Did you hear Rebhahn attacking meritocracy in his last deadstream? Why would we be surprised? This is a man with no merit at all. He has no education and qualifications, and is a plagiarist, a liar, a grifter and a conman – the very definition of a person without merit. Rebhahn is an Anti-Meritocrat actually campaigning against highly qualified meritocrats, the very people whose works he shamelessly plagiarized, precisely what no person of merit would EVER do. Anti-Meritocracy … Morgue Official, indeed the two are synonymous. 
So, we WELCOME this scumbag’s opposition to meritocracy. Meritocracy is all about ensuring that people like this get NOWHERE. People of merit must stop the legions without merit if we are to have a productive, evolving society.
Anti-Meritocratic & a face that not even a mother could love. 0/10 stars - Do NOT Recommend!
Hyperianism opposes merit and evolution and promotes people with no education and no qualifications, who steal from others and constantly con people.
These Hyperians detest merit. All that is required in NEW TERRA – Woke Paradise – is for you to be Woke. In Rebhahn’s world, all talented people would be purged – sent to death camps probably – and all their jobs taken by the Woke. In a Hyperian society, being Woke is the only qualification that counts. Rebhahn himself has only that one qualification. He has no actual, earned qualifications. Clearly, this man detests merit, as do all of his Hyperian slaves, who all support him in his detestation of merit and a society based on merit.
The talented MUST crush these anti-meritocratic movements or we will all live in a talentless, cretinous IDIOCRACY, led by someone like Rebhahn, a man who never received an education, and never sought one when he left home.
It cannot be stressed how opposed to merit Hyperians are. Really, this is all about meritorious, qualified Illuminists against talentless, unqualified Hyperians, who huddle together in their mutual, toxic Wokeness – an ideology that is intrinsically anti-meritocratic since it is all about IDENTITY.
Star Trek depicts a meritocracy. Rebhahn has never watched Star Trek in his life. He has ALWAYS hated meritocracy.
Rebhahn is a huge fan of Star Wars, which is of course all about talentless Woke people – the forces of Chaos – rebelling against Order. Isn’t it funny that Star Wars doesn’t depict the aftermath of the Woke Victory? Within ten years, it would be the Idiocracy, and people would be BEGGING the First Order to return. Because the Woke can’t run a world. They are other-directed and cannot take tough decisions. They cannot handle conflict. They lack basic competence, and aren’t interested – just look at the Hyperians. They couldn’t run a market stall.
Anthony Lake said,
“Could Morgue possibly spew out any more mind vomit?! Check out this vile ‘cancel meritocracy’ speech from the recent deadstream. Morguey just couldn’t help himself and pass by the opportunity to express his hatred towards noble, intellectual and selfless properties that would be of upmost importance of Meritocratic leadership. Such utter mind rot is a confession of a selfish cunt that has absolutely zero merit. Sutanic, aka Susan, said the Hyperian Source will do a Meritocracy v’s Teleocracy video or deadstream. Well you can be sure there will be no counter arguments presented, it will be flat out bias all the way. Very much like the same treatment Morgue and Sutanic gave Ont math. So much for Morgue’s Hegel ‘speeching’. By the way do Hyperians ever practice what they preach?….hell no! 
So Susan Mitchell, If Hyperian teleocracy is fair and diverse as you claim then you should be willing to debate your position live on the Hyperian source channel. No? 
Hyperian teleocracy will only serve Hyperian leadershit exactly as it does right now. But what do a bunch of brain dead Hyperian followers care?! In fact the Hyperian teleocracy wont take hold outside Morgue and Sutanics hyper fantasy. Why?….Practically no Hyperians give a fuck. In fact government, state and politics of any sort doesn’t stroke the woke-vibe at all, it’s one big woke turn off. Neither will political videos generate much youtube revenue. So go ahead it will certainly be the fast track to Hyper-geddon on the other hand why bother at all. 
Anyway lets crack this shit nugget open and see it for what it really is….Hold onto you nostrils!
For the Hyperian source the teleocratic idea is nothing but a blatent attack on Meritocracy and Illuminism. Of course it will be a total rip off of Meritocracy with the intent of ‘canceling’ Meritocracy. This ‘move’ has nothing to do with politics at all. It’s simply a bunch of narcissistic freakoids attempting to secure their narcissus supply and gain more personal wealth. The fucking irony is off the scale! 
And then there’s crack Jenny’s teacup, aka Jan fucktardison. The last person on earth who should ever utter a word on Meritocracy. And the other two who are they?…nevermind….No hair-No care, right Hyperians(?) 
Meritocracy is about the talented, from no matter what background, getting to where their talents deserve to take them. In a meritocracy, merit is maximized. That’s the whole point of such a society.
All the talented people who have been kept down by the rich elites get their opportunity, and the world is utterly TRANSFORMED when their amazing talents are unleashed rather than buried and suppressed. 
Rebhahn’s system is about the Woke being placed in all important positions, and you can only get on if you belong to the Woke N**i Party where everyone is interrogated about how vegan, pacifist and supportive of non-binaries they are! In Rebhahn’s system, merit is eliminated and Wokeness maximized. But that system is literally the Idiocracy and would see the death of humanity. “New Terra” is actually the extinct human race! 
Jordy Alers said,
“Cringe Lord! Omfg how does he live with himself? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤢” 
Indeed. And Cringe Lord he certainly is. 
Meritocracy – based on absolute equal opportunities – FOR EVERYONE TO GET THEIR CHANCE – is how the working class will at last overthrow the super-rich elites, but the anti-meritocrats such as the Hyperians HATE the working class and LOVE the super-rich elites. Corey Rebhahn craves being one of the super-rich elite. Why else does he live in a swanky apartment in Hollywood? This guy could go and live in Mexico, or anywhere. Why the fuck does he need to be in Hollywood? BECAUSE THAT’S THE HOME OF GLITZ AND PRIVILEGE AND THE HOLLYWOOD DREAM OF SUCCESS – being rich and famous – which is the only dream Rebhahn has ever had, and will do ANYTHING to get it. 
Hyperians are anti-meritocrats and anti-working class and that will be plain for all to see when Rebhahn delivers his anti-meritocracy speech. It will be all about glorifying bourgeois exotic minorities – with their private pools and avocado toast and hydroponic gardens, and vegan food delivered at home by uber drivers (slaves). Enough already.
The enemies of meritocracy and merit must be absolutely defeated. 
The past was all about the majority being cruel to minorities, but the future will definitely NOT be about the minorities being in charge, as the Woke dream of. It will be about the majority treating minorities well. There is zero chance of minorities ruling the world, and all Woke debates surrounding that topic should be ended immediately. They are pure fantasy. And they are incredibly dangerous, because they will bring down all of the cruelty of the majority upon minorities, and the majority will feel utterly justified. Just look at human history! Wokeness is nothing but provocation. And, hilariously, insane Woke groups such as Hyperianism believe they will triumph … while preaching pacifism and veganism! Whatever planet these people are on, it can’t be Earth! Have these people never met humans? In the USA, there are more guns than people.
Lee Winston Daly said,
“Rebhahn’s magical thinking has hit overdrive in recent weeks. IF it ever manifests, his take on this will all be about China; guaranteed.”
Oh yes, CHINA will definitely be in the firing line – because the Chinese had the genius idea of trying to re-educate the enemies of the State rather than allowing them to spread their anomic anarchy – and devotion to the Abrahamic God – Everywhere … as well as their Abrahamic terrorism, of course.
China is the Coming or indeed Arriving Power, but it’s no kind of meritocracy in the sense we envisage. China is far too committed to the obedient collective when what is required is a system that empowers the individual, but within the collective context. That doesn’t happen in China. The only empowered individuals are the bosses of the Communist Party and the Chinese predatory capitalist billionaires. In the predatory capitalist West, the only empowered individuals are the super-rich elite (Wall Street and the corporatocracy) and their lackeys in Congress and the media and entertainment.
Meritocracy – true meritocracy – is how we smash the financial, political and media elites. In a meritocracy, a school teacher could aim to be President and have realistic expectations of succeeding (a total impossibility in the current political world, where you must be staggeringly rich and well-connected to get near the presidency). We MUST release the talents of the working class, and in doing so the whole world will be utterly changed.
Adam Cahill said,
“Time to fuck off to Guyana and build Teleocracy Corey. There’s a spot right next to Jonestown.”
By the way, Morgy Porgy said,
“…since as of right now my target audience is artistic/mythos individuals. Then finally moving into Meritocracy, though this might get me into some hot water with regard to my dayjob so I’ll have to play this carefully and see what my situation is like when that time comes.”
So, Rebhahn had an anti-meritocratic employer in his “dayjob”, and his target audience was “artistic/mythos”. Have you noticed how many of Rebhahn’s slaves self-label as “artists”, and how none of them is Logos-oriented? They are all Mythos types, and love all of those bizarre Christian gospels that Rebhahn is so obsessive about.
Porgy said,
“Politics is the area in which I am least knowledgeable but I’m doing my best here.”
HAHAHAHA. Let’s see the “deep” political thinking of this clown who doesn’t even like politics, and knows fuck all about it.
Morgue Official said,
“I am now studying socialism and politics in general in depth, as it is a weak area of mine, but I am now taking it upon myself to learn the ins and outs of political philosophy. Since it is an area I am not highly knowledgeable at the moment, I would appreciate your input here.”
Can you imagine the avocado toast guy studying socialism? What a comedian! Rebhahn is clueless about actual politics. All he knows about is insane Woke identity politics … and extreme political correctness.
Morgue Official said,
“I just wanted to relay that I’ve been feeling a bit bad about not sharing The Locust Party posts. I just want you to know that I wish I could and that I have tremendous respect for your thoughts, but I seriously think it would get my account flagged and possibly terminated. We are doing so good right now. We are growing like crazy and once Covid starts to ease up we can begin expanding into the real world which will allow us not to depend so heavily on social media. Hyperian Arjun had his YouTube account terminated last week for hate speech without any strikes or warnings and he’s an extremely nice guy whose content is barely controversial at all. Social media is insanely trigger happy right now with regard to banning accounts and flagging groups and I don’t want to risk losing the account or getting Hyperianism as a group flagged. I want to let you know what’s going on, on my end. It’s really frustrating.”
Oh how we laugh! If this is a guy who has “tremendous respect” for our thoughts, imagine what the others are like who don’t have any respect.
And look at how terrified this coward is of saying anything that upsets his Woke bosses in the corporatocracy.
For those that don’t know, Rebhahn’s NWO document was originally written by us and a radical Hyperian who has long since departed from Hyperianism. The radical put in a LOT about meritocracy. And then Rebhahn rewrote the document in that vapid, Woke way of his.
Rebhahn said,
“As far as the NWO booklet goes, right now it is 90% meritocracy. Perhaps it would be better to reduce the meritocracy section a bit and then delineate the document into three sections. The first section dealing with Anti-Abrahamism and replacing it with positive, rational spirituality, the second dealing with scientific materialism and replacing it with ontological mathematics/idealism, and the third dealing with politics and replacing it with a meritocratic system. Then the NWO document would be three tiered dealing with religion, science/idealism, and politics, rather than exclusively politics. I don’t want people to think New World Order and politics are synonymous. They should understand it is all encompassing. So this is something I’m considering… If you have any suggestions for making it more evened out let me know as I’m currently considering whether to rework it a bit, since I’d like this to be a distributable document. The cover design and the intro ‘Are You Terrified’ are quite powerful and are perfect for an item to pass out and grab attention. Hyperianism had a booth at Cloak & Dagger last night and a document with that aesthetic and titled ‘New World Order’ would have been very well received in that atmosphere.”
Rebhahn then rewrote the document to make it bland and banal, like all his Woke shit. He said,
“I have removed about 60% of the political elements from the NWO document, revised the OM section, and greatly emphasized self-actualization and the goal of transforming humanity and the Earth ‘spiritually’ throughout. It’s about 10 pages shorter now, which is much better for a distributable document. I’ve attached a new rough draft. The political elements that were removed can go in a Hyperian Meritocracy ebook or as a section on the website. Though I’m leaning towards just putting it on the site because creating an ebook will take more time and I’d like to move on from politics so I can focus on more important projects.”
So there you have it: “I’d like to move on from politics.” Did you ever actually DO any politics, Rebhahn?! So what are you moving on from?
It’s going to be hilarious to see this clueless clown talk about politics, a subject about which he knows zero.
Porgy said,
“As a side note, I will also be working with a PR strategist soon. I have two options, one seems very new and their specialty is controversial things such as BDSM, fetish parties, black metal bands, extreme fashion etc. Though they seem very new and haven’t been around that long. The second, seems much more professional, and her idea is to create information packets to concisely explain Hyperianism to the public, and show how it is not a cult, and get it into publications like Psychology Today. I’m a bit torn with who to go with, but I’m leaning towards the former edgier people.”
HAHAHAHAHA. Hyperianism IS a cult! Everyone knows it.
De Lano said,
“I would love for him to discuss the ‘shady business’ behind Meritocracy because I know it’s bs and holds no real grounding. I may not be super big on politics, but I can understand the basics and the values of what Meritocracy needs to accomplish. What a charlatan.”
This will be a BIG MOMENT when Rebhahn actually dares to denounce meritocracy. It could actually backfire bigtime on him, but then again, he runs a cult and his slaves will agree with whatever he tells them to agree with! It’s not as if they have any thoughts of their own. When have you seen a Hyperian EVER ask Porgy a difficult question? They all know never to challenge their GOD.
Meritocracy is all about getting talented working-class people into power, who will represent and advance the interests of the working class. We live in a world where the rich elites are in power and they operate exclusively in their own interests, which is why a handful of people go through life worth hundreds of billions of dollars – a total OBSCENITY and indeed INSANITY. Think of how many talented working-class kids could be unshackled if supported by that kind of money! Corey Rebhahn wants a world where avocado-toast eating vegan exotic minorities rule the world in the interests of exotic minorities (and their avocado toast). That’s what “New Terra” is – rule of exotic minorities, by exotic minorities, for exotic minorities. It’s deranged beyond belief.
By the way, Immensely Fat Jan said,
“I used to be super subconscious about needing to pee during a livestream.”
You’re always fucking “subconscious”, you retard! You were looking for “self-conscious” – but of course, you’re an anti-meritocratic cretin with no qualifications, just like your idiot boss. What the fuck happened to Americans? They are now represented by MORONS.
By the way, Hyperian is the signature example of anti-meritocracy. Do you imagine that Morgue Official consults with Breeder Bitchell, Necrophil the carpet cleaner or Immensely Fat Jan the dolphin whisperer and “subconscious pisser” before announcing “Hyperian” policy on meritocracy? Do you seriously think he asks Kassidy, Dyslexic Fairy, Toothy PUKES, Wonderpoop whose poop don’t stink, Tyler Waffen SS, Erick Longo (crime Boss of Bosses), and all the rest of the Hyperian nutjobs what their opinions are? You must be joking.
Hyperianism is a cult, a dictatorship, a monotheism. Rebhahn simply announces what his opinions on meritocracy are, and all of his slaves automatically agree with him. Even if they were strong meritocrats yesterday, today they will be whatever Rebhahn tells them to be, including being wholly opposed to meritocracy. It’s amazing that Rebhahn opposes China, Russia and autocracy since Hyperianism is itself an out-and-out dictatorship. There is no debate about what Hyperianism is or should be. Rebhahn simply decides and then tells everyone else, and they all agree … with WHATEVER he tells them! He tells them what to think, and they then think it!
Hyperianism isn’t a movement, it’s a cult where you can only be in the cult if you always agree with the cult leader without question … you know exactly as in Abrahamism! And anyone who disagrees is called a devil or demon (or “hater”, “bigot”, or “Nazi” in Woke parlance).
Rebhahn is just a Christian preacher who proclaims HIMSELF Jesus!
No wonder Rebhahn despises meritocracy since he himself has no merit and he runs his cult as an absolute anti-meritocratic autocracy. No one challenges Rebhahn for the leadership of Hyperianism. No one can replace him. No one can challenge him, This isn’t the Woke Jesus, this is the Woke HITLER!
Rebhahn’s deadstreams are his shitty Los Angeles versions of Nuremberg rallies, and all of his fascist Woke drones make the sign of New Terra (the Hitler salute) and say “Hail New Terra” (Heil Hitler!)
Sieg Heil, mein Woke fuehrer!
Shouldn’t Rebhahn ask Hyperians for their opinions on meritocracy? Well, that’s never going to happen. He doesn’t give a fuck what they think. They are irrelevant. Their sole function is to agree with him, worship him, and send him all their money. Seemples!
We wrote an essay destroying the anti-meritocratic rubbish Rebhahn spouted about the PSR when he claimed to be the greatest genius ever. Don’t you find it astonishing that Rebhahn feels no need to respond to the disproof of his gibberish, and just goes on stating his gibberish regardless, and none of his cult slaves demands that he make a response or they will stop supporting him? None of that can ever happen because this is an anti-meritocracy … A CULT. A cult is the quintessence of anti-meritocracy since all that matters is whatever the cult Fuehrer says.
Gina said,
“So because the current predatory capitalist system pushes a false meritocracy, we shouldn’t talk about a TRUE and pure form meritocracy? Yes tremendously obese Jan, that makes so much sense; let’s just not talk about it because it’s too difficult. Such a stupid cunt🤬
We find it incredibly disturbing just how retarded Hyperians are. Every time they say anything, it’s a terrifying reminder of the Dunning-Kruger effect and how drooling halfwits imagine they are “in the game” of improving humanity. These people literally worship a sword swallower with no qualifications and campaign against the extremely highly qualified people whose ideas were plagiarized by Rebhahn. There isn’t any debate here. Rebhahn didn’t have the vaguest idea of anything he talks about until he accessed our work and went out of his way to get in contact with us. We are the Source of everything he says that makes any sense, but we are in no way responsible for the insane Woke shit he talks. That’s all him, all his Dunning-Kruger garbage. The fact that Hyperians sided with a liar, plagiarist, conman, grifter and cult leader says everything about them. With their extremely low IQs, they scramble around for justifications for their bizarre opinions – entirely based on feelings and entirely disconnected from intellect – and always find themselves 100% innocent, despite being 100% guilty. These people have no moral compass, no shame, no decency, no honor, no dignity, and no intelligence. They think that being Woke perverts and drug addicts is some badge of honor, rather than the mark of absolute infamy. They support a man who wants to strangle “bitches and sluts” and wants to stab people with steak knives, and who makes false and malicious complaints to the FBI. Never forget that NOT ONE THING ALLEGED BY REBHAHN WAS UPHELD. No one was charged with ANYTHING. The only mystery is why the FBI have so far refused to act on all the evidence AGAINST Rebhahn. This degenerate piece of shit must go to jail. In any decent society, his sick and twisted supporters would be carted off with him. Society must liberate itself from these monsters in its midst!
Is it a Rebhahn deadstream tonight, or is he going to rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic to try to get a bigger audience? His numbers are MASSIVELY on the slide.
Does he seriously imagine that opposing merit will help his ludicrous cult?
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Meritocracy