So, as everyone now knows, Corey Rebhahn claims that there is only ONE MIND. Rebhahn has been immersing himself in the work of Walter Russell in the last year. Dyslexic Fairy, therefore, is heavily into Russell too. She quoted Russell yesterday:
“I believe that there is but One Thinker in the universe; that my thinking is His thinking, and that every man’s thinking is an extension, through God, of every other man’s thinking. I therefore think that the greater the exaltation and ecstasy of my thinking, the greater the standards of all man’s thinking will be. Each man is thus empowered to uplift all men as each drop of water uplifts the entire ocean.”
There you go. As culty cult drivel as you can get. Sounds exactly like Rebhahn! New Age, Woke, pseudo-Christian, mystical nonsense.
Richard Logan said,
“Walter Russell was a New Age philosopher and founder of the University of Science and Philosophy. He developed his ideas about the true nature of the universe and God, which he named the Russell Cosmogony. His followers continue to run the school with a home course and a selection of books and pamphlets written by Russell. Adherents of other New Age philosophies have found much in Russell’s work to admire and use for their own purposes. Walter Russell, who was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1871, was a successful artist and business consultant who developed a pseudo-scientific explanation of the universe and founded a cult-like school called the University of Science and Philosophy to teach his beliefs. At the height of his influence in the 1950s, Russell directed operations from a refurbished nineteenth-century mansion called Swannanoa on a hilltop in rural Waynesboro, Virginia. Upon his death in 1963, his wife Lao continued as head of the group. After Lao’s death in 1971, the organization began to lose some of its vigor and was forced to give up its headquarters in 1998. The group now uses a post office box in Waynesboro as its address but its work continues primarily through the Internet. … Russell is an example of a cult leader in the field of New Age metaphysics rather than religion.”
Russell was an “auto-didact” who fancied himself as an artist and successful businessman and claimed to understand fundamental reality, and who set up a fanatical cult centered on himself. Hmmmm, doesn’t that sound exactly the same as you know who? No wonder Porgy loves Russell so much! He might as well be the reincarnation of Russell.
The Dyslexic One said to Morgy Porgy after his latest deadstream,
“Great explanation and very enlightening stream tonight. Thank ❤️‍🔥 You and see morgueEye you Thursday night. 🖤🌹💫🧚‍♀️”
Great explanation of what? Rebhahn’s deadstreams have no content at all. It’s just some guy rambling on, desperately trying to link ancient Gnostic texts to modern New Age, Woke mysticism, with DMT, psychonauts and “aliens” thrown in for luck. With a sprinkle of Tesla, some cosmic consciousness added for seasoning, and a side dish of Buddhism. It’s a smörgåsbord designed for extreme feeling types totally into Woke, New Age mind cancer. These are the easiest people on earth to con. They are all covert and inverted narcissists and sufferers of border personality disorder, which makes them incredibly vulnerable to malignant narcissists like Corey Rebhahn. They are literally looking to fall in love with a cult leader who will tell them they are very important people making a huge difference to the world. And Rebhahn – a man absolutely addicted to narcissistic supply – is the perfect guy for them. His weird alien non-binaryness and androgyny captivates them.
Anyhoo, Morgy Porgy is now constantly preaching Russell’s idea – remember Porgy NEVER has any original ideas; he’s always ripping off someone or other – that there is only ONE THINKER (one Ontological Mind).
Let’s examine this idea, which is now the basis of Hyperianism, its central ideological claim. (And which is additionally believed by tens of millions of New Agers and Wokesters, all of whom Rebhahn is determined to recruit to his grift … he’s doing everything he can to attract these people and get their money, love and slavish worship … he wants all of these people to be as abject as the Hyperian glove puppets and carpets he reigns over and walks over.)
Ontological mathematics is of course the perfect subject for demolishing all of this mystical drivel, which is entirely contrary to reason and logic.
Let’s return to the definition of a monad as a living unit capable of performing all of the operations of ontological Fourier mathematics. The monad thus necessarily contains a full set of basis waves.
Now, according to Rebhahn, the One Mind – the One Thinker – gets bored (or something!), and, for some reason, decides to introduce “difference” (undefined).
Aristotle’s One, Absolute, Perfectly Actualized Thinker – GOD – was never bored, unhappy, or distressed, and had zero interest in the mutable, unactualized, imperfect world. He had no inclination to dissociate, to create sub-minds, to “explore diversity”. He had zero interest in being “non-binary”, or any such thing.
So, why should we take Rebhahn’s word for it that the One Mind seeks to become diverse? When did Rebhahn, a sword swallower, refute Aristotle, one of the greatest geniuses of all time? Must have missed that video. Was it the one after Rebhahn claimed he had answered the greatest philosophical problem of all time?!!
Anyhoo, let’s follow Rebhahn into his insane Woke labyrinth. Let’s imagine that the One Mind – perfectly whole, unitary, complete … perfect! – somehow finds this state profoundly upsetting. What, exactly, is upsetting it? It doesn’t like UNITY? It doesn’t like WHOLENESS? It doesn’t like COMPLETENESS? It doesn’t like PERFECTION? It doesn’t like BEING GOD?!!! No, apparently God is really just a human and gets bored, and emotional, and fancies a change. And somehow – it wants to do this through DISSOCIATING. Well, Rebhahn has said it is so, so it must be true. Who knows the Mind of God better than a malignant narcissist like Rebhahn, who actually does consider himself God on earth (you know, Jesus!).
The One Mind apparently does this through producing sub-minds (sub-thinkers) – well, they obviously can’t be equivalent to the One Mind … they must be lesser. One noumenal mind produces a myriad of phenomenal minds. These are not, of course, independent, autonomous, minds. They are entirely derived, dependent “minds” – and thus they cannot be referred to as autonomous “minds” at all. They are more like subroutines of their Creator. Everything about them depends on HIM, their CREATOR. This is a CREATIONIST system, based on one all-powerful Mind – come on people, you’ve heard all this before. It’s ABRAHAMISM!
Rebhahn claims that the One Mind can create other minds (minds are apparently creatable things, not eternal and necessary lifeforms, which means that humans could possibly create minds in the laboratory – well at least according to the ideology of that singular genius, Corey Rebhahn!). Now, obviously, the One Mind can’t create these other minds, sub-minds, out of anything other than itself, i.e., it is somehow going to cannibalize itself and give some (or even all?!) of its own mental functioning to other minds, its own creations. Er, how can you give away your own mind, and have something else think your thoughts for you? Don’t ask us – ask Corey Rebhahn, the genius sword swallower who cuts through all of humanity’s ignorance.
Rebhahn, thus far, has given no details of this self-destructing mental process. The world awaits enlightenment!
Rebhahn, so far, merely says that the One Mind explores “diversity”. What does that mean? The One Mind is sacrificing its own unitary nature. Is it abandoning itself? How can a mind give itself up? Think of Rebhahn’s claims in terms of Jungian psychology. What Rebhahn appear to be claiming is that the Jungian Self of the One Mind is capable of abolishing itself. The One Mind LOSES its Self in order to dissociate and create other minds. But since there is no Self in this system – because it has been self-annihilated in order to explore “difference” then it also means that none of the “sub-minds” can have a Self either (which means that all of Rebhahn’s talk of the Shadow Self, Mirror Self, Power Self and Higher Self – all stolen from Jung, of course – is NEGATED. Rebhahn has wiped out his own innerstar actualization rip off of Jungian individuations … there is nothing to individuate … the only thing that could individuate is the original One Mind, but it has gone mad and become totally fragmented and dissociated! The One Mind HAD a complete Self, and then got rid of it – the REVERSE of Jung’s individuation process. It got rid of it, Rebhahn tells us, because it wanted to explore diversity, and was extremely keen to be a non-binary crossdressing vegan pacifist malignant narcissist with RTS – you know, just like Rebhahn himself!)
The system that Rebhahn describes is that of a Mind going insane (going out of its mind with boredom?!) and denying its own reality. Well, we shouldn’t be surprised. Rebhahn himself is a dissociated individual with a False Self, a constructed self, and he no longer lives in the real world but in his own fantasy world. Rebhahn is, if he did but know it, describing the defining process of MALIGNANT NARCISSISM whereby a true mind abandons itself – because it is traumatized, and cannot cope … it has RTS, PTSD, CPTSD, and so on – and so it creates a False Self in order to cope. Rebhahn has elevated pathological narcissism to a cosmic principle and made the One Mind create myriad FALSE SELVES. This is a good thing, apparently. This is HEALTHY, apparently. This is “exploring diversity” – an intrinsic good according to a non-binary sword-swallower transvestite who grifts on the internet.
For Rebhahn, the One Mind produces countless False Minds – illusory, phenomenal minds … you know, just like in Buddhism, which is all about the anatman (non-self) rather than atman (self). The puppet mistress of all this irrational crap is mad Susan Bitchell, who has always been a Buddhist (and always hated Illuminism!).
These illusory minds have no genuine autonomy given that they are the temporal and contingent constructs of their Creator!
Rebhahn’s system is about TOTAL MENTAL ILLNESS … Absolute Insanity, which is presumably why all Hyperians love it. These people are all extremely seriously mentally ill.
“God” – the One Mind – can’t cope with himself and goes INSANE and the product of his insanity is a myriad of sub-minds, which are as crazy as he is!
So, if the original mind contains one full set of basis waves then that means that each sub-mind must have LESS than a full set of basis waves, which makes it impossible for any of these minds to perform the full operations of ontological Fourier mathematics, meaning that they cannot be proper minds, authentic monads. And that would mean that absolute mathematical chaos would ensue – the whole system would be inconsistent and incomplete. Everything would fall apart. It would be INFINITELY UNSTABLE.
All of these problems are of course absolutely avoided in the Hive Mind of ontological mathematics where every monadic mind is fully autonomous, absolutely consistent and complete, and eternally stable.
Imagine Rebhahn’s supposed One Mind dissociating into two minds – so does it give half of its basis waves to one mind and half to another, or three-quarters to one and one-quarter to another? How does it decide which basis waves to allocate to which minds? What sufficient reason would govern the allocation? There would have to be some explanation for the specific allocation. It couldn’t just be random or arbitrary.
Does the One Mind keep any basis waves for itself, or is it giving them all away (and thus annihilating itself … is that NIRVANA?!) How do the original basis waves – part of a necessarily complete and consistent set – manage to separate themselves into different subsets of basis waves, which thereby automatically cease to be complete and consistent? How is that even possible? How CAN a mind abandon its OWN basis thoughts? Isn’t that an outright category error?
The underlying claim is that basis waves are in fact detachable from each other, contrary to their ontological mathematical definition that they form an eternal and necessary, complete and consistent, full set of basis waves (basis thoughts).
The first thing that Leibniz said in his published Monadology was:
“1. The monad, of which we will speak here, is nothing else than a simple substance, which goes to make up compounds; by simple, we mean without parts.”
So, how do we reconcile what Leibniz said with the modern definition of a monad? Doesn’t a monad have “parts”, i.e., sinusoidal waves? No, “parts” means that those things are removable and can have a separate existence. That’s impossible with a monad. You cannot remove ANY of its sinusoids. They are essential to its definition and coherence. It’s because they cannot be removed that they cannot be considered “parts”. They are with the monad FOREVER. They cannot be anywhere else. They cannot belong to anything other than their source monad. They cannot be taken away.
Rebhahn says otherwise. He claims that sinusoids can be relocated from the One Mind to sub-minds, as if they were “parts” with which you can do whatever you like. In other words, what Rebhahn is doing is utterly DESTROYING ontological mathematics and ALL ontological mathematical explanations of reality based on the PSR, and replacing it with some New Age mystical crap based on Walter Russell, cosmic consciousness and Buddhism!
Rebhahn’s “system” has no completeness and consistency. It is totally incoherent mathematically – and that means it’s IMPOSSIBLE – by virtue of the PSR.
Remember when Rebhahn claimed to have solved the greatest philosophical question ever via the PSR? In fact, Rebhahn’s whole system violates the PSR in every way and is formally impossible in terms of the PSR. Not that he cares. He’s a conman grifting from suckers, not any kind of intellectual seeking the truth.
Let’s continue with Rebhahn’s insane claims about the One Mind dissociating in order to “explore diversity”. So, if it divides into two, it has to give some of its basis waves to one sub-mind and some to the other (and these will of course be a bizarre mix and match of basis waves … each sub-mind will be using completely different frequencies from the other because there is only ONE SET of basis waves in the original One Mind and so each frequency in the set is unique and so cannot belong to two different minds.) And what if we continue to divide the One Mind into more and more minds, as Rebahn says? What happens when we have created a trillion trillion trillion sub-minds? These minds will have barely any of the original basis waves (or certainly any of the most important, most useful, most used ones!). If we keep going and going, we will eventually dilute the basis waves to a state barely distinguishable from NOTHINGNESS. Imagine a vast number of minds, each containing just one significant basis wave! What the fuck could such a “mind” do”? Fuck all. It has entirely lost its capacity to function as a mind and simply ISN’T a mind!
An ontological mind CANNOT dissociate into other, independent minds. So, in order to avoid a Hive Mind of independent, autonomous minds, Rebhahn goes for a dissociative One Mind that produces minds that are CREATIONS – hence entirely dependent on the original mind. Could the original mind summon back all of the basis waves it loaned out to the sub-minds and thus annihilate those minds? Why not? It made them, and so can unmake them. > > These sub-minds are purely illusory and phenomenal – if we can credit them with any meaningful existence at all, which we can’t. Rebhahn’s system is now simply Walter Russell’s work combined with Buddhism. It’s a joke.
In this system of a hierarchy of minds (not a Round Table!), the One Mind creates all the others. What is the controlling mind? The original mind, the ontological mind must in some sense ALWAYS be in control since all of the original basis waves (basis thoughts) belong exclusively to it in ontological terms. It can therefore OVERRIDE any sub-mind at any time, and that means, of course that no such sub-mind has free will! This is what Rebhahn is actually preaching – minds that lack free will!
Now, Rebhahn, in his madness, might try to circumvent some of the fatal problems of his system by claiming that the One Mind has infinite basis waves, an infinite number of each and every frequency. But how would these basis waves be defined and organized? In ontological mathematics, precise definitions apply and these basis waves are organized monadically: each monad is a full set of basis waves, forever. Precise organization is essential to the system.
Rebhahn, if we assume that he is relying on a One Mind with countless basis waves of every frequency – he’s never precise, so it’s impossible to work out what model he has in his head (he probably doesn’t have one at all given how stupid he is), has to explain how these basis waves are organized. If there is no system of organization, how can any such basis waves be allocated to “sub-minds”? An inherently disorganized mind cannot become an organized mind. It cannot start off as inherently entropic and then make itself less entropic – why didn’t it start out as less entropic in the first place (as in the case of the Hive Mind, which foundationally exists at zero entropy – pure BEING). Does he imagine an infinity of each frequency sitting on top of each other like some Hotel Infinity pack of cards, and then “cards” (frequencies) can be dealt to specific new monads? Who knows? It’s not as if Rebhahn has ever thought about it. His con doesn’t require him to go into any technical depth. His grifting operation simply requires him to be one step ahead of his audience of suckers. Does anyone imagine that Dyslexic Fairy or Kassidy or PUKES could actually ask Rebhahn a technical question? He KNOWS that can never happen. He RELIES on it. In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king. Professor Sam Vaknin often talks about how malignant narcissists just make it up as they go along. They don’t care. No one is ever going to challenge them.
If Rebhahn tried to argue that the One Mind somehow split itself into countless monads then – firstly – the system would be becoming more complex, more organized (begging the question of why it wasn’t that way in the first place! … what sufficient reason did it have for being less organized – more entropic – in its base state?!) and, moreover, all of these created monads would be identical initially – when first created by the One Mind – but by Rebhahn’s OWN ARGUMENTS REGARDING LEIBNIZ’S LAW, they would all be the same, i.e., ONE MIND! So, given Rebhahn’s own logic, it’s actually impossible for a One Mind to dissociate into myriad sub-monads or created monads since if it made them all the same, they would succumb to the supposed Leibniz’s Law problem (well, as Rebhahn fallaciously applies it!), and, alternatively, how could it make them all different? How, mathematically, would you make countess different monadic minds i.e., with asymmetric collections of basis waves, and then how could these different monadic minds obey the same complete and consistent mathematics and belong to the same system? How could they coherently interact since they would all have different mathematical properties, potentialities and functions. They would all produce different manifestations of ontological Fourier mathematics, and that would lead to chaos.
We are only touching here on the myriad logical impossibilities and total contradictions and category errors that apply to Rebhahn’s system. But what does he care? It’s not as if any of his cult slaves in his harem ever asks him to explain any of this. They all just nod and say, “How wonderful. Here’s 100 bucks. LOVE YOU.”
Rebhahn just tells them a childish Woke story – Unity exploring Diversity – and all the simps and gimps cheer … because that’s exactly what they want to believe. They have no interest at all in the truth of the system, in its technical details. THEY DON’T CARE. They are exactly the same as Abrahamists, who don’t give a toss about the rational coherence of their views either. They don’t bother with theology, i.e., technical religion where proper explanations are attempted, as opposed to blind faith and emotions.
They’re there for the Mythos, never the Logos. Hyperians – hyper-stupid, hyper-emotional types – have ZERO interest in anything we have said here. They are not bothered by it in the slightest. They don’t care that Rebhahn has no answers. They’re CULTISTS and cultists believe unconditionally what the cult leader says and never once question him. They have no interest in questioning him, no desire to, and they blindly accept his authority as absolute! If they didn’t, they would ask him to respond to our 100% demolition of everything he says. They never will. These people don’t want to leave Rebhahn’s fantasy world. They’re very happy there. He could take a shit in front of them and smear it all over his face, and they would send him even bigger superchats! That’s how brainwashed and groomed they are.
We find it hilarious when Hyperians claim to be interested in the truth, in ontological mathematics, in the answer to existence. They have no interest in that at all. Like Abrahamists, they are only interested in what their God tells them to believe, and they accept that unconditionally.
NOT ONE HYPERIAN would ever go to Rebhahn and ask him to address our arguments. Why would they? They all know he cannot answer. They will never ask him any difficult questions, and nor will they ever leave Hyperianism. They will just go on believing whatever Rebhahn says about non-binary Gnostic aliens who dress up as Mary Magdalene in his next clickbait video where he will make up yet more nonsense to secure narcissistic supply, mindless adoration and money. That’s the whole nature of his operation. He is, after all, a clinical malignant narcissist, one of the most extreme cases in the world.
As we keep saying, Hyperianism is simply a Dunning-Kruger cult where ferociously stupid people who think they’re really smart passively listen to a pathological narcissist with no qualifications who believes he is the smartest human that ever lived!
This whole scene is HORRIFIC. It couldn’t get any more toxic. This is how mainstream religions get started – with a grandiose moron being fanatically supported by even bigger morons. Moses was a moron, the Buddha was a moron, Jesus was a moron and Mohammed was a moron. Pythagoras was a genius – which is why there is no mainstream religion based on his teachings! But he is responsible for Illuminism!
Hyperians don’t care that Hyperianism is totally wrong. They relate to it emotionally not rationally. These people have no technical abilities and detest intellectualism. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be Hyperians. 1 + 1 = 2! Every intelligent person got out of Hyperianism. Only those in love with Corey Rebhahn remain. These people will never be leaving Rebhahn’s clown car. All they care about is that Rebhahn poses as super-Woke, and so do they. Everything else follows. Intelligence is never referenced. No one would EVER be tempted to use the word “intelligent” in relation to Hyperianism.
Hyperianism is just one of the new breed of narcissistic religions, where parasocial worship of malignant narcissists – cult leaders – is the order of the day.
Check out what Professor Sam Vaknin has to say:
This is what we are up against. The future is frightening! We must stop the rot. We must defeat these maniacs. The reign of the narcissistic psychopaths and their enablers must end.



SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking