9/28/2022 – Post #2
Check out the video of the posts of Torgensen continuing the same ranting she was doing on the audio track that we provided on Monday.
Fatso: “I will not stop till Morgue trades me a lump for a name on pumkin”.
It’s spelt “pumpkin”, fatty. Eat more candy!
Fatso: “I get to be upset.”
Do you? Who says? Is it all about you, fatty? Have a couple more beers, and dream of whispering to them dolphins!
Fatso: “This fucking hurts.”
Always the self-pity. Get puffing on that vaper! Puff the magic dragon.
Fatso: “Morgue is drunk! lol”
So are you, fatty.
Fatso: “Daddy issues. Totally not cool. I don’t like how easily that rolled off his [Rebhahn’s] tongue!”
Hey, aren’t you non-binaries supposed to call each other “they”? If even you can’t be bothered, why should anyone else play this mad pronoun game of yours?
Anyhoo, we have arrived at fatty’s real grievance. The man who pumped and dumped her said she has “daddy issues”. (Which she does, of course … exactly as Rebhahn has mommy issues.) Have a good cry, fatty, and eat even more candy. Yum!!
Fatso: “I am calmly and rationally saying that the daddy issue comment was really odd.”
Isn’t it hilarious that when fatty is at her most emotional, she says she is calm and rational?! Always with the irony, right fatty?
Fatso: “I have never in my life felt so defeated that every family member just stares at me in awe like I’m an alien.”
But you ARE an alien! Did no one tell you? Well, let us be the first to break the news to you.
Why have the Corey gang bonded so insanely tightly? It’s because none of them have good family situations and so they have recreated the family experience as this ridiculous Hyperian cult. Cults ALWAYS try to replace the family.
Fatso: “I will not be contacting anyone from now on.”
Yeah, why don’t you just fuck right off?!
Fatso: “If you want a friendship with me than y’all will have to me. I don’t know what to do. Specially with rowan.”
So, this was all stored up by the Blob, especially her dislike of Rowan. That’s why she was ECSTATIC to get her revenge on Rowan by complaining to the FBI about him and trying to destroy his life.
Torgensen’s whole life has been unravelling for years. She lives in this Hyperian fantasy world of hers and tries to shut out reality.
You’re fucking pathetic Torgensen. The whole world laughs at you. So you found a tiny corner of the world where about twenty-five people who are as fucked in the head and desperate as you are pretend to take you seriously, and you pretend to take them seriously in return. It’s all so pathetic. What a sad, sad, mentally ill scene. Why don’t you try living in the real world for a change, Torgensen? Talk to real people, not your fellow cultists. You’re all living in unreality tunnels, and, by the looks of it, none of you is ever getting out. You don’t want to get out. Reality has nothing for you.
Wrath said of the adopted Mormon Torgensen: “Jan comes from an abusive home life and Morgue broke her heart 🍆 💦 that’s why she acts like this. Susan then brainwashed Jan into being a good little lapdog. Over the years she’s had these crazy emotional outbursts that land her in the ‘inner circle’ doghouse. She’s proven unreliable and too stupid to do anything but occasional graphics. However, after Rowan and the other mods left she was promoted. If Jan starts telling the truth Hyperianism is FUCKED. (They’re already fucked) I doubt she will tho, Susan’s brainwashing corrupts the youth. Pretty sure that’s who our ‘wall flower’ (troll) is. Regardless, everything I said about Jan and why she acts this way is true.”
So true.
You know what would be great? If these Hyperian loons, especially the leader and his four mods, actually dealt with their Shadow issues. Unfortunately, they are all actually controlled by their Shadows.
Oh well, it will soon be over.
The long arm of the long is getting closer and closer.
Tick tock!