To all Hyperians, if you are interested in some guy talking to you on video about mind-based reality, listen to Bernardo Kastrup. Unlike Rebhahn, Kastrup’s actually smart and says interesting things concerned with REAL philosophy. And he’s not a grifter, conman and pathological narcissist and psychopath.
You have absolutely no need of Rebhahn in your life. Free yourself. Take back your power. Don’t give it to Rebhahn. Don’t give him your money. Don’t put a “roof over his head” – send him out to get a job not based on conning suckers (you!). STOP THE GRIFT. Bring this culture of panhandling to an end. End the sick reign of the panhandlers, the hustlers, the hucksters. Wake up. These people are predators, and you are the prey. Stop baring your necks and letting them feed on you. Have some dignity. Snap out of it.
Rebhahn’s ideology has “evolved” – via his obsession with talking about the Woke, New Age concept of “Unity exploring Diversity” – into something that resembles an incredibly stupid version of Kastrup’s idealist philosophy, which is itself largely borrowed from Schopenhauer (who was, ironically, the opposite of a Woke, New Ager and believed that reality was all about evil and suffering and the best remedy was … to cease to exist! … by ceasing to exercise will).
Kastrup, unlike Rebhahn, is an extremely highly qualified and educated individual. Why anyone would listen to a circus freakshow sword swallower over a person actually qualified to talk about metaphysics is a vast subject in itself – and goes to the heart of the world’s hatred of smart people. Rebhahn is literally a stupid person’s idea of an intelligent person whereas actual intelligent people are repulsive to stupid people. Could you imagine someone like PUKES studying the work of actual intelligent people? NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
Nietzsche more or less first announced the Dunning-Kruger effect when he said,
“Ultimately no one can hear in things ― books included ― more than he already knows. If you have no access to something from experience, you will have no ear for it.”
A stupid person does not have any experiences of intelligence, and that’s why they do not know what intelligence is, or what intelligent people are and how they behave (and how they definitely do NOT behave … they behave nothing like Corey Rebhahn!). A stupid person can believe that Corey Rebhahn is smart. Smart people, after watching Rebhahn’s braindead deadstreams and the braindead audience he attracts, and the way he eagerly cultivates stupid, manipulable people, can never make that mistake.
It’s self-evident that Corey Rebhahn is what he factually is: an uneducated person with no qualifications trying to get stupid people to say he’s a genius (narcissistic supply). It’s not as if any actually educated, qualified person is ever going to be impressed by Rebhahn’s mindless word salad – they can see right through him. This is a con man who spent his whole life saying, “Look at me … and give me money.” What is it about this that you are not getting?! This is a street performer, a z-list freakshow reality tv guy. Rebhahn never even made it to school. He never mixed with others and he never became a normal, decent human being who respected others. He was never “socialized” – made a social person. He is feral. He’s a predator out in the wild who never learned what it is to be human, and how we have obligations to others if we want a civilization (we must tacitly sign up to a SOCIAL CONTRACT, a superego contract, which stops us from behaving like id animals, which is what Rebhahn is).
If you want to hear a smart guy in action – as opposed to a pathological narcissist – then watch this video … “The Metaphysical Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer with Bernardo Kastrup“:
You will see the GULF between someone who knows what he’s talking about … and a circus clown. But Hyperians would never be interested in Kastrup … BECAUSE he’s not a malignant narcissist. Hyperians don’t avoid malignant narcissists … they seek them out!
It’s an amazing thing when you realize that Hyperians have no interest at all in the subject of idealism – what Kastrup talks about – and are actually only interested in Wokeness and Woke freaks like Rebhahn. They do no want to listen to a qualified philosopher talking meaningfully about the philosophy of idealism. That is just BORING for these people. They want to listen to a non-binary freakshow sword swallower pretending to know shit about a subject he has never studied in his life. They want a Dunning-Kruger fake “expert” rather than an actual expert. They don’t want Kastrup because he isn’t pandering to them for narcissistic supply and calling them a “hyperfam” and “community”, and all that jazz. Instead, he’s teaching them a serious subject seriously … and they definitely don’t want that! Stupid people want stupid things. Stupid people want a stupid person talking to them at their stupid level, and that’s what Rebhahn – a signature example of a stupid person since he didn’t even go to school and instead studied the BIBLE – precisely is. This is the worst of all things: a cretin who thinks he’s a genius. That’s malignant narcissism right there. Rebhahn engages in the grandiose, narcissistic fantasy that he’s an incredibly special person, when in fact he’s a nobody – a common conman – preying on idiots too stupid to know any better. This is exactly why humanity fails to evolve … it follows stupid people and hates smart people and expects that to work out well.
Intelligent people – thinking types – seek out intelligent people to intelligently learn from them. None of that is true of extreme feeling types. They are in search of something completely different. They are looking for someone with whom to have an emotional RELATIONSHIP. So, no Hyperian could get to have any kind of relationship or interaction with an intellectual like Bernardo Kastrup, hence they have zero interest in him and what he says. They are purely looking to have their feelings engaged, not their intellect (they don’t have one!). Rebhahn offers all these suckers and idiots a PARASOCIAL relationship with him – a so-called shared fantasy – and they all get to interact with him via superchats and literally pay him to like them and speak to them. None of that is possible with Kastrup, so they would never listen to Kastrup.
The primary drivers of the Dunning-Kruger effect are of course the extreme feeling types. They have no idea what it is like to be a thinking type, interested in concepts and ideas, and so they have no respect for thinking types, for intellectuals, for experts, for people of cerebral merit. Nevertheless, these extreme feeling types imagine themselves incredibly smart and highly attuned to the universe and reality. They have no intellectual means to gauge how stupid they are, how feelings don’t count for shit when it comes to UNDERSTANDING existence. So, they are permanently delusional. They think, for example, that their feelings reveal good and evil to them, right and wrong, and even truth and falsehood. Which is of course why they are so stupid and so alienated from the truth, which is strictly cognitive. I THINK, THEREFORE I AM. (Animals don’t reason, so Descartes said they did not have minds! – is that true of extreme feeling types? …. Heeee!) You don’t access reason and logic via your feelings, and the people who believe you do – such as Hyperians – are of course utterly irrational and illogical. Your Woke feelings have zero connection to knowing the fundamental nature of existence.
On the latest deadstream, someone said to Rebhahn,
“… some people online [You mean us, the originators of ontological mathematics and mathematical idealism and rationalism!] claim that you say we are only a One Mind but aren’t we also individual minds, each one of us.”
Firstly, what a totally dumb question this is. Look at how the question is framed – to get exactly the non-answer Rebhahn trivially delivers (it’s amazing how DELIBERATELY BAD feeling types are at framing questions for people they do not want to offend). It invites the answer “YES”. It doesn’t invite the logical analysis of how a ONE MIND can ALSO be MANY MINDS. A thinking person is immediately alerted to trouble – how, in terms of the ontology of mind, can ONE also be MANY? – but a feeling person is not. They WANT One to also be Many. It makes them feel good for some reason. They want that answer and they accept that answer, even though it is logically ABSURD.

Rebhahn’s non-answer to the question was of course absolutely incoherent, as always. He said,
“That’s dumb. I don’t know why people say that. We are individual and one at the same time. I say that repeatedly, all the time.”
You sure do, mate, and it doesn’t get any logically better no matter how many times you say it. Here’s the question precisely formulated so that even a dumbass like you can grasp it: IS THERE ONE MONAD OR ARE THERE MANY MONADS? Your crazy “answer”, the one you have been giving for some two years now is: THERE IS ONLY ONE MONAD … AND … THERE ARE ALSO MANY MONADS, which is of course … ABSURD! It literally means that you don’t know what a fucking monad is – the very basis of ontological mathematics, about which you claim to be an expert (ho, ho, ho). You know FUCK ALL about ontological mathematics! You can’t even define a monad. You can’t even understand that one monad CANNOT also be many monads. How on earth can anyone make a monumentally stupid comment that one monad = many monads. It’s on a par with 2 + 2 = 5. It’s insane.
This utter farce has been going on for years now where this clown Rebhahn cannot grasp that many ontological monads are an ontological HIVE MONADIC MIND, not ONE ontological monadic mind. A monad CANNOT be both itself and other monads. That is logically impossible. But this is exactly the Woke, New Age garbage Rebhahn is going for so that he can say, “Unity exploring Diversity.” He NEEDS there to be only one monad (Unity) and he also NEEDS there to be many monads (Diversity), and so he just goes right ahead and says it, even though it’s pure drivel.
Let’s replace “Unity exploring Diversity” with “One Monad exploring being Many Monads”. What does it even mean? It’s devoid of sense.
But the really disturbing thing is that Rebhahn doesn’t actually understand any of this. He understands how to make Woke speeches to suckers, but he has zero grasp of ontology, logic, metaphysics and epistemology – you know, the things that ACTUAL PHILOSOPHERS deal with, as opposed to sword-swallowing freaks who have never been anywhere near a philosophy class. 1 + 1 = 2.
Rebhahn said,
“We are both individual minds and one mind. We are both one and many.”
No we’re not! We are eternal and necessary individual ontological minds, and we can NEVER be all ONE eternal and necessary ontological mind.
There is either ONE MIND … OR … THERE ARE MANY MINDS. This couldn’t be any simpler. This is 1 + 1 = 2 stuff.
In fact, let’s logically spell it out. There are three logical possibilities:
- There are ZERO minds. This is the position of scientific materialism and empiricism, which denies the reality of mind. (According to science, “mind” is some epiphenomenon or emergent property or mis-labelling of material properties and interactions.)
- There are MANY minds. This is the position of mathematical idealism and rationalism (ontological mathematics), which grounds reality in sinusoidal waves (ontological basis thoughts), organized MONADICALLY. (One monad is one full set of basis thoughts, hence can carry out the complete operations of mind.) All “matter” is created by mathematical monadic minds.
- There is ONE mind. This is the position of Wokeness, New Ageism, Ken Wilber, Buddhism, and so on. But this position automatically entails that the supposed existence of “many minds” is nothing but an illusion. These many minds ARE NOT REAL (because the whole point is that there is only actually ONE MIND). So, the task here is to recognize the illusion of the apparent ego or self, dissolve it, and reach the level of truth/reality – the One Mind. (To achieve this is to be ENLIGHTENED.)
Years ago, Rebhahn accepted that there are MANY minds. Now he says that there is only ONE mind, but he ALSO claims there are MANY minds, and he claims that these are REAL minds, not illusory minds, so their task is NOT to recognize that they are illusory but to recognize that the are both ONE and MANY. Although, logically, this is impossible.
Buddhism’s One Mind shtick is not innately impossible since it confers a different ontological status on the One Mind in comparison with the Many Minds. The One Mind is noumenal, eternal and necessary, the Many Minds are phenomenal, temporal and contingent (hence unreal, illusory). But Rebhahn makes a completely different and formally impossible claim – that the One Mind is ontologically real and so are the Many Minds (this is a definitional contradiction, a category error – of exactly the type you would expect of a sword swallower with zero philosophical qualifications! … Rebhahn couldn’t recognize a category error if it headbutted him). Rebhahn bizarrely says that we both ontologically One and Many at the same time, all the time! As we keep saying, this is logically impossible. You can’t be both “A” (one mind surrounded by many other minds) and “not-A” (a different one mind, surrounded by no other minds). Rebhahn says that there are TWO ontological perspectives regarding this situation. In the “absolute perspective”, there is only ONE MIND. In the “monadic perspective”, there are MANY MINDS. Both of these contradictory claims are supposed to always both be true, meaning that Hyperianism is foundationally logically false. We have literally proved that Hyperianism is incoherent drivel made up by a man who denies he is a man and says he can be a woman at the same time. Rebhahn literally says that he is sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes BOTH a man and a woman, and sometimes NEITHER a man nor a woman. And this non-binary “logic” of his has been extended to monads and to reality itself. Every monad is somehow identical to every other monad (meaning that there is actually only one monad) and somehow all monads are also different (meaning that there are many monads, not one!). So, a monad is sometimes an individual monad and sometimes something else, sometimes both a monad and sometimes something else, and sometimes, no doubt, neither a monad or something else. In other words, a non-binary man has LITERALLY tried to create – using OUR ontological mathematics – an insane non-binary theory of reality where monads are sometimes this, sometimes that, sometimes both this and that, and sometimes neither this nor that!!!!!!!!!
And then people wonder why we are so fucking angry about all this. It’s ontological mathematics – OUR WORK – that is being dragged down by this insane garbage this sword-swallowing freak is spouting to con lonely ugly women and gay men.
Rebhahn is trying to say he is GOD, and that all of reality is actually constituted like him (non-binary, involving multiple fatal contradictions). This is exactly where Woke insanity is leading the world – to mind-bogglingly insane shit like Hyperianism which is trying to engineer all of reality around Woke identity politics, with the claim that androgynous, non-binary people like Rebhahn and Immensely Fat Jan are the master race of hyperaware World Shapers who will build NEW TERRA where their truth is acknowledged by the whole of humanity, and everyone becomes non-binary to reflect the Truth of reality and balance the male and female energies!!!!
The most worrying thing is that no matter how many times we point out these irrefutable facts to the Hyperians, they just go on believing anyway, and Rebhahn just keeps saying the same disproved garbage over and over again, and keeps asserting the 100% truth of his 100% lies. It’s EXACTLY the same as being up against Christians, and all of these Hyperians, especially Rebhahn himself, are really dyed-in-the-wool Christians, who have replaced Jewish Jesus with non-binary Jesus who incarnated on earth as 1/36 … COREY REBHAHN!!!
You cannot make up shit like this! It’s BONKERS.
Even Buddhism looks like the work of genius in comparison with Hyperianism. Hyperianism makes no sense at all. Its most basic claim – which is that One and Many are ontologically IDENTICAL (i.e., we can be all One Mind (the same mind!) and also all completely different minds, at the same time, forever) – is so logically ridiculous that only someone who had never been near a philosophy book in his life could have thought of it. Oh wait, Corey Rebhahn has no qualifications at all, and has never even been to school! 1 + 1 = 2. GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. When a non-philosopher starts spouting “philosophy”, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?! He’s going to get EVERYTHING wrong. And that’s exactly what has happened. We rarely say anything good about “peer review” but this is exactly where peer review is needed. If Rebhahn had submitted his amateur-hour non-binary “philosophy” to any qualified people, he would have been laughed at. Instead, he gives it via YouTube and facebook to emotional cripples who are even less qualified than he is, and they hail him as a genius and make him a millionaire.
What a fucking world.