Illuminism is for those who genuinely want to understand the absolute Truth of existence, as reached through the principle of sufficient reason. It’s not some ludicrous exploration of “different perspectives” and subjectivist and relativist New Age “thinking” where everyone is right. You either want the Truth or you don’t, and you either accept that reason reveals it, or you don’t. Logic cuts through all the crap. If you believe that “perspectives” based on unreason and illogic reveal the Truth then you plainly don’t expect reality to make any rational and logical sense. That immediately rules you out of the God Game – the task of understanding the Mind of God – because, for you, ANY irrational and illogical “answer” is as “good” as any other.

We don’t accept ANY answer that contradicts reason and logic. No one is welcome in Illuminism who opposes reason and logic. We don’t roll out the welcome mat for astrologers and New Agers and the Woke. We are the opposite of “Hyperians” – whose leader welcomes anyone prepared to give him narcissistic supply and money.
The vast majority don’t want the truth. They DETEST the truth. They support UNTRUTH, exactly as Nietzsche said. They loathe reason and logic. They believe that “freethinking” means accepting rather than utterly rejecting and condemning irrational and illogical gibberish. Woke people of course have to accept , respect and celebrate whatever any other Woke person says, and that means they are 100% committed to accepting, respecting and celebrating irrational and illogical garbage. Which is why they despise us and constantly troll us. They troll the TRUTH. Because it’s not WOKE. The Truth is singular, not plural. It’s ONE, not MANY. There is only one Truth, and it is Absolute. Woke Hyperians completely deny this. They say there are as many truths as there are people, and all “truths” are relative and subjective. They take pride in being “open-minded freethinkers” who accept ALL irrational and illogical claims about the fundamental nature of reality. Because their commitment to being WOKE is ABSOLUTE and their commitment to the rational and logical TRUTH is non-existent. They regard reason and logic as “indoctrination” and “dogmatic and judgmental” even though they claim to be “ALWAYS guided by reason and logic.” It’s remarkable these people can stand up straight given how much they contradict themselves. If you actually claim to support reason and logic, you should of course condemn all systems that oppose reason and logic, precisely as we do. Hyperians say they support reason and logic and they also say they welcome everyone, no matter how irrational and illogical they are. That means that Hyperians REJECT reason and logic and are ENEMIES of reason and logic … since they support positions contrary to reason and logic. What is rational and logical about celebrating irrational and illogical worldviews? Don’t ask us, and it’s pointless asking Hyperians since what are they going to say? – nothing rational and logical, that’s for sure. They never have, and they never will. They are extreme other-directed feeling types – the WOKE.
These people want to believe whatever makes them feel good about themselves So, if it comes to accepting harsh Truths that make them feel bad about themselves or easy lies that make them feel good about themselves, there can only be one winner.
Rebhahn is a compulsive, shameless, psychopathic liar and his cult slaves demand that they be compulsively, shamelessly, psychopathically lied to. What would degenerate animals like these do with the Truth? How could the Truth ever be of interest to them? You need to be immensely strong for the Truth, whereas any weak, fat retard is always perfect for accepting the latest trendy, New Age, Woke La La Land lie.
Only lies are acceptable to Hyperians. The Truth is forbidden and what must ALWAYS be rejected. That’s why they have no problem putting up with a total conman lying to them constantly. He’s exactly what they want. He’s their kind of liar, their GOD OF LIES! Wokeness is all about lying about reality and humanity.
So, the Freakshow sword swallower who believes he is the most intelligent human being ever had more ludicrous fallacies to peddle to the cretins who listen to his demented, heavily monetized outpourings.
Let’s deconstruct his latest mad statements regarding monads. Never forget, monadic Ontological Mathematics is OUR system and Corey Rebhahn is a shameless plagiarist who stole our work without having ANY understanding of it.
So, some New Ager retard asked Rebhahn if
“God divided himself through thoughts.”
Morgue Official’s answer went like this:
“We are God. We are the Absolute that divided ourselves.”
So, for those that don’t follow this man’s New Age claptrap, Rebhahn claims that at some unspecified stage we were all ONE MIND, aka “God” aka, the “Absolute”. At this stage, we were the SAME, not DIFFERENT. There was only one ontological mind. That’s it. That’s all that existed. There was no “us”. “We” did not exist. So, at this unspecified point, YOU had no existence. You had no ontological being. You were nothing at all.
Rebhahn claims that the One Mind – God – was DIVISIBLE. So, although God was ONE, it also had the capacity to become Many. No logical explanation is ever offered for why the whole, the unity, the One Mind – God – is ONTOLOGICALLY divisible.
When a genius philosopher such as Schopenhauer talked about One God becoming Many, he meant one NOUMENAL mind making many PHENOMENAL minds via the individuating force of space and time. He certainly did not mean one ontological mind becoming many ontological minds. That’s a category error. An eternal and necessary ontological mind (God) CANNOT create other eternal and necessary ontological minds. That’s a category error. Eternal and necessary minds are of their essence uncreated and uncaused. They have aseity and haecceity. BY DEFINITION, you cannot create eternal things … because they have of course ALWAYS existed.
Morgue Official said, “We already did that.” That is, we already DIVIDED ourselves. Morgue Official said, “We can’t do it again.” So, the position of Morgue Official is that – at some “time”, we were One DIVISIBLE Mind (“Divisible God”) and then this divine ontological division actually occurred and we became MANY, INDIVISIBLE minds. So, a divisible mind can, apparently, make indivisible minds, but cannot make divisible minds like itself! Funny, that. It can’t clone itself (a divisible mind); it can only make a whole new type of ontological mind … an indivisible mind. All of this is so that Morgue Official, the freak, can make his signature Woke statement: We are One and Many ontologically; we are both ontologically God and ontologically not-God (individual minds).
This is … a category error. You cannot have two completely different ontologies – divisible and indivisible, unity and plurality. But hey what does a plagiarist, liar, conman and grifter like Morgue Official care? He will say ANYTHING if he thinks it sounds good and will secure him narcissistic supply from mindless suckers.
So, Morgue Official, when did DIVISIBLE GOD exist? Patently, he existed BEFORE he divided himself. So, at one time, according to you, this DIVISIBLE GOD existed entirely on his own, UNDIVIDED (prior to his division). When was this? Why was this God divisible rather than indivisible (leaving aside your New Age NEED to claim this to be the case)?
What IS a DIVISIBLE MIND? Clearly, it’s not an indivisible, immaterial, monadic singularity, so what the hell is it? BY DEFINITION IT CANNOT BE A MONAD – BECAUSE MONADS ARE INDIVISIBLE. So, Morgue Official is claiming that at one time zero monadic minds existed and, instead, some NON-MONADIC Mind existed – of a totally different ontological nature from monads, yet with the capacity to, somehow, generate monads (even though it’s not a monad itself).
Monads comprise basis sinusoidal waves (basis thoughts), but clearly a non-Monad does NOT contain sinusoidal waves, so what on earth is this DIVISIBLE MIND made of?
Tumbleweed. Never forget that Morgue Official is not a philosopher and knows nothing about philosophy. He’s a New Age influencer and ex Z-list reality TV star. He just makes up any shit he thinks sounds cool or Woke. He couldn’t care less whether it makes any sense. It’s not as if any of the retards who slavishly worship him are EVER going to ask him any serious question about the insane drivel he spouts. They don’t understand anything he says, just as they can’t follow any of our arguments.
The Deranged Word Salad of Morgue Official, it's what Hyperians crave!
Morgue official said,
“When we say that God divided itself, that was us dividing ourselves.”
So, remember folks, at one time we were all ONE (not MANY … not INDIVIDUAL MINDS). We were all GOD. There was no “We”. There was only “I”.
Morgue Official said,
“When you say can we do it [DIVIDE] … we did do it. That was us. We did it.”
What? There was no us! There was only the One Mind and that WASN’T US … that was … THE ONE MIND (GOD).
So, according to this freak, God (One) became Us (Many). So, er, what happened to God? Where is he now? Is he dead? Did he get lost?
There is no single ontological mind anymore, just lots of separate individual minds … er, a Hive Mind! But, oh no, there can’t be a Hive Mind because we know that Morgue Official hates the Hive Mind and denies its existence! Oh dear!
God apparently got rid of himself, through US – individual minds. But, somehow, we are all still ONE (God), and MANY (Not God). Who knew? CATEGORY ERROR ALERT! (Again.)
Morgue Official said,
“We can’t do it [DIVIDE] any further because we are indivisible nodes.”
So, the divisible One Mind (God) is apparently made of indivisible minds. Who knew? Well, the freakshow weirdo worked this out, and we all know he is never wrong. After all, he solved the greatest problem in philosophy. He said so himself! He made a video about it. Didn’t you watch this world-shaping video?
In ontological mathematics, there is a collection of eternal and necessary indivisible minds – the eternal and necessary HIVE MIND. There is no such thing as a divisible ontological One Mind somehow capable of making indivisible ontological monadic minds. To repeat, that is a category error. There are ONLY indivisible monadic minds FOREVER. At no stage were they ever ontologically ONE MIND.
Morgue Official said,
“We can’t be broken down any more…”
We were never broken down in the first place! We are eternal and necessary indivisible singularities (monadic minds).
Morgue Official said,
“…because we are complete and consistent mathematical system and because of this we are a holistic unity.”
Ah, now this fuckwit has switched to OUR terminology, but of course he doesn’t understand what any of these terms means. It’s exactly because we are eternally complete and consistent mathematical minds – whole, indivisible units – that we were NEVER One Mind, NEVER one, ontological divisible God, as Morgue Official laughably claims.
You cannot be both divisible and indivisible! That’s a category error, but of course Morgue Official’s One and Many shtick requires exactly that – to be ontologically divisible and also ontologically indivisible!
Morgue Official said,
“We can’t be divided up or broken down because we are eternal, complete, total units.”
This cretin doesn’t understand the basic meaning of these words. If we are ETERNAL then THAT MEANS we were not caused, we were not created, we always existed, exactly in the same foundational way. We are were never at any stage created by a One Mind, or Caused by a One Mind, or ontologically part of an ontological One Mind, or any other such thing. We were never part of a DIVISBLE mind waiting to be somehow released from it by “difference” or some ludicrous Woke notion of exploring “diversity”. Everything that Rebhahn says is just New Age crap.
You cannot “release” eternal things from some different ontological category. Monads eternally belong to the same ontological category!
Morgue Official said,
“It would be an impossibility for us to be divided down anymore than we are.”
So, we previously WERE divided down, according to Morgue Official, meaning that we are NOT uncaused, uncreated eternal and necessary beings but instead mere “potentialities” within an allegedly divisible One Mind, which then caused us to be created or caused, meaning that we are CREATIONS … of a Creator … we are TEMPORAL AND CONTINGENT minds, not eternal and necessary minds. Once again, the sword swallower has committed a category error. He simply doesn’t understand basic philosophical concepts. BECAUSE HE’S NOT A PHILOSOPHER … HE’S A SWORD SWALLOWER WITH NO EDUCATION AND NO QUALIFICATIONS.
Morgue Official said,
“…this is something that already happened [we were divided down]. The reason being is that there is a difference between a universal that has particularized itself versus us trying to.”
So, here we get to yet another category error. What this dunce is claiming is that there was a time when we did NOT exist as a multiplicity. If that were so, we cannot in any way be considered eternal and necessary monadic minds (uncreated and uncaused). When WAS this time when we did NOT exist? Moreover, if this claim were true – which it self-evidently isn’t – then it must also be true that the alleged ONE MIND is not eternal and necessary either, give that it apparently dissolves into a multiplicity of minds at some point. So there are NO eternal and necessary things in Rebhahn’s system. Rather, there is some bizarre, undefined stage when there is ONE MIND ONLY. Then this ONE MIND … VANISHES … and is replaced by MANY MINDS. So, there is no eternal and necessary foundation of Rebhahn’s laughable system. There is NOTHING in this system that is anything other than temporal and contingent.
What Rebhahn’s DUNCE system amounts to is the claim that there is a ONE MIND that ontologically VANISHES into a created multiplicity, and then the multiplicity somehow VANISHES and creates the ONE MIND again. So, we have a system of temporal and contingent things creating each other in succession! A category error! We have a temporal and contingent ONE MIND that disappears, to be replaced by temporal and contingent MANY MINDS, and then these temporal and contingent MANY MINDS disappear to be replaced by the temporal and contingent One Mind.
If you haven’t worked it out yet, this is a system of INFINITE REGRESS. It has no foundations. It’s TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN. You can never get to the bottom of this preposterous temporal and contingent system. It has no eternal and necessary features AT ALL. This One Mind isn’t eternal and necessary and nor are the Many Minds eternal and necessary. On the contrary, all the minds – both the One Mind and the Many Minds – are temporal and contingent, and they keep vanishing – to be replaced by the other (i.e., the One Mind vanishes to create the Many Minds and then the Many Minds vanish to become the One Mind).
In actual ontological mathematics, rather than the complete mockery and total Woke bastardization of OUR system that Rebhahn has invented, there is an eternal and necessary collection of indivisible monadic minds, which exists at zero entropy. This is the domain of BEING. There is no such eternal and necessary foundation in Rebhahn’s mickey mouse system for the severely intellectually challenged.
In actual ontological mathematics, the eternal and necessary domain of Being (foundational existence) creates a holographic spacetime universe of matter (the domain of Becoming … the derived, secondary mode of existence). The domain of Becoming is necessarily entropic. This domain can be reduced in entropy to zero and thus return to its eternal and necessary source, and then a new universe begins via a new entropic Big Bang.
In Rebhahn’s comedy version of our system for the Hyperian clowns, the domain of Being – the essential mathematical foundation of the whole system – is simply ELIMINATED!
All Rebhahn has is a system of infinite temporal and contingent regress. All that happens in Rebhahn’s joke system for the mentally handicapped is that One Mind “fractures” to create many minds, which “experience their diversity” and then these fractured minds somehow return to unity (but without the precise, analytic mathematical foundations of the system, all sufficient reasons for the return to zero entropy vanish!) and the whole system starts again, and repeats forever. But what came first … the chicken or the egg?
Actual ontological mathematics has an eternal and necessary base, which can NEVER cease to exist. Rebhahn has a One Mind that does cease to exist (it becomes Many Minds, which themselves cease to exist when they create the One Mind again … so what came first the One Mind or the Many Minds … this is therefore a system without a SUFFICIENT REASON. It is a formally IMPOSSIBLE SYSTEM).
For anyone who actually understands ontological mathematics, it is a system that performs ontological Fourier mathematics, meaning that eternal and necessary frequencies (organized monadically) generate a temporal and contingent spacetime domain. They do so both privately (individual subjective dreams) and collectively (the physical, objective universe that we all experience together). So an eternal and necessary frequency domain of BEING cycles through temporal and contingent domains of BECOMING. Each new universe begins with an entropic explosion – the Big Bang – and ends when all of the entropy is mathematically eliminated … and then a new cycle begins, precisely what you would expect of a basis system predicated on sinusoidal waves that go on FOREVER.
But Rebhahn gets rids of Being – he clearly has no concept of what it is! – and just has a constant repetition of Becoming, and thus the whole mathematical basis of this system is DESTROYED. You have lost the eternal and necessary sinusoidal basis waves organized monadically that constitute the basis frequency domain of mind to create the spacetime domain of matter!
But, of course, Rebhahn NEVER understood any of this – because he’s a sword swallowing fundamentalist Christian who never went to school and doesn’t have any qualifications in ANYTHING, so how the fuck was a total cretin and anti-meritocrat like that ever going to understand the apex intellectual system that explains reality?
This Woke moron took sublime ont math and Wokefied it in the most grotesque way, totally butchering and wrecking the whole system – which is why we now have to destroy this ignoramus’s sick cult to stop him doing any more damage to OUR WORK.
Rebhahn said,
“We are all in this together. My success is your success because we are all interconnected. Remember, we are a mind that has diversified itself into a multiplicity and we are experiencing ourselves in that eternal state of both a diversity and a unity where we experience our diversification and then return to a unity and diversify again and go through this process. We have been going through this process forever.”
Do you see that there is no system of Being and Becoming in Rebhahn’s cretinous system, no eternal and necessary system (Being) generating a succession of temporal and contingent systems (Becoming)? Being has been completely removed and replaced by a succession of Becomings, oscillating between “One Mind” and “Many Minds”. Rebhahn claims that this is an eternal state. Let’s be crystal clear here. Corey Rebhahn does not know what the word “eternal” means. Eternal refers to the uncreated, uncaused domain of aseity. It is atemporal, non-temporal … outside time and is indeed the source of time. Rebhahn’s system isn’t eternal, it is an infinitely repeating temporal and contingent system – a Hegelian BAD INFINITY with no sufficient reason. OUR system is an eternal order of Being – the PSR itself expressed in its basis ontological mode – and it generates, with full, sufficient reasons, the cycling domain of Becoming within the order of Being (as the Fourier frequency domain generates the Fourier spacetime domain) … this is Hegelian good infinity, a completely controlled and grounded infinity, not an out-of-control infinite regress, as in Rebhahn’s nonsense “system”.
There’s an amazing phenomenon going on here. Rebhahn’s slaves, whose understanding of ont math is even less than his, listen to Rebhahn as if he’s saying amazing things, whereas we’re listening to this moron absolutely butchering OUR system. This is OUR system that is being discussed here. Rebhahn plagiarized OUR system and massacred it. The Hyperians don’t give a fuck. We, on the other hand, give a very big, IMMENSE FUCK, as any decent, moral human ought to. But there are no decent, moral human beings in Hyperianism. 100% of them are sick degenerates, the uttermost human filth. They are just feral creatures, a total insult to humanity.
Rebhahn said,
“We have no more divisible moments.”
There weren’t any to begin with. We were ALWAYS indivisible. That’s the whole point of a monad – an autonomous immaterial singularity.
Rebhahn said,
“God is not some separate being that divided itself.”
God cannot divide itself. Mind is INDIVISIBLE – by definition. There is no such thing as a divisible mind. Rebhahn literally just made up that nonsense in order to spout Woke gibberish:
“God is what we are. We are ourselves exploring ourselves in our diversity.”
The Deranged Word Salad of Morgue Official Proves He Never Understood OntMath!
Rebhahn isn’t any kind of philosopher. He knows nothing about philosophy. He’s a Woke nutjob trying to find ways to defend Wokeness, and the formula he has devised is: “Unity exploring Diversity”. So he has to create idiocy abut “One divisible mind” creating “many indivisible minds” – gibberish on stilts, 100% opposed to the defining tenets of ont math, a subject Rebhahn comprehends not at all. Well, why would a freakshow performer be expected to grasp ont math, the most conceptually difficult subject ever?
Rebhahn gets everything wrong. He doesn’t understand philosophical terms.
Rebhahn says something to the effect of a Universal (One Mind) “particularizes” itself to create Many Minds. But, in Rebhahn’s system, the Universal actually disappears, living just the particulars, and then the particulars come back together again and disappear and the universal reappears. So, we have an oscillating system of a vanishing and then reappearing Universal, and vanishing and reappearing particulars.
Anyone who knows the first thing about Platonism – about eternal and necessary, immutable, perfect Forms is saying, “WTF! Apparently, Plato’s Forms – his eternal Universals – can DISAPPEAR. And then they can be rebuilt!”
It’s pure comedy. Anyone who knows anything about philosophy is bent double laughing at this cretinous drivel – devised by a circus performer in a freakshow who didn’t even go to school and is provably extremely seriously mentally ill and may well have spent time in a mental hospital, suffering from delusions! He still is. This MORON actually believes he’s smart. It’s mind-boggling. Mate, you’re exactly what you are … a retard with zero qualifications. And you ain’t fucking Leonardo da Vinci. I mean, ffs!
Universals constitute the eternal and necessary Order of Being. They are uncaused and uncreated. Every individual monad is a universal and all of its basis sinusoids are universals. At zero entropy, only universals exist. But monads can particularize THEMSELVES (they are not particularized by any supposed ONE MIND!) and generate entropy. They do so simply by combining their basis waves! That’s the mathematical basis of entropy. That’s how particularization, how asymmetry, is achieved. It’s nothing to do with some “God” (One Mind) miraculously converting itself into something completely different ontologically – indivisible particular minds.
Rebhahn doesn’t grasp ANY of this … BECAUSE he’s not a philosopher. He’s a seriously mentally ill conman grifting from suckers who have no idea what he is actually saying, and don’t care. These people have ZERO interest in the truth and actually believe they are “freethinkers” exploring “different perspectives”. It’s so funny!
Rebhahn, a total moron, arrived at his fallacies through a simply astonishing failure to understand Leibniz’s law. Leibniz said that if two things are identical then they are NOT two things … they are the same thing, one thing. The key point here is that there was only ever one thing all along. There were NEVER multiple things. But Rebhahn completely failed to grasp what Leibniz was saying. What Rebhahn came up with was: There are MANY monads that are identical and so are actually just ONE MONAD (i.e., he gets rid of the many monads and replaces them by one monad) … and then the one monad particularizes itself and becomes many monads (i.e., he brings back the many monads he just got rid of! … WTF!!!)
The point here is that the many monads were NEVER identical. They were always unique, with their own aseity and haecceity. So there was never any ONE MIND, and never could be.
Moreover, even in Rebhahn’s crazy scheme, the monads were always different, except he decided that they were different only potentially, not actually, but were to retain the potential to become actually different as soon as the “Universal”, the One Mind, decided, for some unknown reason, to “fracture”, to particularize itself. Yet, hilariously, Leibniz’s law is actually BASED on the impossibility of potentially different things being treated as the same thing, i.e., if they are potentially different then that very fact – which necessitates that to be different they must have some literal means to actually be different – itself is sufficient to differentiate them (i.e., the very possibility of being different things already distinguishes between them!).
But Rebhahn has never studied Leibniz and knows nothing about these arguments. He’s a conman, always winging it. He blundered across Leibniz’s law and immediately misunderstood it, and immediately thought he could use it as a philosophical means of sustaining the Woke mantra: “Unity exploring diversity … we are one and many … we are the same but different … we should always be nice to each other because we are really one.”
All totally false!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rebhahn actually used the supposed identity of INDIVISIBLE monads to say that there was only ONE MONAD, but this monad was supposedly divisible, and thus not a monad at all because monads are by definition INDIVISIBLE. So, he created something totally different from indivisible monads: a divisible monad! But he did so on the basis of Leibniz’s law, which is all about how no two monads can ever be the same. You couldn’t make it up!
You self-evidently can’t say that Many INDIVISIBLE Monads are in fact One DIVISIBLE Monad … but, hey, Corey Rebhahn ain’t no philosopher. Morons say moronic things. 1 + 1 = 2.
Rebhahn is a cretin. We have disproved all of his central positions, but he doesn’t care. He will never address the fact that his Woke claims have been falsified in every way and he will just go on repeating the same lies, and none of his slaves will ever challenge him. Because the Truth is the last thing that Hyperianism is about. It’s a cult, and its cult logic is the only thing that counts. And cult logic is about showing 100% support for the cult leader. And that’s what Hyperians do – by trolling us, the people whose system was stolen and butchered by Rebhahn, the people pursuing the ABSOLUTE TRUTH as opposed to insane Woke fantasies.
Rebhahn has actually proposed a kind of Christian Holy Trinity argument. He says something along the lines of: “There was one Godhead – a universal – and then it particularized itself as God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit, but then the three persons of God recombine and become the One Godhead again. God is ONE AND MANY!
The only thing that Rebhahn – a Bible thumper – actually understand is Christian “logic”.
But Christianity very early on fell foul of the Arian Heresy. Wikipedia says,
“The Trinitarian historian Socrates of Constantinople reports that Arius first became controversial under the bishop Alexander of Alexandria, when Arius formulated the following syllogism: ‘If the Father begat the Son, he that was begotten had a beginning of existence: hence it is that there was when the Son was not. It follows then of necessity that he had his existence from the non-existence’.”
So, this same argument can be deployed against Rebhahn’s gibberish. If the “One Mind” precedes the “Many Minds” then either the Many Minds were made out of non-existence (an impossibility) or were made out of the One Mind, which they then somehow replaced, another impossibility.
Rebhahn hasn’t realized that the law of conservation of energy is actually the law of conservation of mind. Mind can be neither created nor destroyed, only internally transformed (via particularization; entropy; by way of the domain of Becoming).
Rebhahn DESTROYED Many Minds to make One Mind, and then CREATED Many Minds out of One Mind, thus, in every way, violating the law of conservation of energy.
But, as we all know, Rebhahn doesn’t care that he’s 100% wrong – he’s in this for the narcissistic supply and money – not for the truth – and his Hyperian cult slaves don’t care. They will worship him regardless of what he says. It’s self-evident that these people have no clue what he’s saying. The only people who actually know what Rebhahn is saying are US – because he’s massacring OUR SYSTEM!
By the way, when ont math takes over the world, Rebhahn will go down in history as the hilarious moron who failed to understand any of it, but tried to make a degenerate Dunning-Kruger cult out of it and monetize it! His name will become a byword for stupidity and narcissism – an entirely appropriate fate for this disgusting, sick individual.
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Dunning-Kruger