Normal people live in the real world. Mentally ill people don’t. They inhabit a fantasy world.
Pathological narcissists such as Corey Rebhahn (Morgue Official) specialize in living in a fantasy world – where they are the Special One, and everything revolves around them – and they spend their lives looking for suckers to join them in their shared fantasy. They literally devote ALL their time – their whole existence – to getting people to tell them they’re “amazing” (narcissistic supply) – and cannot bear to live without people telling them that! They NEED external regulation. And they NEED that external regulation to be about how wonderful they are, and so they NEED to find those in the external world who will comply with this agenda. And their life is exclusively given over to this project, this agenda, this NEED for narcissistic supply. They are DRUG ADDICTS and the drug they seek is not heroin but people telling them they are GOD. And this is their life, their whole life – trying to get as many people as possible to tell them this. Their whole life is devoted to lying to people, conning people, manipulating people and exploiting people in order to get others to WORSHIP them. These are the fakest people on earth, directed by a False Self 100% committed to fantasy – the fantasy of perfection, of being perceived as perfect by others. And all of this is to avoid REALITY. The false self was conjured into existence because the true self was so fucked, so self-loathing, so crippled by anxiety and the sense of worthlessness.
So, sick fucks are out there whose existence is devoted to being worshiped. This is pathological narcissism. The narc cares ONLY about himself. That’s why he’s a narcissist. The mythical Narcissus only wanted to contemplate himself. The modern Narcissus contemplates himself via THE WORSHIP OF OTHERS.
Moreover, there are people out there who are actually LOOKING for someone to worship. That’s why we have Abrahamism. That’s why we have celebrity culture. That’s why we now have “influencers”.
It’s desperately sad that some people cannot cope with life without conning people (to get others to worship him), and that even more people cannot get through life unless they have someone to devote all their attention to – because their life is totally empty otherwise … just look at the bizarre Neogenian cultists.
All of these people fail to engage with reality and with real, normal people. That’s why they end up in cults – fake intense groups bonded by serious mental illness in both the cult leader and his cult slaves.
Sam Vaknin said,
“The narcissist’s inability to gauge reality properly, their impaired reality testing – their reality is filtered through cognitive distortions such as grandiosity … this inability to embed oneself within reality is a serious handicap.”
Corey Rebhahn has totally impaired reality testing, but it doesn’t matter since he spends all of his time outside reality … in the fake fantasy world of his cult. He only interacts with his cultists. This person never meets real people in the real world. He doesn’t even meet his cult slaves in real life. It’s almost certain that the only one of his mods he has physically met is the Immense Fatness of Jan. And he would never dream of physically meeting his top donors such as Dyslexic Ogre, Kassidy and all the rest of his repulsive cult slaves. Their sole function is to worship him from afar and send him all their money. There is never to be any genuine relationship.
Vaknin said,
“Narcissists resemble people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. To such an extent that ASD is often misdiagnosed as NPD.”
Autistics are totally self-absorbed, and so are narcs. Corey Rebhahn is incapable of thinking about anyone other than himself. Autistics and narcs are both totally socially dysfunctional. Autistics require complete control over objects and their environment and typically shun people; narcs require complete control over all the people in their life and shun all people they cannot control, hence they can only ever function in a CULT centered on them.
Let’s continue looking at Morgy Porgy’s emails:
Morgue 30 July 2017
Thank you for your previous response that was helpful. As well as the article you linked discussing Fourier transforms with respect to the eye! Very fascinating.
I had a good conversation with Phoenix last night. I am considering having Hyperianism directly endorse and support and to assimilate their ideals/13 point program.
From what I understand you have had contact with Phoenix over the years. Do you have any objections, advice, or comments on this move? Anything I should be aware of? Politics are also my weakest point, anything in his agenda that does not mesh with meritocracy? It seems to look great from my viewpoint.
We are also considering having Hyperianism reference Stark’s material (I have really liked the direction Stark’s book has taken by the way).
Morgue 30 August 2017
Just giving a quick progress report. I have not released any new videos publically in the last month (but they are all filmed and ready to go as soon as the captioning is added) because I am fixing holes in the system (we had no place to send those who were interested). I have been concentrating on finishing a new book and adding modules to the site.
The first draft of the book is complete and you can see the new modules by going to which leads individuals to a new facebook group. I have intentionally put a hold on things this past month, to work on these critical aspects, but we will begin expanding again soon. I am also working with a Hyperian who lives near me that is a math tutor, and if all goes according to plan hopefully we will be able to start a basic mathematics class teaching the basics Euler’s formula, Fourier analysis/synthesis, and how it all relates to Hyperianism. A beginners OM class if you will. But this will take some time to get going.
Morgue 3 September 2017
“We are not against religion per se (as atheists are), we are against BAD religion.”
I absolutely agree. But most of this is a semantic issue, people equate religion with irrationalism so I am just playing a word game with the cards I have been dealt. I think “mainstream religion” is the best word choice.
If you have noticed I am taking a very Hegelian approach to all of this, really emphasizing the Absolute perspective and unity (both One and Many). I notice it is not discussed very often within illuminist circles, but in my opinion it is absolutely critical, do you guys have any problem with this perspective? I think the books The Law of One (The Orion group as being misunderstood, they are actually the good guys, is a very cool idea and I am playing with this heavily) and Ken Folde’s Jedi Handbook are really inspiring for this direction. Of course those works are too “love and light” but that perspective injected with a healthy dose of fire, individuality, and Will to Power is the way to go. A synthesis between service to self and service to other, if you will, on the path to full actualization of the Absolute. We aren’t going to appeal to women without the aspect of unity, spiritual community, and compassion in there. In Mythos terms, the 36 Watchers (The Synthesized, dark/light) have been trying to transmit this message to humanity, but humanity keeps getting it wrong. There are “positive” minds (Christ, Buddha) but their messages are easily distorted and turned into slave religions by “negative/dark” Minds (Hitler could be an example of a Negative Wanderer). This is all Hegelian dialectics in mythos terms. The idea of Group Minds, Group Souls, Collectives, Egregors, are also necessary. A collection of highly synchronized monads working together.
All these story ideas that you suggested are great, it will just take some time to figure it all out. At the moment it is just Susan and I taking on the bulk of the work. Everyone has been extremely helpful (NK etc) but people are busy with their own projects of course. So until we recruit more talented individuals it’s going to take a minute to get everything up and running.
Morgue 3 September 2017
Is a skype call completely our of the question? I feel it is cumbersome to communicate this way.
Morgue 6 September 2017
These are all excellent ideas and I agree.
“We are suggesting that Hyperianism should stand for something like: Creating heroes who seek to transcend the human condition and become their higher selves.”
Absolutely, right now the direction I want to emphasize is that Hyperianism will take you “higher”, beyond human, to the next level. I want to figure out an effective way to say it will make you into a god without using the word “god”. It all needs to be made more explicit though.
In the Hyperianism facebook group I did a test by providing the archetype link you sent me, and asking everyone to choose the top 3 they identified with the most. Here are the ones that were selected the most, in order of popularity:
1. The Sage
2. The Explorer
3. The Rebel
These were the most popular. Those that are of the highest quality and most talented in the group selected the magician or the creator in their top 3.
So a good angle would be to create a rebellious hero’s journey (the anti-hero) that includes strong elements of the sage and the explorer, which is ultimately about transforming the hero into the Magician (the Shaper) that has the power to shape their life and transform the world. What do you think? The anti-hero is usually rejected by society and thus becomes an outcast wanting to overthrow the society he or she was rejected from.
Also, what is your opinion about utilizing those in the Jacobin group?
Morgue 30 September 2017
Oh yes, Malfeitor is also a very intelligent individual, hopefully no one else slipped my mind. Anyway this would be rolled out slowly, first only to those Order members that ask and then to perhaps certain people in the Hyperianism group, and it would be rolled out more and more only as necessary. But this seems inevitable and it would allow us to offer the GS to those that would benefit from it.
Morgue <> 2 Oct 2017
Excellent! I will start to roll this out and this will allow for a much richer mythos and allow for utilizing the GS as “inner teachings”. The Illuminati protect and preserve the Great Secret (perhaps renamed to “The Omega Secret”?) from distortion while myself and Hyperianism seeks to bring it to the public through various means (which risks distortion, which is why the Illuminati protect and preserve it). I’ll think much more on this. By the way, the only individuals who know about the mythos construction are myself and Susan, everyone else within the Order (Faith, Christina, Apollonius, et al.) are not involved in this “behind the scenes” work. Please let me know if you share this behind the scenes work with anyone that I associate with or come into contact with so I know how to speak with them properly if this subject comes up.
Morgue <> 2 Nov 2017
It’s coming to the point where we need to get some of the mythos out there, especially the bridge between Illuminati and Hyperianism.
Right now it is myself and Susan doing most of the work, and we have quite our hands full. We have the outline and structure of the mythos put together but actually putting it out will be a challenge. Susan could write some of the mythos but it is not spectacular writing (no offense to her, she is great, it’s just obviously not an easy thing). I could write it myself but I am really struggling to find time and I want to focus on getting out into the real world, we need that asap.
So we may put something short and sweet on the main site,
However, ideally what I would like to do is begin an anonymous website called (“LXT Omega” referring to the Omega secret) This site would serve as a vehicle for all of the mythos and the site can be “leaked” making sure that the public will find it. This way it wouldn’t be coming from “me” and we could inject a lot more.
I was wondering if you would be able to help us write the mythos and work on this with us? I know you are all incredibly busy, but Hyperianism is doing quite well and it is gaining momentum, this would be helpful so I thought I’d ask. If you are able let me know and I can go into more details of what we have in mind.
Morgue <> 3 Nov 2017
Another thing I just thought of is if it is coming from an “enemy” it will be hard to get people to integrate and identify with the mythos.
For example, we want to bring in the mythos of Orion, essentially that the Watchers are from Orion as are all the wanderers on our side. We want people to feel like they belong to the stars, but have forgotten. We are considering using the Orion star names as the names of the Hyperian houses as well, a lot of nice sounding names associated there (like The Witch Head Nebula). This is all incorporating the anti-hero’s journey. There is a lot of potential here (Lucifer the fallen star… ‘From which stars have we fallen to meet each other here?’ – Nietzsche). We can have your “super mythos that incorporates almost every mythos really”.
But if it is coming from a “crazy” enemy conspirator I can’t see people on our side integrating it. Unless someone from our side “responded” and confirmed/clarified certain things?
Something to consider…
Morgue 4 November 2017
Trust Me, I’m Lying is a great book. It has been a long time since I’ve read it but it describes tactics for getting information to the public through various manipulative means. For example, he will fabricate a story and then get it picked up by small blogs that don’t do fact checking, he will then get popular blogs to pick his story up since it now has “credibility” by other blogs having featured it. He also did a campaign for a movie, he bought a bunch of billboards, and then at night he spray painted them himself with messages from conservative protesters saying the movie was profane etc. there are some really fantastic techniques in there. Basically he describes how easy it is for you to make things up and get blogs to pick it up, because they are constantly needing new material, and if you “write it out” for them, they will often feature it because you’ve already done a lot of the work for them. As I said it has been awhile, but it is a good one.
“Next week, we could provide you with an initial version of the text to be used on the Christian website.” Great! That sounds fantastic. Let’s just not implicate me in anything illegal. I think this could work out very well.
Some interesting ideas for the conspirator: There are 36 chapters in the Book of the Watchers, many people say the Nephilim/fallen angels/antichrist has blonde hair/blue eyes, the three inner sections of the Hyperian triskel looks similar to three sixes (a Christian actually left this as a comment) perhaps it is the mark of the beast .
“Another thing you have to think about is the Hyperian relationship to the Law of One and the Jedi Handbook” You are absolutely right about the Law of One, but do you think so with regard to the Jedi Handbook? Personally, I don’t think that is very noticeable, the only similarity I see is an emphasis on the Absolute perspective. I asked Susan her opinion as well and she doesn’t think there are obvious similarities. I have sent an email to Foldes in the past by the way and he has seen the Hyperian site, he is not interested in helping but he seemed like a nice guy and was friendly. Let me know if you have any specific concerns regarding this. By the way, are you aware Foldes has a “Manifesto of the New World Order” in the back of one of his books apparently written by “the Omega Society”? Some of their claims are really bizarre, such as denying evolution.
With regard to the Law of One, Orion seems to fit well within the Illuminati and NWO themes. They are accused of being negative entities that enslave planets through the dissemination of negative philosophy. My point of view would be to say, that this is incorrect, they are actually synthesized entities (beyond good and evil: rational) spreading logic and reason for the liberation of the universe. Orion are definitely the “bad guys” in new age mythos, as Illuminati and NWO are in conspiracy mythos. If you have any concerns about this association let me know.
Also, I am trying to get some logos material up on, so that when intelligent individuals stumble across it, it is there for them to realize we have concrete reason/math to back us up.
@dragongod9438 said to Porgy the other day,
“You keep saying “be on the lookout. There are people and groups who spread disinformation about me”. Who are these people and groups? Haven’t found even one. There are people who debunk your views and claim you are wrong but why would that be disinformation? Using reason and logic is not about thinking that anyone who proves you are wrong and rationally debunks you and your movement is spreading disinformation – that is cult brainwashing right there.”
Rebhahn is so toxic, manipulative and exploitative that he simply states that people and groups are spreading misinformation and disinformation about him, without feeling any need to say who these people and groups are and what their alleged misinformation and disinformation is. It’s not as if he ever does “response” videos to these people and groups and their alleged misinformation and disinformation, is it? That’s the LAST thing he would ever do. Rebhahn KNOWS he’s totally fucked if he ever tells the TRUTH of what is going on. So, he simply creates a story where he is the victim, but heroically resisting sinister forces. We did an AC update regarding one of Clarice’s videos on narcs where she said the only two roles narcs want to play are victim and hero – and that’s precisely what Rebhahn does. He expects people – his cult slaves and dogs – to BELIEVE that he is both the victim and the hero, without actually doing anything, you know, heroic, and without giving any details at all about why he is a victim and who is allegedly victimizing him, and what their motivation is. And 100% of Rebhahn’s stooges go along with this. They have zero interest in the TRUTH. All they want are Rebhahn’s lies. That’s the only way to keep the sick fantasy on the road.
By the way, our side is inching towards getting our hands on Rebhahn’s false and malicious IC3 complaint to the FBI. We now know exactly when Rebhahn submitted his IC3 complaint. It was at 05:39:05 on 6th August, 2022 … and RJ and Apollonius were SWATTED mere hours later, meaning that the FBI responded IMMEDIATELY to Rebhahn’s insane complaint about an alleged POTUS assassination attempt by RJ and Apollonius – and the only conceivable reason for that would be that they were told by Rebhahn that an assassination plot against JOE BIDEN was IN PROGRESS! They certainly weren’t responding to a POTUS comment (concerning a DAYDREAM!) that was two and a half years old, about Donald Trump and contained the words “never harms self or others”. And it is the GULF between the reality of RJ’s POTUS comment and what the Rebhahn Gang claimed was RJ’s POTUS comment that will, eventually, see all the members of the gang jailed. Incredibly, the FBI and VPD have ghosted the many attempts to get them to look at the actual evidence, but we may at last have found the means to compel them to look. We shall let you know as soon as there are any developments. As soon as anyone in law enforcement sees the difference between RJ’s real POTUS message in its context and the Rebhahn gang’s version of his POTUS message (totally removed from its original context and placed in a totally new and false context regarding JOE BIDEN), the Rebhahn Gang will all be arrested.
An absolutely enormous effort is now taking place behind the scenes to get the VPD and FBI to confront the fact that they were duped by the Rebhahn gang into believing that throwaway banter about Donald Trump in 2020 was something totally different. It was presented to them on 6 August, 2022 – by COREY REBHAHN (with the full cooperation of PHILLIP SHOPE, SUSAN MITCHELL AND ALEXANDRIA TORGENSEN) – as a viable, imminent death threat against Joe Biden by two supposed radicalized assassins (RJ and Apollonius).
Tick Tock, Rebhahn!!! Time is running out for you.
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective