“I am finding the binary manichaean theme of good vs evil, us vs them, a bit restrictive to work with. Also, it is very popular right now to identify with the ‘bad guys’. Living in the heart of Hollywood I have a front row seat to what is popular and I have been keeping a close eye on the evolving trends. Antiheroes are popular, look at movies like Maleficent (This is the best example) and Suicide Squad (for a less contemporary example, Pitch Black and the Chronicles of Riddick). Wearing black is extremely popular right now, many looks that would have been considered evil and satanic 10 years ago are now mainstream fashion. Witches and magick are very ‘in’. People are wanting to identify with those typically portrayed as villains. They don’t want to be the angels, they want to be the fallen angels. As it stands I think the Archons are too attractive and we risk making them seem cool, we never want our enemies to seem cool, even the name ‘Archon’ has an attractive ring. … I’d also like to note that those involved in Hyperianism really resonate with the antihero theme. So it’s going to be hard for them to relate to words like ‘hero’ and ‘lightbearer’ they are much more inclined to go with an aesthetic like ‘dark fire’. They look at themselves as villains that have been rejected by society and now they want to take their revenge on a world that has rejected them.’ – Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial)
A signed self-confession!
Normal people want to be heroes. Abnormal people want to be antiheroes. Abnormal people hate normal people and they hate heroes most of all. They cannot identify with them at all. Abnormal people don’t expect to do anything that the normal world would admire. That’s why they have no interest in heroism. They want to be admired by other abnormal people and that will of course inevitably mean an attack on normal society. As Rebhahn said, the abnormal “want to take their revenge on a world that has rejected them.” That’s literally the story of Rebhahn’s life, and that of all his cult slaves. Not one of these people is normal. Not one belongs to the mainstream. 100% of them are queer.
Queer people never admire heroes. They loathe them. Queers only like queer antiheroes. Look at “Maleficence” – the queerest of queer antiheroes, but equipped with “magic powers”.
Why is “Harry Potter” so popular? Well, on the one hand, he’s a conventional hero – a little guy bravely standing up to a great evil power. But on the other hand, he’s on the queer spectrum. He’s basically a queer nerd who lived under the stairs and was hated by his “family” and by the normal world, which thought he was a freak and weirdo and bullied him. He only became himself when he was in the queer world of magic with other queers! Hogwarts is basically a queer paradise. And, funnily enough, queers love Harry Potter much more than normal kids do. Which is why they hate J. K. Rowling so much for being a normal feminist!
Wikipedia says,
“An antihero or antiheroine is a main character in a story who may lack conventional heroic qualities and attributes, such as idealism, courage, and morality.”
The Neogenian cult slaves and their cult leader absolutely detest idealism, courage and morality. They are all creepy cowards and fantasists. They are Nazi book burners who try to cancel knowledge.
Wikipedia says,
“Although antiheroes may sometimes perform actions that most of the audience considers morally correct, their reasons for doing so may not align with the audience’s morality.”
The Neogenian cult slaves would never do anything that any normal person would consider morally correct! They support making false and malicious complaints about former friends and colleagues to the FBI. You can’t get any sicker and more immoral.
Wikipedia says,
“An antihero typically exhibits one of the ‘Dark Triad’ personality traits, which include narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.”
The Neogenian cultists, especially their leader, are all Dark Triad types. They refer to it as “dark fire”.
Wikipedia says,
“The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an antihero as ‘someone who lacks heroic qualities’, yet scholars typically have differing ideas on what constitutes an antihero. Some scholars refer to the ‘Racinian’ antihero, who is defined by several factors. The first being that they are doomed to fail before their adventure begins. The second constitutes the blame of that failure on everyone but themselves. Thirdly, they offer a critique of social morals and reality. To other scholars, an antihero is inherently a hero from a specific point of view, and a villain from another.”
The Neogenian cultists all identify with VILLAINS, although of course they see the villains as the good guys. They love “fallen angels” and … MALEFICENCE. You see, when you have an abnormal, diseased mind, you have abnormal diseased tastes and beliefs, and you cannot identify in any way with the people that normal society esteems.
Wikipedia says,
“Typically, an antihero is the focal point of conflict in a story, whether that be as the protagonist, or as the antagonistic force. This is due to the antihero being particularly engaged in the conflict, typically on their own will, rather than a specific call for the greater good. As such, the antihero focuses on their objective first, and everything else is secondary.”
That’s a psychopath!
Antiheroes are always loners, outsiders, freaks, weirdos, extreme individualists, people committed to “absolute self-expression”. They always oppose the collective and the collective good.
Wikipedia says,
“The antihero became prominent in early 20th century existentialist works such as Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (1915), Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea (1938), and Albert Camus’s The Stranger (1942). The protagonist in these works is an indecisive central character who drifts through his life and is marked by ennui, angst, and alienation.”
Cultists suffer from all of these things – they join a cult in an attempt to escape from them.
Wikipedia says,
“The antihero entered American literature in the 1950s and up to the mid-1960s as an alienated figure, unable to communicate.”
Sounds just like the Neogenian cult slaves!
Wikipedia says,
“The American antihero of the 1950s and 1960s was typically more proactive than his French counterpart.”
The French antiheroes were mostly reflective. The American antiheroes were “on the road”, like Jack Kerouac (more and more coming into view as one of the worst people in history!).
Wikipedia says,
“The British version of the antihero emerged in the works of the ‘angry young men’ of the 1950s.”
Every culture has its own brand of antihero.
Wikipedia says,
“The collective protests of Sixties counterculture saw the solitary antihero gradually eclipsed from fictional prominence, though not without subsequent revivals in literary and cinematic form.”
The solitary weirdos have never gone away!
Wikipedia says,
“During the Golden Age of Television from the 2000s and into the present time, antiheroes such as Tony Soprano, Walter White, Patty Hewes, Omar Little, Alicia Florrick, Annalise Keating, Dexter Morgan and Lucifer Morningstar became prominent in the most popular and critically acclaimed TV shows.”
Woke World HATES conventional heroes (except boring superheroes) and only embraces weirdo freaks. In fact, the Woke are now trying to make all the superheroes queer too! Superman will soon be Super Transgender Man, or “Non-Binary Non-Man, but Super”.
Wikipedia says,
“Revisionist Western films commonly feature antiheroes as lead characters whose actions are morally ambiguous. Clint Eastwood portrayed the archetypal antihero called the ‘Man with No Name’ in the Italian Dollars Trilogy of Spaghetti Westerns.”
Eastwood was more like a cynical, jaded hero with a cruel streak. And at least he promoted hyper-masculinity! That’s all gone these days.
Wikipedia says,
“The Joker is a character who appears in Christopher Nolan’s 2008 superhero film The Dark Knight, in which he is portrayed by Heath Ledger. Based on the DC Comics supervillain of the same name, the Joker is depicted as a psychopathic criminal mastermind with a warped, sadistic sense of humor. He seeks to test how far the vigilante Batman (Christian Bale) will go to save Gotham City from descending into chaos and targets Batman’s allies, including police lieutenant James Gordon (Gary Oldman) and district attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart). The Joker embodies themes of chaos, anarchy and obsession: throughout the film, he expresses a desire to upset the social order in Gotham through crime, and defines himself by his conflict with Batman.”
In that movie, Batman and the Joker were both psychopaths and monsters. Fuck ’em both! Edgelord Rebhahn clearly modeled himself on the Joker. He even has a Joker T-shirt.
Wikipedia says,
“U.S. writer Jack Kerouac and other figures of the ‘Beat Generation’ created reflective, critical protagonists who influenced the antiheroes of many later works.”
Fuck U, Kerouac!
Sam Vaknin said,
“A narcissist has a bad object self-perception and he compensates for this via narcissism. He needs to be seen as a good, worthy object, but his self-perception is as a bad, unworthy object and this creates a dissonance. The internal object is inferior. The external behavior is superior.”
The old Morgy Porgy, as Edgelord Morgue, wanted to be seen as powerful and evil (Maleficent; the Joker, Marilyn Manson). He wanted “negative” narcissistic supply, meaning narc supply for being a sicko.
The new Morgy Porgy – Woke Messiah Morgue – wants “positive” narcissistic supply. Instead of getting psychos to admire him for being an even bigger psycho, he wants a harem of weird women and gay men to tell him he’s “amazing”. What a sad life!
Note that Porgy has never removed all of his old Edgelord Morgue content from social media. Because he’s proud of it and loves it! He DID remove his Terrors of Men stuff because it was sooooooo contrary to his present Woke image, but very similar content has been retained. He knows that all of his cult slaves LOVE this material too – because they too are psychos, villains, “fallen angels”, and so on. They all openly say they have very dark natures – while pretending to be Woke saints – and this is the exact angle Rebhahn is going for. The Woke Messiah who is also the Devil! That’s why he continuously says that Jesus and Lucifer are the same person. Rebhahn wants to unite the Christ (Woke Savior) with the Antichrist (Avenger against Normality!). And that’s the whole Woke ideology right there. It’s about saving the queer (Christ) and persecuting the normal (Antichrist). It’s about SAVING and AVENGING. And so was original Christianity. Christianity was about saving the slaves and torturing the masters. Wokeness is about saving the queers and torturing the normal. And you see this in the sick, degenerate content produced by Corey Rebhahn.
Here’s more Porgy nonsense from 2019 and 2020:
Morgue 20 Aug 2019
Hello! Here is the draft of the NWO document. I know you are busy so feel free to skip this, but I thought I’d send it along just in case you’d like to look it over quickly and point out if it contains any errors. Politics is the area in which I am least knowledgeable but I’m doing my best here.
Once this draft is finished, we will also create a short version at around 15-20 pages so they can be made cheaply and distributed in bulk in the real world.
We are going to have a Hyperian event at the end of September or early October and we will be using that event to debut this document. The event will be very immersive (people must be blindfolded before entering our sacred space etc).
It will be promoted and centered around “A Message from the New World Order.” As we advertise for the event it will essentially be said that now is the time to put up or shut up, if you are serious about revolution then BE THERE. And everyone in attendance will receive a physical copy of the booklet “A Message from the New World Order”. They will also receive it in an immersive way, such as going alone behind a curtained off area of the venue and completing some kind of mini ritual or answering questions etc.
As a side note, I will also be working with a PR strategist soon. I have two options, one seems very new and their specialty is controversial things such as BDSM, fetish parties, black metal bands, extreme fashion etc. Though they seem very new and haven’t been around that long.
The second, seems much more professional, and her idea is to create information packets to concisely explain Hyperianism to the public, and show how it is not a cult, and get it into publications like Psychology Today.
I’m a bit torn with who to go with, but I’m leaning towards the former edgier people. I feel like the latter may want to “mandarinize” it. But she does have some good ideas. In an ideal world I will go with the first group for a long-term partnership and the latter for a single project to create these information packets.
Morgue 20 Aug 2019
I’m much more comfortable speaking on OM and related topics. C is pushing extremely hard for politics and it very well may be something I buckle down on in the future but as of right now it’s just not familiar territory for me. The NWO document is good, because it does let people know we do have a political vision, and will weed out right wingers, but once it is out I would really like to focus on other things. I have some ideas regarding a dream narrative I’d like to run by you at some point.
Do you mean that Hyperianism needs a harder edge with regard to aesthetic and less tolerance for new age types?
Ahh okay I see what you are saying with regard to the event… Most people associate the NWO with secret societies, so my plan was to really hype it and give them an experience, thereby maximizing the number of people that will read the document. I’ll definitely consider your points. Perhaps there is still a way to make it work?
I was considering asking P to speak there as well. We want to have these events more frequently and each one have a “centerpiece”. So this one would be the NWO document release, the next would be initiations perhaps, the next would be a release of whatever new thing we are working on such as a secret app or VR initiation etc. I look at the meetups as our version of “church” where it is a sacred space and they come there for first access to all things Hyperian. For each one they will be blindfolded before entering, and go through a ten minute void state whereby they recognize they are not bodies but eternal minds. Upon removing the blindfold they will be in a venue with a very “dreamlike” atmosphere with various words projected on the walls saying things like “Remember, you’re dreaming”
Morgue 22 Aug 2019
As far as the NWO booklet goes, right now it is 90% meritocracy. Perhaps it would be better to reduce the meritocracy section a bit and then delineate the document into three sections. The first section dealing with Anti-Abrahamism and replacing it with positive, rational spirituality, the second dealing with scientific materialism and replacing it with ontological mathematics/idealism, and the third dealing with politics and replacing it with a meritocratic system. Then the NWO document would be three tiered dealing with religion, science/idealism, and politics, rather than exclusively politics. I don’t want people to think New World Order and politics are synonymous. They should understand it is all encompassing. So this is something I’m considering… If you have any suggestions for making it more evened out let me know as I’m currently considering whether to rework it a bit, since I’d like this to be a distributable document. The cover design and the intro “Are You Terrified” are quite powerful and are perfect for an item to pass out and grab attention. Hyperianism had a booth at Cloak & Dagger last night and a document with that aesthetic and titled “New World Order” would have been very well received in that atmosphere.
Morgue 22 Aug 2019
Perfect. I’ll begin working on this.
Tomorrow I am getting on a call to officially begin working with a PR team. I’m working with both groups I mentioned to you previously. What is going to come up very quickly, is how Hyperianism began. They both seem quite interested in this and building a narrative here. Inevitably, this is going to lead me to bringing up the Illuminati. I will most likely say something along the lines of… “at this point I can’t discuss details, but I made contact with a hidden group: the Illuminati. They have been leaking information to the public for over ten years now. You can find their material online if you know where to look. What they are attempting to reveal to the world is astoundingly complex and I realized this information must be brought to light and in such a way that the public could comprehend and thus Hyperianism was born, a system to bring the world to apotheosis.” Something like this. If you’d like any alterations or have suggestions for additions etc. let me know. If they push me for details I’ll say it’s not something I can discuss. Though at some point they may need something more “meaty” here for their narrative, but who knows.
Morgue 23 Aug 2019
Being that they work in PR, I am extremely curious to see how they respond to the notion of the Illuminati and what their thoughts are on it from a narrative perspective. They will also be watching the Hyperian movie which directly refers to the Illuminati at the beginning and throughout. Being immersed in all of this for so long, I think it could be extremely helpful to have a fresh pair of eyes, and who are experts in marketing, to be able to see everything laid out and get their opinion on the most effective narrative.
Morgue 26 Aug 2019
I have removed about 60% of the political elements from the NWO document, revised the OM section, and greatly emphasized self-actualization and the goal of transforming humanity and the Earth “spiritually” throughout. It’s about 10 pages shorter now, which is much better for a distributable document. I’ve attached a new rough draft. The political elements that were removed can go in a Hyperian Meritocracy ebook or as a section on the website. Though I’m leaning towards just putting it on the site because creating an ebook will take more time and I’d like to move on from politics so I can focus on more important projects.
Morgue 19 Sept 2019
Okay! We are having the next Hyperian event, entitled New Terra, on Oct 12th:
I have an idea I’d like to run by you: What if you wrote something for the evening, and we played it in a computerized anonymous voice for the attendees? I think that would be very cool.
It could presented as… A message from the PI… or a message from our anonymous allies of the New World Order… or a message from a hidden organization that has been working throughout history to establish the NWO… or something like that. If I give it some thought I’m sure I can come up with something intriguing.
I think people would really like this.
Here is a summary of the evening… It will be centered around the premiere of the document “A Message from the New World Order” which I will attach to this email. It’s already been finalized and printed, I’m just waiting for them to arrive. It is much shorter and the entire focus is on the complete transformation of the Earth and humanity into a society of the divine. The political section is literally just two pages now and the document has a much more spiritual tone. Everything that was cut will go in a future book on Hyperian Meritocracy.
Before entering the venue, attendees will be blindfolded and asked to removed their shoes. Upon entering, a short guided void state will take place, followed by the removal of their blindfolds. It will be a dark/immersive atmosphere with red lighting, and images and words projected onto the walls “Remember, you’re dreaming” etc.
There will be a guarded and curtained off area. Individual attendees will be required to give the Sign of New Terra, to go behind the veil. Upon entering, in some ritualistic manner yet to be determined, I will give them a black envelope sealed with a red, wax skull and bones seal. They will be told not to open the envelope until instructed.
Then, myself and P will be giving talks on the NWO. At some point during the talks, is when individuals will be instructed to open their envelopes which contains the NWO document. I will conclude the evening by swallowing a red LED sword. All the lights will be turned off, and when the sword is lit, you can see my throat glow red. Since the room will be in darkness, and the sword glows bright red (a bit like a lightsaber) it will most likely be correlated to the NWO dispelling the darkness of the old world.
This night will be the first of many, and is all about establishing a Hyperian community in los angeles. We’ll have sign-up sheets for activities, new membership, etc. So it’s really more of the beginning of a Hyperian “temple” of sorts, rather than an event. The theme of that night will be ‘The establishment of the Hyperian NWO ushering in a divine humanity united as ONE.”
Let me know what you think about playing a message from you, I think it would be great and a powerful moment. We would do it at some point during the portion of the evening where P and I are giving talks.
Morgue 20 Sept 2019
Neon Demon is a great example. Amazing atmosphere. We are using someone different to film the event this time, so I’ll suggest this to them. Great idea. As for the video… To be honest I don’t think the narrator or the music will really fit the mood of the evening.
Here is an idea, let me know what you think:
What if I take a bunch of excerpts from the GS and perhaps some of the other series, and edit them slightly to make them fit the evening and sound like it is directly addressing the audience, by inserting New World Order, Hyperianism, New Terra etc and also write a short intro and outro that is directly addressing the attendees of that evening “Greetings, attendees of New Terra…” and send it to you for review and approval. If you approve, then the whole thing will be presented as a message from the PI and it will be given by an anonymous voice as well as having the words projected in front of the audience. We’ll make sure it sounds very moody and intriguing. Will that work?
Morgue 20 Sept 2019
Oh how funny, this is irrelevant but I thought I’d share it with you. The individual who put together the Bling King video you shared is flying in from New York to be at New Terra. We have 3 people coming from New York, 3 people from Las Vegas, and someone else flying in from the Midwest I believe. It’s very cool how far Hyperians are travelling to be a part of this! And this is only the third day we have announced it!
Morgue 3 Dec 2019
Hey there. I hope you all have been well. This is a bit of an odd message but I just wanted to relay something that’s been on my mind. I admire your work greatly. Saying that is an understatement.
I’ve been a bit depressed as of late as I implement various strategies to increase the reach of Hyperianism and gain a platform. I can see the trajectory and it will be effective and this is necessary to gain a foothold in public consciousness, and allow for more opportunities in the near future.
The reason for the bout of melancholy is that it requires me to focus on Dionysian aspects, self-help, lifestyle etc. which is all well and good, and these things are important but my passion is in philosophy. I loved writing the OM book. Sometime soon, I really would like to get back to doing logos videos and material.
I digress. I suppose the point of this message is really just to have a point of contact with a rational mind. Dealing with this irrational world can be tiring. I admire your Will in the face of such a world.
Morgue 9 Dec 2019
Thank you for that. That helped very much. It is pretty difficult trying to juggle so many different elements at once. Though, I’m actually going to see if I can double, if not triple, my video product output. I have a few YouTube strategies that I want to try that may enable me to create content more quickly. I’m going to do a test run to see how this works out.
Morgue 17 Jan 2020
Yes! I love these ideas. I mean to reply to this in a greater length soon, my video recording schedule is insane right now as I’m attempting keep my numbers up on YouTube to create a long-term snowball effect. But I want to say really quick that I think some of our viral power has been restored to facebook. If that is the case, that is very good news. I mean to write a lengthier reply soon with some ideas on strategy.
Morgue 18 Jan 2020
I’m getting some great ideas. I see a lot of potential here.
Here is an interesting bit of news that could be made into a great video:
My next video which I’m currently editing is about my experiences with religious trauma syndrome. In that video I’m going to reference the #metoo movement and lgbtq and how, in addition to standing up for their rights and against their abusers, we need to stand against religious abuse. So a following video about Kanye west, combining the themes of celebrity and religion, could be powerful.
Morgue 18 Jan 2020
Also I love all these ideas. The Joker vibe really strikes a chord with people.
Morgue 19 Jan 2020
Yes! I’ve I trying to think of possible names for a New Hollywood. Perhaps New Babylon? I’m looking for something inspiring to artists and subversives but also hints at the “end times” of Christianity. For the most part Hollywood is shit, but as you said it does occasionally produce some superb films. The Never Ending Story was highly influential on me and has many interesting underlying themes. This is why I was careful not to condemn all of Hollywood but “celebrity culture.” The amazing artists and films get through “despite” toxic celebrity culture, in my opinion.
I have many ideas cooking for the Joker vibe… We’ll do some more Hollywood videos to test out the waters and if there’s an interest there is a lot to play with here.
Morgue 20 Jan 2020
By the way, I’ve been viewing the analytics and doing some testing and the reach on my Morgue page is definitely up, no doubt about it. This moment is an excellent opportunity. It’s like firing those missiles at the Deathstar’s exhaust port. This could last for a week or a year. Social media is fickle. In any case, I plan to milk this moment for all it’s worth.
To give you a quick run down of what I’m doing. I’m focusing on building up a YouTube audience. Facebook is like a flash in the pan. You’re popular one day then gone the next. But if you can build a strong YouTube channel you have a much greater chance at longevity. So my plan is to use Facebook to funnel people to YouTube. However, creating videos for Facebook is 100% different from creating videos for YouTube. Facebook is like a sprint and YouTube is like a marathon. Facebook is for short attention spans, and loves short, punchy, attention grabbing videos. YouTube likes longer videos that tell a story, draws them in, follows a theme/niche, creates a community, and has viewers become a part of your world. Facebook is like a sprint and YouTube is like a marathon. This presents a challenge for sure as it utilizes vastly different creation strategies, but I am attempting to create a huge amount of content where 50% of it is created for Facebook and 50% for YouTube.
Morgue 27 Jan 2020
Hello there. I have already filmed and am in the editing process of a video tentatively titled “Should You Really Be Sad About Kobe Bryant?”
I open the video by saying “Everyone is mourning Kobe Bryant and celebrating him as an individual, but did you know he was accused of rape?”
For the majority of the video I am essentially on screen reading this article about his rape accusation:
Then closing the video by saying that everyone should be held accountable and not be given a free pass for being a celebrity, and it’s time for celebrity culture to crumble.
This is sure to be extremely controversial so before I hit the red button, so to speak, I wanted to see if you think this is a good idea.
I’m shooting to release this today in the afternoon.
Morgue 27 Jan 2020
I believe this is a really important issue that needs to be talked about and to the few I have shared this with say that they agree it needs to be talked about and will be a voice for those that feel they can’t say anything since the masses are doing nothing but singing praises.
Morgue 28 Jan 2020
“What is Hyperianism’s core message. Is it this?
“Things being the way they are, you could even be accused of being racist.”
Yikes… I just released the video on YouTube about 30 minutes ago. I have not done so on facebook yet. So far it is the highest watched video of the recent videos I’ve released. It’s not too late for me to take it off youtube if necessary. The facebook video is currently in the rendering process.
Morgue 28 Jan 2020
While there definitely are some negative comments there, the amount of positive comments are a lot more than I was expecting. I don’t think a youtube release will do any damage. I’m going to release it on facebook and monitor it carefully. If it gets out of hand I’ll pull it.
Morgue 21 Feb 2020
Hey there! Good news, bad news situation. The good news is that my videos are doing excellent garnering millions of views on facebook and YouTube is steadily snowballing. The bad news is that due to this increased exposure my accounts are facing heavy scrutiny most likely due to the religious content. I’ve been hit with some heavy restrictions and I don’t want to risk losing my accounts so I’m currently trying to figure out how to navigate this. It’s very frustrating.
Morgue 21 Feb 2020
My options are to continue as is and risk losing my accounts or to have my channels focus on the nature of reality, ontomath, occult/esoteric, and self-help topics (which are still very popular.) Then bring in more controversial topics once my channel is extremely established. These restrictions are a heavy blow and a loss of accounts would be devastating.
Morgue 24 Feb 2020
Yes I agree 100%! I would love diagrams like this. The only difficulty is, once again, lack of time. This is especially true since my new strategy requires a constant stream of content. However, if things continue to go well this will mean increased revenue and at some point I can outsource the creation of diagrams and visuals according to my direction. It can’t happen right now but it’s a real possibility and would be amazing
Morgue 9 Mar 2020
Hey there. I’m currently working on a video showing that the cosmological argument and the teleological argument don’t give evidence for the existence of a theistic god, but rather that the universe exhibits rational structure/ordering and points to the existence of a necessary, eternal, uncaused being(s).
The crux of this video will be that it shows that a plurality of necessary, mathematical beings exist… i.e. that YOU are god. I’m skipping the ontological argument since it’s too abstract for people to grasp.
Anyway, I recall a year or so ago you suggested I recast certain arguments for the existence of god in terms of monads. I wrote this all down in notebooks of mine but I just moved and for the life of me I can’t find them. Do you happen to recall what the arguments were that you suggested? I want to see if they would fit in this video, or if it’s better suited for a future video when I have the freedom to get more heady.
Do you happen to remember what they were? Were they Aquinas’ 5 arguments?
I know I said I was going to shy away from religion for the time being but I think if it’s approached in a philosophical manner rather than incendiary attacks it should be alright. It better be damnit!
Morgue 11 Mar 2020
Thank you! That was very helpful. I finished filming the video and it should be up early next week. Hopefully in the future I can do more rigorous treatments of these arguments. For now, I have to keep things in “PBS documentary” format.
Morgue 28 Mar 2020
I just wanted to say I hope you’re doing well and are able to stay safe. It’s a tumultuous time and the world needs you.
Morgue 3 Apr 2020
Hey, I hope this message finds you well.
Livestreaming is really booming right now and I want to find a way to get involved with this. What is really popular at the moment are very casual livestreams. You can see examples of this in the “Just chatting” section of twitch. People will watch livestreamers watch youtube videos, eat food, exercise or what have you. In addition to being casual, these streams are very long. Usually around 4 to 5 hours. People put these streams on in the background as they go about their daily tasks.
I’m thinking of ways to do this while still staying on brand. One thing I am going to do is read certain books and give commentary. A Hyperian Book Club of sorts. I’m going to start with The Seven Sermons to the Dead most likely. I was wondering if I could have permission to read books from the God Series, Truth Series and the related books listed on the Armageddon Conspiracy site (Adam Weishaupt/Michael Faust etc) ? I will of course tell the viewers they should go buy the books on amazon if they enjoy them. Not only will this increase exposure, this will definitely result in increased amazon book sales. This is why gaming companies allow their games to be streamed. It’s a win, win all around. Let me know what you think. I think this is a great opportunity as people are more inclined to be looking inwards and doing self reflection at the moment.
Morgue <> 3 Apr 2020
Excellent! Thank you. I’m shooting for two livestreams and two regular videos per week. If I can make it work that will be new video content every other day. It’s too bad about the lockdown. I was getting ready to hire a camera person to start going out and filming content in the real world regularly. But there is, of course, a very unique and powerful opportunity here given circumstances. It will just take some ingenuity to make the most of it.
Morgue 18 May 2020
No problem! I’ll definitely mention that. My current plan is to open it up by saying there exists a hidden organization of the intellectual elite called the Pythagorean Illuminati. They have created books and seeded them throughout the world to raise the consciousness of humanity to those that find them and have the eyes to see. I’ll explain the distinction you mentioned then I’ll most likely read the first two pages of the “God Game” which gives a summary of the Illuminati. Then launch into Transconsciousness by Steve Madison as one of their “hidden books”.
I wanted to thank you for your answer regarding the 6D nature of spacetime. It connected all the dots for me.
Morgue 20 May 2020
It was actually really effective. It had a lot of views and also a high retention rate. The average watch time is 22 minutes. Which is really good. Not only that the conversion rate was high. Meaning that people actually took the time to subscribe. This indicates they want more and are engaged. I’m thinking that perhaps a good format could be to “reveal” something about the Illuminati at the beginning of each stream, such as “The Real Grand Masters of the Illuminati” and “The 10 Degrees of the Illuminati” etc. to hook people and then continue the book reading. “Illuminati” is such a double edged sword. It attracts so many crazies but it’s good for getting people interested. But honestly it seems like EVERYTHING attracts crazies these days. And if they aren’t crazy they’re banal materialists.
Thank you for the bible resource. I’ll definitely pull from there.
Morgue 10 Aug 2020
Hi there, I just wanted to drop a message over to you since I haven’t given an update in awhile. Things have been going really well. We are growing very fast and I only see it continuing to expand. Apologies for not sending any messages. Being in the heart of LA during the catastrophic way America is handling the pandemic has been emotionally draining to say the least so I’ve been conserving my energy to keep the video production on schedule so as to retain the momentum. I hope you’re doing well!
Morgue 20 Aug 2020
Hey there,
I just wanted to say that I read the difficulties you’re having with Amazon and I feel your pain. Facebook recently flagged my account for hate speech and struck me with a harsh penalty when I posted a meme that said “The earth is hell and men are its demons.” Pretty insane right? I suppose they took “men are its demons” as being sexist. Anyone with half a brain would know it clearly isn’t. Censorship is getting extremely bad and it is making it difficult to criticize anything.
Totally sickening, right?! But, hey, we’re dealing with one of the most seriously mentally ill men in the world – someone who has been incredibly mentally ill all his life but has managed to hide it in plain sight by only operating on the margins of society. Rebhahn has at no stage in his life interacted with normality and the mainstream. He didn’t even go to school and learn how to be a human being among his peers. Instead – as an only child left to arrange his own homeschooling – he simply inhabited a permanent fantasy world, just like the queer little bullied boy in The NeverEnding Story, Rebhahn’s favorite movie … and his template for his life! That movie is one of the most narcissistic movies ever made … because it’s all about the queer little boy – hated by the normal world – being the Special One, the Savior, the Healer, the Fixer. That is EXACTLY Rebhahn’s fantasy!
“is all about establishing a Hyperian community in los angeles” …
How’s that working out for you, you fucking clown? You could NEVER be part of a real community. You have to do it online, so that you never have to meet any of your cult slaves.
“YouTube likes longer videos that tell a story, draws them in, follows a theme/niche, creates a community, and has viewers become a part of your world” …
That’s Rebhahn’s SHARED FANTASY right there! The whole thing is totally calculated to find suckers to grift from and derive narc supply from. They all get drawn into HIS world, his FANTASY.
Here’s an interesting video from Sam Vaknin:
“How Narcissist Uses Technology to Enslave You: Narcissist Takeover, Phase 2”
“AI (Artificial Intelligence) follows social media as the second wave of the narcissistic takeover of the world. Grandiosity precludes cognitive miser (fear of making a mistake). Hyperreflexivity: narcissist ventriloquist with susceptible dummies Mimesis or real intelligence? Beyond Turing test to a qualitative version with qualified professionals (What makes intelligence human? Sentience?) General headline intelligence, deep learning, expert systems How to safely interact with both AI and narcissists AI Hallucinations vs. narcissist’s fantasies.”
Vaknin is right. Narcs are a kind of AI. They’re not human. They’re human simulators. Just as an AI can, in certain aspects, SEEM human (while not actually having any human interior – human soul! – at all), so pathological narcs can pass as human in certain aspects of life, but they too have no human interior either. They are as close to soulless as it gets. In a sense, they are simulating having a soul rather than actually having one. Their true soul has been so horrifically damaged and traumatized by childhood and MOMMY that they switched to a “soul emulation” – a FALSE SELF.
Remember, a pathological narc has only one aim – to surround himself with people who WORSHIP him – and that’s why such people ALWAYS end up as cult leaders in one form or another. That’s why degenerate cults such as Neogenianism exist.
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective