MorgueOfficial and His Strange Terror of Hives!



MorgueOfficial is terrified of hives. The hive is the concept that most torments him. He wakes up in a cold sweat, from his darkest nightmares full of buzzing sounds, desperate to disprove that he lives in a hive of minds, to refute that he is one mind among many … one mind among a vast multitude over which he has no control. So terrified is he of knowing that there are countless minds out there that he cannot influence, he eagerly subscribed to the cardinal New Age, Woke idea that we are all actually ONE MIND.
Weak, pathetic people are very reassured by this idea because they imagine it gives them CONTROL. No longer are they surrounded by terrifying, “alien”, competing minds, which might be cruel to them and torment them. Now they are in a sense only up against their own mind, or at least a mind of which they are somehow part (in some unspecified way), and therefore isn’t terrifyingly different. And if we are in fact all One Mind then – assuming the One Mind isn’t INSANE and committed to SELF-TORMENT (which could be the case, of course!) – then it seems to follow that people should be “nice” to each other because we are all the same. In fact, it seems to follow that we should be unconditionally loving towards each other.
And all around the world, Woke New Agers go around wringing their hands and saying,
“If only people understood the truth that we are all one then all the problems of the world – all the hate and conflict and war – would vanish. Love and light, unconditional love, live and love non-judgmentally in the moment. Namaste. Peace out!”
Yawn! These people are INSUFFERABLE. They are almost literally animals, which they of course all love more than people (hence they are all vegans).
MorgueOfficial and His Strange Terror of Hives!
They hate Heraclitus, who said,
“War is father of all and king of all; and some he manifested as gods, some as men; some he made slaves, some free.”
They hate Schopenhauer, who said,
“If every desire were satisfied as soon as it arose how would men occupy their lives, how would they pass the time? Imagine this race transported to a Utopia where everything grows of its own accord and turkeys fly around ready-roasted, where lovers find one another without any delay and keep one another without any difficulty; in such a place some men would die of boredom or hang themselves, some would fight and kill one another, and thus they would create for themselves more suffering than nature inflicts on them as it is.”
They hate Nietzsche who said,
“Preparatory men. I welcome all signs that a more manly and warlike age is about to begin, an age which, above all, will give honor to valor once again.”
MorgueOfficial and His Strange Terror of Hives!
In fact, they hate everyone who isn’t Woke and New Age and label them “haters”, “bigots”, and “N**is”. Which isn’t very unconditionally loving of them, is it?! They seem to have an absolute problem not being absolute hypocrites.
Anyhoo, back to hives – (Rebhahn shudders and glances anxiously towards his golden wings … and hydroponic garden).
The “Big Island Bees” website says:


Each of our hives each has about 50,000 bees. Each hive has one queen, and 100 female worker bees for every male drone bee. The queen’s only job is to lay eggs and a drone’s job is to mate with the queen. The worker bees are responsible for everything else: gathering nectar, guarding the hive and honey, caring for the queen and larvae, keeping the hive clean, and producing honey.
The Queen Bee 
The queen is like the goddess: her life is committed to selfless service by being the reproductive center of the hive. She lays all the eggs (about 1,500 per day!) and only leaves the hive once in her life in order to mate. Becoming the queen bee is a matter of luck. Queens become queens only because as eggs they had the good fortune of being laid in cells specifically designated for raising queens. Then, they are fed more “royal jelly” (which contains more honey and pollen than the “larval jelly” that is eaten by workers and drones), allowing them to grow larger than other female bees. Without a queen, life in the hive grows chaotic. The worker bees forage for nectar and pollen less, and when they do forage, they bring less back to the hive. When the queen dies (or if she slows down egg production), worker bees once again designate queen cells and raise new virgin queens.
The Male Drones 
A male drone has only one purpose in life: to mate with the queen. And, there are 100 female worker bees for every male drone bee. While this may be appealing to some males, a drone’s life is hardly enviable. Drones are incapable of feeding themselves or foraging for food, they lack stingers, and they die immediately after mating. And, when times are lean or during the winter (when the queen does not mate), worker bees force drones outside the hive, leaving them to starve. But, don’t worry…our male bees don’t suffer because Hawaii’s year-round warm climate ensures consistent warm weather…and our beekeepers make sure they are always in a honey flow!
The Female Workers
“A woman’s work never ends.” Nowhere is this statement truer than in the hive, where all of the work is done by female bees, which outnumber male bees by a ratio of 100 to 1. Worker bees are responsible for every job in the hive except reproduction. The female worker bees have different positions within the hive. Some are scouts, some are guards, some care for the queen, some produce honey, etc. Below are some of the jobs in the hive.
EVER WONDER HOW BEES COMMUNICATE? THEY DANCE! Find out what each dance means.
“House Bee” Activities:
Nursing: Nurse bees feed and care for growing larvae.
Attending the Queen: Attendants to the queen groom her and feed her frequently.
Cleaning the Hive: This may involve cleaning used cells or clearing the hive of debris.
Cleaning other Bees: These chores involve cleaning dust, stray hairs, and other debris off several others in rapid succession.
Undertaker duties: Although 90% of bees die outside the hive, those that do not are dropped immediately outside the hive to dry. After they have dried, undertaker bees pick them up, fly them several hundred meters from the hive, and drop them (to prevent dead bees from accumulating by the hive, which could attract pests or pestilence).
Building Honeycomb: Bees secrete beeswax and use it to build honeycomb. Oftentimes hundreds of bees will work on the same small section of comb.
Capping Honeycomb: Bees secrete beeswax and use it to cap pupae cells and cells full of ripened honey.
Pollen Packing: House bees collect pollen from returning foragers and pack it in cells for later consumption.
Nectar Ripening: House bees ripen nectar into raw honey by depositing it in cells, and fanning the nectar so that excess water evaporates.
Repairing Hive: Bees use propolis to repair cracks in the hive and to cover foreign particles that are too large to remove.
Forager Bee Activities:
Collecting Nectar & Pollen: Bees visit 50-100 flowers to collect nectar and pollen on each foraging trip. They carry nectar in their “honey sacks” and pollen in the “pollen baskets” on their legs.
Collecting Propolis: Certain bees only collect propolis (“bee glue”), gathering the resinous substance from trees and carrying it home in their “pollen baskets.”
Collecting Water: 1% of the bees in the hive collect water. Water helps keep the hive cool and allows nurse bees to dilute raw honey for young larvae.
Guard the Hive: Guard bees protect the hive, stinging intruders and emitting a pheromone to warn bees inside the hive of impending danger.
So, that’s the opposite of New Terra, it seems, where hives are verboten. The No.1 rule of New Terra is: NO HIVES. Bees and ants will be hunted down without mercy … they are NOT part of the One Mind (don’t ask for any details; it only gets MorgueOfficial confused and he starts trying to switch from ontological unity to functional unity, a completely different thing!).
You would think that man/not-man Rebhahn would love bee hives. They are matriarchies, ruled by females, and all the workers are females, and the males are useless fuckers!
Let’s consider what MorgueOfficial had to say about hives:
“No, we are not a Hive Mind because it seems to imply a controlling source with drones.”
So, we are not something … because of what it SEEMS to imply. You see, the Truth is acutely conscious of what seems to be the case rather than what actually is the case. Appearances are important, people!
Rebhahn – a pointless drone if ever there was one (he’s a total parasite, who does nothing, lives off others, and can’t even fuck the queen … in fact, he actually identifies AS the queen!) – is drone-phobic (because the truth that he is one hurts too much). He associates a Hive Mind with being controlled, but he does not associate a One Mind with being controlled. Like all New Age Wokesters, he believes that HE is in control if the One Mind is true. If the Hive Mind is true, he is NOT in control – because he cannot have any say over the other minds in the hive. Rebhahn feels RADICALLY INSECURE in a hive setup because it means he has no reassurances that the other hive members are not going to devour him as a pointless freak and weirdo, of no value to the hive (meritocracy!), and boot him out of the hive … or WORSE. So, to avoid that, he is psychologically driven to adopt the One Mind view, where, he believes, others are forced to accept him and even respect and celebrate him! ALL WEIRDOS AND FREAKS DEMAND THE ONE MIND WORLDVIEW. It’s a psychological defense for exotic minorities. It makes them feel safer. They are totally convinced by the “logic”: ah, if we are all one, no one should do me any harm.
Yeah, try living in the real world, you freaks and weirdos! If we actually were all One Mind, or originated in One Mind, or whatever, our conduct would be 100% different. It’s self-evident that we live in a collection of different minds, all of which have their own will to power, which is often in direct competition with ours. According to the “One Mind” hokum, we in fact all share the same will to power, so shouldn’t be harming each other. Yet here we are!
This One Mind crap is a total denial of reality. It’s like the Christian belief in “heaven-to-come”. It’s never coming, but it makes people feel better to imagine it is. Totally pathetic people turn away from THIS world, actuality, and inhabit a fantasy about this other place, this New Jerusalem, this New Terra.
Nietzsche said,
“In Christianity neither morality nor religion has even a single point of contact with reality. Nothing but imaginary causes, “God,” “soul,” “ego,” “spirit,” “free will”—for that matter “unfree will,” nothing but imaginary effects (“sin,” “redemption,” “grace,” “punishment,” “forgiveness of sins”).”
Similarly, New Age Wokeness – the continuation of Christianity by other means – hasn’t even a single point of contact with reality. Weak people invent a world to come where their weakness will be celebrated rather than condemned. This is SLAVE MORALITY. Look at Hyperianism, with its drivel that the weak shall build New Terra and everything will be wonderful. Look at all the crap about “Unity exploring diversity” (funny that a Oneness wants to explore its CONTRADICTION – why?), the celebration of “difference”, the sanctification of extreme individualism, the demand for absolute “self-expression”, no matter how provocative, antagonizing, narcissistic … and so on. All of this in fact makes WAR inevitable. And war is fucking coming and coming SOON.
The cruelest wars of all time are now just mere years away. They will have one good outcome – the elimination of Wokeness! Such a diseased idea could only happen in a degenerate, decadent world that had completely lost its way and succumbed to “all paths and all truths” and total subjectivism and relativism … and ubiquitous narcissism.
What is Wokeness? It’s the gospel that the weak are right. They aren’t. They are inherently wrong. Slave morality will never triumph in our world. The Woke will NEVER succeed. Wokeness means the end of humanity. It’s an existential threat. It’s DEGENERATION as an ideology. Just look at Hyperianism – an actual freakshow. A collection of people espousing degeneration. A Dunning-Kruger cult led by a man (not man) with no education and no qualifications claiming to explain reality, using content he stole from others and then wrecked it by “Wokifying it”.
The cretin Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial), the weirdo sword swallower from AMC’s freakshow who learned only the BIBLE, believes he knows better than Leibniz – one of humanity’s all-time greatest geniuses – regarding what Leibniz’s law means. WTF! It’s not fucking Rebhahn’s law, that’s for sure. “Rebhahn’s law” – if we were to play with such a comedy idea – is that you can fool your cult slaves all of the time. They will believe whatever you tell them, no questions asked, provided you pose as WOKE.
Everyone in the Hyperian fantasy world is totally groomed and brainwashed. People in the real world know that Corey Rebhahn is a dangerous lunatic grifting from retarded suckers. Why is the world not going after these people? It’s because Rebhahn is an apex predatory capitalist. He just asks for money, and his cult slaves send it. Just like that!
By the way, with the monadic Hive Mind that constitutes Being, the eternal and necessary foundation of existence, there is no Queen Bee, no drones, and no worker bees. It’s a community of gods, a society of the divine. It’s the perfect round table of meritocracy! No decent person could possibly hate and fear the Hive Mind that grounds reality. But the degenerate freak Corey Rebhahn does. Funny, that! You know, in Christian theology, Rebhahn would be Satan!
All monadic minds at zero entropy have identical functionality, through quiddity (although they of course remain ontologically distinct via haecceity and aseity – but NEVER ask the congenital liar and moron MorgueOfficial about any of this!).
The “Hive Mind” means we are MANY all perfectly gathered in ONE place (the Singularity). There is no superior monad (no queen), no parasite monads (drones), and no inferior workers-slave monads. That’s just ridiculous and embarrassing, but that’s what the drama queen Corey Rebhahn says. We all know that he works for the FBI to target anti-Woke groups. Is he also a crisis actor for Woke activism? What’s for sure is that he is a compulsive liar. ALL Hyperians are liars and support a liar, and advocate active lying in the interests of Wokeness (just as Muslims lie for the sake of Islam). These people are scum and filth. They steal the work of others and totally corrupt it and believe that’s perfectly fine and righteous. Rebhahn compulsively lies about the PSR and Leibniz’s law and they all nod along and spread his sick lies. Not one of these people, these liars, ever challenges Rebhahn. Not ever. They call themselves “freethinkers”, yet none of these pointless drones is free to ask their cult God a single awkward question. They help the degenerate, sick man Corey Rebhahn to groom and brainwash vulnerable people and financially fleece them. These Hyperians are total crooks, stealing from impressionable people to fill the coffers of the malignant narcissist and psychopath Corey Rebhahn. Not one of these people has ever condemned the poisonous, evil Terrors of Men degeneracy that Rebhahn continues to promote.
All meritocrats must work for the eradication of sick cults like Hyperianism, which are all about giving a privileged status to a mentally ill con man, grifter and plagiarist, lying about the nature of reality.


What could be more glorious? You are an intrinsic, permanent unit of the Godhead!
Rebhahn said,
“We are a collective, but we all have our individual component as well.”
So, are we individual monads that, when all considered together, constitute a monadic collective (HIVE), or are we ONE MIND, as Rebhahn KEEPS SAYING! One Mind is NOT a collective. It’s, you know, ONE MIND. The clue is in the definition! Rebhahn, either through stupidity or active deceit, continuously changes his language to cover up his extremist Woke agenda. When it suits him, he says we’re a collective; when it suits him, he says we’re individuals; when it suits him, he says we are ONE MIND; when it suits him, he says we are MANY MINDS, and this means he can continuously change his message to be whatever his audience wants it to be.
Rebhahn is talking GIBBERISH to you over and over again. He is a MORON. He is deceiving you, lying to you, telling you nonsense, telling you totally wrong things about reality, and KNOWINGLY doing this. It’s not accidental. Why are you listening to this FOOL?! This is a guy who swallows balls (!). And talks bollocks.
Why do people bother with Hyperianism when Rebhahn literally states totally false things on EVERY deadstream? He can’t even tell the difference between one ontological mind and many ontological minds and laughably believes these are the same thing(s), but just viewed from a different perspective! Total drivel. A category error.
This is exactly what happens when a Dunning-Kruger, extreme feeling type with no qualifications pretends to know about cerebral, cognitive, intellectual matters. Rebhahn doesn’t know shit.
Hyperianism is something we would love to be able to totally ignore. It’s absolute bullshit and brain cancer for the brain-dead and mentally ill. The reason we have to pay attention to this abomination is that it stole and attacked ontological mathematics and thus constitutes a direct attack by the stupid on the intelligent. Illuminism is for smart people. Hyperianism is for “the intellectually challenged”.
Let’s not dress this up, folks. Hyperians – those who remain in the cult – are stupid, while everyone who got out is smart. 1 + 1 = 2.
No intelligent person could remain in Hyperianism, and none has. The whole scene is unintelligent and fiercely anti-intelligence. It’s a hang-out for delusional Woke weirdos who want to be in a Woke “community”. That’s it. These people want to pretend to be important when in fact they have zero importance. Many of them claim to be “artists”. As if!
Nietzsche said,
“I do not want to believe it although it is palpable: the great majority of people lacks an intellectual conscience. … I mean: the great majority of people does not consider it contemptible to believe this or that and live accordingly, without having first given themselves an account of the final and most certain reasons pro and con, and without even troubling themselves about such reasons afterward.”
No Hyperians have an intellectual conscience, which is why they lie so often. Nietzsche said, “People lie unspeakably often, but afterwards they do not remember it and on the whole do not believe it.” This is so true. Hyperians seem to immediately erase their memory about their lies and thus actually see themselves as truthful. They are led by a man whose whole reality is a lie. He is a FAKE SELF, impersonating (badly) real human beings. He is an “uncanny valley” impressionist of actual human beings.
The idiot “Exploring the Holos” said he supports meritocracy. Oh how we laughed. He belongs to a cult based on pure privilege, where NO ONE is allowed to challenge the cult leader or his mods. They can NEVER be replaced by any internal process. No person of talent can ever rise up. Of course, there are zero people of talent in Hyperianism, and it actively campaigns against meritocracy. It endorses Woke “teleocracy” which is about exterminating everyone who opposes Wokeness. “Exploring the Holos” is an archetypal dim-witted Hyperian, incapable of having a deep thought. His meat-starved brain would explode if he had to read challenging, unWoke material. Never forget a fundamental law of humanity: stupid people cannot understand intelligent people, and stupid people can never read intelligent books and grasp what the intelligent authors are saying. Stupidity is a disease that is practically impossible to overcome. Stupid people, by the Dunning-Kruger effect, don’t even know that they are stupid and don’t know that intelligent people are intelligent. We encounter this all the time with Hyperians. They think they are incredibly smart although they have no qualifications, and that we are incredibly stupid although we are exceptionally highly qualified AND FROM ULTRA WORKING-CLASS BACKGROUNDS. They have zero respect for education, intelligence, intellectual talent and intellectual qualifications. That’s why they follow a sword swallower and ball regurgitator with no education and no qualifications. 1 + 1 = 2.
Hyperianism is Woke cretinism hijacked by a bourgeois pathological narcissist who absolutely NEEDS narcissistic supply. As Professor Sam Vaknin points out, these malignant narcissists have no true self, so no means to internally regulate themselves. There is no one behind the mask. The mask is all there is, so how does the mask regulate itself? Exclusively via how the world responds to the fake. A person such as Rebhahn – the absence rather the presence of a real person – exists only via the feedback he gets from the world. He has no actual self, so his “sense of self” is actually purely about how others see him and respond to him, and that’s how he negotiates his way through life … constantly calibrating himself in relation to the narcissistic supply he receives. But, hey, don’t expect any Hyperian to grasp this. These people are staggeringly dumb. Unquestionably, they have the IQs of retarded people. The sole reason why this farce goes on and on is that this confederacy of dunces cretinously refuses to accept reality. How do you push people out of the fantasy to which they are addicted? How do you stop heroin addicts taking heroin?
Rebhahn’s “system” is Creationist Solipsism. All that exists is the Creator – the monotheistic Christian God – and then he produces the illusion of otherness, of difference, in order NOT TO BE BORED! By himself. Sheez.
You know, Jesus Christ incarnated on earth to “explore diversity” and have experiences. He wanted to know what it was like to experience death. All hail the Romans. All hail Tiberius. All hail HADRIAN – the great Roman emperor hated by Hyperians!
Intelligent people watch this kind of content: “The History of Ontological Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup
Stupid people – Hyperians – watch Corey Rebhahn, Immensely Fat Jan and the Hyperian Plagiarism. Because their audience has absolutely no interest in intelligent content. They want WOKE content. These people are hyper-feeling types. They are extremely opposed to cerebral content. That’s why they remain Hyperians. Corey Rebhahn is the Pied Piper of a Woke cult of very stupid, emotional people. Rebhahn’s content is stupid … incredibly stupid. Seriously, listen to Bernardo Kastrup and imagine Rebhahn trying to deliver that kind of content. It’s impossible for Rebhahn to do so. Kastrup is extremely educated and qualified. Rebhahn is not. Kastrup knows what he’s talking about. Rebhahn does not. Rebhahn just makes it up as he goes along, and he actually relies on his very dumb audience never asking him a challenging question – and they never do. So much for being an individual! These people are DRONES. The irony!
The most intelligent people in the world are those who have sought to anticipate all the objections of the rest of the intelligent people in the world. They know they need good arguments to defeat their intellectual opponents. Corey Rebhahn knows that all he has to achieve – an extremely low bar – is know more than his cretinous audience, who will in fact unconditionally accept his “authority”. Rebhahn could NEVER respond to any intelligent questions about his system, and never does. No one in his audience understands what he’s talking about – it’s fundamentally incoherent intellectually – and they have no desire to question him. They are there for other reasons – for their feelings, to be part of a “community”, to be with like-minded Woke fanatics, to imagine themselves as wonderful people changing the world. It’s the pure fantasy of profoundly unintelligent people. It’s actually frightening reading the “arguments” made by Hyperians. This is the IDIOCRACY in full color.
They’re not arguments at all. They’re just ventilations and Woke thoughts and prayers. These people say, “But we’re not bad people and nor is Morgue Official.” You are extremely bad people. You are degenerate. And we will keep spreading awareness about you and your disease. You are an outright attack on the TRUTH. You accept only Woke lies. You worship MorgueOfficial because he’s the Wokest, weirdest freak in the world.
The man you follow – slavishly – is a pathological narcissist and psychopath. And the fact that you do not see that, cannot see it, or refuse to see it, shows how incredibly dangerous people such as you are. You are the enemies of the People, the enemies of humanity itself. You are blocking human evolution. You are the stupid – the Dunciad – and you must be overcome! You have zero self-awareness. Which is why it’s so hilarious that you refer to hyperawareness. But, of course, you are some of the most extreme cases of the Dunning-Kruger effect in the world.
The world will not be silent in the face of the extreme threat you pose. The world can and will react. And Wokeness will be ended … because it’s an inherent insult to human dignity, honor, nobility, strength and vigor.
Nietzsche said,
“I distinguish between a type of ascending life and another type of decay, disintegration, weakness. Is it credible that the question of the relative rank of these two types still needs to be posed?”
The Woke are descending life. They are weakness, decay and disintegration. They are pure nihilism. They are everything that Nietzsche warned us against. Nietzsche must become the rallying point for everyone opposed to Wokeness. Nietzsche would be nauseated by Hyperianism, an actual cult of slave morality and human degeneration, all in the name of the extreme right-wing ideology of absolute individualism and total hatred of the collective.
Rebhahn said,
“Be come yourself by learning who you are not what Society tells you to be.”
Well, go on, then … declare war on Society and see how far that gets you, fuckwits. Hyperianism is anarchy and anomie. It is far-right libertarianism. It DESPISES the collective and the general will.
Never be whatever Rebhahn orders you to be! Escape from this lunatic. He’s a pathological narcissist, a psychopath, endlessly grifting and using YOU for his narcissistic supply. Stop feeding the monster. Free yourself! Become a decent member of human society. Help others. Work with others. Don’t go down the path of insane individualism, entirely against the public good, commonwealth, and General Will.
Someone said that Rebhahn’s real name is “Morgen Se Cret”. No, it’s Corey Rebhahn, son of fundamentalist Christian parents. His dad is an extremely conservative, right-wing Christian cop – one of the enforcers of the Old World Order! That’s the nature of the beast. And Rebhahn, is, increasingly obviously, an FBI plant. How naïve you would have to be to imagine that the “influencer scene” isn’t absolutely full of FBI and CIA agents trying to corrupt the minds of the impressionable and turn them into Woke drones?
Do you fucking imagine that the Old World Order STOPPED this program? They massively expanded it. It’s now called WOKENESS.
Join the Resistance.
Fight back against the Old World Order!
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs