Einstein said,
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
Hyperians are deviants and perverts. Their leader says,
“Freak, Monster, Witch, Murderer. My name is Morgue … I REJECT the anesthetic of MORALITY and religion. My blood will set me free. ‘Will’ is the knife that removes weakness and all that obstructs the path to vitality. Sacrifice the sheep and become God.”
These Hyperians are dangerous vermin. They are rats bringing plague to the world. A people is finished when, as Einstein said, it takes no action against the evil in its midst.
What’s for sure is that people like Sean (from the TV clip) – good, decent, solid people – are not going to endure Woke totalitarianism. Hyperian nutjobs call us N**is. They are the true N**is, contacting the FBI Gestapo to silence their legitimate critics, and trying to subject the whole world to a fascist dictatorship of Woke dogmatism where anyone who opposes Wokeness is terminated one way or another.
Illuminism is all about the Truth. Illuminism is for those people – a very small number of humans – who really want to know want to know what existence is. Wokeness has no connection to the truth at all. It’s about lying about humanity in order to create a false reality revolving around incredibly vocal, provocative, in-your-face minorities (in a manner that would be regarded as HORRIFIC if any majority behaved like that). And
the most pernicious liar is Corey Rebhahn who is actually trying to claim that Wokeness is built into reality (!!!! – via all his ONE MIND garbage), and that humanity will end up as a non-binary species and this is the highest expression of human existence. As if!
Not a single Hyperian will accept that Rebhahn is wrong, that all of his claims about the “Oneness” are provably false – because they are ideologically, dogmatically committed to this Woke position, in the exact manner of Abrahamists regarding monotheism.
Rebhahn actually had the impudence to cite Leibniz, and then use Leibniz’s law in the exact opposite way from how Leibniz used it – just as he stole our work and then inverted it to make it “Woke”.
And this man is entirely unaccountable because he never interacts with reality. The only people he has to satisfy are his cult slaves … and they are his worshipers who would never question him under ANY circumstances. Question – can anyone point to ANY occasion when ANY Hyperian asked Rebhahn a challenging question? No one EVER challenges Rebhahn. And he knows he can say or do anything he likes and suffer no consequences in relation to his cultists. The chances of Dyslexic Fairy – arguably the biggest, most brainwashed slave in Hyperianism – asking Rebhahn anything challenging, anything that does not involve slavish, mindless devotion to Rebhahn, her GOD, are exactly zero. She could not bear to offend him, pressure him, be anything other than 100% dedicated to him. That’s why she’s a 100% cultist. Only people in cults will not challenge a person who has made ASTONISHING errors. Never forget, Ont Math is OURS so we are the most qualified people on earth to spot fallacies regarding our work. Why would any rational and logical person believe Rebhahn – an uneducated sword swallower with no qualifications who would never have heard of Ont Math if he had not encountered OUR work? Well, no rational and logical person would, but irrational, hyper-emotional cult fanatics certainly would. And do … just look at Dyslexic Fairy. She doesn’t understand ANY of the arguments regarding Leibniz’s law, and she has no clue what a monad is and she has no clue what the difference is between Being and Becoming, or between an eternal and necessary environment of Universals (zero entropy) and a temporal and contingent environment of Particulars (non-zero entropy). What she DOES understand is that there are no circumstances in which she would doubt her God Corey Rebhahn and ask him any questions. Because this is a classic Dunning-Kruger individual with utter contempt for intelligent people and education, and who has zero interest in Ont Math, even though that is what Rebhahn’s whole shtick actually relies on. Not one Hyperian cares about Ont Math. 100% of Hyperians care about Corey Rebhahn, the cult god, whom they will do ANYTHING to protect, even relentlessly attacking Ont Math! You couldn’t make it up. Tyler Waffen SS cretinously attacks Ont Math – he has no idea at all of what it is! – yet would never say to Corey Rebhahn, “Why are you referring to Ont Math? … it’s total shit!” This SS guy is a classic Hyperian troll. He is a 100% whimpering, slavish dog in the presence of his master Corey Rebhahn – not a hint of trolling! – and then a rabid attack dog, totally devoted to trolling, when he’s in any other context. Exactly like the SS in relation to Hitler. Hey, Tyler Waffen SS, is your poster of Rebhahn next to your poster of Hitler? Which do you love more? – the Aryan Fuehrer or the Aryan Woke Fuehrer? That was bold of you to name yourself after the SS! (“Heil Rebhahn!”)
Being a cult Fuehrer is very lucrative. Do you know how much money Corey Rebhahn has made from superchats ALONE?
It’s a staggering $161,903!
So, now you know why Rebhahn spends so much time on every deadstream going on about keeping a “roof over his head”. But, hey, avocado toast is expensive! Come on, now! And those
golden wings (not chicken wings!) don’t come cheap. Rebhahn’s superchat income per annum – some $30,000 – is more than many working-class people earn in their full-time jobs.
Rebhahn just needs to ask for money and people send it! Rebhahn’s twin flame Andrew Tate said,
“A business is other people’s money. That’s all a business is! A business is getting other people to send you their money.”
And that’s exactly what Rebhahn does.
He also gets loads of stars sent to him on Facebook.
He gets loads of ad revenue from YouTube.
He’s got his books and merch to flog.
And he has his Patreon of course, delivering, if we accept the numbers at face value, $8000 per month – that’s $96,000 a year – for talking shit about Ont Math that he plagiarized and is getting ALL WRONG!
So, we have a duty to stop this psycho thief corrupting OUR work and we won’t rest until this degenerate pervert can no longer lie about our work and us. Next time, the FBI will be coming for HIM.
This is a man who refers to himself as “Freak, Monster, Witch, MURDERER.” He certainly tried to murder us and Ont Math. But we’re still here, you sick cunt!
By the way, all you Hyperians, here’s a message from your God, Morgue Official:
‘Trust Me, I’m Lying’ is a great book. It has been a long time since I’ve read it but it describes tactics for getting information to the public through various manipulative means. For example, he will fabricate a story and then get it picked up by small blogs that don’t do fact checking, he will then get popular blogs to pick his story up since it now has ‘credibility’ by other blogs having featured it. He also did a campaign for a movie, he bought a bunch of billboards, and then at night he spray painted them himself with messages from conservative protesters saying the movie was profane etc. there are some really fantastic techniques in there. Basically he describes how easy it is for you to make things up and get blogs to pick it up, because they are constantly needing new material, and if you ‘write it out’ for them, they will often feature it because you’ve already done a lot of the work for them. As I said it has been awhile, but it is a good one.”
We presume all you Hyperians have a copy of the book. Because you all trust a total liar, and the more he lies to you, the more you trust him!