Lizzo is a Woke nutjob, just like Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial). Like Rebhahn, Lizzo postures as both a victim and hero (the two roles beloved by pathological narcissists for securing narcissistic supply). Like Rebhahn, Lizzo is a total hypocrite and monster, an entirely different person behind the scenes.
Lizzo is “body positive” towards herself, but not towards others! A BBC News report by Alys Davies & Thomas Mackintosh says,
“Lizzo accused of sexual harassment and fat-shaming. … Pop star Lizzo is being sued by three of her former dancers over claims including sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. The legal action includes accusations of sexual, religious and racial harassment, discrimination, assault and false imprisonment. Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams and Noelle Rodriguez are the former dancers bringing the case. … The singer has not yet responded publicly to the allegations made in the case, which remain to be tested in court. … The legal action, filed in Los Angeles on Tuesday, includes allegations the dancers were ‘forced to endure sexually denigrating behaviour’ and were ‘pressured into participating in disturbing sex shows’ between 2021 and 2023. Among the claims against Lizzo – whose real name is Melissa Viviane Jefferson – are that she ‘pressured Ms Davis to touch the breasts’ of a performer in a nightclub in Amsterdam, and Ms Davis – after resisting – eventually acquiesced ‘fearing it may harm her future on the team’ if she didn’t do so. Lizzo – who is known for celebrating her body and self-love – is also accused, along with dance choreographer Tanisha Scott, of weight-shaming Ms Davis on tour.”
None of this surprises us. It’s just another day with malignant narcissists and psychopaths, as they pretend to be one thing while being the total opposite.
These people all suffer from “grandiosity”. Professor Sam Vaknin said, “Grandiosity is a way to falsify reality, to cause you to believe that you are PERFECT, brilliant, all-powerful, all-knowing, godlike.”
You can spot a pathological narc a mile off – because they always say they are “perfectionists”. Of course, they don’t mean that in the sense of trying to deliver perfect content (their content is always shoddy and shit but extraordinarily manipulative and exploitative). They mean it in the sense that THEY ARE PERFECT, they are GOD.
Vaknin said,
“When you take from people, when you use people, when people are at your beck and call, when they are helpless before you, when they are submissive, when they collude and collaborate in your acts of exploitation, this means that you have been chosen. This means that you are omnipotent. This means you are omniscient.”
Isn’t that the perfect description of the Neogenian cult slaves – the weird witches and gay men who flit around non-binary Rebhahn, the “uncanny valley” freak posing as the Savior of all the exotics and outsiders?
So, the whole scene surrounding pathological narcissism has two essential components: the pathological narc himself and then the suckers who worship him. The narc believes he is God BECAUSE his submissive cult slaves TELL HIM HE’S GOD. In reality, the narc seeks out people who will worship him. He’s looking for exactly these people, those who will tell him he’s wonderful and amazing and world-historic, and all that jazz. He broadcasts his shared fantasy – always about a special group of people, with him as the leader, changing the world for the better – and the suckers come and adore him for telling them what they want to hear and believe, and conferring on them the status of Special Ones, as long as they agree that he is the Chosen One, the Savior, the Messiah. You can see that this is Rebhahn’s exact game.
The cult leader’s audience is self-selecting. Only a certain type of person – a total freak and weirdo – is going to get sucked into his freaky, weird shared fantasy.
Check out Vaknin’s video:
“Taker, User Narcissist Feels Loved, Vindicated”
Vaknin said,
“Both narcissists and psychopaths are users and takers. Akin to their mothers, to the environment they grew up in, their giving is minimal and conditional. When emotional exchange is excluded, only material ones survive: services, functions, goods. Taking = love = justice = grandiosity (being chosen, omnipotent, and omniscient). Extraction mindset: not ‘I am attracted to her because of who she is’ but ‘I can get sex from her’; not ‘We love each other’, but ‘I can leverage her love to secure my goals’; not ‘We can be friends’ but ‘He can introduce me to the right kind of people’. Taking and using, creating power asymmetry, restores control, and assuage anxieties. Cathexis: When you are of any use to them, they are charming, into you, solicitous, and helpful. The narcissist idealizes you. Decathexis: When you have nothing left to offer, they become cold, contemptuous, dismissive, and impatient. The narcissist devalues you. Both types use a shared fantasy to mind control. But the narcissist is delusional (believes that the fantasy is real and coerces you to accept its reality) while the psychopath is merely being scheming and manipulative. The narcissist’s shared fantasy can revolve around giving. He harvests narcissistic supply by giving or making himself available, accessible, and prey.”
Narcs believe their own bullshit. You can see that with Rebhahn. This clown with no education and no qualifications – who simply stole our work – believes he is an incredibly special person. He believes he’s the boy-hero from his favorite movie, “The NeverEnding Story”, which he believes is all about him! Pathetic fuckwit.
Why do suckers so easily fall prey to narcs and psychos? Vaknin said,
“When you are of any use to the narcissist or psychopath, even as a partner in a shared fantasy, when you are of any use whatsoever, they can become charming. They’re into you. They’re solicitous, attentive, affectionate, compassionate, helpful, too good to be true.”
And this is the remarkable thing about these maniacs. Normal people are cagey about being over-the-top with others, even when they really like them. Pathological narcs, by contrast, are immediately over-the-top with ANYONE they deem a potential source of narc supply. And of course that means that suckers are likely to be their No.1 targets.
Ugly, untalented, boring, weird people NEVER have anyone being over-the-top about them, and never expect that to happen. So, when they encounter a narc who tells them straight away that they are ultra-special, they succumb IMMEDIATELY and TOTALLY. Look at the pathetic Neogenian cult slaves Dyslexic Ogre and Kassidy. No normal person would ever tell these nobodies that they like them. But Rebhahn – in exchange for all their narc supply and money – will tell them they are wondrous, hyperaware World Shapers changing the world. Of course, Rebhahn knows, just like everyone else, that these two people are laughable morons. But unlike the others, he is willing to lie constantly and absolutely to these suckers … to manipulate and exploit them until he has used them up entirely … and then they will automatically be devalued and discarded … and never mentioned again.
Just think of the hundreds and even thousands of people who have of been of incredible use to Rebhahn at one time, giving him many thousands of dollars, or years of their time for free, and are simply never mentioned now – as if they never existed and never gave Rebhahn a single thing.
Narcs never acknowledge debts to others – because gods don’t owe anyone anything. These people think that you OUGHT to pay them just to be in their orbit, to be in their presence. They are world-historic and you are mere bums without them. So they believe.
While the narc is getting exactly what he wants from you, he then idealizes you … as a reflection of himself, of course. Vaknin said,
“The narcissist idealizes you and comes to believe his own alleged emotions towards you. He mislabels internal process which have nothing to do with love as love!”
So, the narc can even delude himself that he’s in love, when he NEVER can be. He mistakes his love of narc supply as being love of the person supplying him!
Isn’t it remarkable that Rebhahn NEVER has a live meet-up, although he says now and again how much he wants one. Well, why doesn’t it happen? What’s the obstacle? It’s because it would DESTROY the fantasy. Can you imagine Rebhahn in the flesh trying to pretend to be interested in Dyslexic Ogre and Kassidy? Even he – a liar and manipulator to the very core – knows he couldn’t pull it off. Even a fantasy can only stretch so far before breaking. No person of any worth could BEAR to be in the company of the likes of Dyslexic Ogre and Kassidy, but Rebhahn doesn’t care whom he associates with – he’s happy with whomever gives him narc supply. 100% are eligible!
Vaknin said,
“The narcissist develops a kind of attachment which compensates for the original insecure attachment [to MOTHER]. Taking, exploiting, abusing people – these all fulfil a role in the narcissist’s attachment styles. Insecure attachment styles lead to anxiety and the anxiety can be ameliorated only via extreme control.”
This is why cults form, and they are ALWAYS about the extreme control the cult leader exerts over the cult slaves. As we see with the Neogenian cult, the degree of control that Rebhahn wields over his cult slaves is utterly remarkable. These people have become totally immoral because of Rebhahn’s influence over them. They don’t care at all about all of Rebhahn’s crimes. They believe they are all 100% justified.
Vaknin said,
“The narcissist is all over you and you find him irresistible for reasons [concerning] the shared fantasy. So the phase of cathexis causes the narcissist to believe in his own fantasy, causes YOU to believe in the narcissist’s fantasy, causes you to believe in your own idealized image – you see yourself through the narcissist’s gaze … that’s the hall of mirrors effect – and causes both of you to collaborate in a danse macabre, an elaborate tango where YOU GIVE AND HE TAKES … and you give more and he takes more, and you give even further and he takes even further.”
And that’s Rebhahn’s Neogenian cult right there!
Vaknin said,
“The exploitation becomes habituated … and even the ethos of the relationship. The axis of exploitation, the asymmetry of giving and taking and consequently of power and control become enshrined in the cult-like percepts and ideology of the couple. That’s the way it should be. It’s the right thing to do. I should be giving, he should be taking. He’s far superior to me. Or I’m afraid to lose him because I’m a people pleaser and codependent. As the narcissist pushed your buttons and leverages your vulnerabilities to induct you into a fantasy WHERE HE IS RECIPIENT BY RIGHT. He has a RIGHT to receive. … because … he’s GOD! God receives our prayers. God receives sacrifices. God is ALWAYS the recipient.”
This, once again, perfectly describes the degenerate Neogenian cult. The whole thing taps into the Abrahamic psyche. All that the Neogenian cult slaves are required to do is swap Jesus Christ for … COREY REBHAHN and they can live as the continuation of Abrahamists by other means, wholly devoted to the same sick master-slave ideology. This is why cults are so powerful. They tune into deep psychological forces present within all the world’s mainstream religions, and then they simply adjust the narrative to fit whatever idea they are selling, communicated via the cult leader, the new Jehovah, Allah, Christ, Buddha … whatever. Just look at how ruthlessly and relentlessly Rebhahn plays this game. He’s Woke Jesus, Queer Lucifer, the Rainbow Buddha, the Non-Binary Ascended Master, the Gay Guru – anything to appeal to weird Woke New Age, “intuitive” women and gay men.
Vaknin said,
“He definitely takes all the time and we have to [delude] ourselves that he gives. Because he is so vastly superior, so amazingly endowed, such a genius, he deserves, he is entitled. And you buy into this, into this personal mythology. And this is the cathexis stage. The psychopath does the same. The only difference is that he doesn’t believe in the fantasy.”
It’s amazing to watch a cult leader doing his thing. It’s always so stereotypical. And it’s always unbelievable that people fall for it! Once you get a feel for it, it’s painfully obvious what they’re up to.
Vaknin said,
“And then when you have nothing left to offer, when you are impoverished and denuded of any asset that you have ever had, you introduced the narcissist to everyone, you gave him all your money … when you have nothing left to give, they become cold. They become detached, contemptuous, dismissive and impatient. Why? Because then you start to take. When you have nothing left to give, any hint of attention that you receive is a burden.”
Recall what Rebhahn said as the Terror of Men:
“I had an acquaintance who will remain nameless. She was unhappy with her life, and would cry to me night after night. Yet she did nothing to improve her situation. She had time and opportunity to change her life, she was simply lazy. It became apparent that this person had no intention of improving her situation and was simply seeking my pity, to stir emotion. I saw the negative effects it had in my life and I severed ties with her. I will help the willing and persistent but I have no tolerance for the weak.”
You see! She had given Rebhahn everything, and now wanted something back – so Rebhahn immediately dumped her. This was probably the person referred to by Rebhahn here:
“4/20 – Hitler’s Birthday – National pot smoking day – Columbine Massacre – My ex’s birthday. That should have been a red flag! Any plans for the day? … Going out to purchase a brand spanking new Surgeon’s Coat at the mall. I hate going there because that is where my evil ex works there and I am always having to watch my back. What are you doing this weekend hmmm? Ahaaa I just received my white eye liner and black lipstick, theatrical make up. I bet my daddy is so proud. I think it is about time I take some new photographs.”
A narc DETESTS being reminded of anyone they have devalued and discarded. They try not to think of them at all. They don’t want to contemplate BAD OBJECTS.
Vaknin said,
“Now they have nothing to take from you, but they still have to give you. And they don’t like this. They resent this and the narcissist devalues you. You become a taker and a user and an exploiter in the narcissist’s mind. They have no memory. Narcissists and psychopaths are discontinuous. They are dissociative. They have no memory. You have no credit with narcissists and psychopaths for your past performance.”
That’s for sure. A narc only cares about their DRUG – narc supply … and everyone else can fuck off and die.
Vaknin said,
“Narcissists and psychopaths reside in the present. They inhabit the present. That’s why narcissists and psychopaths act crazily and dangerously – because they don’t anticipate the consequences of their misconduct, bad choices, wrong decisions.”
Well, that certainly explains Rebhahn’s insane behavior.
Check out this video by Clarice:
“The 10 things a Narcissist Can Never Give You”
“Narcissists take more than they will ever give you. Sure, there are good times with Narcissists but the bad outweighs the good. And eventually, we realise Narcissists are only kind when they want something in return. Some Narcissists use trinkets like money and gifts to lure people into their web of lies and deceit or to manipulate them into doing or giving them something. The good stuff Narcissists give people usually has some sort of monetary value attached to it. But the things that matter the most in this life is what they lack.”
Narcs are even worse than psychopaths, and the very worst person of all is the psychopath narc – a Corey Rebhahn!
So, David G. McAfee has finally produced a third article on Rebhahn and Hyperianism (Neogenianism). Here is the Facebook link:
Rob Kennedy said,
“People who do ‘swatting’ should be charged with attempted murder, as that is basically the goal.”
They certainly should! Rebhahn should get a life sentence.
The McAfee article is on Substack.
Everyone should post the link to as many different places as possible. We need to get this story out there on a big scale.
Rebhahn will eventually be brought to justice, but it’s a very slow process. Nevertheless, his total mortification is inevitable. McAfee isn’t a big enough name to change the current dynamic, but one day a really big name will latch onto this and Rebhahn and his cult will finally be finished.
By the way, we have of course been doing plenty of stuff other than writing about the clown Corey Rebhahn. That’s just a sideshow, but it has actually proved extremely interesting because of Sam Vaknin’s work on malignant narcissism … which is AWESOME.
So, it’s time to announce an astonishing new book by Mike Hockney. It’s called “Ontics: The Revolutionary New Physics”.
Hockney introduced the world to Ontological Mathematics, and now he’s started another revolution, with Ontics.
There was always a practical issue with Ont Math. People totally invested in scientific materialism and philosophical materialism were never likely to buy it. The “sunk cost fallacy” applies.
If you want to get round this problem, you need to place Ont Math in a new framework. That new framework is Ontics. Specifically, you need to place it in a dialectical framework. Ontics is dialectical physics.
What is the thesis in this dialectical system? It’s the existing system – scientific materialism, relying on a correspondence theory of truth and a pragmatic and instrumental theory of truth. It’s about empiricism, content, matter, the phenomenal, the perceptual, the observable, the signified, the territory, parts, induction, localism, space and time, the non-analytic, uncertainty, randomness, emergentism, semantics, and so on.
The antithesis is the new paradigm: Ontological mathematics. It deals with idealism and rationalism, a coherence theory of truth, completeness and consistency, deduction, form, syntax, structure, the conceptual, certainty, deduction, singularities, holism, the analytic, the signifier, the noumenon, the map, the unobservable, the PSR, Occam’s razor, pure logic, metaphysics, and so on.
Now, when did anyone who supports the thesis ever formally disprove any part of the antithesis? They never did. They just ignored this approach, or partially smuggled it in via abstract mathematics, which is regarded as manmade and unreal. But they must be highly uneasy about this. And they are!
Ontics resolves this crucial issue by placing the alternative to the thesis right beside the thesis and then inviting the establishment to seriously ponder the antithesis for once.
Imagine if every science department had an ontological mathematics department next door. What would happen is that more and more theoretical physicists and abstract mathematicians would gravitate to Ont Math, and eventually over time all theories being produced would be analytic, Ont Math theories. Experimental science would then actually reflect Ont Math rather than materialism.
What is the synthesis in this scheme? It’s PHILOSOPHY.
Philosophers – those who ought to be the best critical thinkers – would be those who try to harmonize the thesis and antithesis, try to bring them into the maximum alignment, try to maximize their united truth value and use value, to achieve grand SYNTHESIS.
Ont Math gives us the intelligible answer to existence. Ont Math is primarily about FORM. It’s noumenal. But what about content, experience, appearance, the phenomenal? Science and psychology are more immediately directed at these. They are ultimately rooted in Ont Math, of course, but there is certainly value to be mined in treating them, at some level, as subjects in their own right. Eventually, they will be dialectically brought into complete alignment with Ont Math, but the dialectic can take a long while to unfold and reach the Omega Point, the Absolute. The Noosphere, both individually and collectively, only gradually turns into the Absolute Mind with access to Absolute Knowledge of the Absolute Idea.
Ontics is the big tent that provides the scope for the three big intellectual subjects – science, mathematics and philosophy – to be brought into a dialectical relationship. As things stand, science totally dominates the intellectual landscape, while mathematics is treated as a strange abstraction. Philosophy does all it can to side with science, so is really just a lapdog of science.
With Ontics, mathematics is conceptually transitioned from an abstraction to an ontology and then becomes a direct competitor for matter, meaning that philosophers can now choose between materialism and idealism, empiricism and rationalism. The whole intellectual landscape would change beyond recognition if every smart person could address materialism, idealism, empiricism and rationalism. Philosophy would bit by bit start moving towards the optimal solution of idealism and rationalism (hence Ont Math), and mind (via sinusoidal monads) would start to pop up in science. Psychology would be revolutionized too since it would now have an analytic mathematical core.
All of this – bringing science, mathematics, philosophy and psychology into a productive relationship with each other – constitutes the ultimate paradigm shift. Science, mathematics, philosophy (and psychology) are no longer treated as separate subjects, but as dialectical strands of an overall intellectual subject called ONTICS, the grand unified, final intellectual theory of everything, promising to finally turn science, mathematics, philosophy (and psychology) into just one subject. 100% of intellectuals in the world will accept the answer to existence provided by Ontics, which will of course be rooted above all in Ont Math.
With Ontics, we stay ahead of all the thieves, copyists and plagiarists who are always manically stalking us! We’re always way ahead of the game.
On that note, Mike Hockney has made a simply astonishing breakthrough in the foundational concepts of Ont Math. This breakthrough – not addressed in the book just announced (it needs a separate book) – will transform mathematics, science and philosophy in due course.
We are going to be completely changing how we deliver knowledge in future – given that we know how easy it is for insane people to attack our work and seek to block the transmission of knowledge and the intellectual advancement of humanity. We will be addressing that issue of our new delivery mechanism in a future post.
Today is the anniversary of our first AC update regarding the laughable Corey Rebhahn and his silly plagiarist cult for freaks and weirdos, and all the others who are in the same game as Rebhahn – trying to pass off our work as theirs. All of these clowns will be left behind once and for all when Mike Hockney’s new concepts are revealed. Can you imagine cretins trying to keep up with Einstein?
August 6 is the anniversary of the Rebhahn gang’s false and malicious complaint to the FBI that could have led to the deaths of RJ and Apollonius, and was no doubt intended to achieve exactly that. It’s a miracle that RJ and Apollonius weren’t killed. And it’s a miracle that their lives weren’t ruined by the psychotic actions of the truly sick and degenerate Rebhahn gang – Corey Rebhahn, Susan Mitchell, Phillip Shope and Alexandria Torgensen (who uses the alias of Jan Erikson).
Anyway, our next update will be on August 6.
@PhoenixDriver247 said about Porgy:
“He’s a master at mirroring and not projecting a true self.”
There is no true self to project. All that a narc does is mirror. He creates the “hall of mirrors” that Vaknin talks about. He works out how you want to be seen and then shows you the reflection you want to see, and that’s how this con works. It’s all about telling you the lies you want to hear. It’s all about showing you the image of yourself that you would wish to see.
@PhoenixDriver247 said,
“I would say Morgue is a narcissist. There’s a lot of good content on his channel.. but its not his own. What a shame that a storehouse of good information is corrupted by a dangerous narcissist. I think the knowledge is doing more harm than good with his personality on the forefront.”
Porgy’s content is totally crap. Basically, it always has been. It never became “serious”. His ludicrous image and narcissism always ruined everything. What’s for sure is that amazing knowledge has been totally corrupted by this man. But luckily, thanks to the likes of Mike Hockney, much more powerful knowledge exists that Rebhahn and his fellow plagiarists will never be able to defile.
Ontics: The Revolutionary New Physics eBook by Mike Hockney – EPUB Book | Rakuten Kobo Philippines
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective