The Hyperian Liars



Illuminists are truth seekers. We want to know exactly how reality works. We place zero requirement on the answer to existence being likeable, lovable, moral, observable, joyous, or anything else. We impose zero human requirements on it. It self-evidently preceded humanity and therefore cannot be informed at all by the human condition. The very worst mistake you can make is to impose humanity on the truth. Humanity is an evolutionary species that evolved to survive and reproduce, not to know the truth of existence. This is a remarkably important point, and Nietzsche was the first to truly examine it. He said, “To recognize untruth as a condition of life – that certainly means resisting accustomed value feelings in a dangerous way; and a philosophy that risks this would by that token alone place itself beyond good and evil.”
Therefore, not only did we NOT evolve as a truth species, we did in fact evolve as an UNTRUTH species. Untruth – THE LIE – is massively important in how the vast majority of people cope with life. The people most likely to be utterly committed to lies are extreme feeling types. Where thinking types are drawn to accurate thinking, and they are extremely irritated by inaccurate thinking (hence they naturally become people of precise logic and reason – exactly as we see with Illuminism), feeling types are drawn to what makes them feel good, and they reject what makes them feel bad.
Do you see how crucial these considerations are? It means that thinking types will think more and more accurately and, by that very process, will get closer and closer to the actual truth of existence – which itself has to be 100% accurate in order to exist eternally. It must not have a single syntactic error or internal syntactic contradiction. There can be no syntactic incompleteness and inconsistency.
Extreme feeling types do not think at all. Accurate, painstaking thinking is horrific to them – boring and incredibly unpleasurable, and the fact that they are so bad at it makes them feel really bad about themselves, which they hate, so they avoid it (so as not to feel bad … they are always driven by feeling good … that is THEIR MEANING OF LIFE … pure hedonism … to always feel good, to always experience pleasure … to prize happiness over Truth and everything else). So, extreme feeling types inevitably gravitate to childish, simplistic Mythos which tells them feel-good stories. Hence moronic cults like Hyperianism. You would need to have a subnormal IQ to be Hyperian and one glance at the Hyperian “chat” proves that to be the case. Not one person challenges any of the gibberish Corey Rebhahn constantly spouts. You couldn’t be in his cult if you did. His authority is total. He is simply never questioned.
Extreme feeling types are TRUTH avoidant. Because the Truth isn’t human and has zero regard for human feelings and experiences. Scientific materialism says that existence is wholly indifferent to humanity. What’s for sure is that the Truth is wholly indifferent to humanity given that the truth is eternal and necessary, while humanity is temporal and contingent. Now, humans CAN access the truth, but only two types of human have evolved this capacity – the mark of Higher Humanity, the New Humanity, the next stage of human evolution … thinking types and intellectual intuitives. Thinking types are those conceptually able to grasp the eternal and necessary order that defines existence, the order of BEING. Intellectual intuitives, when exposed to this kind of thinking, “get it”. They don’t know the precise details, but they see that it must be true. They get incredibly powerful glimpses, visions, of core reality and in a sense directly experience it for blissful moments. Extraordinary power flows through them. They KNOW this is the real deal.
Nietzsche talked of a philosophy “beyond good and evil”. In fact, it would have been better to discuss a philosophy “beyond good and bad feelings”. Extreme feeling types ONLY care about getting good feelings and avoiding bad feelings. These people are therefore ARCHETYPAL LIARS because they actively seek out comforting, reassuring lies that make them feel good about themselves and their future. They actively reject anything that makes them feel bad, that is not in accord with their subjective opinions, dubious Woke “morals”, Woke values, and so on. They are active Truth rejecters and embracers of lies. This is all an INEVITABLE consequence of being a person defined by feelings. It’s built into the nature of feelings and their compulsion to seek good feelings and avoid bad feelings. Feeling types experience will to power solely through feeling good.
And we can see this all playing out in the struggle between Illuminism and Hyperianism. This is just a microcosm of the global war between thinking types (truth seekers) and extreme feeling types (lie seekers).
Hyperians literally got rid of everything “unpalatable”, unWoke, from Illuminism. Thomas Foster’s Open Letter to Hyperianism highlighted all of this back in 2020. Corey Rebhahn and Susan Mitchell implemented a Hyperian policy to eliminate all references to the work of Mike Hockney – because it was allegedly “bigoted”, “harsh”, unWoke”, or whatever. Well, of course it was! It was all about the Absolute Truth. It wasn’t about pandering to stupid people’s feelings. And extreme feeling types couldn’t bear it, so had to get rid of it. And that’s why we are where we are.
Corey Rebhahn and Susan Mitchell took Illuminism’s unWoke and indeed anti-Woke answer to existence – full of very harsh truths – and then deliberately and malignantly FALSIFIED it to make it WOKE. That was their entire strategy. Hyperianism is simply a totally false version of Illuminism for Dunning-Kruger morons who can’t handle the Truth and require “truth” to be whatever makes them feel good. Above all, it must be WOKE … because they are … because they define themselves by their absolute compliance with all Woke causes. “Truth”, for these truth-hating dunces, must be ultra-liberal and tolerant and be about love and light and unconditional love and good will to all men and respecting and celebrating “diversity” (only good, Woke diversity of course, and not bad, anti-Woke diversity …. so even diversity is subjected to the Woke treatment … you can’t have any old diversity … it must be diversity that is pleasing to Corey Rebhahn and Susan Mitchell.).
Why are we so utterly repulsed by Hyperianism and why do we regard Hyperians as human vermin? – because they took the Truth and made it a Lie … and what could be more horrific and worse for the progress of humanity than that? It is the cardinal sin, the unforgivable sin – the deliberate erasure of the truth to promote demented lies. It doesn’t get any worse.
Truth MUST win, or humanity is lost to its own web of insane lies, motivated by FEELINGS, by these creatures that love UNTRUTH rather than TRUTH.
We came across some astute comments by Alistair Horscroft telling a few eloquent “harsh truths” to the relentless troll Yoster Chronos. Alistair said,
“Whether you agree or not is one thing, but the PI make it abundantly clear that your thought process: ‘all paths, all ways’ is illogical and anti-rational. They assert that rationally there can only be one correct answer. The ‘let’s all get along’ idea is again anti-rational and in their opinion submissive and a major reason the larger problem powers so easily dominate. As for maths, I gather the whole point is there is a point where it is no longer symbolic but is reality itself. … not 100 % sure yet, but it is logical that there would be one. But I presume the PI would posit that it is something to do with Euler’s formula, Monads and the Fourier Transform. Leading to an extended universe of matter and an un-extended universe of monadic minds with the Fourier transform being the mechanism that allows for unextended Mind to become extended matter and Euler’s formula being the mathematical proof that zero is actually net zero (a zero that contains all possible equations that balances to zero). Personally I think this is highly likely ‘the answer’ but I need to get better at maths and experience my god mind myself before I’d claim to ‘know’. … you should probably stop following illuminism to be honest. They are very clearly in opposition to your approach and mindset so why don’t you spend time with those who support your ‘way’? The whole point is that no, there are not ‘so many different ways’. You seem much more drawn to non duality. Go hang there as you will not get the answers or support of your ideas with Illuminism. … no they didn’t [support meditation]. They mentioned literally once that it could improve focus. You can’t seem to even make the simple distinction between meditation as a supposed path to enlightenment and meditation as a basic mind tool for focus. Illuminism bluntly states it, meditation is useless as a spiritual evolution tool but could be ok to improve focus. I think you are way out of your depth. I don’t mean that to sound anything other than apparent from your communication. You literally either choose to miss the entire illuminism philosophy or simply can’t grasp it. Maybe go back to it after a few years break. You might see it with different eyes, but as of now, I’m afraid you are way off in your thinking. Good luck 🤞I’m out on this discussion as you have your position and it’s obvious you will continually indulge it regardless of it’s obvious errors.”
These are very “on point” comments, expressed very politely but firmly. It really is baffling to us that people such as Yoster Chronos and Exploring the Holos hang around our work since they fundamentally oppose it and indeed preach the opposite message … and both are of course HYPERIANS, always taking the side of the sick pervert Corey Rebhahn. They 100% accept all of his insane Terrors of Men filth – a manifesto for the total extermination of normal people! This psychotic maniac would build deathcamps for the normal if he could get away with it.
By the way, back in the summer, one of the three David Sinclair books that didn’t reach publication because of an Amazon technical bug was called “Now I Have Come to the End and I Pronounce My Judgment”. This book, which was intended at the time to be the final AC book, is an extraordinarily dark, raging book. It presented an all-out attack on the ILUMINISM STUDY GROUP set up by Yoster Chronos, which was simply the continuation of Hyperianism by other means. This group was home to a nest of the most vicious trolls, and didn’t even require anyone to have read a word of our work, which tells its own story about what was really going on. By the way, Hyperian mod Phillip Shope was one of the team that infiltrated the ISG group and then deleted it from inside … the same Phillip Shope loved by Yoster Chronos.
(We are keeping the book on hold for the time being … it’s radioactive! It’s some of our very best writing … reading it always gives us goosebumps.)
And here we are, still having to put up with Yoster Chronos’s mindless trolling of our work. He gets everything wrong and doesn’t understand it at all. He is a relativist and subjectivist who believes in all paths and all truth – the literal inversion of Illuminism which is about the One, Absolute, Objective Truth, and the overcoming of the infinite, relative, subjective lies. It’s extraordinary that someone who opposes our position in every way cites our work as if it were somehow validating his anti-Illuminist positions. We are in every way opposed to Hyperianism and in every way opposed to Yoster Chronos’s worldview. How much clearer can we get?
While we’re at it, another person we detest is “The Illuminated Pleb.” WTF! Yet another nutjob, a man who came out on the side of the criminal Corey Rebhahn. People are so perverse.
As for Exploring the Holos, he is an extremist Hyperian, a Woke vegan nutcase. He is a total BIGOT who cannot see past his own prejudices. In Woke World, it’s never the truth that is being discussed, it’s always your commitment to Woke causes. So, you are “wrong” if you do not support non-binaries, pacifism, veganism, or whatever. Of course, you’re not actually wrong, but the Woke will automatically conclude that you are. They are emotionally bonded to Woke positions, and the Woke regard their feelings as actual determinants of what is true. Of course, there’s zero connection between the TRUTH and Woke stances, just as there is zero connection between the TRUTH and Abrahamic stances, or those of Eastern mysticism and New Ageism. Things that make you feel good are not ipso facto true. People mostly feel good about ABSOLUTE LIES. That’s the central problem of the human race! So, we want to be purged of all LIARS. We cannot endure fundamentally dishonest people accessing our work. I mean, what’s the fucking point of someone like Exploring the Holos, or The Illuminated Pleb, or Yoster Chronos reading our work? It’s simply bizarre. Liars have no business going near the truth. Stick to your lies. Don’t contaminate the truth. You are POLLUTION. Anyone interested in having a Higher Humanity must be concerned with changing humanity from a mendacious Mythos species to a veracious Logos species, and that above all means putting extreme feeling types in their place. They are the inherent enemies of the truth. Just look at Hyperianism.
The task is NOT to explore “ideas” – Dyslexic Fairy, the No.1 Hyperian slave, says exactly the same shit as Yoster Chronos – it’s to get rid of all the false ideas and explore solely those ideas concerned with Absolute, Objective Truth. An intrinsic part of the method is to discard every relative, subjective lie. They are all TOTAL nonsense – manmade garbage – designed simply to make feeling types feel good. In relation to Truth, we couldn’t care less about people’s feelings. Does anyone seriously imagine that this brutal, cruel world is Woke? WTF! How delusional can you get? Even Hyperians can’t get enough of smearing people, canceling people, issuing lawsuits, swatting people, complaining to the FBI, and so on, i.e., these total hypocrites can’t get enough of causing extreme aggravation to others … the very people saying how Woke they are. Ho, ho, ho.
Illuminism has to rid itself of 100% of people not committed to the Absolute, Objective Truth. If that game – the GOD GAME – is not your game then why the fuck are you coming anywhere near us? Go and live in your fantasy world of lies. Look at Hyperianism – a literal Woke fantasy where a malignant narcissist and psychopath in frantic pursuit of narcissistic supply and money has sought to use ontological mathematics – a totally fucked version of ont math – to claim that Wokeness has a metaphysical underpinning! WTF! This is exactly what it looks like when liars impose their nefarious human feelings and manipulations on the truth!
The basis of the Dunning-Kruger effect is that extreme feeling types imagine that their very strong feelings are arbiters of truth, so they cannot believe it when intelligent thinking types disagree with them. We cannot believe the number of times Hyperians proclaim themselves really smart, while calling us really stupid … we, not them (!) being the originators of the ontological mathematics that these people rely on for all their Woke crap! You couldn’t make it up. They are so dumb they left the dimension of normal dumbness and reached supernatural levels of dumbness.
De Lano said to Yoster Chronos,
“Where did they state that meditation is useful or leads to THE truth? Sure it has it’s mindful benefits and bodily benefits, but it doesn’t lead you to Truth. They have explicitly stated that praying, meditating, having faith, New Ageism, chakras, etc. Do not lead to ultimate Truth. Eventually the Dialectic demands all to reach the Truth and that means discarding Abrahamism as a whole and these beliefs that have zero to do with existence, mathematics, and Logos thinking as a whole. It’s about curving the Noosphere in having more Logos-minded humans that are interested in mathematical and philosophical thinking so that they may think of implementing change to the real world, not praying about it. It’s okay to have questions and all, but it seems you ask these questions out of vanity or as you don’t understand what is actually going on so I’m not sure if you need to read the books again or you genuinely don’t understand their points and main goals here.”
This is completely true. And it is indeed vanity – or, let’s not be coy about, it … NARCISSISM – that drives these people. Yoster Chronos, like Corey Rebhahn, wants to believe he is a supremely important person. Now some people ARE world-historic figures but of course they are incredibly rare and also incredibly talented or incredibly remarkable in some way. Yoster Chronos is just a tiresome troll, while Corey Rebhahn is only remarkable in terms of the sheer scale of his malignant narcissism, which causes him to claim to be the most intelligent person who ever lived. That scale of self-delusion will ensure that Rebhahn ends up in jail or a nuthouse.
Hilariously, Rebhahn uses the “Flower of Life” pattern – a favorite of New Age, Woke fans of sacred geometry – to “prove” his idiotic, totally fallacious claim that we are all ONE MIND. Rebhahn says that if you collapsed the pattern, so that all the circles sat on top of each other, that would make them ONE MIND. Except it wouldn’t. The circles – if we are by analogy equating them to monads – remain eternally distinct, no matter how “collapsed” they are. They never melt into each other or merge, or anything else. They are NEVER One Universal Mind. They are always a Hive Mind. They are NEVER both a unity and a multiplicity (One and Many) as Rebhahn laughably says. This total cretin Rebhahn is using picture thinking to imagine conceptual reality … mathematical reality. So, we now see how this guy does his “thinking”. He uses PICTURES – DUMB, FUCKING PICTURES.
So, Rebhahn asked people to imagine the distributed Flower of Life – the MANY – being “collapsed” into just one circle. Now, go right ahead, everyone. Imagine taking all the different circles in this pattern and superimposing them. So, instead of “spread out” circles, you have a stack of circles, one on top of the other. Now, everyone can grasp what is going on here. You are taking a HIVE of distributed circles and then you are making the HIVE into a STACKED HIVE. You have at no point got rid of the HIVE, the collection of different circles, of ontologically distinct units.
Rebhahn’s Woke pathology cannot accept INTRINSIC DIFFERENCE … permanent ontological separation. Because … there is then no reason why these DIFFERENT MINDS should ever agree with him. Why shouldn’t he agree with THEM? Why shouldn’t he conform? Why shouldn’t he do what the majority does? THAT’S NO GOOD TO REBHAHN! Rebhahn is a malignant narcissist and thinks only about himself (his FALSE SELF) and how to attract narcissistic supply. At any cost, Rebhahn had to somehow overcome INTRINSIC ONTOLOGICAL DIFFERENCE, THE HIVE MIND (a concept he absolutely loathes … well, despite agreeing with it a few years ago!).
One day, Rebhahn had a “revelation” – off-the-scale of dumbness, but which Rebhahn thought was a genius insight about the true nature of reality … and was exactly what he wanted.
In his last deadstream, Rebhahn said, “Even though there are many here [i.e., circles in the Flower of Life] when they are all identical [i.e., they are all placed over one another] then by Leibniz’s law of identity we know it is functionally one and functionally a unity.”
Man, we are laughing so hard!
We hope you’re all paying close attention here because we keep distinguishing between a FUNCTIONAL UNITY and an ONTOLOGICAL UNITY. Look at the terminology Rebhahn is now using: FUNCTIONALLY ONE AND FUNCTIONALLY A UNITY. Average people have no clue about the importance of qualifiers and often screen them out. They see only “ONE and UNITY”, and don’t know, and don’t care, what “functional” means. But of course thinkers intellectual, philosophers do care. The qualifier makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE TO THE MEANING. So, folks, DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FUNCTIONAL UNITY AND ONTOLOGICAL UNITY? Rebhahn doesn’t at all, and he relies on none of his Hyperian slaves knowing either.
But let’s just spell it out for you. It you stack circles on top of each other so that if you are looking down on the stack, it looks like there is only one circle, but you have not created any kind of ONTOLOGICAL UNITY. The circles are all absolutely ontologically distinct, as always. But what you have definitely done is put them in the same place, in the same state, one on top of the other. You have created a FUNCTIONAL UNITY. You have placed all the circles in the same state, so to speak. In ontological mathematics, when all monads have exactly the same internal state then they are in the functionally identical state, but they are not in any ontologically identical state, i.e., they have definitely not become ONE MIND … they always remain ontologically different even if they are in the same functional state. This distinction is CRITICAL! Because functional unity is what a HIVE MIND can enter into if all monads are perfectly aligned, in perfect symmetry. But that’s NOT a One Universal Mind, as Rebhahn requires it to be. It’s a HIVE MIND in functional unity, NOT an ontological ONE MIND. These are two absolutely different things.
Now, Rebhahn, as we said, never understood the difference, hence never understood ont math. We KNOW he made a catastrophic error BECAUSE he referenced Leibniz’s law. As you recall, Leibniz said that all monads were different, i.e., he was envisaging a monadic HIVE MIND. He introduced the notion of Leibniz’s law specifically to emphasize this point. Leibniz’s law says that if two things are IDENTICAL then they are NOT two things, they are ONE THING. In other words, if you have called one thing two different things then you have erred. There aren’t two different things. There is only one thing. Two apparently different things that have 100% identical properties in every capacity (including ONTOLOGY, naturally) are actually one thing. Leibniz was intent on showing that one monad COULD NOT be actualized as two different monads. Those monads COULD NOT BE DIFFERENT. They would always be the SAME MONAD. There would only be one monad, not two.
Now, astoundingly, Rebhahn – a man who has never studied Leibniz, has no grasp of Leibniz’s law, knows nothing about monads, is not any kind of philosopher and has no qualifications, has literally inverted Leibniz, one of the most remarkable geniuses of all time. This is what the Dunning-Kruger effect has delivered: cretins believing they are smarter than supreme geniuses.
Corey Rebhahn is a disgusting malignant narcissist, living in a total fantasy that he is intelligent, and he is being supported in his delusions by other utterly delusional and mentally ill people – the groomed and brainwashed slaves of his fascist cult, his hate group, his toxic anti-normality campaign.
Rebhahn’s whole shtick is about saying that in the “collapsed” state, all monads are identical and therefore are the same, i.e., there is only ONE MONAD. Now, remember, Leibniz said that one monad could never under any circumstances be two different monads. The moron Rebhahn says the precise opposite. He says that one monad becomes countless monads (and countless monads become one monad). This is not just the MAXIMUM VIOLATION of Leibniz’s law, it’s also the maximum violation of the conservation of subjectivity, the conservation of monadic haecceity and aseity, and the conservation of energy. And maximally violates Occam’s razor. It’s TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE and … insane. But what do you expect from a man who wears a dress, yet refuses to be a transgender woman (because that would be inconvenient for him – non-binary is the supreme cop-out!) and has no education at all, except in reading the Bible!
Hyperians believe Rebhahn because he is a Woke fanatic … and so are they. They have zero interest in the truth and don’t value it all. Rebhahn is allowed to spout absolute garbage … and celebrated as a genius for doing so – by people who are even more retarded than he is. But this is today’s world. We are seeing the overwhelming triumph of the IDIOCRACY. Seriously mentally ill people, often suffering from clinical retardation, are allowed to go around posing as “hyperaware” and “World Shapers” and engaged in “raising human consciousness”. That fantasy will end in HORROR. It always does. Insane Jewish fanatics thought they could beat the Roman Empire, and look what happened. Why can’t extreme feeling types EVER LEARN? Hegel should have said, “The only thing that we learn from history is that extreme feeling types learn nothing from history.” Mad people keep believing that their madness is going to prevail. “New Terra” is the mad fantasy that the world will be led by non-binary extremists. It’s so insane it has left the planet. All of these maniacs have the most dismal future facing them. They simply refused to accept reality. They have spurned the reality principle, and reality will crush them. If they had any sense, they would get out of their fantasy, but they never do. The fantasy is too seductive and reality is too horrific.
Leibniz’s law applies to ontological identity, not functional identity. Ontological identity means that two supposedly different things are actually the same thing. Functional identity means that two ontologically different things are in an identical functional state. They are in no way ontologically identical. THEY ARE ALWAYS DIFFERENT.
Functional identity has no connection to ontological identity, and yet Rebhahn got totally confused and decided they were the same thing. Oops! This is what happens when an amateur-hour clown encroaches on serious philosophy. They misunderstand all the terms. They have no analytic skills and cannot do precise thinking.
Rebhahn made the simply mind-boggling error of converting functional identity – things being in functionally identical states – into ontological identity. He decided that a Hive Mind – a concept he detests – comprising ontologically different monads in functionally identical states were in fact ONTOLOGICALLY IDENTICAL AND WERE THUS … ONE MIND. Rebhahn definitely doesn’t mean a Hive Mind acting as a functional unity, he means an ONTOLOGICAL ONE MIND, a UNIVERSAL MIND. This is exactly what he required to make the supreme New Age, Woke statement that … WE ARE ALL ONE MIND. He would never under any circumstances say the truth, that we are an eternal and necessary HIVE MIND – because that doesn’t serve the New Age, Woke agenda at all. At the prima facie level, it means that we are all inherently different, and, that being the case, no one can make the New Age , Woke argument that “it makes no sense to hate each other because we are all actually one.” In fact, hate and conflict are INTRINSIC to this system BECAUSE WE ARE NOT ONE! Just look around you. Just look at world history Are we intrinsically the same, or intrinsically different?! Duh!
We are however in a mathematical process that concludes when we enter into FUNCTIONAL UNITY at exactly zero entropy, but Rebhahn is never going to tell you that! There is no process that concludes with Woke ontological Unity. You can’t melt different monads into one monad and then extract them again … That is totally insane. It violates all the laws of reason and logic, yet this is exactly what Hyperianism and its demented cult leader with no qualifications goes for.
So, as we have seen, Rebhahn is now trying to employ OUR TERM – “Functional Unity” and skate over the fact that his whole position – the foundation of Hyperianism – is actually based on “Ontological Unity”. It ain’t working, mate! You’re fooling no one, well except your cult slaves! They will believe whatever you say. It’s not as if even ONE of these retards gives a fuck about the totally different concepts of functional and ontological unity. They will believe whatever you tell them to believe, and be delighted to do so! As you know so well. You have groomed and brainwashed them perfectly. These are your literal mental slaves, incapable of questioning you in any way, no matter how many fallacies you commit. This is precisely the same as Abrahamism, where faith is all that counts, and the more bizarre the claim, the more intense the faith.
Rebhahn has made a TOTAL FOOL of himself regarding Leibniz’s law. Leibniz’s law is about ONTOLOGICAL IDENTITY. It has nothing to do with completely different things being in the same functional state. Imagine it like this. Imagine I place ten identical coins right on top of each other. Now if you look directly down on the stack of coin, you would see only one coin. Now, hilariously, this is the basis of Rebhahn’s crazy claim that all minds … are one. Actually, the ten coins are still ten different coins. Nothing has changed. And exactly the same is true of monads. They all remain ontologically distinct even though they are all sitting right on top of each other. They absolutely NEVER become one, just as the ten coins don’t turn into one universal coin. And thus Rebhahn’s definitional statement of Hyperianism being about us all being One and the Many is false. It has been utterly disproved. It is a factual error, and if Rebhahn were in university, he would be laughed at if he continued to say the same thing. But Rebhahn is in a cult, a religious faith, and so he can say whatever he likes, make false statements over and over again and not one of his cult slaves is bothered, and would never dream of challenging him about his bullshit. With Hyperianism, we are actually seeing the formation of religious faith even worse than the religious faiths that preceded it. There is no scrutiny of any claims made by the cult god. Everything he says is accepted without question. THE CULT GOD HAS SPOKEN, SO IT MUST BE TRUE.
There is never anything other than the MANY – THE HIVE MIND – which, at precisely zero entropy, exists as a PERMANENT functional unity – the state known as BEING. There is no ontological unity. No monad ever enters into ONE ONTOLOGICAL MIND, a UNIVERSAL MIND. Such a thing is logically IMPOSSIBLE.
And by the way, there is NEVER any change of position of monads. Nothing “moves out” from the center, from the Singularity. Monads don’t move anywhere. They don’t “spread out.” They don’t produce any “flower”. They at all times remain in precisely the same position. There is no New Age, Woke flower of life nonsense going on – ridiculous picture thinking for retards, hence perfect for Hyperians, who are incapable of grasping conceptual complexity and intricacy.
What happens is that the eternal and necessary domain of Being produces an ontological spacetime hologram of Becoming, by way of ontological Fourier mathematics connecting eternal frequencies (basis mind) to temporal spacetime (matter).
The Being domain (= the frequency domain of ont math) never alters at any stage. All that happens is that, via superposition, eternal and necessary basis waves enter into temporal and contingent combinations. This produces the spacetime domain of ont math, the domain of Becoming. So, the Being domain, without doing anything to change itself, automatically generates a spacetime domain, by the very nature of ontological Fourier mathematics. Think of one of your dreams. This is something that your mind constructs. The dream exists within your mind during the dream, and then vanishes when you wake up (or at least you cease to experience the dream). All the minds dreaming together produce the physical universe of Becoming, and all the mind operating separately have their own private dreams. There is no such thing as ONE MIND having one dream.
Rebhahn’s pathetic PSR shtick is 100% false and so is his One Mind Leibniz’s law shtick, and both featured very prominently in his latest deadstream. And they will keep featuring. Because this is the core of Hyperianism, of Rebhahn’s fallacious Woke garbage. Rebhahn cannot say he got any of this wrong, so just has to keep repeating his error, but will, as we see, start to swap to completely different terms such as “functional unity” instead of “ontological unity” to try to conceal the fact that he is provably talking nonsense.
It’s horrific that Hyperians simply don’t care that their god is talking absolute nonsense. They don’t understand what Rebhahn tells them, never mind our precise logical arguments. They are just retarded people of faith, clinging onto a God, exactly as Abrahamists do. They have no understanding of what they believe. Ontological mathematics is WAY beyond them. They don’t have the vaguest idea what it is. They just listen to Rebhahn telling them a silly story they like and which suits their fanatical Woke ideology, and they nod along entirely mindlessly, uncritically and unquestioningly.
The human race CANNOT evolve until it advances past all of these people – the retards holding back humanity. In Star Trek terms, humans MUST make the same choice as the Vulcans and become a logical and rational neocortex species. We must escape from these hyper-emotional limbic system feeling types – people who block progress at every turn because they are simply too dumb to understand reality. Look at people like Exploring the Holos. It’s TOTAL CRINGE. That man is incapable of addressing the truth. Facts are facts and some people, many people, are simply not in the God Game. This is an INTELLECTUAL GAME. It’s not about feelings or the senses, and it definitely isn’t WOKE.
These are two absolute facts: Rebhahn has zero understanding of the PSR (the basis of why he thinks he is the smartest man EVER!), and zero understanding of Leibniz’s law (the basis of his One Mind claim from which he moves to phrases such as “the universal particularizes itself and “Unity exploring Diversity” and “there is no Hive Mind”).
All of his statements are blatant, provable fallacies and involve numerous category errors. Rebhahn even tried to start using our difference between Being and Becoming … and still managed to fuck it all up. Being NEVER changes, so in terms of the flower of life nonsense, there is no such thing as circles spreading out from the central circle, and then back again. The HIVE MIND’s configuration as pure Being is eternal and necessary – and it is NEVER oscillating between ontological unity and ontological multiplicity (which by definition renders it temporal and contingent and not eternal and necessary). Only the holographic construct – the domain of Becoming – is temporal and contingent. The monadic minds of the Hive remain, in their mode of Being, eternally distinct and also eternally in the same functional state, i.e., they have zero entropy and are functionally, but not ontologically, the same. Rebhahn has NEVER grasped this elementary point and now we see that he literally got all of his nonsense from imagining the collapse of the flower of life (!) and imagining that this somehow led to all the circles becoming one circle as opposed to different circles sitting on top of each other. WHAT A FUCKING BLUNDER! But that’s what happen when you’re a stupid picture thinker and not a conceptual thinker, and never even bothered to study what Leibniz said about Leibniz’s law and what he meant by it. Duh!
People like Exploring the Holos and Yoster Chronos could NEVER understand our work under any circumstances. This is the APEX intellectual subject, and, sorry, you have to be really smart or brilliantly intuitive intellectually to get our work. The people who oppose us – and support Rebhahn – self-evidently do not understand our work. They neither grasp what we are saying nor what Rebhahn is saying. Listen people, if you’re a Hyperian, it’s BECAUSE you are fucking dumb and have contempt for the Truth. What Rebhahn says is provably false. So you are supporting proven lies and a proven liar, and that means you are a liar too … or you would stop supporting a liar. There is zero chance that anyone with such contempt for Truth could ever comprehend our work which requires the highest possible levels of intellectual integrity and commitment to the absolute truth. The vast majority of people lack this and thus are people of FAITH. Hyperianism is just faith in insane Wokeness using material plagiarized from us and then subjected to the total fallacies of a man with no qualifications … and people such as Yoster Chronos and Exploring the Holos keep supporting this maniac who opposed the TRUTH in every way. Listen folks, this is a real simple game. You either want the truth, or you don’t. If you want the truth, you could never take the side of proven liar. Corey Rebhahn is a 100% proven liar. 1 + 1 = 2.
Only liars, scum and filth – the very vermin of the earth – would take the side of sick fuck like Corey Rebhahn, an outright plagiarist and conman.
Hyperianism is PROVABLY 100% false, and this latest deadstream revealed all of the astonishing errors in full color!
The malignant predator Corey Rebhahn must end up behind bars. Decent people must be protected from this monster, this sickness and disease in our midst. So far, this maniac has got away with telling the most grotesque, malicious lies to the FBI. We will not rest until justice is served against this repulsive criminal. His inevitable Woke victim card won’t save him.
All red banners flying. 
The Hyperian Liars
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs