Morgen Night the Self-Harm and Suicide Clown



10/2/2022 Post #3
Is Hyperianism a Self-Harm and Suicide Cult?
Hyperianism clearly revolves strong themes of self-harm and suicide. Hyperian cult leader Corey Rebhahn was basically a self-harm “artist”, claiming that if you did what he did you would end up in the Morgue (hence his stage name).
Consider the evidence, straight from the horse’s mouth:
“When you get to the end of your rope. Tie a knot and hang from it.”
“Pull the trigger boys and girls.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Here is the bullet and here is the gun. It is up to you to pull the trigger.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Where’s the off button?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Culture has brainwashed you. Join me LIVE as we explore how to destroy your old self in order to create your NEW self. We’re going to have a lot happening in this stream. I’ll be displaying my Bed of Razor Blades from when I performed a stunt symbolizing the death of the old self and we’ll explore excerpts from my book The Metaphorical Suicide.” – Corey Rebhahn
Rebhahn’s first book was all about suicide, which he styled “metaphorical”. Really?
“Wanna die young and sell my soul. Use up all your drugs and make me come. Yesterday, man, I was a Nihilist. Now today I’m just too fuckin’ bored. … I want to disappear.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Facebook just sent me an official notification that they are concerned for my mental health, and that I should consider professional help. I must be doing something right 😉 – Corey Rebhahn.
“I hate people being able to see my eyes. They’re not for everyone. #SuicideChic” – Corey Rebhahn
“I got that fucked up self-destructive thing goin’ on” – Corey Rebhahn
“To be happy one must be in love with suffering.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Repeat after me. I’m not real.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Sobriety, what a horrible horrible feeling.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I will be live tweeting tonight’s episode of FREAKSHOW tonight at 9:30/8:30c. One of the most emotional and SHOCKING episodes. “My blood will set me free”. – Corey Rebhahn
“Do you fear death? Subscribe for more videos:” – Corey Rebhahn
“What would it be like to not exist at all? Subscribe for more:” – Corey Rebhahn
Morgue made a video entitled “Suicide”.
Rebhahn wrote, “This was written during a nihilistic period in my life when I was struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts.”
Why is this video still on his YouTube channel unless he’s still promoting these views?
“Guide me to the knife.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Let’s face it: The world is TRASH. Is it HELL? 🔥 Subscribe for more videos:” – Corey Rebhahn
“This is just the beginning. Stain it RED.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Is it strange that I eat only one meal a day?” – Corey Rebhahn
“My vision burns red and my saliva mixed with blood.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Your life is a cancer and I am the cure.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Ahh it’s good to be a freak!” – Corey Rebhahn
“The blood of witches and heretics runs in our veins and together we’ll stain this world red.” – Corey Rebhahn
“What’s your deepest fear?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Sometimes it takes a knife, to open a mind.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Sometimes you can barely tell the difference between darkness and light.” – Corey Rebhahn
“This photo was taken at an abandoned asylum.” – Corey Rebhahn
Is Rebhahn an actual lunatic?
“Let me hear YOU say it. POST a comment here now and share it: “BLOOD!” – Corey Rebhahn
“I’m not alive. I’m undead.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Keep calm and hate humanity” – Corey Rebhahn
“What are nightmares? I have the darkest of dreams.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Dead eyes. #feelingwitchy” – Corey Rebhahn
“I’m a little dead today.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Give me a reason to smile.” – Corey Rebhahn
“First a star must die” – Corey Rebhahn
“I am really sick of people.” – Corey Rebhahn
“A fan gave me a bottle of wine adorned with razor blades. Very creative. It’s a good thing I opened the package cautiously.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I don’t like the external world.” – Corey Rebhahn
On his Facebook page, Rebhahn has made it clear that he is a heavy user of drugs and alcohol, and has glorified the irresponsible use of these.
“Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous.
#fakes #frauds #scum” – Corey Rebhahn
“Right and Wrong DOES NOT EXIST – Eliminating Morality” – Corey Rebhahn
All of this material is on Rebhahn’s social media TODAY. This is not historical. It is current – because it is currently available and has not been deleted.
Karen said, “How many teens are already obsessed with death? How many teens commit suicide each year….?”
This is exactly right. People such as Rebhahn are encouraging this whole sick scene, and trying to get children to hate normality in order to support Rebhahn’s degenerate abnormality.
Rebhahn must be stopped. Like Andrew Tate, he is someone who should be thrown off social media. Much of his content is disturbing and disgusting, and it is even being shown to children.
Enough already.