
Is Morgue Official a Pathological Narcissist?
Artemis Maenad said, “Narcissists must control information and the people they use for their narcissistic supply. It is an imperative for regulating their psychological disorder and Corey’s behavior is textbook. This article seems like it was written specifically about #MorgueOfficial …”
This is spot on. The article in question does indeed seem to be written by someone with intimate knowledge of Corey Rebhahn! But of course that simply means that Rebhahn is a textbook example of the phenomenon.
The article seems like a near-definitive account of the pathology of narcissism, so let’s go through it in detail.
The article is written by psychologist Sam Vaknin. The abstract introducing the paper says, “Narcissists and psychopaths dissociate (erase memories) a lot (are amnesiac) because their contact with the world and with others is via a fictitious construct: The false self. Narcissists never experience reality directly but through a distorting lens darkly. They get rid of any information that challenges their grandiose self-perception and the narrative they had constructed to explicate, excuse and legitimize their antisocial, self-centered and exploitative behaviors, choices and idiosyncrasies.”
Vaknin gives what seems like an excellent explanation of narcissism: the narcissist has something that others do not have – namely, a fictitious construct, the false self. Imagine this as a kind of archetype like the Shadow, Ego, Persona, Self, Anima, and so on. Most people never invoke this archetype. Narcissists do – because it’s essential to the whole gameplan of narcissism to avoid anything that challenges the narcissist’s “grandiose self-perception”.
We could perhaps think of the False Self as a pathological variant of the persona. Normally, the persona exists to shield – to mask – the ego. It’s our public face. It’s like a cleaned-up version of our ego, made fit for public consumption. Our ego can think all sorts of dark thoughts, but we will rarely say what we really think, except with our most intimate and trusted confidants and lovers. The persona is a mode of pretense and deception, but one that allows us to function in society without getting into fights with everyone. The persona is also how we wish to present ourselves to others. We want to put on a show and have people think well of us and be impressed by us. That can also involve flattering them to win their favor. The persona is highly manipulative, but needs to be if we wish to have a functioning society without everyone being at each other’s throats. The problems begin of course when this manipulation becomes pathological and then you get cult leaders, conmen, demagogues, preachers, influencers, grifters, and all the rest of it. You get COREY REBHAHN.
A pathological narcissist exaggerates every aspect of the persona to the maximum and in doing so formally identifies with the persona and loses touch with the ego. This process, as Jung pointed out, means that the individual then gets seized by unconscious forces since there is no longer an ego – a center of consciousness – to distinguish consciousness from the unconscious. Instead of the ego being behind the persona (mask), and acting independently of it, it gets swallowed by the mask and becomes a node of the mask. It has no agency separate from the mask. It engages in nothing but the behavior of the mask. There is no longer a deeper reality. Everything is now surface, appearance, image.
Nietzsche said, “Women are considered deep – why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.”
That is not one of Nietzsche’s finer moments, but it has considerable relevance to narcissism. Corey Rebhahn’s cultists find him deep, but he’s just a mask, so can never be anything but surface. He’s not even shallow because it’s impossible for him to have any depth with which shallowness could be contrasted. This is one of the emptiest humans on earth, if he can even be called human. He himself says he doesn’t identify as human, and that’s probably a rare moment of honesty from him.
A normal person has an ego (center of consciousness), with an unconscious hinterland, and a persona to mask their consciousness in public. They are aware of the difference between their mask and their ego, and – because they can inhabit their ego-consciousness – they can separate themselves from the unconscious. A person who becomes one and the same as their persona, no longer has a functioning ego, and thus nothing to separate them from their unconscious, so the persona, instead of being a mask for CONSCIOUS content, now becomes the public face of unconscious archetypes and complexes. It’s the unconscious, not consciousness, that is wearing the mask! The persona, now, is the agent of the unconscious in the human world. There is no conscious agency in operation. That’s why we say that Rebhahn should not be considered conscious. He’s suffering from a pathology, a mental illness, that has the effect of destroying consciousness and causing a person to be under unconscious control. As Julian Jaynes talked about in relation to bicameralism, humans can function quite well without consciousness. Sleepwalkers can drive cars without consciousness! People with severe dementia have ceased to have consciousness, but they can still potter around. Rebhahn isn’t conscious, but will strike people as definitely conscious, and perhaps even as having a higher level of consciousness – and that of course is an effect to be expected from someone absolutely defined by how he wants you to see him, and how he will manipulate you to achieve this effect. He is all PERSONA, meaning a total narcissist who can only ever gaze at his own mask and has no other reality. Rebhahn has no interest in anyone else. The mask is all-consuming for him. IMAGE IS ALL. Don’t you think Rebhahn is one of the most image-obsessed people you have ever encountered? His image always comes first, and absolutely everything will be sacrificed to protect the image.
A sleepwalker is unaware of what they are doing, and makes no pretense of being aware. Morgue could be considered a high-functioning sleepwalker, i.e., he is carrying out unconscious commands, just like a sleepwalker, the difference being that he imagines he is controlling his behavior when he is actually just “channeling” his unconscious and is incapable of reflection and exercising his own agency. The same goes for someone like Sue ‘em Bitchell. Bitchell is literally incapable of criticizing Rebhahn. Isn’t that remarkable? She will defend him come what may. But that of course means she is carrying out AUTOMATIC (unconscious) behavior, and she never consciously reflects on anything. Many people in the world are like his. They are System 1 responders, which means they use instinct, intuition and the unconscious. Hardly anyone uses System 2 consideration and reflection, and it’s exactly there where TRUE consciousness resides. Everything else is pseudo-consciousness. Humanity evolved from unconscious bicameralism to false consciousness, not to consciousness. Consciousness – real conscious agency where people can override the unconscious forces pressing on them – is something that humanity as a generality still has to attain. We need to move from the control of the reptilian brain stem and mammalian limbic system to the control of the truly human neocortex.
So, in people such as Rebhahn, entities of the unconscious (archetypes and complexes) are not under any conscious control or inhibition – because the ego doesn’t exist or function – and so the person’s behavior becomes extremely unusual (above all in situations of stress, crisis and conflict) … because it’s NOT the behavior of a conscious person (with all that implies).
Jewel Marsh put it very well: “I like to ask the tough questions, so how about this one: Is Corey Rebhahn human? Actually, he’d claim to be ‘higher than human.’ Let me rephrase. Does Corey possess the compassion, goodwill, and common empathetic bond that unites all decent people?”
And the answer is that he doesn’t. His whole psyche is devoted to the protection of his persona, and the rest of the world can go fuck itself. Only a person acting under unconscious forces would contact the FBI to stop people criticizing him! The unconscious sees nothing unreasonable about that – it’s doing whatever it has to do to triumph – but, to consciousness, it’s totally insane conduct. To this day, we are astounded by what Rebhahn and his gang did, and we are even more astounded that they have not yet been arrested for it! What they did was beyond any conceivable conscious response to a problem. That’s the response of inflated, possessed individuals, incapable of realistic and rational behavior.
Remember what Jung said: “An inflated consciousness is always egocentric and conscious of nothing but its own existence. It is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. This ‘consciousness’ is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it dead. Paradoxically enough, inflation is a regression of consciousness into unconsciousness. This always happens when consciousness takes too many unconscious contents upon itself and loses the faculty of discrimination, the sine qua non of all consciousness.”
So, a person can seem conscious, but has in fact succumbed to the unconscious, and that very fact will result in calamitous decisions – such as involving the FBI in a private feud. No one should imagine that this FBI business is going away. There MUST be a reckoning for what the Rebhahn gang did. They MUST face the full legal consequences and be jailed. How else are conscious people to be protected from unconscious maniacs – wild animals like Rebhahn?!
Rowan James said, “It’s unfathomable to me that some home schooled antisocial fundamentalist edge lord gimp should SWAT me and get away with it. Not gonna happen.#DeleteRebhahnism”
And no one must forget this. Justice WILL be done. Rebhahn and his crew committed an extremely serious crime – designed to wreck RJ’s life! – and they must go to jail for it. There can be no mercy towards the Rebhahn cabal. No moral person could accept what was done to RJ. It’s HORRIFYING what took place. There are no excuses. The full consequences must be reaped by Rebhahn and his gang.
The Morgue Official Mask
You, as a normal person, could not do a Morgue livestream and act as if all the things that have happened to Hyperianism and him in the last few months had not happened. You wouldn’t be able to – because your ego-consciousness would be full of all this stuff and it would completely spill out. Can you imagine David Sinclair doing a livestream on Thursday night – parallel to Morgy Porgy – and never once mentioning Morgue or Hyperianism? That would of course be impossible. But it’s plainly something (in reverse) that Morgy Porgy does without any difficulty at all.
Porgy was asked on his last livestream what authors influenced him, and he mentioned Ken Foldes and Walter Russell – but there was absolutely no mention of the likes of Mike Hockney and Dr. Thomas Stark and other PI authors whose books Porgy once did whole video series on. (He has never done a video series on Ken Foldes or Walter Russell!)
No normal person could pull that off. But it’s easy for Porgy. This is a man without consciousness. He has no ego situated between his unconscious and his persona. The ego isn’t there, so there’s no place of contemplation and agentic decision-making. Your ego is where your main mental activity ought to be happening if you wish to have your own agency, and your ego should be extremely aware that it is not the persona. However, if you are locked into your persona – always trying to impress the world and fixated on impressing the world – then you have identified with the persona, meaning that your mental processing is not taking place within a realistic and reasonable ego but within an unrealistic and unreasonable persona, blinded by its own imagined perfection. The ego is not doing the thinking; it’s your mask doing the thinking. You have become your mask.
In a normal person, your ego knows it’s not the persona, and knows the persona is masking it. A person who has identified with their persona and become possessed by it now regards the persona itself as the real deal, rather than the ego behind it. The ego uses the persona to protect it, but what does the persona use to protect itself? The persona is a mask, a fake, so all it can do is use masks and fakery to defend itself. And this is what dark triad people are all about – using masks and fakery. It comes entirely naturally to them.
At some level it gives them a massive advantage. Normal people have a truth bias, meaning that they expect people to say the truth. These dark triad people are compulsive liars, manipulators and exploiters, and so can take absolute advantage of the fact that everyone treats them as truth-tellers, even though they’re the opposite. It’s the sheer accumulation of lies, and the number of their victims, and the number of enemies they make with all their lies, that brings them down in the end. But even when they are exposed – as Morgy Porgy has been – hundreds of people can still go on following them (thanks to cognitive dissonance and other such factors that are enormously useful to dark triad types). People who are in love with Morgy Porgy cannot easily extricate themselves from the Porg. And they don’t want to. They like, they love, being trapped in Porgy’s web and don’t want to leave. They themselves have a host of psychological problems. They are codependents of the dark triad types.
Velvet Tears is obviously someone not unlike Morgy Porgy. She just makes up absurd stories and expects to be believed. If anything she claims is true, where are the court records and media coverage regarding what would be a very high-profile criminal case and media sensation? She was sort of rejected by the Hyperians for being a liar, but then just hung around regardless and is now completely back in favor and being shouted out by Morgy Porgy. That sums up the Hyperian scene – fake people all interacting in a completely fake world of a cult.
So, the essential point is that Morgy Porgy is all mask (image) and everything is done to preserve this image (not to protect the underlying ego, which is the proper function of the persona – Porgy’s ego, his conscious agency and agent of realism, isn’t there). Porgy is obsessed with his image – as everyone can see – and absolutely consumed with maintaining it and being thought to be his Ideal Self (and everything incompatible with that is ignored or savagely attacked).
And, precisely because of the absent ego (an active ego is a shield against the unconscious), then unconscious content flows straight into the persona, and so Porgy is in every way unconsciously inflated and has no reality principle, and, at some level, genuinely believes he is God (hence the extreme narcissism). He is a fantasist living in a fantasy world, and all the remaining Hyperians share that same fantasy world with him and love it. All of them are delusional.
Porgy is a fictitious construct, a false self. There is no real Morgue. He’s all surface, devoid of substance. He cannot address reality. He cannot accept the truth. Rather than “hyperaware”, he’s not aware at all. He’s a mask inhabited by unconscious complexes formed in his childhood that he cannot escape. They define him.
Morgue Pathological
Let’s boil it all down. A normal person is concerned with defending their ego, their conscious agency that wears a mask to protect itself but is very different from that mask. People’s masked behavior is very different from their unmasked behavior. Society relies on this masking.
Pathological individuals such as Morgue ARE the mask, and the mask is purely concerned with defending itself, i.e., upholding an image, an idealized image. It will invent any story and tell any lie and do anything and treat others like shit just so long as the image can remain intact he and be regarded as flawless.
For once, Porgy actually said something interesting in his latest deadstream, which rather gave the whole game away… “There are implicit difficulties one may need to overcome such as perfectionism, for example. And perfectionism can stem from religious trauma because you are told you have to be perfect…”
That’s exactly what pathological narcissists suffer from – perfectionism. Morgue always had it drummed into him as a child that he must be perfect FOR GOD, so that God wouldn’t punish him and send him to hell. Now, Morgue regards himself as God and openly says he is God, so now when he’s being PERFECT FOR GOD that means being perfect for himself … being the perfect Morgue. The perfect Morgue, in his estimation, is the Messianic one that appears on his deadstreams, and that particular Morgue must be defended at any cost. Because what would Morgy Porgy be without his cult? What job could this pointless freak possibly get? Who would employ this worthless person?
Rebhahn’s image is that of the perfect Anima. He is repulsed by masculinity because it has nothing to do with Anima. No masculine men are involved with Hyperianism. Porgy always talks about “strong female figures” but you should never imagine that he is ever talking about anything other than his idealized Anima.
Porgy knows nothing about real women and doesn’t like them. Heterosexual men fall in love with real women. Porgy doesn’t and can’t. Look at the women who appear on Morgen Night’s list of facebook friends and you will see one implausible woman after another – plastic princesses and divas and prima donnas and Barbie dolls … a whole bunch of vacuous LA women absolutely consumed by image – like Rebhahn – and living in a fantasy world, just like him. Porgy studies these fake women to design his own fake Anima image.
Porgy is obsessed, defined, by the Anima, and its various stages.
Frith Luton wrote, “Jung distinguished four broad stages of the anima, analogous to levels of the Eros cult described in the late classical period. He personified them as Eve, Helen, Mary and Sophia. In the first stage, Eve, the anima is indistinguishable from the personal mother. The man cannot function well without a close tie to a woman. In the second stage, personified in the historical figure of Helen of Troy, the anima is a collective and ideal sexual image (‘All is dross that is not Helen’ – Marlowe). The third stage, Mary, manifests in religious feelings and a capacity for lasting relationships. In the fourth stage, as Sophia (called Wisdom in the Bible), a man’s anima functions as a guide to the inner life, mediating to consciousness the contents of the unconscious. She cooperates in the search for meaning and is the creative muse in an artist’s life. Ideally, a man’s anima proceeds naturally through these stages as he grows older. In fact, as an archetypal life force, the anima manifests in whatever shape or form is necessary to compensate the dominant conscious attitude. So long as the anima is unconscious, everything she stands for is projected. Most commonly, because of the initially close tie between the anima and the protective mother-imago, this projection falls on the partner, with predictable results.”
So, Rebhahn’s life went wrong at the Eve stage. He couldn’t project onto his mother because, as far as he was concerned, he was horrible to her and monstrous. So, he self-projected the Anima and identified with it. He was possessed by it. Note that Rebhahn is obsessed with Mary Magdalene, Sophia, and “strong women”. He’s never once interested in masculine strength. Corey Rebhahn is the last person who would ever refer to the Spartans. And Rebhahn of course knows his audience. No one in his cult has any interest at all in strong men, in Spartans. The whole Hyperian scene is an exploration of the Anima – because that’s what Rebhahn’s life is defined by.
It’s an interesting question why Rebhahn didn’t become transgender. A transgender woman is typically very interested in men. Rebhahn, however, cannot abide men – any strong, masculine, heterosexual men. He clearly finds them enormously threatening. We can imagine that they taunted him throughout his life, so Rebhahn had to stop at the non-binary stage, where he could explore the Anima without becoming attracted to men!
This allowed him to be super-interested in being feminine but lacking any attraction to straight men. Rebhahn’s sexual interests revolve around androgynous women and barbie doll women and drag queens, with androgynous, gay and bisexual men also being of interest to him. Rebhahn himself said, “I often express myself androgynously or what some would label as feminine. I’m also attracted to a spectrum of individuals: androgynous, feminine, non-binary, trans, etc.”
Look at what’s starkly absent from that list – anything to do with masculinity. Rebhahn is repulsed by masculinity and basically, wages war against it, as indeed the whole Woke movement does. There are no masculine men in Hyperianism, or in Wokeness. All heterosexual men are branded “toxic” and representatives of the “patriarchy” … and “haters”, “bigots”, “fascists”, and “Na**s”. Anyone who imagines that a cult that despises heterosexuality is ever going to succeed is insane. Of course, Rebhahn would never come out and actually say that he loathes straight men and basically wants to see them eliminated, but that is in fact his position. Rebhahn’s New Terra is for an androgynous Mistress Race!
It’s always comical when people imagine that they can defeat masculinity. That’s literally impossible. And no one can defeat femininity either, of course, and the best world is where the masculine and feminine have complete respect for each other. What Rebhahn wants is for masculinity to be castrated by being dissolved into femininity via androgyny … so that all men will be like … Corey Rebhahn! And all women will be like Fat Jan.
Fuck, pass me the sick bucket. QUICK!
More about Rebhahn’s textbook pathological narcissism will be coming tomorrow.
Narcissism is NEVER benevolent. It’s always toxic and there are always victims. Dealing with pathological narcissists should be very high up the agenda of any sane government. Think of all the horrors that would be avoided. Above all, cults would be ended. Cults are an inevitable product of pathological narcissism. They must be stopped.