The Wrong Turn



10/25/2022 Post #2
What went wrong with Hyperianism? When it started out, it had all sorts of elements that could and should have led to great things. In retrospect, it’s self-evident what its defining problem was: COREY REBHAHN. He ruined Hyperianism – because he wanted to make it a narcissistic vehicle for himself. The more it became about his personal issues – his non-binary crap and his vegan crap and his pacifist crap and his RTS crap and his androgynous crap and his Woke crap – the less and less it had to do with Illuminism and revolutionary ideas for bringing about a paradigm shift and a human metamorphosis. It changed from a movement into a cult – all thanks to Rebhahn and his pathological narcissism. Now, Hyperianism entirely revolves around a few hundred people – totally wired into Rebhahn’s personal issues, which many of them share – passively watching and worshiping Rebhahn on his deadstreams, and sending him all the money, worship and devotion they can. It’s the cultiest cult you can get. Nothing else is going on. All the activism that was supposed to happen has been killed off. Everything is about Rebhahn preaching his nauseating Woke sermons. FOR MONEY.
But Rebhahn could never have got away with it were he not entirely backed up by two fanatics: Susan Mitchell and Allie Torgensen.
For those that don’t know, there were a few pro-Illuminism individuals in the Hyperian leadership to start off, but all of them became disillusioned and departed, leaving Rebhahn, Mitchell and Torgensen to take Hyperianism to where it is now, and picking up new fanatics such as Jewel Marsh, Phillip Shope and Mark Vanderpool.
Without Mitchell and Torgensen to always back up Rebhahn, the pro-Illuminists would have become the dominant force amongst the Hyperian leadership, and, in due course, they would have deposed Rebhahn, and Hyperianism would have evolved entirely differently.
The pro-Illuminists from the old days were just as shocked and disappointed by how Hyperianism turned out as we were. In fact, they were disillusioned long before we were. They were much closer to the action, whereas we didn’t actually pay all that much attention to Rebhahn. We realized very early on that he wasn’t going to be a firebrand radical and we regarded him as just “better than nothing” (wow, nothing would have been much better in retrospect!). One of the pro-Illuminists from the old days was deliberately targeted by Rebhahn after he vainly tried to reason with Rebhahn. He was the one directly phoned by the FBI!
Hyperianism could actually be saved if these individuals returned and led Hyperianism, alongside the likes of RJ, CL – and Karen, of course – and other heroes who have helped so much in the last few weeks. Imagine Hyperianism being completely free of Rebhahn, Mitchell, Torgensen, Marsh, Shope, Vanderpool, and the whole ghastly gang of Rebhahn’s obsessive fan club on Patreon.
Of course, the name “Hyperianism” is toxic now, and would have to be rebranded, but many of the ingredients are in place to relaunch Hyperianism as it was MEANT to be. Rebhahn and his gang ruined it. Without them, everything could get back on track with the original vision of Hyperianism. Back then, Rebhahn postured as a completely loyal advocate of Illuminism. How things change. But that’s what happens when you fail to notice that someone is a pathological narcissist and will inevitably start to make it all about him and his personal issues and his self-interest.
Anyhoo, people should start to ponder what this scene will be like when Rebhahn’s Hyperianism is finally gone and a replacement is established, returning to the original idea of producing a popular platform for Illuminist ideas and similar material. We envisage a meritocratic council making all the decisions, on a democratic basis, thus avoiding the dictatorship of a nutjob like Rebhahn, the Woke Fuehrer. We envisage multiple people going on camera, and making videos, podcasts, and so on. The focus will never again be on one person. We want and need to activate people’s imagination, talent and creativity, and not have people sitting around passively worshiping a psychopath and letting him define their lives.
A much-overlooked fact is that a third of “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” was actually written by someone who wasn’t one of our Authors (and furnished some of the most explosive content that hyper-annoyed Rebhahn!), and several other people also made very prominent contributions to that book. So, that book was actually a living example of a very powerful collaboration – the opposite of what Rebhahn ever engages in. That kind of meritocratic collaboration is exactly what we want to encourage in the future, the sort of thing Rebhahn would never tolerate since he wants everything to be about him.
And even now an online Illuminist book project is underway, supervised by Karen, and we naturally have high expectations of that.
Once Hyperianism is deleted, we expect people to feel released from a long, dark shadow and to see the opportunity to participate in a healthy, creative scene – one with a sense of humor (unlike Rebhahn’s pompous, tedious, humorless Woke Hyperianism).
Tomorrow, we will put forward a few suggestions about what the “new Hyperianism” could look like, but, obviously, we want to hear as much creative input as possible from all those who are helping to bury the disaster of Rebhahn’s Hyperianism.