSELF as the new authority, the New Path (New Terra), but remains, like the Edgelord host persona, totally opposed to “the World” (just as Christians always were when they were the slaves of their Roman masters!).
Oh, remember to make the “Hyperian Mark” to show that you reject the Holy Spirit, but accept Corey Rebhahn!
But Rebhahn fully accepts Jesus now:
“We are the Second Coming of Christ. … We are Christ Consciousness.”
Hyperians are just Christian slaves railing against the powerful of the world and engaging in a fantasy that they will defeat the masters via “raising consciousness”. Ho, ho, ho. These people are mental cases.
If fact, Hyperians are clearly AUTISTIC.
Arden Leigh, one of the same swanky Hollywood set as Rebhahn – who had a big fall-out with Rebhahn because of his lack of “character and integrity” – quoted this [by Jonathan Fortin]:
“A friend of mine made a post about how neurotypical people often view autistic people as narcissistic, or can’t tell the difference between the two. It is really uncomfortable to think about, because autistic people are often victims of narcissists, but it got me thinking about why that could be the case.’
A big part of why it could be that autistic people have a hard time existing in this world and have unique needs, either due to sensory issues, the risk of social burnout, or because our often-rigid system doesn’t make room for people who don’t fit. However, many of us still come across as ‘intelligent,’ and most people only view mental disabilities in terms of people with Down’s Syndrome or what have you. So this mix of being ‘intelligent’ and able-bodied but having special needs can come across as, ‘This person thinks they’re special or that the rules don’t apply to them.’
Mind you, some of us are open about being on the spectrum, and explain or discuss our experiences or needs in depth. You’d think this would mitigate the issue of people thinking we view ourselves as ‘special,’ but to many people, this comes across as being ‘self-absorbed.’
We also love to geek out about our special interests and talk at length about them as well. Most people don’t care as much, so this is viewed as ‘annoying babbling.’
Additionally, we can think differently from most people and be firm in our unique beliefs, which others can interpret as, ‘Wow, he’s so full of himself. He thinks he’s right and 99% of the population is wrong.’
People also tend to expect us to read between the lines or read the room or all sorts of things that are hard for autistic people to do, and when we fail to infer what we were expected to infer, they accuse us of having a ‘lack of empathy.’
So a lot of what makes us, um, what we are can be interpreted as narcissism, even if it’s just a mixture of us having unique needs, thinking/communicating differently from most people, and not making assumptions we were expected to make.
Reflect on how much of that self-evidently applies to Hyperians.
Hyperianism is a SPECIAL NEEDS group of geeky autistics, who are totally obsessive (i.e., they are CULTISTS) and unable to read the room, and unable to change their opinions when the facts change. A rational and logical person can and does depart a scene when that scene is rationally and logically exposed. But that’s not true of autistics who are obsessive compulsives and are consumed by habits, rituals, routines, by everything staying the same.
Look at how all the Hyperian autistic cultists build their entire lives around the ritual Hyperian deadstreams. Look at how Dyslexic Fairy does the same things on every deadstream – the $6.66 Hegel quote … EVERY FUCKING TIME (or maybe switching to Jung for spurious “variety”). This is self-evidently not normal behavior. This is autistic OCD. Hopeless Lunatic bear says SMASH THE LIKE every time – an autistic ritual. Kassidy talks about smoke alarms, beeps and squeaks – pure sensory obsession, pure autism! NEVER any comments about ANYTHING meaningful.
If you go through the behavior of all these Hyperians, including the Queen Bee – Rebhahn himself – you will appreciate that it is all obsessive compulsive, ritualistic, designed around routine and everything STAYING THE SAME. Why does Rebhahn never acknowledge the difference between Hyperianism now and Hyperianism seven months ago? It’s because he would have to recognize that things had changed, that things were different. And Rebhahn cannot cope with that – with CHANGE, with LOSS – so he just has to pretend that everything is as it always was, and that’s fine for all the rest of his autistic cultists who also cannot cope with anything changing.
Of course, these nutjobs would accuse us of being ritualistic. Nope, we are RELENTLESS – totally different thing. We would stop our daily posts immediately if Hyperianism vanished.
As you know, many autistics hate us, and we have talked about autism at great length in our books (since we are fascinated by what it says about the human condition and human consciousness). Hyperians hate us because we are NEUROTYPICAL and they are NEURODIVERGENT, and the world is going through convulsions right now because Wokeness is DEMANDING that the neurodivergent be given absolute parity with the neurotypical – or even superiority – a simple impossibility, on a par with saying that a right-handed world should make itself left-handed for the sake of the 10% of left-handers. It’s pure madness. This IS a right-handed world, and this IS a neurotypical world, and this IS a binary world, and the whole world does not have to be inverted to accommodate the tiny minority in preference to the overwhelming majority. This is how minorities INVITE trouble. They make IMPOSSIBLE demands rather than requests for practical adjustments.
In a world where 90% of people are neurotypical, you CANNOT instead build the world around the BLATANT LIE that we have a population of 50% neurotypical and 50% neurodivergents. Yet this is what Wokeness is pushing for – i.e., for the world to be reconfigured around tiny minorities rather than addressing the majority and doing its rational best to accommodate divergent minorities.
“New Terra” is a demented hypothetical world where the neurodivergent – autistics and non-binaries, and so on, are in charge and the world is WOKE. There is ZERO chance of New Terra ever happening and there is close to a 100% certainty that all of these Hyperians will live extremely sad and dismal fantasy lives, entirely disconnected from the real world, which is about the majority, the neurotypical, the binary, the right-handed, the heterosexual, and so on. You are a life hater if you set yourself up against normality. And life will hate you back … BIG TIME. Your life will be one of constant friction with the world.
Hyperianism is a toxic scene of severe mental illness and the apex predator of the cult – Corey Rebhahn, a total fuck up – is the maddest of them all. Did you know that Rebhahn wrote this: “Maybe I am delusional … The professionals say I am…” It is close to 100% certain that Rebhahn has previously been clinically diagnosed as severely mentally ill. This guy NEEDS to be locked up. It’s a wonder that he’s not in a nuthouse. Was he in the past? That would be critical information.
Rebhahn said to a lover,
“I’m staying SOBER for you.”
So, Rebhahn is probably an alcoholic, and definitely an extreme drug abuser.
Why do Hyperians send so much money to Rebhahn? It’s because they are autistic and don’t know how to communicate. Sending money is how they autistically compliment Rebhahn for being their autistic, neurodivergent Pied Piper. Hyperianism is an ideology that the non-binary and neurodivergent are THE MASTER RACE … THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. If you were a non-binary autist suffering from borderline personality disorder, you can see how Hyperianism would be very attractive to you (it’s as mad as you are!).
As we know, many Hyperians are heavy drug users and alcohol abusers, like Rebhahn himself. Erick Longo is a criminal jailed for his drug deals (as well as racketeering … a typical Hyperian!). Drugs are a key part of the Hyperian ethos – because they mimic NEURODIVERGENCE.
We now realize that if you did deep psychological profiling of cultists, close to 100% of them would be obsessive compulsives, dyslexics, autistics, non-binaries, neurodivergents, border line personality disorder types, and narcissists with False Selves. Any normal group would have collapsed seven moths ago when its legitimacy was entirely removed. Hyperianism didn’t. Why not? Because it is literally comprised of mentally ill obsessives who CANNOT abandon this toxic scene because not only is their entire identity invested in it, so are all their obsessive rituals centered on it – and they cannot BEAR to change their rituals. That’s PAINFUL for them.
Hyperianism is a profoundly mentally ill, divergent scene in every way. These nutcases imagine they will beat the normal world, the world of the majority. There is ZERO chance of that. But this Hyperian cult is all about the pure fantasies of the world’s total outsiders, consumed by ressentiment. They detest us because we stand for the neurotypical world, which they insanely regard as entirely oppressive towards them.
Hyperians reject life – because they can’t identify at all with normality and the majority.
Plagiarist Dyslexic Fairy posted this:
“The Hegelian Superman Theory states that if the ends are noble, the means can be justified. Emphasis is placed on the ends with no regard for the means. Hegel wrote many works on the general nature of the Ubermensch, or extraordinary man.”
That comes from here:
Artemis Maenad previously pointed out how much of a plagiarist Dyslexic Fairy is. Why would anyone be surprised? The Dyslexic One is the most loyal slave of the plagiarist Corey Rebhahn. None of these Hyperians is remotely bothered by plagiarism. Dyslexic Fairy has provided a signed confession:
“… if the ends are noble, the means can be justified”.
This is how Hyperians see Hyperianism. Even if it is totally criminal and plagiarized and full of lies and conning and grifting, it nevertheless somehow remains “noble” for its mindless followers and therefore its means can ALWAYS be justified. A blind eye can be turned to the Terrors of Men degeneracy, the swatting, the canceling, the malicious complaint to the FBI, the lawsuit, the smear campaigns, and all the rest of it. Because the “ends” are “noble” – well, according to the neurodivergent Dyslexic Fairy. But the ends AREN’T noble. They are totally fucking degenerate, reflecting the degeneracy of the people who hold these sick views.
Who are the people MOST LIKELY to oppose morality and basic standards towards others – THE NEURODIVERGENT. Because they neither relate to nor understand normal people and normal behavior. They don’t get normality at all. They don’t get that they are supposed to have integrity, and respect others. None of that enters their divergent, diseased thinking! And they are PROUD of their neurodivergence and the sick behavior that so often flows from it. They call their malignant TROLLING and support of EVIL causes and sick people like Rebhahn, “freethinking”. You mean ABNORMAL THIKING – total perversion contrary to the common good and general will.
Technically, these people are AMORAL – like animals, they don’t get morality. But, practically, amorality will be judged by the moral to be IMMORALITY. We consider Hyperians to be utterly immoral filth, prepared to support ANYTHING their cult leader says or does. No moral person could have remained in Hyperianism once that false and malicious complaint was made to the FBI by Rebhahn, but these Hyperians have no link to morality and decency. Like Abrahamists, they will forgive their God ANYTHING, and consider themselves “noble”.
All Hyperians are suffering from grandiose narcissism. These mentally ill people have joined a shared fantasy that they are WORLD SHAPERS. They are getting CRUSHED by the world, yet they believe they are “hyperaware” and “raising human consciousness” and building paradise (New Terra). It’s pathetic and CRINGE. But this is the mad Dunning-Kruger world where profoundly stupid people with self-destructive divergent thinking can nevertheless arrogantly pose and posture on social media and demand the death of the neurotypical, normal world.
By the way, have you noticed that “raising human consciousness” apparently comprises sharing Morgue Official’s posts and videos and giving heaps of money to Morgue Official. Hmmmm, I’m pretty sure that’s not what raising consciousness actually is!
Gina said,
“…now now, we all know there’s no perpetually shaded belt buckle in the Janburger equation… only elastic waistbands will do for such a stupendously walloping waistline! Thanks to your description though, I started imagining Jan as the Hamburglar from McDonald’s. See the resemblance!? They’ll likely have matching outfits soon“

You see, this is the sort of thing we need in THE HYPERIAN MOVIE!
Jack Gerhardt said,
“Morgue, stop getting up from your deadstreams to pee. It’s annoying your audience and it’s embarrassing for you. Invest in this portable urinal. You can use it under your desk AND continue on with your deadstream. It’s a win win and will prove your multi-tasking abilities and skills to your donors. Your local sporting goods store will have it. They are in the boating section. Cabelas has them for $14.99! It takes just ONE grifting donation to purchase it! And with the ton of money you make off the poor, it won’t put a dent in your finances!”
You see, good, solid, sensible Illuminist advice! That should go in THE HYPERIAN MOVIE too – Rebhahn pissing under the table! And Immensely Fat Jan shitting! (While punching the walls, natch!)
Sam Vaknin said of the future of Homo sapiens,
“We will become all homo and no sapiens.” That’s humanity’s future if the Woke – the Idiocrats – ever succeed!
The Hyperian Movie will show the world what is coming our way!
Tomorrow, we shall look at Corey Rebhahn’s hatred of merit and meritocracy – as he announced on his last deadstream.
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, X314