Dissonance is the key to the mind of a pathological narc such as Corey Rebhahn (Morgue Official).

Normal people dislike dissonance and seek to eliminate it. Abnormal people such as narcs RELY on dissonance. These people are constantly living in a fantasy world where they are AMAZING and also living in the real world, where they are not. And that itself is total dissonance.

A totally psychotic person inhabits a pure fantasy world. They have left reality. A normal person lives in the normal world, in reality. A narc such as Rebhahn (and his cult slaves) inhabits a demented fantasy world but also inhabits reality. ONLY by embracing dissonance can this narc circle be squared.

The narc will do things IN REALITY to protect the fantasy. So Rebhahn SWATTED people in real life. In real life, he made a false and malicious complaint to the FBI. In real life, he tried to sue people. In real life, he phoned in a fake call to a suicide hotline. In real life, he got the AC website canceled (twice), and all the AC books canceled. In real life, he issued smear campaigns against the AC. Rebhahn did all of these sick and demented things in the real world, but all of these things were done for one reason only … to PROTECT THE FANTASY. So, here we have astonishing real-world actions, many of them criminal, being conducted to sustain the fantasy.

What is MORTIFICATION? It’s what happens when there is nothing more the narc can do in reality to save the fantasy, and the fantasy collapses, leaving just REALITY. The narc can’t bear it and mentally disintegrates.

This is what WILL happen to Corey Rebhahn and his Neogenian cult … the sooner the better. It hasn’t happened so far because Rebhahn has 150-200 cult slaves to keep propping up his fantasy. They will believe any lie he tells them. They are as prone to accepting dissonant positions as he is. They are all DOUBLETHINKERS.

Narcissists are natural Orwellian doublethinkers. Orwell wrote,

“His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ‘doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink. … … DOUBLETHINK means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. The Party intellectual knows in which direction his memories must be altered; he therefore knows that he is playing tricks with reality; but by the exercise of DOUBLETHINK he also satisfies himself that reality is not violated. The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt. DOUBLETHINK lies at the very heart of Ingsoc, since the essential act of the Party is to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word DOUBLETHINK it is necessary to exercise DOUBLETHINK. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of DOUBLETHINK one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth. Ultimately it is by means of DOUBLETHINK that the Party has been able – and may, for all we know, continue to be able for thousands of years – to arrest the course of history.”

This is PRECISELY how people such as Rebhahn function. It allows them to live in both their fantasy world and reality at the same time. They simply doublethink their way through the myriad stunning contradictions. Normal people cannot do this. They live in the real world only. Full-blown psychotics cannot do this either. They live in their fantasy world only. But narcs are BORDERLINE PSYCHOTICS. They don’t tip all the way into pure fantasy, but they certainly don’t live in reality. They are in a liminal state, with reality acting as a mere prop for the all-important fantasy. So these people can function to a certain extent in reality but only to try to sustain the fantasy as a supposed real thing.

That’s the key. Rebhahn and his cult slaves actually believe their deranged fantasy is REAL. And real things happen in the real world to try to give the impression that this fantasy is indeed real. Real money is given. Real channels and videos and books exist. The fantasy exists in reality. That’s why cults are so dangerous – they are trying to make laughable fantasies seem real. The Woke Cult is trying to impose total fantasy on the real world.

Sam Vaknin said,

“Narcissists live in a constant state of dissonance. They develop something which could be called cognitive dissonance tolerance. TOLERANCE FOR HARBORING OR TOLERATING TWO CONFLICTING VIEWS, BELIEFS, NORMS, EXPECTATIONS, WISHES, THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, ATTITUDES. Where other people would fall apart because their mind would be blown by such contradictions, the narcissist is happy-go lucky. He simultaneously accepts two or more conflicting pieces of information and he THINKS NOTHING OF IT.”

Remember, narcs are COMPULSIVE LIARS. Their entire life is a lie and relies on lies. Most people cannot lie constantly and absolutely because dissonance prevents it. A normal person cannot regard himself as good if he knows he is constantly deceiving others. This normal dissonance never happens for narcs. They’re simply not bothered by dissonance, meaning that they are not bothered at all by their lies. They can ALWAYS justify them, using doublethink.

That’s why these people are incredibly dangerous. They are natural-born liars not troubled at all by their lies. They suffer no shame and no guilt, so there is nothing to curb and inhibit their lies. There’s no morality to get in the way. They will tell any lie, no matter how serious, to get their own way. Rebhahn literally lied to the FBI that two of his former colleagues were on their way to assassinate President Joe Biden, and both were SWATTED as a result. And not once has Rebhahn publicly referred to this, and his sadistic, insane lies plainly do not trouble him in the slightest. In fact, he’s PROUD of them, and he feels EMPOWERED by them. He cannot believe that his critics have not gone away despite all of his incredibly serious lies to fuck them over. The only thing that worries Rebhahn is that his lies aren’t yet powerful enough to end this situation, and he’s desperately searching for which lies WILL destroy his critics once and for all. He wants to find a lie sufficient to actually get them KILLED, and of course his SWATTING from last August could easily have had that outcome.

Vaknin wrote,

“The narcissist holds conflicting values, view, bits of information and these dissonances exist inside his mind … this is not a trivial matter.”

The narc has a whole bunch of dissonant beliefs and opinions, and simply chooses those that suit him moment to moment, even if they totally contradict what he said the previous moment. He doesn’t care. He just blags his way through life. He is a conman to the core.

Vaknin wrote,

“In a normal person, an inner conflict triggers primitive infantile defense mechanisms such as denial or splitting or rejection in order to allow the individual to eliminate one part of the dissonance and remain with the other part and thereby decide on a course of action and implement it.”

Normal people seek to reduce dissonance. Narcs are prepared to increase it without limit so that they can be all things to all men and tell lies to ANYONE … all the time. They are not compelled to reduce dissonance. Quite the opposite. Being immune to dissonance is the true superpower of the narc.

It’s actually impossible for a narc not to be defined by extreme dissonance. He has a false self but is in the true world. That can’t work! He treats external objects as internal objects. That can’t work! And since there’s a gulf between internal and external objects, there is ENORMOUS dissonance there. Only when the dissonance becomes too extreme does the narc do something. Last July 29, RJ was a GOOD Object for Rebhahn. On 30 July, RJ resigned and was no longer a good object but was not yet a BAD Object. On 31 July, Rebhahn demanded to know if RJ supported us. RJ said yes, and instantly became the WORST OBJECT. Within days he had been maliciously reported to the FBI for a nonsense comment from years earlier and was SWATTED and could EASILY have been killed given how serious the false allegation was against him – that he was actively planning to assassinate President Joe Biden!!!!!!!

This is how a narc works. They act IN REALITY but using totally insane and fantastical thinking, all to do with preserving the core fantasy at any cost. RJ had become an immense threat to the core fantasy, so had to be ENDED … killed, ideally. The SWATTING was supposed to kill him or ruin his life so that he would be unable to take any action against the core fantasy.

And never forget that 100% of Rebhahn’s cult slaves supported what Rebhahn did to RJ! Every single one of them believes that what Rebhahn did was sane and rational!

Vaknin wrote,

“A narcissist doesn’t do this. His mind is SPLIT. He simultaneously holds two beliefs that contradict each other. He expounds one view and minutes later will expound on another view and he WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEE WHERE HE HAS GONE WRONG or why you are criticizing him.”

And Rebhahn does this all the time. Look at how he responded when we exposed all of his drivel about the PSR and about Leibniz’s law. He kept repeating his lies and fallacies while stealing various phrases from us to try to make his errors less obvious! Pure DISSONANCE.

Vaknin said,

“He will confess to a norm or a value or a belief system and then ACT EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE! … AND HE WILL FAIL TO SEE THE CONTRADICTION.”

Rebhahn is literally incapable of seeing contradiction. His entire existence is a contradiction. Even his non-binary “gender” is a total contradiction. Even his non-binary “gender” is 100% DISSONANT, and yet Rebhahn presents this total confusion and contradiction as something wonderful. You should NEVER have anything to do with a non-binary person – they are literally telling you that they have an extreme tolerance for contradiction and dissonance. And that means they are capable of ANYTHING. It MEANS they have no morality. Look at someone such as Dyslexic Ogre, a monumentally delusional human being with a severe learning disability … and of course she is NON-BINARY! All of Rebhahn’s cult slaves are either explicitly or implicitly non-binary and that’s why they bond so closely with Rebhahn. They totally GET HIM, and they don’t get anyone in the normal world of non-dissonant people.

Vaknin said,

“There is a disconnect in the narcissist’s mind between the dissonant, contradictory system and his choices actions and decisions. It’s as if the narcissist’s choices actions and decisions are brought on by someone else, not by the narcissist. Narcissism is a fantasy defense gone awry.”

Rebhahn can and does justify to himself all of his actions, no matter how criminal and sick, meaning that there is no restraint on him at all. This is what pure evil is!

Vaknin said,

“Narcissism is about renouncing reality and is so impaired that the narcissist is clinically kind of psychotic”

That’s exactly what Rebhahn is. This is a truly psychotic person.

Vaknin wrote,

“There is a breakdown, a schism in the narcissist’s mind. Let’s call it the thinking self and the active self. In normal people, the thinking self dictates the action. The thinking self IS the active self. With the narcissist, they’re not the same.”

This is an astonishing thing. A normal person thinks about the world and then acts in the world. A narc does not. A narc thinks about his fantasy world and can’t get out of that world. A separate entity acts in the world … a kind of robopath. It exists solely to defend the fantasy and stave off mortification and it is prepared to do ANYTHING. All it thinks about is extreme retaliation and extreme deceit, exactly as we have seen with the psychotic behavior of the madman Corey Rebhahn over the last year.

Vaknin said,

“Then when the time comes when the narcissist has to act in reality and upon reality, the thinking self of the narcissist is incapable of doing it because it is held captive or hostage within the narcissist’s inner space. So the narcissist acts, I would say, almost automatically. The narcissist develops routines, procedures that reflect the fantasy, the elements of the fantasy, the narrative that governs the fantasy that reflects early childhood and unresolved conflicts.”

Vaknin is saying something utterly astounding. The “consciousness” of the narc, to the extent that the narc is really conscious at all, is locked in an internal mind space and doesn’t interact with the world. What acts within the world is an automaton, an unconscious entity, reflexively responding to the world in an incredibly primitive way, like an animal. It is purely instinctual. It is incapable of thinking through its actions. That’s why the narc always makes horrific errors – such as getting innocent people SWATTED. That’s why narcs are doomed. The automaton – acting in the real world – commits incredible crimes in order to save the mad fantasy, but it’s exactly those astonishing crimes that END the fantasy and bring about total mortification. And there’s nothing the narc can do about it because his “consciousness” inhabits a fantasy world of magical thinking where everything goes right and is wonderful. Consciousness does not control the robopath acting in the real world. That is an unconscious beast, programmed by the imperative of sustaining the fantasy, no matter what (since the fantasy is ESSENTIAL to the False Self that controls the person). And many people in the real world have been on the receiving end of its insane, bestial, deranged responses, as we all know.

More drivel from Porgy:

Morgue <> 16 Nov 2017

Good idea, I will add this to the end of the blog soon!

As for the unforgivable sin, here is the passage: Mark 3:28-30: “Truly I tell you, all sins and blasphemes will be forgiven for the sons of men. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin.”

“It’s impossible to reach hardline Protestants.” I agree 100%

Hmm… I’m not too sure about this mythos angle… I showed it to Susan and she has hesitations as well… let me get back to you. Off the top of my head I don’t think Orion should be portrayed as negative, also the people that are attracted to the message really want to identify as otherworldly, with the stars, rather than earth, and I want to fulfill this desire.

I’ll take a look at the pyramid info, if it checks out that would be perfect!

The AC message looks great to me, though I would suggest omitting “Morgue is not a member of PI” and leaving it to say “Morgue does not speak on behalf of the PI.” Simply to leave room for people to speculate. I think it will be a huge controversy on social media, whether I am part of the Illuminati. I get messages from people all the time asking if I am a part of it and I see this causing a big stir. But if including this is necessary I understand.

A FB post like that would be excellent. Doing this when the AC is updated would be most effective.

I’m trying to free up some time so I can create more immersive “hyperreal” projects.

Morgue <> 17 Nov 2017

“Almost looks like a retrospective insertion to refute these people”

Fascinating! I would bet that you are correct.

“Well, we’d rather identify with the earth (as Nietzsche said, “the Superman shall be the meaning of the earth”) but you have to go for what you believe will have the most appeal for your audience.”

Let me give it some thought, I’m sure there is a way to synthesize this. I’d much prefer we were all happy with it, and it will probably come out stronger in the long run by merging it. I’m going to mull it over and I’ll reply with some possibilities, I have some ideas already.

“We can update the AC on, say, Saturday.”

That would be great. The sooner the better. I’m itching to move forward. If you post it on Saturday, I will post about it on either Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.

By the way, I’m going to add the “Insanity Drug” to the blog. I noticed that somebody anonymous posted the Level 1 Trial video on youtube. I think I’ll add that to the blog as well, the blogger can say something like “I was able to find the first video but couldn’t find any of the others”) unless you think I shouldn’t add it for some reason.

Morgue <> 19 Nov, 2017

This is excellent. I will leak the blog tomorrow or Monday by the latest. We’re going to cause quite a stir.

Also, mythos is on my mind, coming up with ideas…

Okay, the leak is now live on my facebook page and Instagram story.

I’ll be leaking the AC site this week as well, either Friday or Sunday.

Shall we start compiling a list of churches to send the blog to or should we wait until there is more than one entry?

Morgue <> 25 Nov, 2017

Excellent, I will add your suggested changes to this video script, they’re very good. I am currently writing a video script on the New World Order. I am going to make it more about a vision of what the future could look like (people helping each other actualize, a world of equal opportunity, the freedom to explore sexuality, creativity and knowledge) to hit them emotionally rather than it being too technical regarding the logistics of how it would actually be established. If you have any suggestions on inclusions let me know.

By the way, here is potential evidence for the blogger: While filming the tv show “freakshow” I anticipated a project something along the lines of what we are doing, so I made sure to get some symbols in there. Here is a screen shot of myself wearing a New World Order jacket, in one of the episodes. This could also be linked to Madonna, and her song “Illuminati” can be referenced. The lyrics are actually pretty damn good. I’m attaching all the relevant media.

By the way, I don’t recall if I mentioned this to you before or not, but the producer of the television series, who watches me very closely, has claimed to be involved with the Illuminati, but then left after rejecting their ideas. He mentioned that he has been followed by them etc. Anyway, I know that a lot of people use the name “Illuminati” and I also know there is a lot of mythos involved with all of this. I stick to the math and the philosophy, that is what is important to me. But he has said some things to me that reveals he does have knowledge of some kind beyond someone with a cursory interest in the occult, so he was certainly involved in something. He is a psychopathic man, and has threatened me many times, especially if I ever referenced the NWO or Lucifer. So the more we go forward with this, especially if it involves the tv show, it is sure to get his attention and I anticipate a confrontation. I’m not a conspiracy nut by any means, but if there is anything I should know with regard to maintaining my safety, not just in this case but in general, please give me a heads up. I don’t want to be paranoid if there is no need to be, yet I want to be on guard if there is a reason to be.

Morgue <> 28 Nov, 2017

If possible I’d appreciate your help on this one. I feel this will be a crucial video and the more mystique it has the better chance it has for being shared. I plan to film this Thursday but if that is too soon I can push it back to the weekend. The title will most likely be “A Message from the New World Order”. By the way, the post regarding the AC is working very well.

I know there are a multitude of projects going on right now but at some point we should create a booklet for radicalizing individuals. If you’d be interested in this let me know. It could be called “The Book of WAR (Will, Art, and Reason)”. Here is an example of what I have in mind, but way less scammy with regard to the money and less Abrahamic language (check out this link too insights/spread-truth/ ):

“This letter is sent to everyone that has read The Present at If you did not read it and just skipped around, you will not be ready for this letter. If you have read the book, the following is the next step.

Separating the wheat from the chaff: The term is in the bible and used as a metaphor. The chaff is not edible, so it needs to be separated from wheat to use the wheat for food. The purpose of this letter is to do the same thing. I am looking for the few people that see life the same way I do. I do not ever try to convince anyone that what I say is true. They either see it is true right away, or they don’t. This letter separates those that do from those that may think they do, but really don’t.

If people can be deterred from getting involved, I want to do it now with this letter. In other words, I want to deter people if they can be deterred.

The books are the start of a long path.

Whatever you gained from the book will disappear if you do not take the next step. Reading the book is just the first step.

The next step is for you to become a prophet.

As I say at the end of the books, I have told you all I can tell you. Now it’s time for you to get the answers directly from what religions call the Holy Spirit and what I call the divine collective unconscious. Reading the books is just the first step on the path. I can only give you so much, then you have to start giving back to progress further. Only you can give the truth value in your life; no one else can do that for you. If you give nothing, you are saying it is worth nothing to you. People put their time and money into the things they value the most. True or false?

As you help to spread the truth, you will begin to change, your mind and perception will change, and you will begin to see the answers to all the big questions; they become self-evident. What is that worth?

Most people get a book published and sell it to the public. In other words, you have to give money upfront for something that after you read it may not be worth the price you paid for it. I do it backwards and give it to you for nothing and say you pay what it is worth to you after you have read it and know what it is worth to you. You are the only person that can say if you value it or not, and if so, how much you value it.

You become what you do. If you fly a plane, you become a pilot. If you spread unseen truth of life, you become a prophet. It is what all the founders of the world’s religions did, and it is what made them prophets; Jesus, Buddha, Moses, etc. You get on their level only by doing what they did. They all say to follow them, be like them. We actually do what they ask; we just do it in the most modern and efficient way. We also do not just say what they said; we add the new things we have learned and continue to learn, just as they did.

The great prophets of the past did not just parrot the words of the prophets that came before them; they added new revelations. They built on what the prophets that came before them gave to the world. The only thing we do differently is we do not spread the truth face to face. We do it anonymously on the Internet, because it is much more efficient and safe. We do what they would do if they lived in our time and had modern technology.

It is more safe, because if you see the truth in the books, you are 1 in about 100,000. In that large number of people that are not ready for the truth, there are fools and fanatics that could cause you harm. This is why we only spread the truth anonymously on the Internet, never in person, or with friends, family, teachers, bosses, etc.

What we do has lots of benefits. The main one being, you evolve further. Being a prophet is the transitional step between man and spiritual being. As you do the work of a prophet, you become a spiritual being forever.

As it says on the last page of The Present and in the Bible: “You reap what you sow.” If you plant seeds of corn, you will reap corn, not something else. You get what you give. If you give the unseen truth of life, you get the unseen truth and life. If you don’t, you won’t, no matter what you do.

The sooner you start sowing or helping plant seeds of truth, the sooner you will start reaping. It makes the truth go subconscious and grow in your mind. If you do not start right away, you will get sidetracked and be lost.

This letter is saying get on board, get involved, or get lost, literally.

You cannot do it alone. You have to join with us to promote our books and websites, etc. The Present is the top entry in the Truth Contest, which means it is the most accurate and complete source of the truth of life. Putting time and money into anything else would be a waste of time and money. True or false?

If the Truth Contest receives an entry that is better than The Present, we will all know it and put it at the top of the contest list and promote it instead of The Present, so the contest will always have the best, the latest and greatest explanation of the truth of life.

When you join us and help spread the truth of life, you make the truth a part of your life; you give it your time and money. You give it life, your life, and in exchange, it gives you divine life back. The more you give, the more you get, because you are saying it is important to you. It is important enough to work for it. That is the way you give the truth value in your own mind. Only when you do this do you begin to change.

This new you is needed to see the truth you cannot see now, even though it is obvious.

Spreading the truth with us helps you find other people that see the unseen truth you see. These people become your best friends, the people you do business with, live with and marry, because they are your soul-mates. They see life the same way you do; they see true life and that can never change, because the truth never changes. They are the only people you can trust and have a permanent relationship with. What is most important to you is most important to them, so you work together toward your shared goals of seeking, spreading and living the truth of life. Your new relationships based on the truth of life last all of this lifespan and forever, because the foundation of the relationship is life itself. As you know from reading the books, God is the truth and the life.

The more we spread the truth, the more people will see the truth. It will build in the world and in the collective unconscious until earth becomes the heaven it could be, should be and will be one day.

You work to get people to heaven because that is what gets you to heaven. There is no other way.

A prophet best helps spread the unseen truth by helping us. You help us by donating either money or time (or both) to our non-profit organization. One way or another, a substantial contribution is necessary for you to take the next step in evolution.

If you donate money, we suggest $100 per month minimum, or 10% of your net income after living expenses. If you donate time, it takes at least 30 minutes per day on the Internet, working with a group of people and the Truth Contest webmaster. You use a code name and new email address (gmail) to stay anonymous (people are touchy when it comes to the truth of life).

There is no way to progress without doing one or the other, or both. There is no free ride. People that think they can get a lot without giving a lot are wasting their time and our time. People that truly value the truth of life and can see the truth in The Present donate what they can in money and time.

There is no way to progress without giving your energy. There is no free ride. People that think they can get a lot without giving a lot are wasting their time and our time. People that truly value the truth of life and can see the truth in The Present donate what they can in money and time.

You should just always be ready to give more; never think of receiving more. You do not want to try and buy God. You want to freely give with no expectation of getting anything in this lifespan. You do not give to receive like a transaction in the animal realm. You have to rise above that kind of thinking by not caring if you get any reward in this world. Have the attitude that you just want to give, because it is the right thing to do, not for a reward. When your mind is right, when you have the mind of Truth, that is really how you will be.

Seekers should not even be thinking about living in the present now, Just concentrate on helping spread the truth, giving it all you can. Do your best, the life will come when the environment is right and your mind has changed enough. You change your mind by commitment; the more you commit, the faster you change. Wanting it fast and easy, makes it long and hard. Being willing to work for it without reward, give your all without caring about a reward, is the fast tack. Enjoy the journey, enjoy knowing you’re on the right path and will get it all as certainly as the sun will rise.

This letter separates the wheat from the chaff, the serious committed people from everyone else. Only the committed will be able to take the next step in evolution and join with other people just as committed. We do not want to waste your time or our time, so we send this letter to people right away.

If you do not understand how giving helps you, if you are not doing it for yourself, do not make a donation.

We are also working on creating a community, a heaven on earth. The people that help us the most will be eligible to live in or visit this community.

The next step on the path starts here: p-the-truth

This is not for everyone now, so we will understand if you do not join us. Save this email so that you will have the contact information when you are ready. If you are not interested in getting involved with us under the terms stated right now, no reply is necessary. If you are 18 or older and are ready to start on the path of truth and life, welcome. We look forward to working with you to turn this world into the paradise it should be.

Why did all the prophets of the past create a group of people that supported each other? If you do not work at it consistently, or let your money that represents your work consistently help the truth, you will get sidetracked. You reap what you sow. What are you sowing?

Contact the webmaster if you are ready to get involved:

People that read one book after another, go from one spiritual teacher or practice to another, never become enlightened spiritual beings. It is best to just read The Present over and over and take the next step (become a prophet).

In addition, read through these pages:

Read at least the first three pages of The Present every day: – Repetition is necessary to offset all the distractions of everyday life. You are constantly surrounded by the forces of the animal mind. They are relentless, and ever present, but so are we. We work on this 24/7. We are too close to heaven to get lost now.”

Morgue <> 29 Nov 2017

Excellent! That is a damn fine script. I’m always amazed at the level of quality and speed with which you work. Thank you.

I have more ideas about the Orion mythos. I’m going to speak with Susan about this soon as well. We may be able to figure out a way to make the Osiris/Isis angle work and bring the synthesis to earth.

By the way, I am beginning to think about a hyperreal project. What do you think about a Virtual Reality initiation ritual? This way we can provide a mind altering experience to the masses. My only concern about this is that the popularity of VR is not very high right now. It will be time consuming and expensive as well. But I think it could turn out very cool.

Oh god, the flat earth thing is beyond insane. Never would I have thought that humanity could actually reach that level of stupidity.

Also, Faith is always available and passionate about helping out. So if you think of any short videos she could do to help out or augment anything let me know and she’d be happy to work on it.

Here is a script I wrote today, in case you want to look at it, as it goes hand in hand with the NWO theme:

The REAL Meaning of the Pyramid on the Back of the Dollar

My name is Morgue. Herald of the Hyperian New World Order. Ad Astra, to the stars.


@itapproaches7543 said,

“I forgot all about this guy, I randomly got recommended one of his videos from 5 years ago, someone want to catch me up with when and why he changed? He no longer looks like a vampire and his voice/tone is totally different.”

That’s because his “act” has totally changed. He went from Edgelord Morgue to Woke Jesus (Lucifer) Morgue to secure more narc supply. Most women were put off by his Terrors of Men Marilyn Manson and Joker psychopathic routine. They much prefer his ludicrous act of being a caring, empathic Fixer, Healer, Rescuer, Savior, Guru, Ascended Matter, Prophet, Messiah.

It’s all a giant con and grift. It always has been. Rebhahn’s whole life has been one unceasing grift and con act. It has been a non-life, just a grotesque performance by a totally fake person.

And here’s RJ once again eviscerating this Rebhahn clown. What an amazing error it was for Rebhahn to SWAT RJ and Apollonius. That’s how you make lifelong enemies – and if you’re dependent on a social media presence then you’re a sitting duck for ALL your enemies, and these enemies are NEVER leaving until you are gone. Any sane person can work that out. Rebhahn is insane and cannot. He just keeps creating MORE AND MORE SWORN ENEMIES – because of his own deranged, sadistic, criminal actions! – and that’s why he is DOOMED.

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?! | Extreme Projection – The self-pitying NARCISSIST (MorgueOfficial; Neogenian)”



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Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective