The Future Of The Working Class is Not Hyperian



Jooly Macdonald said, “A truly Round Table, something Corey just didn’t allow or want, would be excellent. We all have individual talents that we can contribute but I think the most important thing is making it accessible and palatable to the public as the last thing we want to do is be too high brow and alienate the very working class we want to attract and unite, which Hyperianism and Corey did by being too weird.”
Yes, Rebhahn certainly isn’t in the Round Table game. Hyperianism is a full-on dictatorship.
This idea of a Round Table is central to our vision of an “ultimate mythos”. In a sense, everyone needs to sit around this table and be equally at home with this Mythos. Humanity has been subject to ever-mutating stories, most of which bring more division, even those that claim to be about unity. Hyperianism claimed to be about unifying humanity and just pissed off everyone.
Victor Hugo said,
“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”
In fact, it’s a story whose time has come that changes everything. Humanity is a story species and only stories can change humanity’s behavior. Only a sparkling new narrative can move the dial. Human history has just been a battle of the stories that people subscribe to. And what determines what stories people buy? – PSYCHOLOGY. Different psychological types tune into different stories and are motivated by different stories. A world of thinking types could NEVER have bought into something like Christianity. That story would never have taken off in a world of the rational and logical. Feeling types imposed Christianity on the world.
What, really, is Christianity? It’s the idea that people can have a loving relationship with an infinitely loving God, and what better way to illustrate this than to say that God actually, physically came amongst us, and loved us, and taught us universal love, and showed his supreme love by dying for OUR sins, but, through resurrection, he and everyone else can overcome death. What a FANTASTIC story for feeling types, but no thinking type is ever buying that demented story. And so, the result is CONFLICT. That said, Roman Catholicism produced some incredible philosophers, so thinking types were able to puzzle over the mysteries generated by the Christian Mythos and find value there. Saint Augustine applied Platonism and Neoplatonism to Christianity. Thomas Aquinas applied the philosophy of Aristotle, so Catholicism, intellectually, was Greek philosophy applied to a Mythos concerning “God”. Catholicism is intellectual, “Greek” Christianity, based on Greek philosophy. Protestantism is faith-based, “Hebrew” Christianity, based on scripture. Catholicism said that only the intellectual elite could understand Catholic theology, and that’s absolutely true, while Protestantism said that anyone could understand the Bible, and that’s what gave rise, ultimately, to extreme individualism and the Dunning-Kruger effect. The individual believed he was the sole arbiter of truth, and he was entirely justified by his faith. That’s what led, today, to all paths and all truths. New Ageism is what you get when Protestants decide that they don’t need to be bound by the Bible and can read ANY text and decide what is true and what they should believe. Protestantism devours itself because once you let the genie out of he Protestant bottle, it’s inevitable that you end up with everyone believing whatever they like, without limit. What are American “liberals”? They are just open-minded Protestants who read other texts than the Bible. What are American “conservatives”? They are just closed-minded Protestants who read only the Bible. But all of them – liberals and conservatives – believe the same thing: that they are individually justified by their personal faith. Look at Hyperianism. It’s just New Age extreme liberalism, totally based on “self-expression”, especially that of the most exotic minorities. Anyone who does not line up with extreme negative liberty is instantly denounced as a NAZI.
Jooly mentioned weirdness. So, for sure, Hyperianism failed because it was super weird – brought about by the super weirdness of Corey Rebhahn who alienated everyone who didn’t buy into his personal issues (pathological narcissists always try to make their individual concerns and manias the basis of their “universal” message). Weirdness per se isn’t a disaster. Some types of weirdness are incredibly off-putting, but other types are incredibly stimulating. Anything outside the Overton window starts off as “weird”. A certain type of weirdness is often highly appealing. The QAnon conspiracy theory is incredibly weird but many people love it. Weirdness, done right, can make people sit up and pay attention. It can break down barriers and open closed minds.
Weirdness – “good” weirdness versus “bad” weirdness – is a huge topic in itself.
Jooly’s comment regarding highbrow content is a fascinating one. It absolutely reflects the real world we all experience, but isn’t there an alarming element to it, in the sense that it implies that highbrow culture is not for the working class and they are never going to be interested in it? We certainly hope that’s not true. We want the working class to have the highest-possible aspirations and taste, and to be absolutely committed to quality, refinement and excellence. The working class should be those who advocate and defend high culture, and highbrow culture should be completely removed from the elite’s stranglehold over it. Democratic (working class) Athens under Pericles aspired to the highest culture. Why shouldn’t everyone else?
What Jooly says is absolutely right that we need something accessible and palatable to the public, something highly relatable, and the “too weird” and “too high brow” are extremely unlikely to work. As Jooly says, we can’t afford to alienate the very working class we want to attract and unite.
However, this raises all sorts of issues about the nature of the working class – how do we actually bring about the unity of the working class? In the UK, millions of working-class people recently showed their abject devotion to the monarchy, the apex predatory system of the ruling elite, the eternal class enemies of the workers. In the USA, millions of working-class people continue to support privileged billionaire Donald Trump. The American dream, beloved by millions of working-class people is not a dream FOR the working class but AGAINST it. The dream is to ESCAPE from the working class and become a member of the super-rich elite. The American dream is fundamentally about hatred of the working class! It’s not about trying to build a nation designed around the workers and their interests! It’s not about trying to optimize life for the worker, it’s about optimizing life for the Owner. And look at Hyperianism. That’s all about delivering the optimized life for a preposterous bourgeois influencer – the new face and “Rachel hair” of predatory capitalism! Did someone say Rebhahn is actually aiming for the Farrah Fawcett-Majors look?! That made us laugh.
Karl Marx wrote about many of the working class having a false consciousness, instilled in them by their masters. They serve the interests of the elites rather than their own interests. Think of how many people want to abolish inheritance tax even though this is the exact agenda of the dynastic families who want to keep every penny for themselves, and away from all the workers they exploited and abused.
The QAnon conspiracy theory unites people against the degenerate, evil elite – but it completely excludes the super-rich from this diabolical elite – and instead portrays the elite as basically the liberal media, liberal universities, liberal Hollywood, and the liberal Democratic Party. QAnon would never demonize billionaires like Donald Trump! In fact, he’s the QAnon Messiah, the Savior!
So, given all of these factors, what is it that unites the working class?
The movie V for Vendetta is about the anonymous masses rising up against the elite, but the elite in this case is depicted as fascist, not as super-rich, not as predatory capitalist.
Traditionally, class struggle was all about the working class defined by their POVERTY against the elite, the owners, defined by their WEALTH. But this class consciousness has almost vanished from this world of influencer dickheads. Most working people today worship super-rich fucks and want to be super-rich themselves. You will never revolt against those you aspire to become!
The UK’s Labor Party was founded as a working-class party. Look at it now. Corey Rebhahn could easily stand as its leader! It’s a completely Woke joke, full of bourgeois fuckers who have never lived in the working-class world and hate the working class.
It’s actually incredibly difficult to even define the working class now. The class struggle obvious to Marx does not exist anymore – because the working class have become so corrupted by the elites and given such a powerful false consciousness. They have fully bought into the bread and circuses Spectacle of the elites. They are always transfixed by the Spectacle, the Show, the elites put on.
Anyway, we would love nothing more to find a way to unite the working class but that’s probably one of the biggest challenges possible – given that the working class have forgotten who their real enemies are – the super-rich elite. One reason why we particularly hate Wokeness is that it has removed all the focus from the workers and made it all about exotic minorities. There is no working-class solidarity anymore.
In Marx’s day, the working class were in an economic war with the super-rich elite. Nowadays, the West is engulfed by a culture war, and the working class more or less split fifty-fifty conservative versus liberal. The working class are much more likely to go to war against each other than unite with each other.
That’s why we have talked about a meta-story, a supreme Mythos that unites people – rather than dividing them. All narratives right now are about division. They make no attempt at all to cater for opposing opinions. Look at Hyperianism. It basically said … “we will have a united world if everyone agrees with extreme Wokester Corey Rebhahn”. Instant fail. That guy would be devoured by the world if he ever left his apartment.
Bringing about unity is astoundingly difficult and requires whole new ways of thinking.
Star Trek presupposes a united world. It’s united because of the presence of ALIENS. Without aliens, how do you get humanity on the same page? There is no bigger problem. No one who says “I’m right and you’re wrong” is ever going to succeed – because division is built into that position. Trying to accommodate people you don’t like is the biggest challenge. That’s why we advocate a multi-dimensional, multi-level story. Everyone can find their concerns reflected in some dimension and level of the story, while knowing that others are interested in a different dimension and level of the story. You can have a story that accommodates “all paths and all truths” at some dimensions and levels, but which can also arrive at a dimension and level of one objective, absolute Truth.
Gerard Murphy said,
“If you think of the Mythos that has the most resonance in popular culture, it always goes back to the archetypal Gnostic war so this theme could be built on, perhaps phosters as philosophy quoting superheroes battling the archonic forces. This theme can be expanded to include everything from ancient cultures and religions to science fiction and even UFO mythos.”
It’s true that this Mythos is incredibly powerful, but, of course, it has division – not unity – as its fundamental feature. Stories of good versus evil drive everything, but they also lock in division. Is it possible to go “beyond good and evil”, as Nietzsche put it? Hegel’s dialectic is so wondrous because it assumes conflict – thesis versus antithesis – but also provides a way out, via a synthesis phase, and an iterative process leading to perfect synthesis (unity). So, the ultimate mythos would need to reflect the Hegelian dialectic. It would give people their theses and antitheses, but also show them that another way is possible – SYNTHESIS. Humans are great when it comes to the thesis fighting the antithesis. Everything falls down when it comes to achieving a synthesis. No one ever wants to give ground – and that’s because the idea of good versus evil is so ingrained in people. Look at how Corey Rebhahn, a man who insanely claims to be all about unity, operates. Anyone who disagrees with him is automatically labeled a hater, bigot, transphobe, fascist and Nazi. They are characterized as insane, violent, radicalized assassins and terrorists and the FBI are called and lawsuits issued (!). All that Rebhahn ever had to do was recognize the reality that he could no longer refer to our work, our answer to existence, our ontological mathematics, and go away and just preach all his Woke gibberish, but he couldn’t do the rational thing, and so this then had to be fought to the end – to stop him abusing work that has nothing to do with him and which he is grotesquely corrupting to serve his own ends and fund his swanky LA lifestyle.
We have laid out our answer existence in 200 books. No one can say that we didn’t give it a damned good shot to get our ideas out there, but the world doesn’t give a fuck about Logos ideas like ours. That’s a fact. They’re outside the Overton window.
Marx said,
“The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.” Isn’t he right? We can state the truth of existence. So what? Humanity just regards it as another interpretation, and they prefer other interpretations.
How is actual change to be brought about? Marx’s solution was to create a worldwide communist movement that would use his class war analysis to sweep aside the super-rich elite and create a perfect world for the workers. Well, it was a good idea, but it FAILED.
What is the magic system that is not going to fail? People should abandon right now any idea that their pet projects and beliefs are going to succeed. They won’t. The solution needs to operate at a whole new level of thinking.
Einstein said,
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
A certain type of consciousness produced the problems of the world and a higher consciousness is needed to arrive at the solution. Like Hegel’s dialectic, this higher consciousness must have the solution BUILT INTO it. Marxism, which is materialist Hegelianism, relied on “dialectical materialism”, arriving after a dialectical class struggle of thesis (workers) and antithesis (owners) at the perfect state – the Communist State. It didn’t work out.
Things have become much more complex since Marx’s time. His system based on class conflict has become emphatically WRONG. Why? because values are in fact much more important once people reach a certain level of material comfort. Working-class people can have the same values as super-rich people, and be on the same side, and that means Marxism is doomed to fail. It relies on absolute class antagonism, on the classes having NOTHING in common, except mutual hatred.
Our solution is MERITOCRACY, about providing equal opportunities and optimizing everyone on earth – because who could possibly disagree with equal opportunity and an optimal humanity? Yet people can and do, and “meritocracy” itself is a completely murky term because the super-rich elite actually claim to be meritocrats as opposed to beneficiaries of extreme privilege.
So, we need something else. We need to give people a destination – where will the system end up and what will that state be like? – and also a plausible journey of how to get there. The Hegelian dialectic seems perfect. But how can it be cast in terms that get people to buy into it? Only powerful stories have ever moved the human heart, and only once the heart is moved do people bring their brain to the game. That’s why we think we need the Ultimate Mythos to change the game. It will grab the heart, but also have Logos lying in wait.
Division is built into humanity via the different psychological types – of thinking, feeling, sensing and intuiting. Jung believed that this division could be healed by the process of “individuation”. Whether that’s plausible is another question.
Division is built into humanity via the sociological types of the tradition-directed, parent-directed, other-directed, and anomic. David Riesman believed that this division could be healed by everyone becoming Autonomous. That’s something we entirely agree with.
All sorts of divisions exist within humanity but the way forward seems to be a new type of humanity based on AUTONOMY, meaning that people think for themselves and know how to conform when that’s right and also how not to conform when necessary. Imagine a world of autonomous types, all aware of the different psychological types and how to optimize positive relations between different types and minimize negative relations.
Please, no sermonizing, pontificating and moralizing when it comes to these matters, no ideological “purity”. We would love absolute purity of ideas, but it will never work. All you’re doing is imposing the old divisions. We need radically new thinking and radically new thinkers, not people always harping back to the past and their pet subjects. The conservative approach is death for humanity, and Woke liberalness is an even swifter death. Nietzsche said, “There are no scientific methods which alone lead to knowledge! We have to tackle things experimentally, now angry with them and now kind, and be successively just, passionate and cold with them. One person addresses things as a policeman, a second as a father confessor, a third as an inquisitive wanderer. Something can be wrung from them now with sympathy, now with force; reverence for their secrets will take one person forward; indiscretion and roguishness in revealing their secrets will do the same for another. We investigators are, like all conquerors, seafarers, adventurers, of an audacious morality and must reconcile ourselves to being considered on the whole evil.”
The audacious investigator is the type of thinker and contributor we want!
Actually, the best thing for people to do to get a feeling for what we are attempting is to watch as many of Adam Curtis’s documentaries as possible. He weaves enormous narratives across recent history and shows what the elites have been up to, and how they are totally losing control, and also how an absolute chasm has opened up regarding what humanity ought to do now, given that the old certainties are failing and collapsing. What will fill the vacuum? A whole new set of ideas is needed.
Milton Friedman managed to get it right when he said,
“Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.”
Check out this recent Adam Curtis video:
Curtis keeps saying that the world has succumbed to “radical individualism”, and we entirely agree. The antidote isn’t radical collectivism (the antithesis), but something that makes sense of extreme individualism and extreme collectivism. In fact, Freud already provided the answer. The id is the extreme individual and the superego is the extreme collective, and the ego, which mediates between them, is the Autonomous agent, obeying the reality principle and knowing when to conform, and when not to. We need the strong individual in the strong collective, not the strong individual in the weak collective, or the weak individual in the strong collective, or the weak individual in the weak collective.
To have a new world, we need a new humanity – an AUTONOMOUS humanity, and we need brand new institutions to create this new type of human, the neocortex human. The old institutions breed the tradition-directed, the parent-directed, the other-directed, and the anomic. We need to create new humans via new institutions.
Nietzsche said,
“In fact, we philosophers and ‘free spirits’ feel as if we are illumined by a new dawn, on receiving the news that ‘the old God is dead’; our hearts overflow with gratitude, wonder, premonition, anticipation. At last the horizon seems to us open again … the sea, our sea, again lies open before us; perhaps there has never yet been such an open sea.”
The open sea is here. What are we going to do with it? Where shall we sail? The choice is ours.