Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary – the Hyperian Horror Show



Some people are away with the fairies, and living in the Dark Ages. They are the uttermost enemies of the rebirth of human greatness and glory.
Yesterday, we stated that there is no such thing as a “single universal mind”, a foundational claim of Hyperianism. Ontological mathematics is all about mathematical rationalism and idealism, about mathematical monads, and Hyperianism is supposedly about this too, except it has long since left the building and is now in fact something totally different … it’s COSMOPSYCHISM, yet still superficially wearing the garb of ont math while contradicting it at every turn.
Rebhahn referred to Leibniz’s law as his justification for arriving at his notion of a single, universal mind. Leibniz himself used Leibniz’s law to prove that all monads are unique and there is no “One Mind“. So, should you follow the thinking of Leibniz – maybe the greatest thinker ever – or that of Corey Rebhahn, a sword swallowing, non-binary man who didn’t go to school? Is that even a question? Apparently so – such is the dumbness of the world these days.
People have limited time in life. So, how are you going to use your time? Should you study Leibniz and expose yourself to one of the most amazing minds of all time, or should you watch the deadstreams of Corey Rebhahn, read his ghastly, inept books, and spend your whole life obsessing over this malignant narcissist as he begs for superchats to keep a luxury Hollywood roof over his head and his Rachel hair? Well, obviously, an intelligent person would take the Leibniz route, while a cretin would take the Rebhahn route.

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary - The Hyperian Horror Show

Take a bow, Dyslexic Fairy, Rebhahn’s No.1 cult slave, the most fully groomed and brainwashed member of the cult, a woman who can’t let a chance go by to send Rebhahn a monetized quote and get her name “on the board.” What a sad, sad life – a non-life, an empty life, devoid of contact with real people, so a parasocial life has been adopted to fill the gap. But it fills NOTHING. The vacuum is no one’s friend. This is what a life not lived looks like … sending pointless quotes to a pointless person on YouTube … literally paying for attention and to be “liked”. Because, in real life, no one at all likes Mary, Mary, quite contrary. No one “gets” her. She’s a total loner, desperately seeking to be seen. And she pays maybe twenty thousand dollars a year to get a non-binary man she likes to say her name and “see” her. Without that, she would be the INVISIBLE WOMAN. And she knows it. This person is clinging on. She’s so close to toppling into the abyss, and only fake friendships with people she has never met are saving her. If she met them in person, they wouldn’t like her and she wouldn’t like them.

So, yesterday we noticed the Dyslexic One quoting Erwin Schrödinger: 

“The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.”

Oh how we laughed. You see, this PROVES that Hyperianism is whatever anyone wants it to be. It’s not following any kind of precise theory of existence. It’s just a hodgepodge of ideas, and anyone can choose this one or that one, and none of it matters. The fact that all of the different ideas contradict each other doesn’t bother anyone, and especially not the retarded Dyslexic Fairy. She clearly struggles with words and understanding. She has severe learning difficulties … which is why she is a Hyperian! Which is why she worships as a genius a man with no qualifications who didn’t even go to school. What possible rational and logical process would conclude that a man without an education was the most important thinker in the world? For anyone to believe such a thing, they would need to hold education itself in 100% contempt. The Dyslexic One absolutely does. In fact, she imagines that she herself is really smart, despite all the facts proving the contrary.
By the way, only cretins quote intelligent people to try to make look themselves intelligent. And the task is not to quote intelligent people, but to establish who is right and who is wrong. Is Schrödinger right or wrong is the question. Ont math says he is 100% wrong! You cannot have monads and also have a One Mind. It’s a category error to say otherwise (as Hyperianism does).
Now, unlike Rebhahn, we are here to educate, to explain the truth to people. Unlike Rebhahn, we’re not here for superchats and narcissistic supply.
So, let’s go through this “One Mind” malarkey once again, from the perspective of panpsychism.
The great philosopher Schopenhauer believed in one noumenal mind – the WILL. And he believed that this could “particularize” or “phenomenalize” itself via the individuation supplied by spacetime. Now, whether or not you agree with it, that is a plausible philosophical theory. And Buddhists believe the exact same thing. Buddhists of course don’t believe in the self, in eternal minds. They believe in the NON-SELF, the anatman. The non-monad, we might say. > > So, you can’t go around saying that there are eternal souls, eternal minds, if you subscribe to One Mind theory. You cannot refer to any theory of MONADS. You cannot subscribe to ontological mathematics, based on monads.
Rebhahn’s chosen strategy is to be “eclectic”, to take from here, there, and everywhere, to do pick and mix, to be all things to all men (and goats), to try to please everyone – in order to secure maximum narcissistic supply and money. He knows that this is how New Age, Woke “thinking” works. No one commits EVER to one absolute, objective truth. No, you take a little bit of this and a little bit of that and throw it all together and don’t worry in the slightest that you have mixed completely incommensurable theories, provided they make you feel good. Remember the task, for these dunces, is to secure a desirable emotional state, not to think precisely and reach precise conclusions.
People such as Dyslexic Fairy – Rebhahn’s No. 1 donor and believer and worshiper – don’t reach any conclusions at all, and can’t. The Fairy is intellectually challenged; even her chosen name shows that she inhabits a fantasy world. Only thinking types and intellectual intuitives DEMAND completeness and consistency, everything holding together EXACTLY.
Hyperianism is the opposite. It is totally incomplete and inconsistent and contradicts itself all the time – precisely as you would rationally and logically anticipate when the cult leader has no qualifications and didn’t go to school. But Dyslexic Fairy doesn’t care. She didn’t like school and was bullied. She’s a moron who detests thinking and detests the Truth. 1 + 1 = 2. You could not be a Hyperian if the Truth was what you sought, because the Truth demands 100% precision, not 0%. Dyslexic Fairy thinks she is a “freethinker”. What she means is that she can’t think at all and cannot recognize BAD thinking as opposed to TRUE thinking. Non-intellectuals CANNOT be freethinkers since they cannot access any ideas that require intelligence. Hegel – constantly mindlessly quoted by this person – was absolutely insistent that only the smartest people could truly grasp the fundamental nature of things. Extreme feeling types cannot THINK. They FEEL. They choose things that make them feel good. And hard thinking most certainly does not. Dyslexic Fairy could NEVER read Leibniz. He’s infinitely far out of her range. And he’s the opposite of Rebhahn. Have you noticed that Rebhahn almost never mentions Leibniz even though Leibniz is the very person responsible for the monadic worldview – a world made of monads and their constituent sinusoids. How can anyone talk about monads and ontological mathematics and also be contemptuous of Leibniz? You couldn’t make it up!
Hegel wasn’t a monadic thinker, and Hegel is the guy that Rebhahn has chosen to focus on. Hegel’s worldview was once upon a time the state-of-the-art basis of Illuminism, and much of that Hegelian worldview is still invoked, although now heavily modified. In those past times, Leibniz’s work had in a sense fallen by the wayside. It was very hard to see how his monadic worldview could be used productively. That situation changed utterly and irrevocably when monads were mathematized by ont math. Then Illuminism immediately reverted to the Leibnizian monadic worldview and has never changed since. This, in fact, is the ONLY worldview that can express ontological mathematics. Monads and ont math are inextricably linked.
So, Schrödinger subscribed to Schopenhauer and Eastern mysticism, which was why he said he was a One Mind guy. He certainly wasn’t someone who subscribed to monads and ont math. He never encountered them. If he had, he would be on our side.
Avery Hurt of “Discover” wrote, 
“There are two basic views about consciousness: materialism and dualism.” 
Er, what happened to idealism?!
Avery Hurt said, 
“Materialists say that physical matter is all there is. Consciousness emerges (somehow, no one can explain just how) out of the physical brain. Dualists, on the other hand, argue that consciousness is something separate from matter. Neither viewpoint is totally satisfactory. Materialism can’t explain how matter produces consciousness; dualism can’t explain how immaterial consciousness interacts with matter.
“Panpsychism is the idea that consciousness did not evolve to meet some survival need, nor did it emerge when brains became sufficiently complex. Instead it is inherent in matter — all matter.
“In other words, everything has consciousness. Consciousness is not limited to humans and other animals. Plants have it, too. It doesn’t stop at living things, either. Stones and stars, electrons and photons, even quarks have consciousness. According to some versions of the theory, the universe itself is conscious. (This variety of panpsychism is known as cosmopsychism.)
“This may sound like the wackiest idea ever — far crazier than space aliens living secretly among us. But plenty of sane and reputable thinkers take panpsychism seriously, and the numbers of those who do are increasing.
“Though it sounds like something that sprang fully formed from the psychedelic culture, panpsychism has been around for a very long time. Philosophers and mathematicians Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead, physicists Arthur Eddington, Ernst Schrödinger, and Max Planck, and psychologist William James are just a few thinkers who supported some form of panpsychism. The idea lost traction in the late 20th century, but recently, philosophers and scientists such as David Chalmers, Bernardo Kastrup, Christof Koch, and Philip Goff have revived the idea, making strong claims for some form of panpsychism.”
Actually, Kastrup is an idealist, not a panpsychist. Listen to him. NEVER listen to Corey Rebhahn.
Anyway, cosmopsychism is now basically where Hyperianism is at. So, given that fact, why don’t Rebhahn and his Hyperian slaves totally FUCK OFF from monads and ont math, which have no connection at all to cosmopsychism?
It would be better for everyone if Rebhahn unpublished his ludicrous ont math book, dropped his supposed allegiance to mathematical rationalism and idealism, forgot all about monads, and instead became a cosmopsychist spouting the same kind of stuff as Walter Russell and Nassim Haramein, whose views very much stand in that tradition. Hyperians LOVE Walter Russell and Nassim Haramein and Buddhism. The Dyslexic One can’t get enough of them. Why oh why would anyone who loves this cosmopsychist worldview preach the monadic HIVE MIND? Rebhahn detests the Hive Mind, even though it’s a compulsory conclusion of the Monadology. Cosmopsychism is his natural home … One Cosmic Consciousness expressing itself through individual avatars (the Many).
Come on, Dyslexic Fairy, get your cult God to swap to Walter Russell and Nassim Haramein. You know you want to! Don’t say we don’t give you good advice. Do the right thing … FUCK OFF from Ont math. As you know, you have zero grasp of ont math, which is why you quote One Mind nonsense.
Hendrik Wintjen wrote,
“Schrödinger also stated that ‘consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else’. This reflects the idea of panpsychism, the view that all existence is permeated by consciousness and that consciousness is the underlying reality – rather than just something that is produced by brains of a certain complexity. The fundamental idea that there is no separation of self, that ego is an illusion, has many implications when applied to relationships or real-life challenges of the modern age.”
Susantha Goonatilake of “Nature” wrote,
“In quantum physics — where common sense again breaks down — new philosophical insights are needed to transcend Newton’s classical world. Schrödinger, whose equation defined the behavior of particles and waves at the microscopic level, was influenced by Mach and Arthur Schopenhauer. In addition, Schrödinger declared himself a ‘Vedantist’, a category of Hindu philosopher. … As well as Mach, Schrödinger was influenced by Schopenhauer and Vedantism. Schopenhauer’s debt to Buddhism is well known. And Walter Moore, Schrödinger’s biographer, has noted that ‘the unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics’. Ludik Bass, reviewing a biography of Schrödinger, noted that his ‘adherence went beyond opinions, almost all that seems strange about him flowing from [Vedantist] philosophy’. And Ramjit Nair, in a study of Schrödinger’s philosophy, wrote that Vedantism was central to his thought — a strange combination of realism and absolute monistic idealism.”
This vague, mystical, New Age crap, based on Vedantism, is PERFECT for Hyperians. What is disastrous for them is the analytic precision of ont math, which they don’t understand in the slightest and in fact detest!
Rather than reject Rebhahn’s laughable use of Leibniz’s law to arrive at his One Mind garbage, Dyslexic Fairy AUTOMATICALLY looks for quotes to defend the One Mind. This is what these people are like. Just as Bible punchers have a quote for everything, so do Hyperian nutjobs.
The job is not to have a whole bunch of contradictory quotes to deploy, it’s to seek COMPLETENESS AND CONSISTENCY and thus reduce the set of quotes to only those that are true and reflect reality.
In Star Wars, we love the First Order, we love the Empire, and we detest the hippie Woke rebels – who need magic (“the Force”) to win. Yeah, fucking New Terra – supported by halfwit vegans and pacificists – need infinitely more than the Force if they want to succeed. They will defeat their enemies via … Woke words!!!!! Heeeeeeeee! As if. The Immense Fatness says she’s in a mind war. A weight war, more like, you fat fuck. Did anyone watch that deadstream last night? Had to give up after twenty minutes and apparently it went on for hours.
Here’s Professor Sam Vaknin on The Stupid Takeover :
 Vaknin’s descriptions apply exactly to the Hyperians.
Thus – the Idiocracy – is the future of the human race if Hyperians are allowed to prosper. Such people are an existential threat to human intelligence and human evolution.
By the way, have you noticed all of Yoster Chronos’s familiar trolling? This autistic cretin has been doing this same thing for YEARS. It amazes us that people we despise and have utterly repudiated just keep hanging around. There’s nothing rational and logical about that. By exactly the same token, we are being constantly trolled by Hyperians. These people refuse to fuck off from OUR WORK, our CONVERGENT answer to existence. They hang around forever, corrupting our system – and believe they are somehow justified in doing so and that this is some great thing. This is exactly what Woke entitlement looks like. The Woke, it seems, have the right to corrupt anything and anyone who objects is a N**I. So, we have to keep talking about these loonies so that the world could never imagine that these maniacs have any connection to us and to the rational and logical answer to existence. They are the DIVERGENT trolling the ERUDITE. These dumb fucks, hyper feeling types – could never devise any system by themselves, so have to plunder and wreck the work of others, then subject the world to all their diverse, divergent, Woke LIES.
Just look at these bungled and botched misfits – Dyslexic Fairy, Yoster Chronos (who used to date himself when he was also THE RAIN MAKER! … and before that Luna Chronos), Tyler Waffen SS, and so on. They are the very worst human beings, who have made it their mission to attack the Truth and the intellectuals who advance it. These monsters – beasts and animals … VERMIN … must be utterly defeated if humanity is to evolve. If these kinds of people are not defeated, then the whole world will be dragged down, and there will be horrors on a scale never witnessed before. The fall of the Roman Empire, which plunged the West into the Dark Ages, will be a picnic.
Dyslexic Fairy, the No. 1 supporter of Rebhahn, is the No.1 most evil cult slave. She is directly, personally responsible for Rebhahn’s lies. SHE PAYS HIM TO LIE. What a disgusting human being. She actually refers to herself as “Irish”. What a fucking disgrace. Ireland would be utterly ashamed to be associated with a lying pig like that. The Irish are Europeans. They value the truth, and have morals and integrity.
You’re not Irish, you’re not European, you’re American WOKE – the scum of the earth, the biggest problem the human race has ever faced, the most degenerate humans EVER. The Woke will destroy human intelligence itself because it’s “fascist”, because it’s “judgmental”, because it is committed to ONE, ABSOLUTE TRUTH. It is the opposite of “diversity.”
Stupid people don’t have any right to be stupid and they have no right to troll the intelligent. The most deadly force facing humanity is the Dunning-Kruger effect because, by it, the stupid think they’re intelligent and that intelligent people are stupid. Just look at Dyslexic Fairy, Tyler Waffen SS and Yoster Chronos to see the truth of this. Their self-appointed role in life is to troll the intelligent! And then the world wonders why it is in REAL TROUBLE. Sheez, with these people around, humanity is in danger of total extinction. The stupid who believe themselves smart are an extinction-level event. And this, culturally, has happened only since the 1950s and 1960s, with the rise of the counterculture, leading – inevitably we now see – to insane postmodern Wokeness which subverted not just all religious standards, but all intellectual standards too, and rendered the truth nothing but subjective, relative nonsense, dictated by the feelings of stupid people. Go back and watch Vaknin’s video again. This plague of stupidity is what is engulfing the world, and sick, demented, Dunning-Kruger cults like Hyperianism are at the heart of it. Humanity, to advance, must destroy these pointless, cretinous cults and jail all these sick cult leaders for life. Only then will we have a sane, rational and logical world.
Yoster Chronos said,
“Alistair Horscroft there are no sides, just different paths on our journey. Everyone has different circumstances and ways they learn.”
Alistair Horscroft replied,
“Yoster Chronos you keep saying that because you are thinking at a level of abstraction that comforts you. It’s a form of dissociation. There absolutely are sides in the extended universe.”
And, really, people, you have to understand how vital this all is. This “different paths of your journey” drivel is the voice of unreason and illogic. Reason and logic lead to purely one, absolute truth of reason and logic. There are not different versions of reason and logic on these “different paths”. There is only one path of reason and logic and everyone must CONVERGE on it to achieve UNITY. The hyperians are those committed to DIVERGING from that path and throwing rocks at those on the right road.
Humanity CANNOT progress while it believes in all paths and all truths. Progress is 100% dependent on humanity agreeing the way forward and that way must be the rational and logical way, or humanity is totally fucked and will be drowned by unreason and illogic. The stakes could not be any higher.
People justify their support for Rebhahn by saying things like, “He helped me.” Well, we say the opposite: “He did immense damage to our work.” So, what’s your response to that, you fuckwits? This gimp hasn’t sabotaged your work, he has sabotaged OURS. And your support for him means that you are aiding and abetting his attack on our work, and that makes you sick as he is, and as responsible as he is. You have chosen your side! So be it.
By the way, have you noticed how desperate Rebhahn is getting? He’s on social media all the time now, trying to drum up new support. The malignant narcissist’s narcissistic supply is running out. The money isn’t rolling in as it used to. Rebhahn – although he’s a cretin – must realize that this cult of his isn’t growing and will run out of steam. And he has no other options. No one will employ a washed-up freakshow artist who spent years as a cult leader.
Life is going to end very badly for this individual. But, hey, he chose his fate, this fate. He WILLED it into existence … as if by MAGICK. – hehehe!
Rebhahn is now in in massive danger of over-exposure. Everyone has heard his tedious Woke speech hundreds of times now. He has nothing new to say. He has no originality. He’s not creative. He’s not intelligent. All he has is his gimpering and simpering to gimps and simps. What a nightmare!
So, because we were distracted by the Fairy’s drivel, we shall address the second sentence of Rebhahn’s moronic Hyperian Credo tomorrow rather than today. Just think, these Hyperian nutters are at last getting a proper education about what they believe!
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs