The Rebhahn gang’s complaint wasn’t just about RJ and the AC. Another person was put in the firing line – APOLLONIUS, one of the leadership group of Hyperianism in its earliest years. Apollonius was, in a manner of speaking, the RJ of a previous phase of Hyperianism, i.e. a very prominent, well-known, popular, highly intelligent, senior Hyperian making videos and writing articles (but he was never a moderator). Apollonius was one of the BIG NAMES of Hyperianism. In fact, he was one of those infinitely better qualified to be the leader of Hyperianism than Corey Rebhahn. Hyperianism would have turned out entirely differently and been REALLY GOOD. Rebhahn was the Wrecker, the man who sacrificed a Sacred Cause to his own cause and made Hyperianism all about him. He proved to be one of the Ignavi – purely out for himself, with no cause except his own enrichment and aggrandizement.
It was a message to us from Apollonius – one of a select group of writers who contributed to “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” – that first alerted us to the shocking news that the Rebhahn gang had gone to the FBI to get illegal revenge for David Sinclair’s book.
Apollonius told us,
“I just received a phone call from the FBI. Apparently, someone out of California reported me and someone from Canada as being ‘radicalized’ by online groups based around the Illuminati’s Armageddon Conspiracy. This FBI agent is currently in some of these groups watching for potential radicalization and they have reason to believe certain individuals are becoming radicalized. I never actually threatened anybody nor did anything and the person who reported me couldn’t provide any substantial evidence, so I’m off the hook, however they said to be careful what I post online. They also asked if I owned a firearm and a series of other questions stating that if I lied about any of this I was of course liable to be prosecuted. I’m almost positive the other person from Canada has to be RJ…”
So, there you have it. The Rebhahn gang’s game was to claim that the AC was “radicalizing” people – which means in this context turning people into terrorists, assassins, people willing to kill others, and of course we know from RJ’s interrogation that their alleged targets were “Hyperians”, “Woke Liberals” and “POTUS”.
Both Apollonius and RJ were characterized as violent, armed, radicalized, and extremely dangerous. These are extraordinarily serious claims to make about other human beings in the total absence of any actual evidence. They are false and malicious claims that will see those who made the claims jailed. Anyone who tells malicious lies about others in extremely serious matters – and does so to the FBI, no less – cannot have any expectation of not going to jail. It doesn’t get any worse than describing a person as a terrorist, assassin, killer, murderer – for no reason at all other than that the complainants wanted revenge and to swat their legitimate critics.
Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell, and Phillip Shope will all go to jail for the malicious lies they told about Apollonius, RJ, and the AC. Their anger against David Sinclair and insatiable desire for revenge made them tell the most diabolical lies, lies that will result in lengthy prison sentences for all of them.
Apollonius was probed by a FBI special agent about whether he was a threat, whether he had threatened any person, if he owned a firearm, if he was affiliated with any Facebook groups centered around the AC.
So, Apollonius made no POTUS remark, but otherwise was posed similar questions to RJ. All because of the criminal lies of Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope who claimed they were living in fear of their lives from Apollonius and RJ (two former senior Hyperians!) and the AC (the foundation of Hyperianism – the source of all Rebhahn’s ideas!).
What brought Apollonius into the firing line of the four nutcases who currently run Hyperianism?
The sequence of events is telling. On the morning of 30 July, RJ announced he was leaving Hyperianism. In the evening of 30 July, Apollonius sent the Hyperian leadership a letter advising them to move on, to completely remove themselves from Illuminist ideas. On 31 July, RJ said he was supporting the AC. Within the week, on August 6, both men were swatted, following the Rebhahn gang’s false and malicious complaint to the FBI. Cause and effect!!!
The two men dared to support the AC straight after the publication of David Sinclair’s book, and so they were both specifically, maliciously, criminally targeted by the Rebhahn gang. 1 + 1 = 2.
The Rebhahn gang played the ultimate Woke card – the VICTIM CARD – and ludicrously claimed that they were terrified they were going to be shot dead by RJ and Apollonius at the instigation of the AC. So, what the fuck was the point of David Sinclair’s book if we were just going to order terrorist hits on the Hyperian leadership?! How bizarre to write a book about people you allegedly intended to murder!!! Is that what would-be murderers normally do? Write a book about their victims before killing them so that everyone is in no doubt who did the killing??! It’s utterly hilarious. And to think that the FBI actually fell for this nonsense!
We announced the publication of David Sinclair’s book on 28 July (Thermidor and announced the end of the AC project at the same time), and on August 6, Apollonius and RJ were swatted because they were claimed to be active assassins, in the field at the order of the AC!
The whole thing is so bonkers that it’s hard not to laugh at it. But all this really happened and really happened because Hyperianism is led by four insane people – actual psychopaths – Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope – who will psychopathically tell lies about their enemies to destroy them. And that’s exactly what they attempted to do. They fired a kill shot at Apollonius, RJ and AC. But we weren’t killed. And that means those that fired the shot will be jailed – given how high the stakes were (a supposed presidential assassination plot!). In fact, they really ought to be charged with attempted murder, since people could easily have died because of their psychopathic lies. Calling people assassins and terrorists and radicalized maniacs, extremely violent and extremely unstable, with POTUS in their sights, and so on, could absolutely have led to catastrophic outcomes. It’s almost miraculous that no one died given the egregious lies of the sick and dangerous Rebhahn gang. These people prove exactly how diseased and malignant the Woke mind is, a mind born in trauma and invariably associated with a FALSE SELF that inhabits a fantasy world.
Read for yourself the letter Apollonius sent to the Rebhahn gang, regarding which they held an emergency Zoom meeting, and days after which Apollonius was swatted.
Apollonius: After speaking with Susan last night, and her informing me of your decision not to abandon the use of the authors’ work, I am compelled to reach out to all of you, as a friend and as a former comrade.
So, look at that intro. Apollonius is reacting to the refusal of the Rebhahn gang to stop using the Illuminist answer to existence despite being totally opposed to Illuminism and campaigning against it. Apollonius refers to himself as a friend and former comrade, yet days later will be characterized as someone who was on the loose wanting to MURDER them!
Apollonius: I have worked many years with some of you. We’ve built friendships and bonds. We’ve shared laughs and tears and spent countless hours working together on that which gives us the most joy: the ultimate truth of existence. I will always remember our times together and I will always look fondly on the moments we’ve shared.
Does that sound like an assassin, a terrorist, a murderer, an imminent threat to life, an imminent active shooter?
Apollonius: As someone who cares about you and who cares about this cause, it is my duty to speak up to you now.
When I left Hyperianism, I left for a myriad of reasons, most of which you were never made aware of. The real reason why I left is because I could not actively support something which so clearly departed from what I had initially signed up to work on and advocate.
I am an Illuminist, first and foremost. I signed up to work on an Illuminist project with whom I thought was a fellow Illuminist with the same goals and ideals.
Apollonius says he cares about these people – he does not say he wants to kill them … as they claimed. He was specifically asked by an FBI special Agent if he was a threat to others and if he was armed! Who gave the FBI this deranged impression? The Rebhahn gang did!
Apollonius sealed his fate by showing his support for Illuminism – totally unacceptable to the Rebhahn gang.
Apollonius: In 2015, I was invited to join a small group of hand-picked Illuminists to work on the next phase of the Movement, since the old Movement had, at that time, recently fallen apart due to infighting and trolling. At the time, the fate of the AC was in limbo. They weren’t sure whether to abandon ship, or charge forward. Morgue was also a member of this group.
The authors decided to dissolve the initial group and allow (note: “allow”) Morgue to take the helm of a new Illuminist (note: “Illuminist”) project. Anyone left within the initial group was invited to work on this new project with Morgue. At the time, I was the only one to sign up. This new project became Hyperianism.
“Nezinomas Known” was in charge of the Movement Rebooted. We liked her, and we liked her central idea of trying to properly manage and organize activism and activists. Unfortunately, no one else liked her approach, and they also had issues with her, so she stepped down. One of her group was none other than MORGUE. NK started to take an interest in Morgue and soon enough introduced Morgue to us … and Hyperianism was produced soon afterwards.
Apollonius: Over time, through the sole decisions of Morgue, Hyperianism became something completely unrelated to Illuminism. The only thing Hyperianism and Illuminism had in common was ontological mathematics, fused in an artificial way to an ideology that had literally nothing to do with its Illuminist roots.
So, I left. What I had initially signed up for was long gone and replaced wholesale by something completely anathema to the true spirit of Illuminism.
While it has taken some time for them to come forward, the authors have abandoned Hyperianism as well. They’ve not only abandoned Hyperianism, but denounced it, and denounced all of you, no less.
I’m not going to sit here and rehash what accusations they’ve laid against you. That would be a waste of time. You can read what they have to say yourselves.
The question I have for you all is: what now? From the looks of it, you’re all in a state of complete shock and absolute denial. None of you have done anything wrong, right? Of course not! Not you, never you.
The words at the end here – “None of you have done anything wrong, right? Of course not! Not you, never you” – are very telling. This is ALWAYS the Hyperian game. They NEVER make mistakes. They NEVER do anything wrong. They are ALWAYS in the right. Anyone who says otherwise is a THREAT to them and must be attacked and destroyed. That’s their MO.
Apollonius: It’s always the same with people who end up betraying and trolling the Illuminati. No troll or traitor ever believes themselves to be a traitor or a troll. They always believe themselves justified in whatever they believe and do. The same goes for every single one of you right now.
You all believe there’s been some huge misunderstanding, some huge, unjustified smear campaign against you. Not one time will you dare to take a hard, long, honest look at the situation and yourselves.
“The Illuminati are the smartest people in the world, the best judges of character. They can see right through all the bullshit and all the bullshit people!”, is surely something you’ve all said at one point in time.
Now, their penetrating intellects which you all know to be unrivaled are laser-focused on all of you. And you all sit there and blink in denial and reject everything they’ve said about Morgue, Hyperianism and yourselves personally! Are you all serious? Get it together, all of you!
With some of you, none of this is surprising. You came to Illuminism through Morgue. You’re Morgueites first and foremost and Illuminists second. Some of you didn’t even know of the existence of the Illuminati until much later after you joined!
Illuminism never sat well with you. It was too “harsh”, too “radical.” But, you had Morgue to tell you, “It’s ok! I don’t represent their views, this is Hyperianism, not Illuminism.” And you all have the gall to believe Morgue has been completely honest about who he was actually representing. You sit and wonder how the authors can claim he’s been misrepresenting them. You think they’re complete liars. They’re “crazy.” Or, as Morgue said, “They get crazier and crazier every year.”
Never forget, Morgue was tasked with, and given the great and noble opportunity of being a messenger for Illuminism. That was his primary objective and what was agreed upon when the Illuminati allowed him to start Hyperianism. Never, ever forget that.”
Can you imagine how much all that hurt Morgy Porgy and his top goons – who all believe that they are hyperaware world-shapers and, indeed, gods! They do not see themselves as having any dependence on Illuminism, despite taking their answer to existence wholesale from Illuminism, and despite Morgue being a prominent online Illuminist for years, and despite Morgue coming to us and asking to promote our work to a larger audience! The whole thing is laughable now. This character Corey Rebhahn is actually MAD. This is a truly insane person – clinically insane.
Apollonius: For shame. All of you. You’re all perfect examples of his misrepresentation of the work of the Illuminati. You’re the direct result of it, the main products of his experiment.
Even worse are those of you who came to Morgue through the Illuminati. You were Illuminists first and foremost and you still fell for it. And now look at you. You’ve been completely denounced by the Illuminati, the authors of the works that have changed your life.
You stuck around Morgue because you believed he was appointed by them, hence he could do no wrong. He had a golden halo around his head. Not once could you think for yourself and connect the dots that what he was doing was outright wrong. All of your years of Illuminist training and you couldn’t put two and two together. You couldn’t work that out? You really had to have the authors spell that out for you, at the last moment, no less?
Why do you think C left, and MA left, and I left? We all smelled the shit a mile away. We saw through all of it and we got out. We didn’t need to wait for the authors to denounce Morgue and Hyperianism, but we knew – because we’re Illuminists at heart and have internalized the values of Illuminism and the body of knowledge at the heart of it all – that it was all a giant pile of shit.
The reason none of us spoke out publicly was because we respect the authors. They hadn’t denounced you, so it wasn’t our place to. Because we respect them and we respect the Illuminati with the utmost reverence. But we of course knew they thought the exact same things we were thinking, even if they hadn’t yet publicly said anything. Why? Because, just as we’re Illuminists, so are they!!!! Why wouldn’t they be thinking the same things? We all share the same values and ideas!
We should have acted much earlier. But we knew it would result in a huge online conflict given the hold Morgy Porgy had over the Hyperians cultists. And what we suspected would happen has happened … and in fact was much worse than we predicted since these insane people brought the outside world into it – complaining to the FBI, swatting Apollonius and RJ, canceling our website (which birthed Hyperianism!), issuing a lawsuit against Karen, and swatting her too. When you are up against the clinically insane, the most insane things can and do happen.
Apollonius: But it’s really not too late to turn all of this around, at the very least for yourselves personally. You don’t have to go down in the annals of Illuminist history as dupes and traitors. You can do the right thing and leave all of this behind. Sure, the Illuminati called you all out, but it doesn’t mean you’re done for. Everyone can be fooled and everyone fools themselves too. Stand up straight, wipe all the dust off and march forward and learn from this. Admitting you were wrong is a noble and courageous thing to do. It takes guts and that sort of thing never goes unnoticed nor is it looked down upon.
No chance of these people doing the noble and honorable thig. All they can ever do – being disgusting and pathetic cowards and Last Men – is play the victim card and go whining to the Woke authorities to save them from their legitimate critics. This is the Woke DISEASE in full high definition.
Apollonius: My last message here is for Morgue. I don’t have anything to say to you personally. You’ve done what you’ve done, but your fate doesn’t have to be sealed either. Although I already know you’re completely slagging off everything I’m saying. In which case, you’ve dug your own grave.
If you truly care for your “team” (more like your secretaries), you would heed the Illuminati’s request and completely abandon any and all references to ontological mathematics and the work of the Illuminati.
And there couldn’t be a more reasonable request. We despise these people and they despise us – so why the fuck are they using our work, our answer to existence? It doesn’t make any sense at all.
Apollonius: If you do not, the consequences will be bad. Very, very bad. Not just for you, but for all those who stick around with you as the ship goes down.
Sentences such as these were no doubt the ones that the Rebhahn gang weaponized to the extreme. They turned them into DEATH THREATS, into terrorist threats.
Apollonius: Look at what happened to the trolls back in 2015. All of this will become very, very real and personal for you. Your lives will be royally fucked with. And how could you really be surprised?
And that’s exactly what has happened and has been continuing for four and a half months, and Hyperianism’s growth has come to an end, and loses more and more support with each passing month day as more and more people discover the MONSTER, the dangerous LUNATIC, that Corey Rebhahn really is.
Apollonius: You think you could fuck with the AOI – the top secret society in the world – and actually get away with it? You think you can just go on ahead as normal after all this like nothing ever happened? That you could ignore them like you’ve ignored all your other detractors? You think you could just use their work and get away scotch free? You’re deluded if you think that’s the case. Well and truly deluded.
And that’s exactly how mad Morgue responded to all this. We were to be treated as just irritating trolls (like so many others), who would soon give up and go away. AS IF!
These people are fucking using OUR WORK. They are the ones trolling us!
Apollonius: Just do the smart thing, if not for you then for the people you profess to care about. Because it will get ugly. Mark my words.
And that was no doubt taken as a terrorist threat too.
Apollonius: You can carry on with your life as a YouTuber. Just rebrand yourself. That’s one thing you seem to be really good at anyway. Don’t let your pride get in the way of this. Nothing has to get ugly for you or your friends.”
Apollonius wasn’t talking about KILLING these people – how absurd! – but how they should simply rebrand. How is that TERRORISM and a death threat? It was in fact EXCELLENT ADVICE. If they had bee rational, that’s exactly what they would have done. But they’re insane. They always do the mad thing, not the right thing.
Apollonius: Do the smart thing, rebrand and be left in peace to do what you do. That’s the best you could ask for. If you don’t, well, what fate befalls you is your fault, and yours alone, and all those who stick with you deserve what comes next.
I truly hope none of that has to happen to any of you. It’s not too late.
All of that was cast as a terrorist death threat!
Can you believe the world we live in now where you can’t actually say ANYTHING to the Woke because they are as sure as fuck going to take WHATEVER you say and reframe it as a death threat, as terrorism, as a lethal attack on Woke minorities. Free speech is dead. These maniacs have killed it. You can’t say ANYTHING to these people. ANYTHING you do say – no matter how reasonable – can and will be WEAPONIZED against you and reported to the law, the police, the FBI, the CIA, whoever. Because all critics of the Woke are to be silenced, canceled, deplatformed, jailed. We literally saw this process happening with Hyperianism as a microcosm of the Woke macrocosm.
The Rebhahn gang would definitely not have sent Apollonius’s full letter to the FBI as it gives the whole context and we know that the Rebhahn gang’s MO is to cherry-pick quotes and completely change the context and effect of what was said. We predict that they sent something like this:
“It’s always the same with people who end up betraying and trolling the Illuminati. No troll or traitor ever believes themselves to be a traitor or a troll. They always believe themselves justified in whatever they believe and do. The same goes for every single one of you right now. But it’s really not too late to turn all of this around, at the very least for yourselves personally. You don’t have to go down in the annals of Illuminist history as dupes and traitors. You can do the right thing and leave all of this behind. Sure, the Illuminati called you all out, but it doesn’t mean you’re done for. My last message here is for Morgue. I don’t have anything to say to you personally. You’ve done what you’ve done, but your fate doesn’t have to be sealed either. Although I already know you’re completely slagging off everything I’m saying. In which case, you’ve dug your own grave. If you do not, the consequences will be bad. Very, very bad. Your lives will be royally fucked with. And how could you really be surprised? Just do the smart thing, if not for you then for the people you profess to care about. Because it will get ugly. Mark my words. Do the smart thing, rebrand and be left in peace to do what you do. That’s the best you could ask for. If you don’t, well, what fate befalls you is your fault, and yours alone, and all those who stick with you deserve what comes next. I truly hope none of that has to happen to any of you. It’s not too late.”
The FBI were sent something like that. Exactly as with RJ’s resignation letter, the FBI were given a completely false version of what Apollonius said. They were given a highly edited VERSION, made to look like intimidation, blackmail, a threat, even a death threat (dug your own grave … the consequences will be bad. Very, very bad … it will get ugly … what fate befalls you is your fault … and all those who stick with you deserve what comes next).
So, this highly edited version was shown to the FBI as direct evidence that Apollonius was a potential terrorist, threatening their lives. That he was fully radicalized by the AC/PI and detested Hyperians and Woke liberals. He was asked by an FBI special agent if he was a threat to others and had guns … all because of the falsified version of Apollonius’s message that was presented to the FBI by the Rebhahn gang.
Via this letter from Apollonius and RJ’s resignation message and ancient POTUS message, both men were cast as maniacs, terrorists, armed killers, deadly threats to Hyperians and Woke liberals and POTUS, and all because they were supposedly slavish supporters of the AC, completely radicalized by the AC and turned into assassins. As if! Total lunacy!
Luckily for Apollonius, he didn’t mention the word “kill” or the word POTUS, so he simply got a mild, meaningless warning to be careful in future. RJ did mention the word kill and the word POTUS, so received much more serious treatment. But had Apollonius put in a few extra sentences of the kind RJ used, he would have been subjected to exactly the same treatment as RJ. He escaped by the skin of his teeth.
Seriously, is this the world now – where any sensible person will conclude that they must NEVER talk to a Woke person. If you do, you could end up dead. Because you are dealing with insane people, maniacs. We know for a fact, from direct experience, that Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope are EXTRAORDINARILY DANGEROUS PEOPLE. Not in themselves of course – they are disgusting, sickening cowards and degenerates, the pathetic scum of the earth … VERMIN – but how they play the Woke game, the victimhood game, and mobilize Woke organizations like the FBI to act on their behalf.
These Woke creeps, freaks and weirdos, will use any tactic to fuck you over and fuck you up. Nothing is beyond them, as Apollonius, RJ, Karen and us have all directly experienced at these monsters’ hands! We can never be safe until all four of these mental cases are behind bars, or in mental asylums. Wokeness should be classified as a serious mental disorder.
The Rebhahn gang’s ENTIRE complaint to the FBI was false and malicious. They weaponized harmless remarks and turned them into death threats and even evidence for an assassination plot against POTUS. Why? Simply because David Sinclair’s book called them out, and Apollonius and RJ supported the book, and thus the insane Rebhahn gang wanted to metaphorically KILL THEM. And could literally have killed them given how serious their claims were. If you are marked on your back as a would-be presidential assassin, you could easily be shot dead! The Rebhahn gang went ahead and painted that target on the backs of their critics, and people could have died. That’s why all four of these people MUST go to jail. They cannot possibly be allowed to get away with their crimes.
In order to defend intelligent free speech, it’s VITAL for the Rebhahn gang to be jailed. Mad people who deliberately and maliciously weaponize what other people say in order to destroy their lives must be stopped. We already know for a fact that the Rebhahn gang are planning to get our books canceled in the near future. They intend to get us deplatformed and canceled as soon as we bring out our new books. They have already discussed it and agreed it. This is the deranged world we now live in. Only Woke people are to have a voice. Everyone else will be silenced. That’s “New Terra” for you – a nightmarish Woke dystopia.
So, still no sign of Filanthrowpissed on the latest deadstream. The mystery deepens. Where is the No1 donor?! Where is the Invisible Man? Was he simply conjured by Rebhahn?