The Immensely Fat Hyperian Ideology



The last Hyperian Source deadstream was off the scale of offensiveness and dumbness. And someone called Brandon H, who objected, was booted and his comments removed from the chat – because he rightly dared to commit the cardinal sin of complaining about Hyperianism being all about identity politics and extreme transgenderism. Brandon, haven’t you been paying attention? You must be new. Hyperianism is a 100% extremist transgenderism cult (and, as we keep saying, is making life hell for moderate transgender individuals who hate all this unwelcome attention that is coming their way and just want to get on sensibly and practically with their lives). Hyperianism is actually preaching non-binary supremacism and mounting a constant hate campaign against normality. There are zero people in Hyperianism who are not fully onboard with non-binary extremism. This is a full-blown HATE GROUP, preaching Woke totalitarianism.

And they are absolutely slaughtering ontological mathematics, which they have dragged into their insane worldview. They even believe that ont math somehow justifies their deranged beliefs. Of course, they have zero understanding of ont math and are just butchering it to satisfy their demented Woke dogmatism. They are assassinating the Truth to satisfy their crazy, perverted, degenerate opinions.

The Immensely Fat One said,

“When we’re trying to live in this subjective holos and we still have this concrete mathematical way that reality works we have to recognize as Hyperians that when we are living subjectively nuance is a thing and mathematics cannot be applied to subjectivity and subjective experiences. It just doesn’t work that way. Do you know what I mean Susan? Do you know where I’m going with that?”

So, the Immensely Fat One, with no qualifications, says, “It just doesn’t work that way.” That’s exactly the way it works, you fucking fat retard. STOP LYING! Stop imposing Wokeness over everything.

So, here is the truth – we know Hyperians detest it, but here it is nevertheless. There is no such thing as a dichotomy of objective mathematics to explain objective reality and non-mathematics to explain subjective reality. That’s an impossible Cartesian substance dualism. That destroys the whole mathematical monistic basis of reality. It destroys ontological mathematics. It destroys MONADS, the unit carriers of ont math!

What is a monad? Externally, it’s a mathematical object. Internally, it’s a mathematical subject. But it is ALWAYS mathematical and can never be anything else. A monad is made of sinusoids and it experiences sinusoids semantically, SUBJECTIVELY (because it’s a subject!). From the non-subjective perspective, the monadic array – the HIVE MIND! – is a vast objective collective of sinusoidal waves creating sinusoidal wavefunctions.

We all live inside our own minds – and we are certainly never ONE MIND, as Hyperianism ludicrously claims – and we subjectively experience sinusoidal wavefunctions, both our own, and those of the rest of the world (in terms of our perceptions). We experience the objective world subjectively, but we comprehend it syntactically, objectively. No one knows if how they subjectively perceive the world is the same as how anyone else perceives it. We assume it’s the same, by no one knows, because we can never enter another mind’s subjectivity.

The Immense Fatness decrees that there’s some anti-mathematical property of the universe – called NUANCE – which is associated with anti-mathematical subjectivity, and subjectivity itself is deemed anti-mathematical. So, how the fuck does anti-mathematical subjectivity coexist with, and interact with, mathematical objectivity? Classic Cartesian substance dualism! But note that the entire hyperian leadership group – Rebhahn the pervert, Bitchell the narc groupie, Necrophil the pervert, and the amazingly mad WONDERPOOP all heard these comments and not a single one objected … meaning that this is the OFFICIAL hyperian position, totally contradicting ontological mathematics.

Ont math is about reality being entirely mathematical. That’s the whole point. It’s how we ensure everything is directed by the PSR and has a full explanation. According to Hyperianism, reality is part math and part … something else. Who knows what? These halfwits never define it. Mindless Monad is denying that monads are mathematical objects and mathematical subjects (they are objects viewed from outside and subjects experienced from the inside).

Imagine referring to yourself as a MONAD and not having a fucking clue what a monad is. But, hey, that’s FAT JAN for you.

By the way, what the Fat One calls nuance we call a sledgehammer to the face. There is NOTHING nuanced about this person’s positions. She is 100% pursuing an extremist non-binary agenda and grooming everyone she can find with her toxic opinions.

In a meritocratic world, all minorities will be given the same opportunities as everyone else – that’s the whole point of the system – but they will never be tolerated if they start demanding special treatment, special status, special privileges. That’s an ANTI-MERITOCRACY, and we all know that Rebhahn now openly opposes meritocracy.

The Fat Blob said,

“…mathematics cannot be applied to subjectivity and subjective experiences.”

Mathematics IS SUBJECTIVITY (when experiencing reality from inside a monadic mind – the only viewpoint we actually get subjectively) and all subjective experiences are, like everything else – MATHEMATICAL WAVEFUNCTIONS, which could be analyzed objectively if we had the means to isolate them.

Hyperians, from Rebhahn and Torgensen all the way down, have NO CLUE what ont math is. It’s sickening to see non-binary extremists with no math qualifications and no grasp of philosophy continuously butchering ont math. These people don’t give a fuck about ont math. This sick cult is purely about promoting the NON-BINARY AGENDA of toxic androgyny. 100% of Hyperians have no interest in ont math – if they cared about it, they would leave Hyperianism – but 100% interest in the extremist non-binary agenda. 100% of them are non-binary (androgynous) or bisexual … and totally opposed to male heterosexuals.

The Moronic Fatso said,

“It just doesn’t work that way.” 

Says who? Says a CRETIN. You don’t have a fucking clue what ont math is and how it works. You lot get out of your clown cars and make moronic videos about subjectivity and objectivity, and STILL don’t understand what these terms means in relation to ont math. You are doing everything in your power to destroy the credibility of ont math … but we are going to stop you..

Mindless Monad is an animal, a beast, a creature from the depths, perverting people’s minds, corrupting their thoughts, grooming them, and making them part of her sick and dangerous cult.

The Fat One said, 

“Do you know what I mean, Susan?” 

Bitchell certainly did, and 100% agreed! This talking tar pit is yet another total ignoramus with no clue what ont math says about reality.

Isn’t it hilarious that these muppets could find out about real ont math only by reading our books but of course our books are the last things they would ever read. They want to burn them. Fatso metaphorically did exactly that!

The Immensely Fat Hyperian Ideology

The Immensity said, 

“Do you know where I’m going with that?” 

The whole Hyperian leadership group knew exactly where you were going, and all fully agreed, showing how ignorant ALL OF THEM are with regard to ont math. Not one has any glimmer of understanding of ont math. They have ignored Being and focus only on Becoming, and now they are getting rid of the semantics of ontological sinusoids. They are wrecking the whole system.

Other Notes:

J. K. Rowling and Richard Dawkins were trashed for stating their take on these extremist transgender matters. So much for free speech. The N**i Woke legions will never permit it.

The Holocaust wasn’t primarily about the Jews, apparently. No, it was actually all about transgenderism – according to the Fat One. It’s fucking disgusting that these transgender extremists are now making the Holocaust all about THEM. Remember all those speeches Hitler made about transgenderism? Actually, he made zero speeches about transgenderism, but, hey, the transgender extremists have to play their victimhood card, and fuck the truth. They have to make themselves the focus of everything. It’s all about them. Everything revolves around them. The whole world must dance to their tune. And everyone else must clap along. OR ELSE! Get ready for the WOKE FBI to kick down your door and deny your 1st Amendment right to free speech.

These lunatics even campaign against BOYS WILL BE BOYS, i.e. HUMAN NATURE.

The WOKE are absolutely trying to groom society, and children in particular. It is SELF-EVIDENT. And their grooming will encounter MASSIVE RESISTANCE. Mainstream religions got away with grooming children, and that was absolutely wrong, and now we must stop the Woke grooming children, which is every bit as wrong.

Breeder Bitchell is left-handed. Hmmm!

Did Fatso actually say, “Ulterial motives” and “Urethra Franklin?”!

These maniacs hate anyone who “detransitions”.

As you go through the comments for this deadstream, note how not one of these self-righteous do-gooders ever has a single bad thing to say about Corey Rebhahn’s “Are rape and murder OK?” rhetoric, his “strangle the bitch” and “stab people with steak knives” murderous threats, and his “spray-tan slut” misogyny, his endless perverted attacks on normality and his glorification of serial killers, homicide and suicide, and his self-description as a “freak, monster, witch and murderer”. All of that is 100% fine with these sick perverts because … COREY REBHAHN IS, allegedly, NON-BINARY (in fact, this self-designation is just an act, a performance, by a malignant narcissist). But being non-binary gets you a total pass in Woke land. You are beyond criticism. You’re an untouchable … A GOD.

50% of the leadership group of Hyperianism is non-binary, and the other two are 100% supportive of them, and one of them is bisexual or gay, and the other is a narc groupie.

Normal people are referred to as “Radical Transphobic CIS” people! “CIS” logic and reason is denounced!

Impressionable children are described as “not stupid” (meaning that very young children should be allowed to “transition”). Hey, let’s give the vote to five-year olds! Children are in fact staggeringly vulnerable and need very intelligent and careful parenting, which many don’t get – Rebhahn and Torgensen are as insane as they are because of how stupidly they were raised! Children by definition are pretty stupid … because they have not yet been educated and have very little experience. But of course we all know that Hyperians detest education and qualifications and believe that you can just declare yourself to be whatever you want to be, no questions asked. Rebhahn not only identified as “non-binary” but as the greatest genius ever, who solved the problems no one else could.

The physical universe isn’t “subjective”! It’s an objective spacetime domain generated from the objective frequency domain. Subjectivity concerns how monads, as subjects, experience the objective universe. Each monad is an individual, independent, autonomous subjectivity. Of course, as we all know, the Hyperian lunatics claim that we are all ONE MIND, which of course would mean that our individual subjectivity was ELIMINATED. How ABSURD!

A law of conservation of subjectivity applies. Subjectivity can be neither created nor destroyed. It’s eternal and necessary. You cannot get rid of individual subjectivity. You cannot create a universal subjectivity, as the mad Hyperians madly claim. They CONSTANTLY LIE about the nature of reality. About everything.

Brandon H said,

“I identify as Hyperian but I don’t want to see Hyperianism itself turned into a gender identity or politics type of thing. I’m more concerned about the core principles!”

Oops! Fat Jan was incandescent with rage at that. She said, 

“This is our core principle. We accept that gender isn’t binary. That’s part of this system [“gender identity and identity politics].”

LISTEN, EVERYONE, YOU CANNOT BE HYPERIAN UNLESS YOU ARE 100% ONBOARD WITH NON-BINARY EXTREMISM. THAT’S THE WHOLE DEAL. Tragically for us, these lunatics thought they could weaponize monads to support their insane beliefs.

Fatso the Vaper said,

“That’s why I go back to the point that we are monads in this Holos and the Holos is very much full of subjectivity and within this subjectivity there’s a lot of nuance. So it’s not so black and white that men are men, girls are girls and that’s it … like that’s mathematically correct. Because it’s not. There’s no mathematics to support that kind of ridiculous theory.”

This is the kind of anti-mathematical gibberish this person constantly spouts.

The scientific fact is that Nature – evolution – chose men and women for sexual reproduction and all the fucking Woke ideology conceivable won’t change the scientific facts. Ninety percent of humanity – a staggeringly large majority – are heterosexual, and even the vast majority of the rest accept the male/female gender binary (including transgender people). Hardly anyone is “non-binary”. That’s an enormous mathematical anomaly in terms of the normal distribution curve. And that’s fucking pure math right there. We are not going to make tiny minorities the center of society and the focus of government policy. THAT IS INSANE. If you belong to an extremely small minority you have to live with that fact, because that’s how the world is going to judge you. It passes judgement via normal distribution curves! And if you’re a massive outlier that is for sure going to enormously impact your life. It’s all in the math. Do the math. But Fat Jan can’t. She believes the objective physical universe is subjective (it’s not – it’s absolutely objective!) and confuses HER subjectivity with objective reality. She really believes that if she wants to be non-binary, the whole of objective physical reality must roll out the red carpet for her. Well, New Terra does not and never will exist and the human race will NEVER sing Hosanna for non-binary people. That’s just a fact. Why do people insist on being totally delusional? But this is what Wokeness is doing to the world. It’s making people believe in impossible fantasies, and it’s ruining their lives and creating a pandemic of terrible mental health problems when reality does not conform to absurd fantasies. 

Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs