Many people seem highly resistant to the idea that humanity is actually full of people with such degraded or distorted consciousness that they cannot be considered human in any proper sense. Humanity’s biggest problem is dealing with those who have DISEASED CONSCIOUSNESS.
If, back in the day, you were a young woman in a car sitting next to a charming young man, you probably assumed you were going to have a delightful human interaction. But if this man’s name was TED BUNDY then you definitely weren’t going to be having a good time. In fact, you were about to be murdered! Because you were sitting next to a psychopath, and psychopaths do not have human relations – even if they “pass” as human for long periods of time, as Bundy did.
Corey Rebhahn, a man with extreme narcissistic personality disorder, can no doubt pass as human, but he’s not.
Bundy killed people because it made him feel like a god, exercising the power of life and death over humans. Rebhahn is a cult leader because … it makes him feel like a god too. He can claim he is “hyperaware” and “shaping the world” and “altering reality” and “raising human consciousness”, and all that mad baloney he comes out with to his cultists, and in exchange he gets hundreds of simps and gimps to worship him and finance his swanky Hollywood lifestyle. They give him an astonishing amount of Rebhahn’s drug of choice and indeed a necessity for him … Narcissistic Supply.
Bundy and Rebhahn are on the same spectrum – of those human beings who want others to regard them as, and treat them as, GODS. Bundy wanted his individual victims to acknowledge him as God in private. Rebhahn wants his many victims – his cult – to acknowledge him as God in public.
People like Bundy want to harm their victims and do away with them. People like Rebhahn want to exploit their victims over and over again until they have exhausted all of their narcissistic supply. Consider the VAST amount of narcissistic supply that Mad Bitchell and Necrophil have given Rebhahn, and it will go on and on … until it lands them in jail (coming soon!).
If you think about it, the people who run the world are basically all those who think they are gods, and they rule over people who are, in so many cases, those willing to worship them.
Why does the cult of Hyperianism exist? It’s because one person – Corey Rebhahn – has devoted his life to posturing as a god, and he has attracted hundreds of strange people who are keen to worship him as a god. They are codependents. These people FIND each other. And the internet is allowing more and more of these toxic groups to spring up, and massively undermining mental health.
No one could look at Hyperians and imagine that these people have good metal health. In fact, the person amongst them with the worst mental health – as indeed is inevitable – is the “god” himself. Corey Rebhahn is a total nut, an absolute madman, an unmitigated lunatic. He is 100% delusional. Anyone who calls himself God clearly is. You can easily imagine Jesus H. Christ as a Corey Rebhahn character – a delusional, grandiose narcissist telling simps and gimps he was going to save the world and create, er, NEW TERRA! Of course, the Romans just … killed him. Which, according to Hyperians, makes the Romans N**IS. Do you know that Hyperians detest the emperor Hadrian – the man who ordered the building of THE WALL – and call him a N**i” What a wondrous understanding of history these Woke cretins have. The whole of world history is now to be “Woked”! The Spartans will soon be deplatformed and canceled. The Woke call the Spartans N**IS. They call Plato a N**I. They call Pythagoras a N**I. All of history prior to the hippies will be declared N**I, and canceled. Far out! Peace, man. Namaste! All you need is love.
Rebhahn operates according to a constructed self, a false self. Where is his real self? Well, that entity couldn’t cope with the world – Rebhahn was totally traumatized by his childhood – and was pushed into oblivion. Some people, braver and stronger types, retain their real self, albeit heavily damaged by their childhood trials and tribulations, and remain human. They follow a different path through life. They have a big struggle, but they preserve their humanity and these are the people in the world who have the most genuine empathy and compassion for others. Because they themselves have been through hell … and endured, without vanishing into a fantasy world … into FANTASIA.
Crucially, they did not lose themselves and become pathological. They held onto reality, despite the pain. Rebhahn did not. Rebhahn couldn’t stand the pain and his psyche took the steps to eliminate the pain. Rebhahn denied his real self and in doing so created a false self, which copes with world via the mechanism of extreme narcissism – and inflicting SELF HARM. How do you stop the pain? You inflict pain on yourself every day … you become an extreme self-harm stunt artist. You swallow swords – metaphorical suicide! All to try to master the pain. But then you see cry-baby Rebhahn weeping as he discusses his “RTS”. Oh how that man blubs! He’d win the gold medal for it in the Woke Olympics. That guy is total cringe. That fuckwit is never getting rid of his pain. And it’s going to get so much worse in prison!
This person, via his False Self, imagines he is perfect, a god, and thus the world cannot harm him, cannot cause him pain anymore. He creates a mini world – a cult – where he is indeed treated like a god and experiences total power and no pain. The problem of course is that the rest of the world doesn’t agree, and the cult and its god inevitably come into conflict with the real world, exactly as has happened to Rebhahn and his Hyperian cult. And as happened with David Koresh at Waco, and the Charles Manson Family, and Jim Jones. We all know how it goes when reality finally breaks into a cult’s fantasy world.
According to Professor Sam Vaknin,
“In a full-fledged narcissist, the False Self imitates the True Self. To do so artfully, it deploys two mechanisms:1) RE-INTERPRETATION … It causes the narcissist to re-interpret certain emotions and reactions in a flattering, socially acceptable, light. The narcissist may, for instance, interpret fear as compassion. If the narcissist hurts someone he fears (e.g., an authority figure), he may feel bad afterwards and interpret his discomfort as empathy and compassion. To be afraid is humiliating – to be compassionate is commendable and earns the narcissist social commendation and understanding (narcissistic supply)2) EMULATION … The narcissist is possessed of an uncanny ability to psychologically penetrate others. Often, this gift is abused and put at the service of the narcissist’s control freakery and sadism. The narcissist uses it liberally to annihilate the natural defenses of his victims by faking empathy.”
Rebhahn is a compulsive reinterpreter. ALL EVENTS are reinterpreted to present him in the most flattering, socially acceptable, light – and to absolutely demonize his enemies. And his gimps and simps buy 100% the nonsense he sells them. Many Hyperians still believe that we just made up everything regarding the FBI – and Rebhahn has done nothing to dispel that notion! – and others believe that RJ, and others, fully deserved to be swatted because they were “horrible and nasty” to Rebhahn, a totally immaculate and innocent god (like Jesus Christ!).
That’s the way these people think. Rebhahn is always right, no matter what – whether they believe he contacted the FBI or didn’t – and his opponents are always monsters. This, of course, is just the basic model of … ABRAHAMISM. Hyperians, as we keep saying, are merely the continuation of Christianity by other means.
Rebhahn’s main “skill” lies in emulation. He is “possessed of an uncanny ability to psychologically penetrate” those people who fall under his spell. He really “talks” to them. Rebhahn exercises total “control freakery” over his cultists. Not one of them can ask him about the FBI. Not a single person. Isn’t that fucking wild?!
Rebhahn has no empathy at all – look at how he treats his former mods who worked so hard for him, and many others he once continually “shouted out” (now they are never mentioned, as if they never existed). However, he is highly skilled at FAKING empathy, via cynical Woke victimhood.
Years ago, Rebhahn switched from nihilistic, sadistic, misanthropic Edgelord Morgue – railing against the world – to benevolent, philanthropic, compassionate Woke Morgue. Why? Why the 180? Because Rebhahn’s False Self realized that it was a much more successful policy to fake empathy than to hate on the world and have no empathy. Wokeness comes with a whole language and framework of empathy, sympathy, compassion, kindness, liberalism, respect, tolerance, and so on. Loads of “nice, acceptable” features. Simply by spouting Wokeness you can EMULATE all of these qualities. People automatically imagine you are being highly empathetic and compassionate, and love you for it. Rebhahn’s popularity has soared since he disingenuously hitched his wagon to Wokeness. But the Edgelord sick sadist with no empathy never goes away, and is invariably directed at Rebhahn’s enemies.
Vaknin said,
“This capacity is coupled with the narcissist’s eerie ability to imitate emotions and their attendant behaviors (affect).”
Rebhahn has this exact eerie ability. He has no emotions, but can imitate them brilliantly, and the attendant behaviors. He is a kind of Nexus 6 Replicant in these terms. Do not mistake him for human. He isn’t. He left humanity in his childhood. Once his psyche generated a False Self, he left the human world and normal human development and instead entered the world of pathology, and pathological “development”. What Rebhahn is now is the product of decades of pathological responses to the world, and, let’s face it, isn’t it entirely obvious? This man’s main claim to fame is being a freak in a freakshow. What ISN’T pathological about that? And what is Hyperianism if not a Freakshow where Rebhahn is the No.1 Freak, and the permanent master of ceremonies, presiding over every freak he can find?
Vaknin said,
“The narcissist possesses ‘emotional resonance tables’. He keeps records of every action and reaction, every utterance and consequence, every datum provided by others regarding their state of mind and emotional make-up. From these, he then constructs a set of formulas, which often result in impeccably accurate renditions of emotional behavior. This can be enormously deceiving.”
And thus you get someone like Corey Rebhahn. A calculator! Rebhahn has no emotions yet can calculate the emotions of others, especially anyone whom he identifies as a potential source of narcissistic supply. Rebhahn simply applies “formulas”. He’s like a computer algorithm for assessing WOKE people’s emotions – and then manipulating and exploiting them to harvest narcissistic supply.
Corey Rebhahn is a staggeringly unusual person. That’s because he’s not real! Neither is Unbelievably Fat Jan. These people are False Selves. They are constructs. Humans spend most of their time with real humans. When they come across unreal humans, this can produce an uncanny effect in them, which they might interpret as numinous … or monstrous. Thus, unreal people in the human population can be treated as gods, or devils. They can be worshiped, or persecuted. The Hyperian cultists regard Rebhahn as numinous and treat this fake, phony person as a god. We regard him as a monster, and we want to see him in jail. And jail is where this person is going. He is a dangerous nutcase.
Rebhahn, you are a delusional narcissist who expects everything to go right for you, so you took a MASSIVE gamble that you could present an old bantering comment about Trump as if it were a current threat to POTUS. And you believed that, if challenged, you could produce a screenshot, and you duly showed that screenshot to the FBI when they specifically asked for it. But we all know that you left out all of the ESSENTIAL details. And that’s why you committed a felony. In fact, you lied about EVERYTHING … and the way you smeared us in your STATEMENT and MESSAGE (communicated to your gimps and simps via hidden links – so as to hide your diabolical actions from the wider world) was exactly the way you smeared RJ and Apollonius in your malicious complaint to the FBI (which you have never showed to anyone, not even your mad mods).
We know what you did last summer, Rebhahn! You lied to the FBI and you will be jailed for it.
When challenged to “factually” prove that RJ said the POTUS remark, you provided a screenshot bearing these words:
“Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the current POTUS. Never harms self or others.”
We FACTUALLY know that you omitted RJ’s remaining words –
“Never harms self or others.”
How do we know? Because the Vancouver police had no record of these vital words.
We FACTUALLY know that you omitted the date when the comments were made (two and half years ago).
How do we know? Because the Vancouver police did not even know what POTUS was meant and put three names to RJ: Biden, Trump and Obama. But when the comment was actually made, it was unambiguously Donald Trump. And why would RJ want to kill Donald Trump if RJ was a radicalized hater of Hyperians and Woke liberals, as you claimed? So, we know the Vancouver police WERE LED TO BELIEVE this comment was made mere days earlier, with Biden as the current POTUS. They were actively, intentionally DECEIVED.
We FACTUALLY know that you omitted Phillip Shope’s comments in the same chat – because Shope made much more serious threats against Trump than RJ and the police made no reference at all to Shope, or his chilling, murderous remarks!
So, we FACTUALLY know that you DELIBERATELY omitted key context regarding the POTUS comments. And that’s why you are going to jail. You intentionally left out key details – which you and the others were fully aware of – that were essential to interpreting RJ’s harmless comment correctly.
Can you imagine how differently RJ’s interrogation would have gone if he had been shown the POTUS message in its original context? He would have laughed out loud! But, of course, there would have been NO FBI OPERATION if the proper POTUS message had been supplied – a private, bantering comment from years ago with a friend. Why would the FBI care about that? THEY WOULDN’T!
Months ago, RJ sent the true messages in their proper context to the Vancouver police. So, all that needs to happen is for the true situation to be cross-referenced with the false claims you made in your complaint, Rebhahn. And at that point you will be found guilty of the felony of lying to the FBI and you will ALL be going to jail.
The only puzzle is why the FBI have not yet arrested all of you. Basically, they haven’t yet looked at the definitive evidence, and we have to ensure that they do, as soon as possible.
If you claim we are wrong about all of this, that we are “lying” about you and your cabal, you simply have to publish the complaint you made to the FBI and the screenshots you showed them. WELL? WAITING!
We know you never will because you are lying, criminal scum – a total degenerate – and you will be jailed as soon as the truth is revealed about your false complaint.
On September 8, Rebhahn said,
“The FBI has legit information and this can be easily shown so it’s nothing to worry about.”
If it’s “legit” and “easily shown” then why haven’t you shown it?! You haven’t even shown your “poopy bums” (to quote the immensely FAT JAN) what you actually sent to the FBI. Funny, that.
Tick tock.
By the way, the big news on the David G. McAfee front is that Morgy Porgy did not cooperate. He refused to answer any questions. Thus proving how much he has to hide! Don’t you laugh when Rebhahn says on his deadstreams that you should question everything and everyone, especially him (because he knows that none of his cultists will ever ask him anything difficult!), and then when an investigative journalist actually questions him, he fucking runs! He flees. He hides. What a fucking coward. This is the guy who says he will answer any question – well, unless it’s from someone isn’t a paid-up member of his degenerate cult! What a joke. What a clown. What a creep.
McAfee is now of the mind that this a much bigger story than one article can accommodate, so he seems inclined to do several articles. Which is even worse news for Morgy Porgy, but means there will probably be a further delay before any McAfee articles appear. Which is highly frustrating for us.