Morgue Official the “World Shaping” Kink Man



(9/29/2022) Post #1
Corey Rebhahn: The “World Shaping” Kink Man
“Will you hold my key? 🔑🔥 Warning: it’s not to my heart.” – Corey Rebhahn
“So fucking pretty 💄🖕 #eatme” – Corey Rebhahn
“Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?” – Corey Rebhahn
“As promised I’ll share with you some of my kinks/desires that society considers taboo 💦 This is by no means a full list! That would take too much space. Perhaps I should do a whole video on this what do you think? … Gender role reversals (switching what’s considered masculine/feminine roles). My life is so strange that sometimes roleplaying ‘traditional’ situations is kinky to me (marriage is the ultimate kink!). Water sports. Keyholding. Threesomes. Polyamory (not a kink but still considered taboo). Crossdressing. Femdom. Mental sex. Anal play, both giving and receiving. Domming ‘good/moral’ people (they need some sin in their life). A kink that a lot of you mentioned is breeding roleplay. I haven’t tried that one yet but I’m adding it to my list.” – Corey Rebhahn
Do all the weirdo women in Rebhahn’s coven fantasize about doing all of these things with their god?! Are they jealous that fatso Torgensen has probably done most of them?!
“Am I the only one, that when seeing signs that read ‘ATM’ I immediately think of Ass To Mouth?” – Corey Rebhahn
“For those wondering if I drink human blood the answer is….” – Corey Rebhahn
“Are you ready to shape the world with me? I live in the deepest part of your mind. There have I always been, waiting and watching. Embrace me, embrace your power, embrace life. 1/36” – Corey Rebhahn
“Dominant, submissive… BORING. Two dominants fucking each other up, now THAT is sex.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Non-Edible Scummybear Empty wine bottles make for brutal sex toys.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Sexual repression is a huge problem. We are in this world to experience and learn, and interacting with other people is one of the most important parts of that. It is absolutely sickening how difficult this society makes it for people to express their sexuality and love towards each other.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Be free to love, fuck, dress and express however you Willfully choose. And as @freak_in_the_heart put it, any close minded assholes who say otherwise can suck it.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Today our middle fingers are up to depression and to those who say we aren’t good enough.” – Corey Rebhahn
“You want to label me a danger and you should. I’m a danger to your established institutions. I’m a danger to your hate. I’m a danger to your homophobia, sexism, racism, and violence. I’m a danger to all the false ideals, degradations, and corruptions this world stands for. I am one. I am whole. We are many. Unified in shadow and light.” – Corey Rebhahn
Brian Jones said, “Dude, you went from self discovery and universal awakening to teenage sex cult within a few months. What’s the matter? Did the original bs not sell well enough? Lol.”
“Fuck sex appeal.” – Corey Rebhahn
“So much shit to do.. I don’t wanna
All of the women are dead.
I’ll just fuck the girls.
Go suck a fuck.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Why… oh why… Is everyone a fucking idiot?” – Corey Rebhahn
“I am a Freak, and proud of it.” – Corey Rebhahn
“People are weird.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I am the snake.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Things are getting darker.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Do you ever feel disconnected from everyone? Sure you can laugh and even dance. But you are truly alone.” – Corey Rebhahn
“When one heart stops, another begins to beat….. Perhaps then, a murderer is also life giver.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I drink alone.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Please like my fan page, or unfriend me if you don’t give a shit. I need more room.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Too many empty eyes…” – Corey Rebhahn
“Add my page or fuck off.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Now is a good time to explore the psychology behind gender, crossdressing, and sexuality in general.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I often express myself androgynously or what some would label as feminine.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Here are my next moves once I am able to streamline the videos and can include other projects:
1. Set up a Hyperian website
2. Finish my book laying out the Three Hyperian Paths, and at this point brining in a STRONG sexual element to Hyperianism, increasing its appeal.” – Corey Rebhahn
“New Article up discussing Sexuality. Please help me out by hitting that Like button and joining my site. Let me know your thoughts. Thank you my friends.
Morbidly Yours,
Strangle the B*tch
Home of Morgue – Musings of a Dead Soul” – Corey Rebhahn
“A List of My Kinks – You Need to Talk About Sex.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Sexual Freedom for Everyone – Sexual Repression and Liberation.” – Corey Rebhahn
“There is nothing more frustrating than the long wait for the sex toy you ordered from China…” – Corey Rebhahn
“Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Fuck your fashion. Fuck your shops. Fuck your magazines. Fuck your makeup. Fuck your gossip. Fuck your malls. Fuck your clubs. Fuck your amusement parks. Fuck your PASS TIMES. Fuck your sex appeal. Fuck your workouts. Fuck your diets. Fuck your lattes. Fuck your trends. Can you even hear me through all that SHIT in your head?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Reality bitches. I’m the real deal. … Been too busy getting fucked up, fucking up and fucking myself up. So shut the fuck up.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Is it me or is Gonzo from the very fucking get-go some weird, estranged creature that for some reason has a sexual obsession with chickens. IS IT ME?! Or has Gonzo always been as fucking queer as hell! [Demented cackling laughter, exposing massive double chin of Fatso]. Gonzo has always been queer as fuck, dude. Man, I don’t know what the fuck he is. HE FUCKS CHICKENS. He likes chickens. Even when I was five years old I was like, this creature likes to fuck chickens.” – Allie Torgensen (aka Jan the Wall-Punching Pooper! Who can’t cry.)
Torgensen, so we hear, knows all about Rebhahn’s kinks, and he hers. Maybe they should do a deadstream on what they mutually discovered.
“I was just sexually aroused by a tangerine… Does that make me a fruit? HAH!” – Corey Rebhahn
“This is how the legends of Incubi and Succubi started. They are demons that visit their victims during the night, rendering them helpless, usually for sexual purposes. Unfortunately that did not happen to me.” – Corey Rebhahn
(Rebhahn, we should not be surprised given his “non-binary” self-designation, is a SWITCH, meaning that sometime he loves to be totally submissive, and sometimes totally dominant. This goes for everything in Rebhahn’s life. He’s always SWITCHING. This man simultaneously sees himself as a victim, while attacking others as aggressively as possible, writing sick smear campaigns, canceling websites, making incredibly serious complaints to the FBI, issuing lawsuits, and SWATTING anyone who gets in his way.)
“Some kind of collaboration with a kink expert Jane Jett, connecting sex with spirituality. Perhaps a visit to some kind of bondage event.” – Corey Rebhahn
Simon Magus said, “And Corey chooses to be a psychopath rather than reflect on and heal his childhood wounds. His upbringing is partly to blame for how he became the monster he is today, but it’s also who he is. He is to blame as well. Every time he gets a space, he continuously chooses the same response or a worse response. You can see his hatred towards humanity in his eyes. He’s an anti-hero. He gravitates towards the ‘Maleficent’ archetype from the Disney movie of the anti-hero woman.”
It’s amazing how much this bloke Rebhahn allows himself to be controlled by female negative mana archetypes such as Maleficent.
Rebhahn definitely imagines himself as Maleficent. He sees himself as an all-powerful outsider, willing to do hideous things to normal people, yet who is also somehow the misunderstood heroine and the “good” person.
So, do you want to be part of Corey Rebhahn’s NEW TERRA? KINK TERRA. And this cretin actually thinks he’s going to “unify” humanity.
And to think some grotesque Hyperian parents allow their children to access this content. Social services should intervene and take their children into care.
Tick tock.
Hail New Error
Delenda Est New Terra
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