Demolishing the Central Claims of Hyperianism



So, Hyperians believe that they have a right to falsify the truth. They believe that they can take, say, Einstein’s general theory of relativity and just, you know, subject it to Woke shit and completely wreck it. That’s perfectly fine, apparently.
The Hyperian animal Tyler Waffen SS – an absolute cretin who deliberately formulates statements in the most perverted way he can because he is unquestionably a staggeringly perverted human being, as all of his “comments” reveal … is more or less the PERFECT Hyperian … just an incredible piece of shit who offers zero to the world and thinks it is heroic to attack the people from whom his boss stole all of the ideas he spouts every week, while horrifically corrupting them … ANYTHING is justified for this pointless beast if it supports Wokeness and lies, and anything that is anti-Woke and true is to be instantly condemned and trolled. But, hey ho, it’s no surprise that Hyperianism is full of retarded feral creatures and perverts. No one would join Hyperianism these days if they weren’t a full-on retard and pervert. This is a cult of perverted anomics … utterly dysfunctional and botched human beings who detest normality and rail against it.
This person thinks it’s absolutely vital for him to lead a life of constantly trolling the people whose answer to existence is the one used by the cult of which he is a fanatical member. He never once challenges his degenerate, perverted boss. We can guess why. Is Waffen SS Tyler in LOVE with Morgy Porgy? Aw, so cute! NOT.
So, Magus Draconis has produced some great videos, presented by an AI, and simply asking basic questions of Morgue and Hyperianism, which will for sure NEVER be answered.
“How come Morgue NEVER features EXPERTS on his channel?” This is such an important question. The answer is of course that a cult leader can NEVER be contradicted. If an expert appeared on the deadstream, the expert would disagree with Morgue, and then Morgue would have to argue back. And that’s not a good look for a cult leader. A cult leader rules via AUTHORITY. They cannot afford to lose their authority. That would end the cult.
Back in July, we destroyed Rebhahn’s authority for around half of his cult, but the other half, who never liked us to begin with, became even more convinced of Rebhahn’s authority. The people who stayed with Rebhahn were all transgender extremists and they saw their transgender extremism coming under attack from “haters” and “bigots” and “N**is” and so offered their full, mindless, unquestioning devotion to Rebhahn. They support Rebhahn BECAUSE they are transgender extremists, and he is the most egregious transgender extremist and enemy of normality you can find. Hyperianism is an anomic cult for dysfunctional people who struggle with reality and have severe mental health problems, and low IQs. A perfect storm of disasters, leading to a classic Dunning-Kruger cult. Note how the Hyperian trolls NEVER under any circumstances engage with any substantive issues – such as Rebhahn’s fallacies and category errors regarding the PSR and Leibniz’ law and the “Universal Mind”. That’s because they have no clue at all about any of these things. So, all they do is make petty, pointless trolling comments. Waffen SS Tyler is a perfect example. This weirdo actually devotes a large part of his life to thinking up the most freakish comments he can devise, and sits at home masturbating and giggling in his mom’s basement as he gets off on trying to aggravate the people whose ideas were plagiarized by Corey Rebhahn. He thinks this is a meaningful, productive life. Sheez. What a sad fuck that guy is. His life is devoted to attacking intellectuals and trashing intellectualism and precise intellectual arguments. Oh how that excites him. It turns him on. We know why. He was shit at school and got bullied for being the weird non-binary weirdo in the corner. And THIS is his revenge. But, hey, that’s the meaningless life of a Hyperian for you. No attempt to offer anything constructive to the world. No attempt to be intelligent, to engage with the truth. As if Waffen SS Tyler could ever say anything truthful and intelligent!
So, in a recent short video, Rebhahn provided his signature summation of Hyperianism. He delivers this same speech in every deadstream.
Here’s how it goes:
“We are a single universal mind that divided itself into a multiplicity of minds by introducing difference. As eternal minds all of us go through many bodies, many avatars across lifetimes where we learn, grow, and understand. Reality is an eternal cyclical process of a unity dividing itself into a multiplicity and then that multiplicity returning to unity.
“So what is the purpose of life? To have meaningful experiences together and understand what we are. Because the better we understand what we are, the more meaningful experiences we can create with that knowledge Life is about enjoyment and understanding, experiencing, expressing, growth, knowledge and learning.”
This is the fallacious Woke drivel Rebhahn inflicts on the world, all designed to validate his veganism, pacifism, “self-expression”, and his self-declared “non-binary” status, which seems to involve trying to look like a woman but not going too far, while hating all masculine heterosexual men, and normal people in general. This is all supposed to be a “great thing” for the world.
Let’s deconstruct Rebhahn’s nonsense line by line to show how false Hyperianism is.
Rebhahn said,
“We are a single universal mind that divided itself into a multiplicity of minds by introducing difference.”
There is no such thing as a single universal mind. As we have repeatedly pointed out, this fallacy results from Rebhahn’s catastrophic misunderstanding of Leibniz’s law, regarding identical things being the same thing. The identical THINGS are not actually different things. They are the same thing, and always were. It’s impossible to have two different things that have IDENTICAL properties. Leibniz used these arguments to PROVE THAT ALL MONADS MUST BE DIFFERENT. Rebhahn claimed that all monads are, at some point, identical, and thus the same monad, meaning that THERE IS ONLY ONE MONAD … the Universal Monad, shall we say. But of course the very fact that these monads were DIFFERENT at all other points means that they cannot be the same at one point! At one point – zero entropy, to be precise – they enter into FUNCTIONAL UNITY, but certainly not ONTOLOGICAL UNITY. Rebhahn quite simply got Leibniz’s law 100% wrong, but was so beguiled by his staggering error – because it matched perfectly what HE WANTED TO BELIEVE – that he made it the whole basis of Hyperianism. And it’s TOTALLY WRONG! And now you know why no experts are ever allowed to appear beside Rebhahn. Because they – unlike Rebhahn’s cult slaves – are not afraid of Rebhahn, have zero respect for him, do not accept that he has any authority to discuss these subjects, and will openly and fearlessly contradict him. So, no experts will ever be invited on! Rebhahn asks for questions exclusively from his groomed slaves – such as Dyslexic Fairy, PUKES, and Tyler Waffen SS – because he knows they will NEVER question him. And indeed they can’t. Because they know even less than he does!
So, in Rebhahn’s FIRST statement – “We are a single universal mind that divided itself into a multiplicity of minds by introducing difference” – Hyperianism is logically falsified. It involves an instant contradiction of Leibniz’s law and a blatant category error (confusing many things in a functionally identical state with one ontological thing). There is NO single universal mind. There never can be. The Hive Mind – the Multiplicity – is permanent. We are permanently shut off from each other, but at zero entropy we can enter into functional (not ontological) identity with each other.
Since there is no single universal mind then there was never any process of this non-existent mind dividing itself into a multiplicity of minds. Minds cannot be divided under any circumstances. It’s a logical and ontological impossibility. Minds are eternal and necessary. They cannot be rendered temporal and contingent, which they are in Rebhahn’s totally fallacious scheme. By the way, monads and their constituent sinusoids are the ontological basis of the inviolable law of conservation of energy. This means that monads and sinusoids ARE STRICTLY CONSERVED, i.e., it is impossible for their number to change. You can neither create nor destroy monads or their sinusoids. But let’s look closely at what Rebhahn insanely claims.
Imagine a system of just two monads. Each has its own energy signature and its own set of energy sinusoids. As you know, energy can be neither created nor destroyed. So, Rebhahn says that at a certain point (he means zero entropy, but he absolutely never refers to entropy because he has no clue what it means) the two monads are identical and thus the same. He really does say that. Just listen to his videos! He is not referring to two monads in a functionally identical state (i.e., pure basis monads with pure basis sinusoids), he is referring to just one ontological monad, i.e., he says that two monads can become one. What does that even mean? Two monads have two different sets of sinusoids. If two monads somehow became one, what would happen to these different sets of sinusoids? You would have to get rid of an entire set of sinusoids (since a monad by definition only has a single set of sinusoids), thus violating the law of conservation of energy. Also, as Leibniz would point out, which sufficient reason would you have for getting rid of one set of sinusoids rather the other set? So how could any logical decision be taken, and what would be taking the decision – the first monad or the second, and what would be the sufficient reason for privileging one monad over the other? There couldn’t be one, so this is an impossible situation in a reality DEFINED by the PSR.
It’s impossible to work out what Rebhahn is thinking of because he is such a philosophical ignoramus, but we suspect he actually has a mind-bogglingly stupid idea in mind. We believe that although he says that the two monads are identical and thus the same (meaning that there is only one monad), he actually imagines the two monads MERGING, with their attendant sinusoids and creating a “monad” with two sets of sinusoids rather than one. He has thus created a completely new entity, whereas Leibniz’s law is about two apparently different things being truly the same thing. Rebhahn has, it seems, said that two different things are the same thing, but this “same thing” is completely different from the apparently two different things themselves, i.e., we started off with two separate monads, each with its own set of sinusoids, and ended up with a tertium quid – a completely different ontological monad, with two rather than one set of sinusoids. So, two “identical” monads somehow ended up as a totally different monad with a completely different sinusoidal signature.
Rebhahn, we believe, is actually thinking of different monads MERGING to create a completely different type of monad. He has destroyed the haecceity and aseity of monads, their unique signature, their individual subjectivity, and the very definition of a monad, all so that he can ideologically claim that we are all One Mind (a Woke, New Age idea) and not a Hive Mind (an anti-Woke concept). Now, the claim that monads merge to create a whole new type of hybrid monads is not only a total contradiction of Leibniz’s law – which is what Rebhahn says he is relying on to make this argument – but a total violation of everything that Leibniz said about monads. And Leibniz was of course the genius who introduced the world to the theory of monads, in his sublime MONADOLOGY. But hey, Corey Rebhahn, a man who has never studied Leibniz, and dismisses Leibniz, thinks he knows better. And cretins like Tyler Waffen SS says that it’s absolutely fine for Corey Rebhahn to talk insane shit about monads and destroy Leibniz’s theory – well, because Rebhahn wears dresses, just as Tyler Waffen SS does (no doubt), and that makes everything fine. These are people with a ferocious hatred of logic and reason, intellectualism, intellectuals and intellectual integrity. They are the legions of the Dunning-Kruger effect and they are an existential threat to human intellectual progress … because they believe that deranged Woke shit is all that counts, and all theories must be Woke … or banned!
Tyler Waffen SS says it’s fine for men in dresses with no academic qualifications to steal the ideas of intellectuals and turn them into lies and nonsense. Everything is great provided the thief is Woke and promoting Woke causes. Although, funnily enough, we also see these Woke maniacs fanatically supporting Islam and Judaism, which are the opposite of Woke. But, hey, never expect ANYTHING to make sense in Woke World. Just look at Hyperianism! The only thing that matters in Hyperianism is being in love with non-binary men wearing dresses and trying to look like women, but not going TOO far. Oh, and exposing babies and children to drag queens. That’s all absolutely fine – as is totally corrupting the truth. Because, for the Woke, the truth is whatever you want it to be, right guys, and you always want it to be WOKE. Everything is acceptable and indeed wonderful if it’s delivered by a non-binary cross dresser. Truth? – well, who cares about that, right Tyler Waffen SS? I mean, you have zero interest in the Truth, as you prove every day with your insane Woke relativism and subjectivism – all paths and all truths, right?! Yoster Chronos plays exactly the same game, and Dyslexic Fairy, and all the rest of the retards. Because what could these freaks and mutants possibly do with THE TRUTH? The Truth is not their friend. That’s why they love lies and fantasy and scoff at all intellectual arguments regarding the Truth. People who have no need of the Truth always oppose it. Wokeness is the quintessence of the Dunning- Kruger effect. And people such as Tyler Waffen SS – malignancies who detest everyone who is smart – are the frontline footsoldiers of the Dunning-Kruger effect. By the way, nearly all of these people are autistic. Autism is the No. 1 diagnostic criterion for pointless trolling. When we “troll” Hyperians, it’s for the very specific purpose of defending our work and the Truth. When they troll us, it’s for the “shits and giggles” of mindless trolling. Look at Tyler Waffen SS. Trolling is the only thing that gets him hard, well apart from putting on a dress and imagining himself with his non-binary fantasy lover Corey Rebhahn, a man he would never dream of questioning in any way. We all know how this game is played!
So, Rebhahn said that the single universal mind divides itself into a multiplicity of minds by introducing … difference!
Where is the definition of “difference”? Where is it? What is it? What introduces it? Why is it introduced? How is it introduced? What is the technical process? What is the mathematics of this?
Of course, Rebhahn doesn’t know and doesn’t care, and none of his slaves knows or cares either. These Hyperian cultists don’t give a fuck about the Truth. All they want to hear are infantile Woke stories, especially that mention the word “difference” – because that’s a key Woke word, along with “diversity”.
Now, anyone who grasps Derrida’s deconstructionism knows that the Hyperian game is to sanctify the words “difference” and “diversity” and THUS demonize the words “sameness” and “uniformity”. These two words are anti-Woke. Wokeness is about divergence and the divergent. Anti-Wokeness is about convergence and the convergent. The Woke increase entropy. The normal decrease entropy. And bear in mind that the PURPOSE of reality is to reach ZERO ENTROPY. So, these divergent maniacs are the ANTITHESIS, those opposing the fundamental direction of travel of reality. That’s always a BAD idea, and practically suicidal. But, hey, that’s the Woke for you – lemmings jumping off the cliff!
By the way, in real ontological mathematics, “difference” is introduced by the very simple process of combining sine and cosine waves, thus creating hybrid sinusoids: part sine, part cosine, hence asymmetric. Universal asymmetry – triggering the Big Bang – is the very next thing that happens after the domain of Becoming has reached zero entropy. A brand new universe of Becoming is established, which must then mathematically work to reduce its entropy to zero again, i.e., it must oppose difference, diversity and divergence. It must be ANTI-WOKE! Reality is foundationally, metaphysically, mathematically opposed to the Woke, making the Woke the absolute enemies of the Truth. Which is of course why these lunatics support subjectivism and relativism – the entropic destruction of the one, absolute, objective Truth. These people despise the Truth and actively campaign against it. Just look at Tyler Waffen SS, a man, or thing, or whatever, who has never had a true thought in his life, and has never had anything but contempt for the Truth and for smart people. Degenerate vermin like Tyler Waffen SS always oppose the Truth, which is why it takes so long for humanity to evolve. If every Hyperian died tomorrow, the Truth would take a huge leap forward. The cause of evolution would be massively helped. These are the filth who oppose human progress. They hate the idea of a Smart Humanity.
Tomorrow, we will start on the SECOND SENTENCE!!!
Do you see how painstaking we are in demolishing Rebhahn, and how cavalier sick, perverted trolls like Tyler Waffen SS are in attacking the Truth? This disgusting person sums up why this Woke plague must be ended. The cause of the Truth demands it. Rebhahn, a total piece of shit, of course attracts all the surrounding shit … just look at the Hyperians – shit, one and all. Not even one of them respects the Truth. Not even one of them asks Corey Rebhahn a difficult. These mindless slaves know never to challenge Rebhahn. And he relies on that. Everything in Hyperianism is set up to ensure that his authority is never questioned. It’s exactly the same as Abrahamism.
Humanity has never gone through a period in its history when normality itself was condemned and demonized. It took the arrival of the Woke to change all that. And that must presage astonishing conflict when the EMPIRE – normality – finally loses its patience and strikes back. We see the portents everywhere that an almighty backlash against the Woke is coming – and these lunatics just keep on provoking it! They are insane, and they make insane demands, and imagine that will work out well for them. All that will happen is that they will lose all the gains they made, and roll back things to the standards of the 1950s. It’s all their fault.
And never forget, anyone who supports THE TRUTH must oppose Hyperianism, which spreads toxic lies. These are proven lies delivered by a pathological narcissist to Woke suckers to achieve narcissistic supply and a millionaire lifestyle.
Karen said,
“PORGY NEVER ATTENDED SCHOOL. (Not even preschool or kindergarten.) His Christian mother homeschooled him. Did he miss out on stars and unicorn stickers for being a good boy? Does he still wish he had gotten his name on the board for knowing his ABCs? His infantile obsession with stars, superchats and writing donors’ names on a whiteboard seems totally bizarre to normal people. His followers don’t seem to notice. They love it!!! Are they all Peter Pans and Wendy’s? … Wikipedia says ‘Puer aeternus (Latin for ‘eternal boy’; female: puella aeterna; sometimes shortened to puer and puella) in mythology is a child-god who is forever young. In the analytical psychology of Carl Jung, the term is used to describe an older person whose emotional life has remained at an adolescent level, which is also known as ‘Peter Pan syndrome’, a more recent pop-psychology label. In Jung’s conception, the puer typically leads a ‘provisional life’ due to the fear of being caught in a situation from which it might not be possible to escape. They covet independence and freedom, oppose boundaries and limits, and tend to find any restriction intolerable.”
Demolishing the Central Claims of Hyperianism
Porgy Pan’s mama never gave him any stars …. boo hoo
So, these are great points. Hyperianism is indeed a collection of Peter Pans and Wendy’s. The whole scene is infantilized. There is no sign of anyone adult, with adult, realistic, pragmatic views. It’s all Woke fantasy. New Terra is Michael Jackson’s NEVERLAND.
But there’s another angle to all this: Rebhahn’s NLP angle of total manipulation and exploitation. The NLP reason why Rebhahn uses the white board is the “Monkey See Monkey Do” strategy.

When the suckers see some of them having their names put on the board – being picked out as “special” – they feel a massive compulsion to get on that board too – to be special, to be seen, to be praised, to please their God. Dyslexic Fairy’s entire life is devoted to being TOP GOOD GIRL. She is Rebhahn’s No. 1 supporter and is absolutely obsessed with him and winning his praise and attention. She can’t get enough of doing stuff to get her name put on the board or spoken aloud. She has no life outside Hyperianism. No one likes her. She has no lovers. I mean who would want to hang out with a weirdo who sends monetized quotes to a man who posts pedo pictures to get attention?! Is what the Dyslexic One does supposed to be fun? Is it supposed to be advancing the cause of the Truth? What the fuck is it supposed to be other than an autistic ritual by a person incapable of normal human relationships, hence she has to settle for parasocial ones? Hyperianism is an admission of total social failure.

Here’s a challenge for the Dyslexic One, strictly for her personal benefit, you understand. … Don’t contribute ANYTHING to Rebhahn for the next three months (including departing from his Patreon) to test if you are addicted to him or not. If you can manage three months with no contact, we’ll accept that you are not addicted and never mention you again. You can’t say fairer (fairy) than that!
But, of course, we’ll tell you in advance that you could NEVER do this. The withdrawal symptoms would kill you. You are 100% gone, 100% brainwashed and groomed by this man, and there is no way back. You are an absolute cultist, and, we believe, you have even fallen out with your family over this – the classic fate of cultists. They replace their actual family and actual love, with a fake family and fake love – all because they got lovebombed by a pathological narcissist and became addicted to that feeling.
The whole of Rebhahn’s social media – all the bells, whistles, lights, sounds, flashing names, superchats, superstickers, stars, the whiteboard, scrolling continuous notifications listing who has contributed (and thus who hasn’t!) – ALL OF IT – is designed to make the suckers want to compete to win their God’s attention, and this NLP competition is ENTIRELY MONETIZED. That’s the whole point. Kerching. Every deadstream is a bonanza for millionaire Rebhahn (does he pay his taxes? What is his business name?!).
Imagine a Rebhahn deadstream where the people who asked the most intelligent questions – non-monetized – got on the whiteboard. That could NEVER happen! Rebhahn doesn’t give a fuck about good questions. He even admits that he gets loads of questions during the week and ignores them all. On his deadstreams, he only responds to easy questions, and, above all, MONETIZED questions. Rebhahn gets, on average, more for a single monetized question (superchat) than it costs to buy one of our books (which of course no Hyperians would EVER read, even though this is the content that Rebhahn plagiarized … as anyone would discover if they actually read the source books!). What a weird world.
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs