A theologian is totally different from a religious believer. Believers believe what they believe in the most simplistic and unquestioning ways. Faith is their thing, and that means basically accepting what some authority has told them and then NOT thinking about it. A theologian is someone who DOES think about what he believes. A theologian looks for reasons, facts, evidence and arguments to justify his beliefs.
A theologian can also be a philosopher. Saint Thomas Aquinas was a brilliant Catholic theologian and also a great philosopher. Most theologians, though, are poorly acquainted with philosophy and are instead experts in particular religious texts, such as the Bible.
Philosophers are fascinated by trying to explain ultimate reality. Theologians are fascinated by trying to fully explain the particular religious faith they believe in. Average people are not interested in theology, and even less interested in philosophy. (“Oh my God, you can’t expect me to read books and shit” – as we hear from so many Hyperians … serious question: are Hyperians even literate? Rebhahn has no education. Is that true of all Hyperians?)
Look at a Hyperian deadstream. Rebhahn tries badly to state the theology and philosophy of Hyperianism (it is of course a terrible, incoherent theology and philosophy), but his Hyperian audience are just people of simple faith in Rebhahn, their cult god, and would never dream of challenging him, questioning him, or even trying to understand what he is saying. They don’t CARE what he says. Once an extreme feeling type establishes an emotional attachment to a faith, they just believe come what may. They don’t care a damn about any intellectual arguments. You can’t reason them out of their faith since they weren’t reasoned into it. Their feelings drew them into their faith and only a change in their FEELINGS can get them out of their faith. These people can’t go into a cognitive state and realize that their beliefs are rationally and logically ridiculous. They are always stuck in a simple-minded emotional state.
For the last few days, we have been talking about Rebhahn’s signature – FALSE – statement that we are one ontological mind (unity) and we are also all many individual ontological minds (diversity). Rebhahn is saying that we have the ontology of an individual mind, separate from the ontology of every other individual mind, AND he is saying that we have an ontology of ONE MIND, where no other minds exist. We are ONE AND MANY. He imagines this to be a breathtaking insight, when in fact it is a breathtaking category error. No thinking person would ever subscribe to such a position. But extreme feeling types – such as Rebhahn and his slavish cult followers – seek out junk like this because it has enormous emotional resonance for them. The fact that it makes no rational and logical sense is no obstacle to these idiots eagerly accepting and embracing it.
Rebhahn says things like:
“We can understand what reality truly is as being a single unified mind. … [There is] an intrinsic unity between all of us… Leibniz’s law basically says that if two things are identical in every way then they are actually one thing.”
Such statements can’t be rationally and logically interpreted as anything other than a claim that ONLY ONE MIND TRULY EXISTS … THERE IS ONLY ONE MONAD. But then Rebhahn says things like:
“We are both individual minds and one mind. We are both one and many. … But what this single unified mind can do is differentiate or particularize itself into individual minds.”
Rebhahn does not say, as Buddhists do, that the one TRUE mind creates many ILLUSORY (false) minds, which leads to the suffering of these illusory minds, and they end their suffering by realizing that their individuality, their separateness, is an illusion, and once that pernicious illusion is overcome then they achieve enlightenment and attain nirvana (they return to the unity of the one, true mind … they return to true reality). Now, whether or not you like Buddhism, there’s no self-evident contradiction being stated. It’s possible to make sense of these Buddhist claims … and they reach the level of highly sophisticated philosophy when handled by a genius like Schopenhauer (who worked out his philosophy before encountering Buddhism, and then discovered that Buddhism basically agreed with what he had said).
No, Rebhahn makes a simply bizarre claim that the one TRUE mind can create many REAL minds, i.e., with the same truth and reality and ontology as the original one mind.
In monadic terms, Buddhism says that one real monad creates many illusory monads (they are not ontologically real). Corey Rebhahn says that one real monad creates many other real monads (they are all as ontologically real as the original). We are thus “One and Many” (somehow). Rebhahn said,
“But what this single unified mind can do is differentiate or particularize itself into individual minds.”
Rebhahn doesn’t say we are real as one mind and illusory as many minds. He says that we are BOTH real individual minds and a real One mind (absent of individual minds). This is just a basic error of logic. No meaning can be attached to it. One real mind cannot make other real minds just like itself. It can’t clone itself. Where would it get the energy from? It can’t use itself (since it needs all of its energy to continue to function as an ontological mind), so it would have to create energy OUT OF NON-EXISTENCE. This is of course logically impossible, exactly as it is in Abrahamic Creationism. And any mind CREATED by the first mind would have to be considered a temporal and contingent creation, not an eternal and necessary mind like the first one. We could go on and on, but why bother? The point is that Rebhahn – a sword-swallowing palmist and astrologer who reads Tarot cards – is literally making statements that are RIDICULOUS, and being incredibly well rewarded financially for telling irrational suckers irrational nonsense.
Even though we dislike Buddhism, we can at least grasp the logic of its claims. We CANNOT see any logic at all in what Rebhahn says. It’s just a set of blatantly illogical claims that are designed to achieve a very WOKE effect regarding “Unity exploring Diversity.” Rebhahn has literally tried to concoct a metaphysical validation of Woke ideology.
Rebhahn said,
“I believe elements they don’t discuss because it shows an intrinsic unity between all of us and it’s hard to preach hate when that is foundational to existence.”
So, what is Rebhahn’s real game? It’s to say that we should not hate each other because we are all actually the same (ONE), and yet we are also all individuals (MANY), and we should celebrate our diversity to the maximum, with maximum tolerance of others. All of this is exactly what all Woke, New Age love and lighters and unconditional lovers want to hear. But none of it makes the slightest bit of logical sense. It’s literally just a parade of unreason and illogic, spewed out in a typically Word Salad way so that no one really grasps what Rebhahn is saying (he is NEVER precise and buries everything in waffle). And they don’t care. Because they LOVE the basic idea – we are really ONE and we are really MANY – and they have total ideological faith in it, and they WILL NOT abandon their Woke ideology even though it is a total category error based on provably false logic and false reasoning.
Hyperians do not give a damn that their faith is 100% illogical and irrational. Their faith in WOKENESS is total and the Woke wet dream is to let everyone do whatever the hell they like without censure and they are not to be censured because we are all one, and why would we censure ourselves? But even this claim is utterly fallacious. Why WOULDN’T One Mind censure itself to stop itself doing fantastically dumb things – like being WOKE! Why wouldn’t the One Mind want to stop itself from doing mad, self-destructive things? Corey Rebhahn is a professional self-harmer. Why on earth would anyone regard that as SANE? Why would a one mind not want to eliminate all aspects of itself that are given over to insanity and especially self-harm? Why wouldn’t it want to purge itself of … COREY REBHAHN?! Rebhahn is a supremely toxic human being, one of the worst in the world.
Rebhahn doesn’t give a shit about reality, truth, reason and logic. For years, under the influence of his Woke mother-substitute Rasputin Bitchell – he has been spewing out nothing but insane Woke drivel and trying to claim that reality is itself metaphysically WOKE. WTF! Have you never looked at human history, mate, or what the dinosaurs did to each other? The last thing reality is is WOKE. It’s as unWoke and anti-Woke as it’s possible to get. It’s red in tooth and claw. It’s totally savage and brutal. It’s a systematic and relentless bully, persecutor, torturer and KILLER. Death is everywhere. The corpses are piled high everywhere. Predators are forever feasting on prey. If you’re not lunching, you’re the lunch!
Yet Rebhahn doesn’t care. He can just go lying to his audience of evil, delusional Woke suckers and get to live like a millionaire in Hollywood by grifting from them! The whole thing is OBSCENE.

On the subject of monads, Leibniz explicitly said,
“It is also necessary that each monad be different from each other. For there are never two beings in nature that are perfectly alike…”
Well, not according to humanity’s greatest ever genius, Corey Rebhahn, the Bible-thumping sword swallower with zero qualifications. Rebhahn says that all monads are perfectly alike are in fact ONE … except when he’s saying that all monads are perfectly unalike and are exploring difference and diversity!
Franklin Perkins wrote,
“This principle – the identity of indiscernibles – derives primarily from the principle of sufficient reason. If two things are absolutely identical, there can be no reason to treat them differently. Thus there can be no reason why one is found here and another found there, and no way to explain any relationships or order among them. … The identity of indiscernibles thus requires that every immaterial atom or monad be unique and different from all the others.”
But not according to the Woke Messiah, Corey Rebhahn, who says that Leibniz, the man who introduced calculus to the world, got it all wrong, and all monads are in fact really just one monad, er, while also NOT being just one monad, but many. Don’t try to make any sense of it. It doesn’t make any sense.
Franklin Perkins wrote,
“This principle – the identity of indiscernibles – also follows from the concept-containment theory of truth, which claims that even seemingly extrinsic relations such as those in space must have some grounding in the substance itself, requiring that external differences express internal differences.”
This is a critical point. In order for difference to be expressible via individual monads, you must of course have ontologically individual monads to start with – exactly as in the monadic Hive Mind of ontological mathematics. You cannot have One Mind producing many different monadic minds since the One Mind contains neither the concept of different monadic minds (it contains the OPPOSITE concept!), nor the seeds of different monadic minds, nor the energy to make different monadic minds, nor the means to make them. It cannot clone its own eternal and necessary ontology to create other eternal and necessary monads. That’s another category error! So, Rebhahn’s ludicrous claim that One Monadic Mind can make Many Monadic Minds is simply IMPOSSIBLE. Yet this is the foundation of all of Rebhahn’s Hyperian claims. ALL OF THEM! The foundation of Hyperianism is provably 100% false!
Franklin Perkins said,
“Finally, the identity of indiscernibles is supported by this being the best possible world, taking best as maximizing variety and order.” The monadic Hive Mind maximizes variety and order. The One monadic Mind rubbish of Rebhahn minimizes it. Yet again, he has chosen the opposite stance from Leibniz, one of humanity’s greatest geniuses! And yet the Hyperian cultists side with Rebhahn.
Franklin Perkins said,
“Leibniz uses this principle of the identity of indiscernibles to criticize material atoms: they cannot exist because they would be identical. The identity of indiscernibles thus requires that every immaterial atom or monad be unique and different from all the others.”
Corey Rebhahn – vacuous YouTube influencer with zero qualifications – believes that Leibniz, perhaps the smartest human of all time, got it all wrong and that he, Corey Rebhahn, is unquestionably right, despite the fact that nothing he says can have any meaning attached to it. It’s pure irrational nonsense – total word salad by someone who has never been near a philosophy class.
Just to be clear, Leibniz used the identity of indiscernibles to show that all monads MUST be different (thus establishing a Monadic Hive), while Rebhahn attempted to use this exact same principle to show that all monads must be the same (identical), meaning that there is in fact only ONE monad, hence his shtick of “One Mind”. Rebhahn then said that the One Mind can “introduce difference” (whatever that means) and thus also be myriad different monads. Rebhahn simultaneously denies the existence of a monadic Hive Mind (via his One Mind spiel) and insists on it (via his monadic diversity spiel). It’s CRAZY. He doesn’t seem to be aware that one illogical claim after another is tumbling out of his mouth. Has he got no ability to check what he is saying? And of course, none of his Hyperian slaves ever talks back to him, so he has no one to check what his saying – apart from the people who DESPISE him, and he totally ignores them and calls them haters and bigots and trolls and N**is. So, he’s completely trapped in his insane solipsistic bubble, his demented unreality tunnel.
Leibniz, the genius, was the most precise rationalist thinker. Rebhahn, the palmist, doesn’t think at all. He’s an extreme feeling type and he just spouts emotive crap for his Woke audience of love and lighters, New Agers, intuitives, psychonauts, empaths, astrologers, hippies, freaks, weirdos, outsiders, non-binaries, the androgynous, and so on. The idea that such people could EVER be interested in reason and logic is for the birds. What is truly hilarious is that people who DETEST reason and logic – self-evidently, and self-evidently show no interest in it (by never once questioning Rebhahn’s illogical and irrational gibberish!) – proclaim themselves always guided by reason and logic. That is what INSANITY looks like. Isn’t it amazing that totally irrational and illogical people believe themselves exemplars of reason and logic, while never going near reason and logic and believing hyper-emotional and compassionate and empathic crap about everything!
It’s a simply stunning thing that people who say they are all about reason and logic viciously campaign against reason and logic, by constantly attacking us. We have stated the absolute reason and logic that underlies the ontology of the Monadic Hive, and get trolled by Hyperian lunatics for doing so, while they proclaim Rebhahn a genius for stating blatant logical contradictions.
But, hey, that’s why humanity is the way it is … FUCKED.
Daniel Diorio said,
“Can’t even tell the difference between a Hyperian and a Trump supporter at this point
Honestly don’t know who’s more brainwashed“
Well, of course, according to Rebhahn himself, Trump supporters and Hyperians are actually the same. One Mind, and all that! Rebhahn says he hates N**is …. but must be a N**i himself … given the One Mind, and all that!
Testor Accountier said,
“If Rebhahn says it’s a dog even if it’s a duck, Hyperians will agree it’s a dog. Hell, some of them will say it just out of spite for the P.I.”
It really is a remarkable thing to see so many totally brainwashed people, unwilling to disagree with a single fallacy their god tells them. They are completely blind to the fact that their behavior is identical to that of billions of Abrahamists all over the world, who also mindlessly believe whatever their “God” said to them, no matter how devoid of reason and logic.
Does anyone seriously imagine that obsessive Hyperian Dyslexic Fairy has any interest in the Truth? She has none at all. She wouldn’t dream of questioning Rebhahn about his blatant and laughable logical contradictions. She will do what she always does – send him Hegel and Jung quotes, accompanied by loads of money. Because this isn’t a real person. This is a brainwashed robot. This is a CULTIST. Cultists aren’t human. They surrendered their humanity in order to be unquestioning cult fanatics.
We are the ones giving everyone the clear philosophical arguments, the ones that totally refute Rebhahn and Hyperianism, yet not once does any of these Hyperian cultists attempt to defend their own faith. They know they can’t, but they just go on believing anyway. These people are outright enemies of the Truth, and are doing all in their power to spread utter lies and support a total conman, Corey Rebhahn.
Not once has any of the cultists challenged Rebhahn about anything. Never forget how many people have left Hyperianism – including half of its most visible members (the mods) – and not once has any of the remaining cultists referred to it, and not once has Rebhahn referred to it. He literally says exactly the same stuff he did over six months ago, as if not a single thing has changed. That’s a person in total denial of reality, or deliberately ignoring reality – because it would be bad for business to ever refer to reality. The fantasy that everything is going brilliantly is all that counts for Rebhahn. He won’t refer to a multitude of videos condemning him, a multitude of books, a multitude of articles, and a multitude of people. They are all 100% ignored, or 100% dismissed as TROLLS. If Leibniz turned up in person to tell Rebhahn he didn’t have a clue about monads, Leibniz would be called a troll too!
So, it’s another deadstream tonight – yet another opportunity to witness an insane conman spouting nothing but logical fallacies to simpering, gimpering slaves who believe every word their Mad God tells them. And then these cultists wonder why so many people despise them.
We are trying to locate an essay by Mister Morgue, the Shock Surgeon, entitled “Is it okay to rape and murder?” Does anyone happen to have a copy? Given the fact that Corey Rebhahn is an extreme misogynist, as proved by his essay “Strangling the Bitch”, we expect it to be off the scale in terms of its insanity and misogyny. Help bring this sick monster to justice! Get him jailed alongside his “comrade” Andrew Tate, who is very keen on “strangling the bitch” and rape too.
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking