What is Flat Earth theory all about? Psychologically, we mean. Clearly, Flat Earth theory is counter-factual and not supported by … anything. Anything intellectual, that is. But it is absolutely supported by extreme feeling types. Why do extreme feeling types buy into nonsense like this? Well, what Flat Earth theory actually denotes is belief in Creationism and theism. If Earth were actually flat, it would be decisive evidence for the existence of God. So, feeling types – wedded to their devotion to God (towards whom they have oceanic feelings of love and devotion) – buy into flat earth theory because they want and NEED it to be true. And so it is (for them, that is). Their desire for a theory to be true makes it true. That’s how extreme feeling types operate.
In “The Philosophy of Dare” by Dave Sinclair, Professor Jan-Willem van Prooijen, an expert on the psychology of conspiracy theorists, is quoted regarding his theory of why so many people love conspiracy theories:
“Classic psychological explanations focus on negative emotions: when people feel anxious, out of control or uncertain, they become more susceptible to conspiracy narratives. Accordingly, conspiracy beliefs gain traction in societal crisis situations and are more common among groups that experience structural oppression. But new research suggests that it’s not just negative emotions that contribute to the appeal of conspiracy theories. People can also find conspiracy theories entertaining – and the more entertaining people find them, it seems, the more likely they are to believe in them.”
But who are the people who most respond to “entertainment”? Well, it’s guess who – the extreme feeling types (again). Their emotions are massively stimulated by entertainment and so they want more and more of it and they hate the cold, austere, inhuman truth … because it’s not entertainment. Truth fails the pleasure test for feeling types. It doesn’t generate enough feelings for them, so they reject it. Lies are much more ENTERTAINING, much more fun, much more “believable” – because they are so tailored by humans to fit humans. Lies are much more in accord with FEELINGS.
The professor said,
“Conspiracy theories actually have a lot in common with fictional stories such as scary movies or detective novels. Much like these works of fiction, conspiracy theories have a plotline that often includes a brave hero and a group of villains (e.g., Trump fighting a conspiracy of satanic Democrats). There is a classic battle between good and evil, involving harmless victims (such as young children, the archetype of innocence) and perpetrators who lack a conscience and stop at nothing to pursue their twisted goals.”
So, Flat Earth theory creates the narrative of good versus evil: the theist versus the godless atheist who is deliberately lying about the nature of reality to stop people coming to God. (Of course, if the atheists were lying, it would mean that they were not atheists at all: they would KNOW that God existed, contrary to the definition of an atheist!).
And of course Hyperians play this same narrative game. They are the Woke (the good) versus the anti-Woke (the evil), and everything is “justified” by that fact. They are heroes engaged in a great struggle against monsters (us!) – think of the animals, think of the neurodivergent, think of the exotic minorities – and Corey Rebhahn, the Woke messiah must be defended to the hilt, no matter what. We are routinely trolled for attacking “innocent” people. Who the fuck is innocent? The people we target are the top supporters of Hyperianism, without whom Rebhahn’s scam could not function. We regard the members of the cult as totally, sick, diseased individuals. We do not regard them as harmless victims. We hold all of these people morally unaccountable.
In “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”, we absolutely trashed the mods of Hyperianism. Why wouldn’t we? We regarded them as every bit as bad as Rebhahn. But credit where credit’s due. Several of the mods rediscovered their morality and got out. And we really admire that – to actually get back to being moral. That takes real character. This is exactly why we hold all those still in the cult personally accountable. They too had the chance to be moral, and they rejected it. And waged war against the truth-tellers! These Hyperians are total scum. They REFUSE to be moral. And by moral we mean “on the side of the truth”. Hyperians campaign against the truth and support an out-and-out liar, plagiarist, grifter and conman Corey Rebhahn. There is no pardon for that. “Hell” is where these people are going, and deserve to go. No ifs and no buts.
The professor said,
“These [intense] emotions can distract from boredom and make people feel more alive.”
Hyperianism distracts Hyperians from boredom and makes them feel more alive. The fact that it is total crap and totally false is neither here nor there for Hyperians. They are addicted to that feeling of being “more alive”. Without Hyperianism, they return to being the invisible women they are, and they can’t bear that feeling, so they stay in the cult, and will never leave. And all cult leaders know this. Their cult slaves are a self-selecting audience. Rebhahn knows that if you come to Hyperianism and stay a few months then he has you. He knows you have succumbed totally to his spell. He knows he is serving a vital psychological need for you. And he knows that your support for him is total. You will never leave. You have already proved it by remaining in his freakshow. And now he knows he can manipulate you and exploit you as much as he likes. And he knows you are PERFECT sources of narcissistic supply. And he KNOWS you will give him all the money you can. And this is how all these cult leaders and conmen operate. They are experts in the most basic psychology: if you have stayed rather than left, then you have psychologically chosen to worship him.
We were amazed once to discover that emails from “Nigerian princes” promising people millions of dollars if they helped a prince removed his blocked money from Nigeria (they needed to send money to the prince to “unlock” the money … and then they would get their massive reward!) were DELIBERATELY full of spelling mistakes. Because those that ignored all the warning signs that this was a scam were a self-selecting audience of totally credulous suckers. The spelling mistakes were in there to ensure that only the most likely victims – the dumbest fucks – would respond. Genius, really. And Hyperianism is in the same game. Corey Rebhahn is like a beacon continually flashing, and if you come to see the flashing light and then hang around for any length of time, you are his. He’s got you. You have swallowed his garbage hook, line and sinker. And now that you’re in, you can’t get out. It’s Hotel California! That’s the nature of any cult. They suck you in, but you in fact came willingly. Because you came to have a psychological hole filled. And they filled it. Look at Hyperianism. A whole bunch of freaks have been given a “home” – one they have never had before. They are that part of the LGBTQ community that cannot live in harmony with the majority. No one gives a shit whether people are LGBTQ or not. What they do give a shit about is being forced by the Woke to kneel to LGBTQ people. That’s NEVER going to happen. Get real. Live in the real world for a change.
And these losers and failures are so overjoyed by the fact that someone has rolled out the red carpet for them that they will forgive Rebhahn ANYTHING. And they ignore the fact that Rebhahn welcomes them purely because they are ideal sources of narcissistic supply and loads of money.
It’s staggeringly psychologically powerful to be seen to accept the LEPERS, especially when the leader is an apex leper. Hyperianism is a LEPER COLONY, a Lazar House. Once the freaks and weirdos have assembled there, they are never leaving. This is this is their home, their community, their FAMILY. This is their perfect community where they are never rejected. This is their HYPERFAM. How do you expel the freaks from their freak paradise – NEW TERRA? Well, you can’t of course. These people are there for the duration. They are totally emotionally bonded to Rebhahn and the “community”, their substitute family. All of these people have been rejected by their actual families, and so were in need of a replacement. And Rebhahn – the freak and weirdo to beat them all – gave them what they always wanted. And now they will never leave him. They are CODEPENDENTS. This is a totally toxic scene of desperate people. It will never implode. The outside world will have to destroy it, and it will. That’s always the fate of sick cults. They always provoke the normal world, and then the normal world deals with them. It’s the cult leader himself – drunk on his own narcissism – who always falls into insanity and criminality.
The professor said,
“[Conspiracy theories elicit] the sense that one is discovering something unique and truly important.”
This is the game that Rebhahn played – by STEALING OUR WORK. That’s why he was so determined to present himself to us as the most loyal and devoted of ILLUMINISTS. Oh, by the way, we have discovered our very first contact with this creature, 18 months earlier than we previously thought (via a different email account, one that we have stopped using … it’s for archive purposes only now), and you will be amazed by what you read, by how ravenous Rebhahn was to ingratiate himself with us, and we basically ignored him at that stage. But that’s for another day! In retrospect, he was planning this cuckoo-in-the-nest strategy of his for a very long time. He let the cat out of the bag on 25 November, 2017, when he said:
“While filming the tv show ‘freakshow’ I anticipated a project something along the lines of what we are doing, so I made sure to get some symbols in there. Here is a screen shot of myself wearing a New World Order jacket, in one of the episodes. This could also be linked to Madonna, and her song ‘Illuminati’ can be referenced. The lyrics are actually pretty damn good. I’m attaching all the relevant media.”
This was all PLANNED – to get in touch with us, work with us for a time, and then pretend that there was no us, and that it was him all along … and that’s exactly the scheme, the scam, Rebhahn then embarked upon. And that’s precisely what you see today. Hyperianism is now the INVERSION OF ILLUMINISM.
The professor wrote,
“Why might the entertaining qualities of conspiracy theories promote belief in them? Part of the answer lies in a quality that psychologists refer to as fluency. Information that is interesting and attention-grabbing is easier to mentally process than information that is boring … Greater ease of processing, or fluency, has been found to promote truth judgments. … when false information is easy to process, people more readily infer that the information is correct.”
Truth is really hard while lies and stories are really easy, so they have much more “fluency”, and emotional types respond much more powerfully to them. Feeling types are hardwired to reject the truth – because it doesn’t deliver emotionally for them. Feeling types are enormously ENTROPIC. All extreme individualists committed to unlimited and unconditional self-expression are entropic (right-wing, opposed to the left-wing collective, which demands SELF-CONTROL and consideration for others!).
The professor wrote,
“Additionally, the intense emotions triggered by conspiracy theories might suppress people’s capacity to think rationally about them. Emotions are part of a system within the human mind that produces snap judgments, while slower, more analytic thought is required for skepticism about conspiracy theories.”
So, the Hyperians experience INTENSE EMOTIONS in Hyperianism and these intense emotions totally suppress any capacity they might have had to think rationally about what is happening here.
Let’s tell you the unvarnished truth once again. WE are the people who gave the world the worldview of mathematical rationalism and idealism. WE are the people who gave the world ontological mathematics. These are incontestable facts.
Corey Rebhahn came to US to get onboard with this. Then, as a malignant narcissist and psychopath, he turned rank traitor and betrayed everything Illuminism stood for. He now says insane things about the nature of reality. He requires reality to be WOKE and to support non-binary people, vegans, pacifists, and all things Woke. He is now a Flat Earther in relation to Illuminism. We, the developers of ALL of these ideas have painstakingly proved that everything Rebhahn says is based on total fallacies arising from his complete failure to understand the material he plagiarized.
So, we are the extremely highly qualified people who gave the world these ideas. We published 200 books on them, yet we see people saying that we are keeping them “secret” and Rebhahn is “revealing” them! (stealing them, you’ll find!). What part of publishing this material in hundreds of books constitutes withholding it? It’s not our fault that you can’t fucking read!
Corey Rebhahn is a man with no education and no qualification who plagiarized our ideas and then got them all wrong because he simply wasn’t qualified to understand them. He lacked the basic intelligence. He’s WAY out of his sword-swallowing league.
Any rational and logical person would accept these facts and get out of Hyperianism. But Flat Earthers don’t give in, and nor do Hyperians, and that’s why they are functionally equivalent. They are driven purely by their emotions and totally discard reason and logic. We have literally disproved all of Rebhahn’s deranged claims regarding the PSR and the “One Mind“, and so Hyperianism is provably a 100% false system making false claims about reality, just like, you know ABRAHAMISM! But the Hyperian cult slaves go along with it anyway, exactly the same as Flat Earthers. There is no argument that can persuade a Flat Earther and there’s no argument that can persuade Hyperians. You cannot persuade emotional types, except with stronger emotions. You can never rationally and logically engage with them. They are totally immune to rationalism. They resist it totally, exactly as we see with Hyperians. There is not one person in Hyperianism with anything other than a retardation IQ. But they have intense emotions, for sure!
The professor said,
“The combination of fluency and suppression of rationality could promote the belief that there is truth in an entertaining conspiracy theory.”
Hyperians totally suppress rationality and have enormously intensified emotions and that combination makes them believe Rebhahn, the conman, always on the lookout for easy marks.
The professor said,
“… we examined the role of a personality trait called sensation-seeking, which refers to someone’s desire for novel and exciting experiences. As such, the more sensation-seeking people are, the more appealing they should find entertaining stories such as conspiracy theories.”
The Hyperians are feelings-seeking. They have a need for the sensation of intense emotions and intense bonding, a need for LOVE. Rebhahn fakes giving them love while we tell them we hate them … since they are implacably opposed to TRUTH. Well, they’re certainly not going to agree with us, are they?!
The professor said,
“It appears that conspiracy theories can provide some of the excitement that sensation-seekers desire.”
Hyperians such as Dyslexic Fairy – ignored by the world – get all their jollies, and they are so rare, by being Hyperian. This strangest of all women actually feels important because she has enough money to pay a man she has never met to say (lie) that he likes her. Fuck, I’d kill myself on the spot if that was me! Seriously. How can people ENDURE such palpable fakeness?- monetized praise! How can they be so opposed to REALITY?
Why, unannounced, doesn’t Dyslexic Fairy ignore Hyperianism for three months? No one will even mention her. Especially, ESPECIALLY, not Rebhahn. But this lunatic fairy will never do that. Because the TRUTH would kill her. That’s why people avoid the truth. It’s the ultimate serial killer.
The professor said,
“The evidence that entertainment is a factor in conspiracy-theory belief has a number of implications. First, the spectacular plotlines of conspiracy theories likely contribute to their appeal and reduce people’s ability to distinguish fact from fiction.”
Hyperians can’t distinguish fact from fiction. They lack any capacity to think critically. They literally cannot think critically regarding Rebhahn even when he is literally proved 100% wrong by the very people whose system he plagiarized. We are the absolute authority regarding these matters. There is no other judge.
The professor said,
“It is also important for parents, teachers and the media to promote the recognition that the most entertaining stories people encounter frequently do not correspond to reality; often, the truth can be quite boring.”
Only thinking types are fascinated by the TRUTH. They love the fact that it is so cold, so indifferent to humans! So unemotional! What a sublime thing. Uncontaminated by human garbage.
EvolveYourself said,
“During Morgue’s Livestream yesterday, March 13, he proclaimed that it was hot in L.A. and he had to turn the air conditioner on. I live near L.A. and it’s been cold and rainy here. Even crazier, at almost the exact same time that Morgue was putting his air conditioner on, I was putting my space heater on. So, either Morgue is sick or he’s ‘on’ something … And even if it were hot out, which it wasn’t, Morgue is putting air conditioning on in March when his followers probably can’t afford air conditioner on the hottest days in July and August.”
Yes, that struck us as incredibly odd too. Is Rebhahn having “hot flashes”? Maybe it’s the shame of all his lies that is heating him up so much. He gets redder and redder all the time. And he has to use all of those special dental treatments on his transparent teeth (tee hee)! What an unlife! Well, as Professor Sam Vaknin points out, stories of vampires are really stories of malignant narcissists, sucking their victims dry.
Surviving Hyperianism asked the very pertinent Question 17: “Why did Morgue ABANDON the cause of being the Pythagorean Illuminati’s herald?”
IraniIslami answered
“Because Wokeness.”
So, we believe that the person most responsible for today’s Hyperianism is Breeder Susan Bitchell. She exercises TOTAL psychological control over Rebhahn because the biggest hole in Rebhahn’s life is of course his estranged mother. He has been looking all his life for a proxy mother, and Breeder Bitchell is it. She UNCONDITIONALLY supports him, whereas his real mother was as repulsed by him as we are.
Left-handed (sinister!) Breeder Bitchell is the Wokest person on earth. SHE made Rebhahn adopt Wokeness. Rebhahn isn’t Woke at all. Rebhahn loathes Wokeness. The Terrors of Men content – spectacularly unWoke and actually full-on psychopathic – is the REAL Corey Rebhahn. But Rebhahn couldn’t get enough narcissistic supply and money from his Edgelord persona, so knew he had to abandon it. When he first became Hyperian, we wrote all of his video scripts for him, so he was by default an Illuminist then. But Breeder Bitchell always absolutely detested Mike Hockney and Illuminism, and she was determined to remove Rebhahn from Illuminism. That’s what Thomas Foster’s open letter to Hyperianism revealed to us with total clarity – a relentless campaign to remove Mike Hockney from being mentioned by Hyperianism (Mike Hockney is the No.1 Hyperian bogeyman … or maybe David Sinclair has taken over now!), and so we immediately ended contact with Rebhahn, expecting him to fuck off, as any sane person would. He didn’t. He’s not sane.
What Rebhahn had discovered, as Sam Vaknin points out many times, is that Wokeness is extremely lucrative and a fantastic source of fanatical narcissistic supply. And that’s why Rebhahn fakes being Woke. Bitchell really is Woke – and totally mentally ill – while Rebhahn isn’t Woke at all, and also totally mentally ill.
Traitors Never Prosper
They are the lowest creatures of all, which is why they are in the Ninth Circle of Dante’s hell. No decent person could BEAR being a traitor to their sacred cause. But that never occurs to scum and filth like Bitchell and Rebhahn … childless MOMMY, and the lost boy whose MOMMY detested him. (Actually, we believe that Rebhahn had an incredibly loving mom, but she was a fundamentalist Christian and wanted him to be a PERFECT Christian and so she completely rejected one of the central doctrines of Nature: BOYS WILL BE BOYS! And thus he ceased to be a boy and became the weirdo and freak we see today, saddled with a desire to be PERFECT and unable to accept that he’s A FUCKING JOKE. Mate, you’re not even in the game. You never were. Your life was over before you even got to five years old. Then your FALSE SELF lived your false life for you! You are the fakest person on earth. Everything about you is fake and disgusting. You are an “uncanny valley” person – looks human but definitely isn’t).
So, Hyperians are now Flat Earthers. They believe provably false garbage – and believe it fanatically – because it serves their emotional needs. These people reject actual truth and swear by “emotional” truth, which is to say total self-delusion and believing what you WANT to believe, regardless of obvious reality. You can’t reason with such people. And anyone who gets into any kind of debate with the top Hyperian trolls soon enough realizes that there’s no one rational at home. There are zero substantive arguments. There’s just constant snarky comments and petty, mud-stirring nonsense. None of the actual issues is ever addressed. Can you imagine these halfwits trying to respond, for example, to arguments concerning the PSR and Leibniz’s law? Ho, ho, ho. But they never shut up about “rudeness”, “insults, “picking on people”, and all the rest of their Woke infantile emotional crap. Whine to someone who cares. We don’t. We’re thinking types! If you haven’t got reason and logic on your side, and you obviously don’t, then why don’t you just fuck off and live in your “universal one mind” of total emotional mush?!
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs