We could not endure an audience of such people. It would mean that you had totally failed as a human being, and that you had nothing intelligent to say. Every time we encounter any Hyperian saying anything, we feel brain cells dying. Is it possible to have created an audience of such dumb fucks? But they’re not any old dumb fucks. Many of them are sick, toxic trolls, and they are all insufferably self-righteous and feel morally superior, while completely rejecting all normal standards of morality. They believe that being WOKE is some magical power they have that converts them from pointless trash (the reality) into saviors of the world, with higher consciousness than everyone else (the fantasy).
The more desperate they are, the more people resort to fantasy. Hyperianism is total fantasy, showing how utterly desperate Hyperians are. Just look at people such as Kassidy and Dyslexic Fairy. Ew. In the past, the world simply ignored such people. Today, these people can go on social media and engage in the fantasy that they are significant, even if they have to pay thousands of dollars to malignant narcissists and psychopaths to make the fantasy seem “real”.
One of the worst pieces of philosophy we have ever come across is the thought experiment known as the “Experience Machine” by Robert Nozick. Wikipedia says,
“The experience machine or pleasure machine is a thought experiment put forward by philosopher Robert Nozick in his 1974 book Anarchy, State, and Utopia. It is an attempt to refute ethical hedonism by imagining a choice between everyday reality and an apparently preferable simulated reality. A primary thesis of hedonism is that “pleasure is the good”, which leads to the argument that any component of life that is not pleasurable does nothing directly to increase one’s well-being. This is a view held by many value theorists, but most famously by some classical utilitarians. Nozick attacks the thesis by means of a thought experiment. If he can show that there is something other than pleasure that has value and thereby increases well-being, then hedonism is defeated. The thought experiment Nozick asks us to imagine a machine that could give us whatever desirable or pleasurable experiences we could want. In this thought experiment, psychologists have figured out a way to stimulate a person’s brain to induce pleasurable experiences that the subject could not distinguish from those he would have apart from the machine. He then asks, if given the choice, would we prefer the machine to real life? Nozick also believes that if pleasure were the only intrinsic value, people would have an overriding reason to be hooked up to an “experience machine,” which would produce favorable sensations.”
What is Hyperianism if not an “experience machine” for the likes of Kassidy and Dyslexic Fairy who can flee from the truth – which is HORRIFIC for them and promises them only future misery and hopelessness – and arrive in their fantasy world of New Terra, where they are “seen”, where they are “recognized”. Rousseau and Hegel spoke of the crucial importance of being recognized. Hegel’s master-slave dialectic is all about recognition, but points out how the masters can gain no satisfaction from being “recognized” by slaves. Hyperianism is where slaves recognize each other, but there are no dominants, no masters, in this scene except the cult god Corey Rebhahn, who goes out of his way to “see”, to “recognize”, all those who … send him enormous amounts of money and adoration! A malignant narcissist does anything for narcissistic supply. They would much prefer high-quality supply, of course, from high-caliber people, but they take whatever they can get, so would never turn up their nose at supply coming from slaves and scum. Well, just look at Hyperianism. No person of quality could be anything other than ASHAMED to have ended up with an audience like that. There are zero people of quality in Hyperianism. The whole thing actually revolves around lack of quality. No person of quality could ever attach themselves to that scene. If you want to know what human lives without quality look like, just look at people such as Kassidy and Dyslexic Fairy. They will NEVER do anything of quality in their entire lives.
Hyperian BDSM enthusiast MistressAngelica1416 said, when Morgy Porgy popped up:
“Daddy has entered the chat 👁👄👁”
So, Hyperians see Porgy as “DADDY”. Can you fucking believe it? But these people are all children, that’s for sure, as is Porgy himself … the boy that never grew up.
In his essay entitled “ANDRE”, Rebhahn said of his dead boyfriend,
“Officially One Year … I wish you were still here… We never found out what it was… I love you and I miss you so much. …Andre, it has been a year since you have left. This is for you. Officially one year. You never had a doubt, fearless, without worry… The day you died just felt like a normal day. When you didn’t come home, I got worried. You said you were going to the store, but you never came back. After 2 hours, I went searching. I looked everywhere you would go, even got the police involved. When I got the call you were found, I was relieved. Until they asked me to come up and identify a body … I instantly knew it was you … When I came up and saw the body was you, I was devastated. They told me they had no clue if it was a Homicide or a Suicide. They found you in the woods … which was 3 miles out of the way … You had a bullet hole in your head … It was too late… I have been thinking that Maybe if I left the house with you, you would still be here! I could have saved you … Or tried to prevent the death…Andre, you were only 24..“You were a great best friend, boyfriend, and aspiring make-up artist.I miss you, bud…Love heart “David”
[“David” is of course Morgue. David is the name he uses with intimates. If he doesn’t let you call him David, you’re not an intimate. None of his Hyperian simps and gimps is ever allowed to call him David.]
Satahn said under Rebhahn’s message,
“I never knew you two dated o.o He is looking down on you. He will always be with you. Stay Strong Bro.”
A lot of people don’t seem to be aware that Rebhahn has had many male lovers. The first time we saw Rebhahn, we assumed he was bisexual (and leaning towards being exclusively gay), and so it proved. Typically, Rebhahn would only date a woman who looked like a boy.
Another of Rebhahn’s friends/lovers killed himself. In his essay entitled
“FOR ERIC (R.I.P)”, Rebhahn wrote, “R.I.P. Eric! You were my best friend and I know that one day we will be united again <3 I’ll see you soon, bud.“you were my brother, we constantly fought and bickered; but we loved each other. you were a skater, somebody that I looked up to. You, were my hero, though we were 2 years apart, I always had a strong understanding of who you were. you were confident. you had so much life ahead of you… why’d you have to go? I miss you, eric, I miss you so much…you turned your back and left us all. I don’t know how you went through with it [suicide]… I would have been too chicken… luckily, I have your memory… forever engraved in my mind…”
Many Hyperians will kill themselves when they wake up to the staggering malignancy of cult leader Corey Rebhahn and realize they have been completely duped, conned, manipulated and exploited by a naked psychopath, willing to tell any lies at all to glorify himself. This is one of the sickest people on the planet, with no saving graces at all. In a very real sense, he is the face of pure evil. He is that which must be overcome.
So, onto Rebhahn’s latest deadstream nonsense.
Rebhahn said,
“Before the Big Bang, we existed in a state of pure identity.”
It was of course FUNCTIONAL identity, not ONTOLOGICAL identity, which is the provably false claim on which Hyperianism is now built. The liar Rebhahn will go on lying forever. He’s a psychopath. These people never back down.
By the way, Rebhahn has never grasped that monads ALWAYS remain in a state of Being in their basis mode. It’s an eternal and necessary state, and is the sine qua non for all Becoming (the temporal and contingent order). So, monads are, at base, UNCHANGING, Parmenidean minds (of BEING), which GENERATE derived, EVER-CHANGING Heraclitean minds (of Becoming). Our dynamic human consciousness is attached to the process of Becoming. But at this very instant we are also, at our foundational level, in the divine domain of pure Being. We are perfect GOD MINDS at this level, which, like Aristotle’s God, experience and contemplate nothing but eternal, immutable perfection (just as, for Plato, perfect minds could contemplate the perfect, immutable, eternal Forms in the immaterial domain of pure mind). Some people can on occasion break through to this level of consciousness and experience ecstasy, numinous epiphanies, divinity, flashes of perfect insight, perfect connection, perfect alignment with every other mind. The Buddhists call it nirvana and the Hindus moksha. It’s perfect functional unity with everything else, but never of course any kind of ontological unity. The domain of Becoming is inexorably converging on the zero entropy state of pure Being, pure universalism. It must shed ALL entropic particulars, all “diversity”, to get there – i.e., it must get rid of crap like Hyperianism which is all about particulars, extreme individualism, entropy, divergence and diversity – the antithesis of where reality is heading! It’s as if the Hyperians have their heads fitted on backwards, which, to be fair, is metaphorically true. These are not just stupid people, they are arrogantly stupid and suffering from extreme bourgeois entitlement. Not one of them would ever stand with the working class. They all self-identity as “artists” aka delusional, bourgeois pricks without proper jobs. The women in Rebhahn’s harem would have been burned as witches back in the day, and we would, er … having been eagerly collecting the firewood in this particular case. Too harsh? Nope!
Rebhahn said,
“We WERE utter perfection.”
We ARE utter perfection, in our mode of Being. This is exactly what it means to be an eternal and necessary mind, but Rebhahn doesn’t grasp that at all. He’s a dumb fuck, lying to other dumb fucks, who love being lied to.
Rebhahn said,
“Before the Big Bang we existed in state of pure identity, pure perfection, pure UNITY.”
Do you see how the congenital liar Corey Rebhahn absolutely avoids using a qualifier for UNITY? He previously falsely claimed that it was an ONTOLOGICAL unity, when in fact it’s a FUNCTIONAL unity, a totally different thing. A functional unity goes with a HIVE MIND, which Rebhahn detests, while an ontological unity goes with a ONE MIND, which Rebhahn LOVES, but which is provably false. Rebhahn invoked Leibniz’s law to try to defend the ONE MIND and totally fucked it up. He got it 100% wrong. He INVERTED it. Yet he still promotes these proven lies. Because a professional liar – Rebhahn actually makes a lucrative living from lying to stupid people – will never back down on his lies.
Rebhahn refers to “unity and identity” as if they imply an ontological unity when of course it’s a case of ontologically different things being in a functional unity because they are all in exactly the same functional ground state, the same basis state – all the individuals minds are in the same state of Being. Difference arises in the projected domain of BECOMING, which does not change anything regarding the domain of Becoming (just as Aristotle’s God of pure actualization was never altered by the world of change and potentiality).
Rebhahn says,
“When we as a unity and an identity fractures…”
Absolutely nothing “fractures”. You don’t have a One Mind that then starts internally tearing itself apart, or whatever. Rather, the FUNCTIONAL UNITY remains precisely as it is … FOREVER. That’s BEING. It’s eternal and necessary. At the Big Bang, it spawns a new, secondary, derived mathematical domain – that of time, space and matter – the domain of Becoming, of temporality and contingency and particulars. So, minds of BEING acquire a new, additional mode … that of Becoming, but they always remain, at base, as pure BEING. Therefore, they haven’t “fractured”. They have ACQUIRED an extra mode, an extra “dimension”, so to speak. “God” (actually, the Hive God) did not create the world out of nothing; he created it out of his own basis waves, but this world was absolutely separate from him. It was a completely different mathematical domain. The frequency domain of mind projects not just a universe of matter but also a new mode of mind – the hybrid mind, constituted by non-orthogonal sinusoids – and it’s this hybrid mind that hosts our consciousness and interfaces with the world. It’s a mind projection, a mind construct, not an independent ontological mind (the only independent ontological mind is the eternal and necessary base monad with its basis, orthogonal, sinusoidal waves).
Rebhahn says,
“…we introduce difference by rearranging our internal frequencies.”
That’s precisely what we DON’T do and just proves yet again that Rebhahn doesn’t understand ont math AT ALL. Monads, in their base state of Being, NEVER rearrange their base frequencies. They can’t! These are eternal and necessary, perfect and immutable. What they do is project another domain, and in that new mathematical domain of Becoming, temporal and contingent wavefunctions are constantly changing – but the base monad NEVER alters its internal structure (which is that of Being, not Becoming).
Rebhahn has totally failed to grasp the basis of ont math: a perfect frequency domain produces an imperfect spacetime domain via ontological Fourier mathematics. The perfect frequency domain is Parmenidean and NEVER changes, rearranges itself, or whatever. The spacetime domain is Heraclitean and is always changing, always rearranging itself, and is accessed by the mode of monad that we have called “hybrid”. (Think of a Pythagorean triangle and the difference between the hypotenuse and the other two sides. Mathematically, in Fourier ont math, the hypotenuse would correspond to the hybrid mind, and the other two sides to space and time (and thus matter). We have explained this in our books, but we’ve never been confident that people have understood this – it’s conceptually staggeringly difficult. Corey Rebhahn didn’t grasp ANY of it. He didn’t understand the content he plagiarized from us and got it all wrong. Bertrand Russell was so right: “A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.” Rebhahn, a very stupid man, never understood what our very clever authors wrote, and translated it into the cretinous system that constitutes today’s Hyperianism. ALL FALSE, ALL WRONG.
The world is a phenomenal projection of a noumenal thing in itself. It’s not the thing in itself. Rebhahn talks about an ontological unity (the absolute, the sole thing in itself) “fracturing” because of “difference” and then “unity explores diversity” – all total nonsense. There was never any ontological unity and so there is no fracturing of the non-existent ontological unity, contrary to Rebhahn’s entire spiel. Ont math would be IMPOSSIBLE in such a situation. Ont math MUST have an eternal and necessary, immutable and perfect, completely universal (non-particular) base.
Rebhahn said,
“…we fractured but introduced difference by rearranging our internal frequency patterns into unique patterns.”
We are NOT rearranging our internal frequency patterns! We are projecting an entirely different mathematical domain (the spacetime domain) and there what is changing is the set of temporal and contingent wavefunctions. We are in no way rearranging our basis frequencies. They CANNOT be rearranged.
Rebhahn said,
“It was us going into a state of perfect identity, unity and perfection.”
You cannot “go” into a state if you are always in that state (it’s an eternal and necessary state”). Rebhahn talks about an ontological unity being established in time (i.e., it’s part of the process of BECOMING and nothing to do with the domain of BEING) and then “fracturing” to produce difference, and then going back to “unity” again. That’s all completely false. The domain of Being never goes anywhere. It never changes. It projects a dynamic domain of Becoming which starts off as extremely entropic (“diverse”) and then mathematically reduces its entropy to zero – to “return to itself”, so to speak.
Rebhahn said,
“…to a differentiated, diverse structure that gave rise to the Big Bang and physical reality.”
Total garbage, again. The idea that Rebhahn has in his head is totally false, and he just keeps mindlessly repeating it. And none of his cult slaves care.
Look at what Rebhahn is claiming here: an ontological unity gives rise to an ontological disunity and THEN this disunity (this “differentiated, diverse structure” gives rise to the Big Bang and the physical universe. So, a mental collapse (fracturing) of the original supposed ontological mental UNITY happens, producing a fractured, disunited mind, which then generates the physical world. This is absolute rubbish. No such thing happens.
There never was an ontological unity, there never was any fracturing of this unity, and there never was any creating of the physical universe from this disunity.
What actually happens is that we exist in a Hive Mind that has an eternal and necessary state of a temperature of Absolute Zero and perfect zero entropy – this is BEING (and is wholly denied by science) – and, at the Big Bang, this same Hive Mind – which can never be anything other than a Hive Mind – projects an entropic domain of spacetime (Becoming) and it does so across all of its different nodes (constituent monads). It’s the projected domain that is entropic and divided and particular, not the zero-entropy Hive Mind doing the projecting. Because of Rebhahn’s inherent lack of intellect and incapacity to differentiate ontological unity from functional unity, he has got all of this wrong and is just FLAT-OUT LYING about the true nature of reality. Remember, this is OUR system. Rebhahn plagiarized it and got it hideously wrong – because he never understood it in the first place.
Rebhahn said,
“So, reality goes through a process of unity and separation, unity and separation, unity and separation…”
Except it doesn’t. The unity of the Hive Mind at zero entropy is permanent. It’s eternal and necessary. But, of course, Rebhahn can never mention the zero-entropy domain of Being and the entropic domain of Becoming because he has no clue what entropy means and has no comprehension of the difference between Being and Becoming, hence no clue whatsoever about the nature of reality.
He talks about an ontological unity separating and then this ontological separation ontologically reuniting – all TOTALLY FALSE.
Rebhahn made it clear where he gets his catastrophic misunderstanding from – EMPEDOCLES, a striking figure in Illuminist history, but now ignored in relation to his ontological speculations. We shall look tomorrow at how hyperianism now relies on thinking that is nearly 2,500 years old!
Mate, the world has evolved. But you haven’t. You dumb fuckwit.
deathbycrimsonFeb 12, 2014“Exactly (: And if this keeps going on, I’m going straight to the police. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again if I have to…”
Yeah, do you go screaming do your cop DADDY, you fucking freak? What a total coward you are. You’re a huge crybaby, and rat, and snitch, and the worst piece of shit imaginable. A true monster, a complete miscarriage of a human being – and you know it better than anyone.
Morgue Official is a NOSFERATU looking for his next victims. Don’t let him feed on you! Save yourselves.
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs